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  1. Without doing quality checks on the burnt discs, it's hard to know if your drive has burnt them nicely. Assuming it has and the error rates are really low, it's a case of the laser in your PS1 not liking them - possibly just not liking any burnt discs in general. If it can't read the disc nicely, you'll get stuttering. I seem to recall that it is possible to tweak the laser power and improve things, but you do have to be careful or you could make things worse
  2. Use advanced input and the disc layout editor window.
  3. Post a log from the burn + verify process please.
  4. ImgBurn is not the tool for this job. Try here instead: https://www.thewindowsclub.com/convert-physical-machine-to-virtual-machine-virtualbox
  5. The whole reason for this thread is that the files on the disc don't have the file extension they started out with. The original 'mkv' file extension has been lost and they've taken on a new one based on what's after the last dot/period in the file name. This post showed what the disc looks like in Explorer...
  6. The only way I can see this happening is if you use the 'Disc Layout Editor' to change the name of the files and manually remove the '.mkv' file extension from the file. If that's the case, I'm afraid it's user error. The DLE shows the full name (name inc. file extension) of the file as it'll be written on the disc. If your OS is then configured to hide extensions, it'll hide the last 'dot' and anything beyond of whatever the full name is. So, with 'show file extensions' disabled in Explorer, it might display a file names as 'name1.name2.name3'. ImgBurn's DLE window would show 'name1.name2.name3.ext' once added to the compilation. Once burnt and viewed back in Explorer, you'll just see 'name1.name2.name3' again. If you edit the name in the DLE window and remove the '.ext', you're essentially turning '.name3' into the new file extension. Explorer will then only show 'name1.name2'.
  7. I just did a quick test on a dummy file with several dots in its name. Outputting to ISO and then mounting with Explorer. I was unable to reproduce the problem here of the extension getting lost. I tried with Joliet, UDF 1.02 and 2.60. Please post the build / burn log.
  8. What’s the reason behind trying to create an iso from your usb stick rather than using the iso you originally downloaded? The original iso was meant for burning to disc. What Rufus has created on your usb stick isn’t.
  9. ^^ “Free time” ^^ Which I have zero of as I also have a wife, 2 young children and a house to look after!
  10. The update firmware may or may not improve things. https://www.firmwarehq.com/Lite-On/iHAS122/files.html It may eventually recover if you leave it for long enough btw.
  11. I'd say to flip flop between it being on / off if you're having trouble burning some discs with whatever its currently set to. There's no hard and fast rule for when it should / shouldn't be used.
  12. It's only for CDs. I'm pretty sure you can write any sort of data (type of disc) you want when using DAO96. Note: ImgBurn doesn't support it, so there's no point in talking about it on this forum really.
  13. If you've posted at videohelp, why are you doing a copy+paste here? Pick a forum and stick with it. TAO doesn't apply to DVD/BD, it's only for CD.
  14. If you can take an image of a disc that doesn’t play and burn it again with ImgBurn so it then plays, it could be something like booktype/ bitsetting. Are you using dvd+r format discs?
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