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Everything posted by h0l0cr0n

  1. yes, imgburn is much faster when it writes iso's to other disks.
  2. Thank you mate for the help ^^, and in such short time. its perfect like this. many thanks
  3. I start it up in a folder with a lot of bluray folders i want to make in to isos. (it will skip everything but bdmv stuff) then it will make all folders in to isos, but the isos get placed in that folder too. i would like to change that if its possible, but i got this from a forum no idea how it works
  4. Hello i have been using these 2 batch files (didnt make them myself, obviously ^^ i dont understand 99% of how this works, but it does the job) to convert bluray folders to isos and then delete the folders after. But it puts the isos on the same drive, and id like to change the path where it stores the isos. Hope you guys can help me out the first: @echo off@echo off if exist makeiso.err erase/q makeiso.err if exist makeiso.log erase/q makeiso.log set DIRS=%1 if not defined DIRS set DIRS=* set MakeIsoBatch=yes for /d %%i in (%DIRS%) do @call "z.BAT" "%%~i" %2 set MakeIsoBatch= if exist makeiso.err erase/q makeiso.err the second: @echo off set PathToImgBurn="F:\PORTABLES\IMGBURN\ImgBurn.exe" if exist %PathToImgBurn% goto FndImgBurn set PathToImgBurn="F:\PORTABLES\IMGBURN" if exist %PathToImgBurn% goto FndImgBurn echo Can't locate imgburn echo Can't locate imgburn >>makeiso.log goto:eof :FndImgBurn set SRC=%1 set DEST=%2 rem echo Debug ARG1=%1 ARG2=%2 SRC=%SRC% DEST=%DEST% if defined SRC goto HasArgs echo MakeIso1: Makes ISO from (Blu-Ray) Folder echo syntax: makeiso1 source-folder-to-convert-to-iso [destination-folder] goto:eof :HasArgs set FolderNameOnly=%~nx1 if not defined MakeIsoBatch goto BatchOk if not exist makeiso.err goto BatchOk echo %SRC% skipped folder due to previous error echo %SRC% skipped folder due to previous error >>makeiso.log goto:eof :BatchOk if exist %SRC% goto SrcOk echo %SRC% not found echo %SRC% not found >>makeiso.log goto:eof :SrcOk if exist %SRC%\BDMV goto BDMVOk echo %SRC%\BDMV not found - not a Blue-Ray disc echo %SRC% not found - not a Blue-Ray disc >>makeiso.log goto:eof :BDMVOk if defined DEST set DEST=%~2\ set DEST="%DEST%%FolderNameOnly%.ISO" rem Uncomment the following line (remove "rem") if any existing .ISO is to be removed. rem if exist %DEST% erase/q %DEST% if not exist %DEST% goto DestOk echo %DEST% exists - skipping echo %DEST% exists - skipping >>makeiso.log goto:eof :DestOk echo Converting %SRC% to %DEST% echo Converting %SRC% to %DEST% >>makeiso.log rem goto IsoExists %PathToImgBurn% /MODE BUILD /BUILDMODE IMAGEFILE /SRC %SRC% /DEST %DEST% /FILESYSTEM "UDF" /UDFREVISION "2.50" /VOLUMELABEL "%FolderNameOnly%" /CLOSE /NOIMAGEDETAILS /ROOTFOLDER "YES" /START rem could test for %ERRORLEVEL% but seems to be zero even when errors occur (empty BDMV) if exist %DEST% goto IsoExists echo %DEST% doesn't exist echo %DEST% doesn't exist >makeiso.err goto:eof :IsoExists rem Uncomment the following line (remove "rem") if source folder is to be removed upon successful completion. @rmdir/q/s %SRC%
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