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Posts posted by blutach

  1. @jill


    Since kirk is OK, maybe you should give it up, too? ;) We all have a go at each other and we take it - look how jmet is accepting of that photo posted by LFC.



  2. Sounds like you wanna cast multiple votes LFC. :D


    And don't give Rotties a bad name. Firey loves them and they aren't bad dogs at all.


    (Sorry Jill, did I offend you by saying that gives Rotties a bad name???) =))



  3. One needs a spankin

    And one needs a huggin


    One's on the waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


    Aw gee, Ah hope it ain't twins ah-gen!


    (That kinda "grew" on me - Tammy Wynette or sumbitch)



  4. Yeah, I'm just dissin you about the ban kirk, but I still HATE CUNTRY AND WESTERN MUZAK.


    We all do (except perhaps Fixer).


    I do reckon that with 10 voting for the "double", there is a bit of a backlash against C&W though.



  5. If I may correct just one thing chetwood:


    No mod at Digital Digest called the betas "self proclaimed". That "honour" of demeaning them by calling them "self described" belonged to setarip, who was never a mod.


    This post is not a flame against setarip or you or anyone. I am trying to remain as level headed as possible and will probably get both "sides" upset in the process.


    Just a little observation - this huge body of knowledge that resided with the Betas could have been retained at DD but for some reason the Betas and other folks from DDSF were somehow made to feel "unwelcome". Not blaming anyone, but it's funny how they all came to that conclusion and now visit just to have the odd chat.


    I hope you find ImgBurn a great tool as we all expect it to be. I hope you find LUK!'s return to be as positive as we all do and are excited by it.


    I also hope you understand that this forum is not about DVD ripping and copying (for reasons that must include the legal agreements entered into by LUK! with MV) but about burning ISO images of non-copy protected DVDs. This is why your signature has come under some scrutiny. You will note that my usually long sig with all the DVD tools etc in it is conspicuously absent.



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