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Posts posted by Cynthia

  1. Hi,


    I would like to test the translated strings from time to time but the current ImgBurn version doesn't support it.

    I only got the ImgBurn language file! So, I missed something or not?


    An other question:

    Some of the strings are "Unknown" - is this wanted / correct?


    And my last question:

    I saved the new language file in Unicode or should I choose Ansi?

    Hi! :)




    The string "Unknown" is what the program shows in some areas in the program; in the burning window if there is no image file loaded.




    When it's loaded - it shows the details about the file. So yes - they should be translated.





  2. Problem solved.


    It seems as if you don't restart the program and you have opened up the file in Ansi and then save it as Unicode it will still try to save it as Ansi and suggest that you save it as Unicode instead every time you hit the save button.


    After a restart everything works ok.



  3. The string in Row 422 in section frm.Main ��" Panel_ISOBUILD_FileSystemLabel.Caption:




    Is that & character intended to be there?


    I guess it's for the shortcuts (Alt Gr + X) function.


    There are also & characters in the same section on rows; 389, 434, 436, 437, 438, 570 and 577.


    Will it work in the final version - if we use that & character to create shortcuts in the menues/selections?

  4. It's just you said it was on 1.7 when idle in an earlier post. It must not have been quite so idle then as it was in the 0.731 pic :)
    Yes, that was me mixing up the bananas with apples... :teehee:


    I gave you wrongly the "processor time %" value. It was that value that was 1.7. It's the default value that shows up in that graph in the M$ program. Sorry for that.


    But would it not be more appropriate to use the drives q value that you use as source for the burning as trigger for the "hard disk activity to reach threshold level"?

  5. Those pics only show it going up to 0.731, which of course is still below the 0.8 default value in the settings - hence it wouldn't be waiting.
    These shots are not from the time when the installation took place. I guess you need to put the M$ on monitoring to get old values.
  6. Sorry, it was processortime I was looking at... idiot2.gif


    Noticed you need to manually add the strings for average que time in that M$ program. So now it looks more like your image.


    The H: drive is a rather old (2-3 year) PATA 160 GB disk. Only one large partition and no compression.


    I guess my basic problem is that the average q value takes some time (around 10 minutes - based on the burning log) to get down under the limit you can set in the preferences of ImgBurn.


    Here is it when it's idle.




    Some disk activity.




    Senast = Latest

    Medel = Average

    Lägsta = Lowest

    Högsta = Highest

    Varaktighet = Duration

  7. Tried to search on the net to see what the range 0-5 stands for - but no luck. Also ran that program - but couldn't spot that value in any of those windows or reprorts.


    Moved it up to 5.


    @chewy: The update only took a few minutes - then ImgBurn waited another 10 minutes before it started again. During that time no installation in progress. Guess it's something about an average value that needs to get down - before it kicks of the burning again.



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