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Posts posted by Cynthia

  1. Question/Suggestion.


    If you get a write error when you use the queue function and you abort the burning of that image - it jumps to the next image in the queue.


    Could it be possible that the images that where not sucessfully burned could stay in the queue and get selected as the one to burn again?

  2. Thanks for the latest version - looks very nice. :)


    Trying to apply this new command so when you double click on an .iso file (that today launches ImgBurn) to include this new option:



    Used to close the program when the burn process has finished AND was successful.

    Basically, it just presses the 'Close' button for you!


    Tried to change the value


    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\.iso\Shell\Burn using ImgBurn\Command


    with the string


    "C:\Program\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe" /MODE ISOWRITE /SOURCE "%1"




    "C:\Program\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe" /MODE ISOWRITE /SOURCE "%1" /CLOSESUCCESS


    The problem is that it changes back to the old string value. Is this Windows or ImgBurn that restores it?


    Or I'm I just doing it wrong?

  3. I must be lucky - never watched that crap... :P
    Guess you used the remove crap part of the plugin =)) =)) =))



    Yes, it's a new function in the latest beta version. Very usefully. Hope the sharp version also will remove the commercials in the TV shows... :P
  4. In the Supported Command Line Switches there is the "/CLOSE" command that is used to close the program when the burn process has finished.


    From what I understand this will close down the program even if there is a verify error reported or another error (?).


    What I would like to see is a setting in the GUI that allows you to have the program closed automatically for you if there are no errors reported.



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