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Everything posted by yllLiBe

  1. Hello. I have found a bit of a problem. In the build mode, pressing Enter key or some combination keys (such as ctrl-z [undo], ctrl-y [redo], and so on) in the volume label field of ISO9660 cause an `Unacceptable Character' balloon. So I can't undo this field. Maybe fields of Joliet and UDF doesn't have this problem because there are no restrictions. Regards
  2. I confirmed ImgBurn now can build a disc image with enough precious timestamps. The image viewer I said above works well, without recreating thumbnails. Thanks a lot for your great work!
  3. Thanks for your reply. I guessed timestamp truncation may be because of some reasons for UDF specification, but now I understand it was not. It seems to be correct, but let me show the way to get a little more precisive timestamp. #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; FILETIME CreationTime, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime; int Centiseconds; ULARGE_INTEGER uli; HANDLE h = CreateFile(L"foo", 0, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); GetFileTime(h, &CreationTime, &LastAccessTime, &LastWriteTime); FileTimeToSystemTime(&LastWriteTime, &SystemTime); printf("A: Centiseconds: %d\n", (Centiseconds = SystemTime.wMilliseconds / 10)); printf("A: HundredsofMicroseconds: %d\n", (SystemTime.wMilliseconds - (Centiseconds * 10)) * 10); printf("A: Microseconds: %d\n", 0); uli.LowPart = LastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime; uli.HighPart = LastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime; printf("B: Centiseconds: %d\n", (uli.QuadPart / 100000) % 100); printf("B: HundredsofMicroseconds: %d\n", (uli.QuadPart / 1000) % 100); printf("B: Microseconds: %d\n", (uli.QuadPart / 10) % 100); CloseHandle(h); return 0; } The result of above code is here. <command prompt> C:\Data\Make\Programs\test_nanosecond\Debug>test_nanosecond.exe A: Centiseconds: 71 A: HundredsofMicroseconds: 80 A: Microseconds: 0 B: Centiseconds: 71 B: HundredsofMicroseconds: 87 B: Microseconds: 50 <cygwin bash shell> $ ls --full-time foo -rwx------+ 1 yllLiBe なし(*) 0 2011-01-05 23:17:55.718750000 +0900 foo (*): means `no group' in English. Case A is the way you've written above. It uses FileTimeToSystemTime() to get a value of milliseconds. Case B is the way to use the FILETIME structure directly which has 100-nanosecond intervals. [MSDN] This can get a little more precisive value of timestamp. FYI, timestamp tick looks like 0.000125 sec (= 125 microseconds) in my environment actually. I can see the time such as HH:MM:SS.mmm125000 and HH:MM:SS.mmm750000 by `ls --full-time', but I can't see HH:MM:SS.mmm100000 and HH:MM:SS.mmm200000. Could you consider to change timestamp conversion more precise in the next update? Sincerely yours.
  4. Hello. I'm an ImgBurn user from Japan. Thanks for the great software. Can I build disc image with keeping timestamp precision in milliseconds? Or is there any reason why ImgBurn truncate timestamp in the second time scale? I confirmed following. NTFS has 100 nanosecond precision of timestamp. ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724290%28VS.85%29.aspx ) I can get milliseconds of timestamp by FindFirstFile() function and FileTimeToSystemTime() function. At Cygwin Bash shell, `ls --full-time' displays nanoseconds of timestamp (ofcourse it doesn't have full resolution.) timestamp structure of UDF 1.02 has Microseconds field. ( http://www.osta.org/specs/pdf/udf102.pdf ) Viewing a disc image file built by ImgBurn with binary editor, Centiseconds, HundredsofMicroseconds and Microseconds field seem to be zero. I tried to burn a disc which contains image files and thumbnail files created by certain image viewer. But image files in the disc has a little different timestamp from original files, so the image viewer recreates thumbnails. This is the reason I want to store timestamp in milliseconds. Sorry for my poor English. Sincerely yours.
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