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  1. Yea, but I had to try. I'm copying a disk as I type. Just doing the create image/copy image thing, not that bad. Nice program yea. Thank you LUK!
  2. Tonnes of people have asked for the Disk Copy option and I mean, tonnes: http://www.google.com/search?hl=&q=image+burn&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS304US305&ie=UTF-8#sclient=psy&hl=en&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS304US305&q=+site:forum.imgburn.com++disk+copy&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&fp=c2946aa513ef4809 Its a simple process: 1. Ask for number of copies, copying speed and other options 2. Read into temp folder 3. Start writing. 4. Delete contents of temp folder Thats all. All the functionality is already there. LUK has said: Get in the mood LUK, have a beer or something . So you've said many times you don't want to do it but you give no real reason as to why you wont do it other then: "I dont feel like doing it." Is it because you're afraid it will be labeled as a copying/piracy program to make illegal copies? Are you afraid they'll shut down your website and software and prosecute you? I think that's it, but at the least you should tell us why you're not doing this. You need to do some self-exploring as to why you're telling us you don't feel like doing it. You've done a lot in the program in any case already. I can understand that if I was the owner, I'd be cautious of putting in the Copy function because I'd be afraid of being targeted legally. So maybe that would be something I'd have to think about it. All you need to do is make a disclaimer every time the copying dialogue opens up: "Please do not use this program to make legal copies of disks. Illegal use of this program may result in criminal prosecution. ImgBurn respects copyright laws and does not copy copy-protected disks or evade piracy mechanisms. Usage of this program is as your own risk." That's it, then you'll be safe. What do you think? If we had some statistics as to what percentage of the usage of the software is actually used to (manually) make copies, it would probably be at least 20%, if not more. So come on LUK, you gotta do this. Its like working out. Its hard, but you gotta it. Its good for you and for us. Its better than working out. Seriously, do it, please. A lot of people will be thankful. The United States will declare your birthday as the 2nd Thanksgiving Holiday. Beer and chips instead of Turkey will be the official dinner. Seeing how many requests for the Disk Copy have been ignored, this one will have the same fate but I still wanted to write this. Its inconvenient having to do the manual copy. Its a great program though. I love being able to adjust the write speed. Having said all this: Does anyone know of a *free* program that lets us make copies on the fly and adjust the write speed?
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