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Posts posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. Specific questions will be answered. The expectation we have here is that people will always at least try to figure it out before asking questions. There's a wealth of information at your fingertips should you commit the time needed to learn. The guides are simple and easy to understand if you go through each one step at a time. That said, this isn't a tool for newbies. Perhaps Ner0 would be better suited to your skill level. Try helping yourself and then ask a question. You'll find the learning experience more rewarding.

  2. FAT32 (because it's so insecure) is easier to salvage files from if the drive/software goes pear-shaped. You can boot off a floppy and move or copy files wherever you like. NTFS doesn't allow you to do this. If you run NTFS and something goes south, it's harder to retrieve your files.... but that's what backups are for. :) You can't do user management without ntfs.

  3. Small problem. I am somewhat computer illiterate.


    We all were at some stage. The best advice is to read the guides and then read them again. Print them out and follow step by step. The worst you can do is screw up a disk. Experimentation is the epitome of learning. (Geez, where did that come from? Might have to patent that one..... "Experimentation is the epitome of learning." - © Shamus McFartfinger 2.12.07 =)) ).



    Seriously: Read, try, ask. There's many people here that will help you if you put in the effort to also help yourself.

  4. If you're willing to commit to NTFS, open a DOS prompt (Start/accessories/command prompt and not Start/RUN) and type the following:


    convert c: /fs:ntfs




    Be aware that you can't convert ntfs back to fat32 without a serious amount of fcuking about. It's pretty much a one way process.

  5. Farting around with the blocklist in my router. I could apparently send the reply but my router stopped me from viewing it. The great hunk'o'crap doesn't recognise wildcards so adding "ads." to the filter will block www.toads.com, for example. (Some sharp programming there, Netgear). Not quite sure what the trigger word is that blocked the ImgBurn reply thingy.

  6. Of course. Most web pages work fine without it. If a site requires java to be allowed (like Youtube) then I'll allow it. Clicking wildly on a random web page and allowing these things to run in the background is just asking for trouble.


    The pic below shows other domains wanting access to my browser while surfing the Fark.com page. (I'm not picking on Fark but it's a good example of what's going on......... and also one of my favourite sites). :)


    Why would you want doubleclick serving you ad banners? If you block the scripts that call the doubleclick domain, you block the ads. You also block any potentially malicious scripts from running.



  7. Of course. Most web pages work fine without it. If a site requires java to be allowed (like Youtube) then I'll allow it. Clicking wildly on a random web page and allowing these things to run in the background is just asking for trouble.


    The pic below shows other domains wanting access to my browser while surfing the Fark.com page. (I'm not picking on Fark but it's a good example of what's going on......... and also one of my favourite sites). :)


    Why would you want doubleclick serving you ad banners? If you block the scripts that call the doubleclick domain, you block the ads. You also block any potentially malicious scripts from running.



  8. Of course. Most web pages work fine without it. If a site requires java to be allowed (like Youtube) then I'll allow it. Clicking wildly on a random web page and allowing these things to run in the background is just asking for trouble.


    The pic below shows other domains wanting access to my browser while surfing the Fark.com page. (I'm not picking on Fark but it's a good example of what's going on......... and also one of my favourite sites). :)


    Why would you want doubleclick serving you ad banners? If you block the scripts that call the doubleclick domain, you block the ads. You also block any potentially malicious scripts from running.



  9. 2. Anyone who surfs the net with cookies enabled on their browser needs bending over a barrel and then humped silly.

    I don't think you have a proper meaning of what cookies are. For example, allowing javascript is 10 times more dangerous than having cookies from ALL sites.


    What is a cookie for? It stores YOUR preferences within the site YOU visit. For example on google.com it may store the fact that you want the results to open in a new tab. What is wrong with that?




    A cookie isn't always just a cookie for storing passwords etc....... but you sound like you already know that. Example: Tracking cookie. Do you really want your surfing habits known by all and sundry? What possible reason could you have for allowing all first party cookies from every site you visit? Gimme a break.


    Secondly, I block java by default within Firefox using NoScript.






  10. That sounds pretty inoffensive. In other words, if I start burning something and it fails (and the option is turned off) I'll get no notification? Sounds good to me. Let's say I decide to do something stupid and start playing Warcraft right after starting a burn. If this option is turned on and I'm killing bad guys on Battlenet - which uses a custom screen, what happens then? Does my killing spree come to a halt when the flashy thingy takes over the taskbar/toolbar?

  11. I dunno. Having an error requester appear over the top of the active screen or a flashy thingy in the taskbar would probably just piss me off. The timer thingy gives you a rough estimate of when a task should be completed. If Imgburn says it'll take 20 minutes and the disk hasn't been spat out after 4 hours, one could reasonably conclude that an error has occurred. LUK, if you decide to do something like this, please include an option to turn it off. Thanks. :)

  12. AWWWWWWWWWWww Shamus...... We all like you............ :cheerleader::cheerleader::drinks::)


    Aw.... shucks. I'm all embarrased and shit now..... and I'm going all gooey in the nether regions. Nurse! A beer for my friend - stat!




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