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Posts posted by dr_ml422
Could be as I used my LITEON and never had issues. Everything is fine with the new PIODATA Burner. It can be that at a certain speed it won't take all the time. DVD+R DL should be burned at 4x, even though LITEON says 6x and I forgot what LG says. Can't wait for my LG drive when they decide to swap it. They confirmed all recent drives are automatically bitsetting.
I have to count it as a CMC thing because with the same drive at the same speed, I had no coasters burning to DVD+R DL with any of my drives. The PIODATA is holdin up very well btw. LG has just now got back to me and confirmed that all their recent burners are automatically bitsetting by default, and neither bitsetting apps, as DVD Decrypter, ImgBurn, or Nero CD-DVD Speed have been able to change that behavior. So hopefully I'll be looking at the least a burner that won't do it, and is up to date with Windiws 10 64 bit.
I got it! Seems fine. Really wouldn't know about the changes. I did find one difference when using their ConvertXtoVideo. The titleset name change will not carry over to the project name on single title as it does with ConvertXtoDVD7.
About 4 coasters already with the new batch. So just maybe CMC bs!
ImgBurn will only burn asis and so even though you have a compliant DVD structure, when it burns it will burn it as UDF and that's the culprit with some players. Ut will be seen fine and play in a PC, though not in my Magnavox DVD player. Now some software will recognize there's a DVD video and burn it as such even with an added file as you mentioned. It'll play the DVD just fine. I tried both as an .iso and DVD folder with VTS folder inside with their mp4/mkv counterpart, and both times the DVD would not play. However on another software it recognizes the VTS folder and changes the burning to DVD video per your option. Now with an .iso this same software will burn asis and produce a UDF file that won't play in my player. I started doing your trick if adding the mp4/mkv along with the DVD to save space. Great idea! Just can't use ImgBurn to do it. If you have ket me know, and of course the player has a lot to do with it. So maybe your PlayStation plays the UDF file?
ASUS got back to me. According to their engineering department their drives shouldn't be bitsetting automatically. I had an ASUS before. It just became obsolete with Windows 10.
The PIODATA is doing just fine! Sometimes it's better to just get the OEM as they're making most of them anyway. As data my DVD won't play. I have to burn it as DVD video, or straight from iso without anything else like the mp4, mkv equivalent. Some software will produce a DVD video despite another file being present. I'll bring this up in the forum as a recommendation. It'll be a good one imo.
Yes I thought about JVC myself. I bought them way back when they took over, the regular DVD-R blanks and they ere good. You should try and see if the DVD-R work just for informational purposes, and bring it up with LG. They haven't responded to my last email where I told them it was a waste of time volleyball emailing, and that since I'm paying for the swap, what's the issue? The issue could be they don't have any recent drives that don't bitset by default and don't want to tweak the firmware. Because since I'm paying another model would do.
The second new disc from the bundle was as heavy as usual, so let's see how they do. I had only one coaster at 6x DVD DL using the LITEON. I don't know if that's their max for DL.
I was referring to your using an enclosure instead of buying a 3.0 etxernal, seeing you would still have to insert it. I figured the longer cable was why because the ones without enclosure have shirt cabkes that without an extension would limit you to where you would use it.
On the Verbatim DVD+DL they MID at MKM-003-00, though they don't seem as weighty as the other ones. So I think they just might be CMC afterall. Yup, these are definitely not original Verbs! Let's see how they play. I just burned one using the new PIODATA DVD-RW DVR-221D
If you were looking for more speed by putting internal in an external enclosure, nowadays the straight BD external drives are supposedly hitting 16x BD-R or whatever the format is. If it's build quality, though slim etc... they're pretty well built. Only thing different would be the length of the USB cable, though most likely you're using a USB hub?
Amazon pulled a $5.00 credit for delivery coming Monday now instead of last night. So I'm down to using my external LITEON since I pulled the LG out ready for Swap.
They're doing the same thing here and that's what I'm talkin about basically! They keep asking me for the same information over and over like trying to see how much further we're going to put up with it before we just say the heck with it and forget about it. It's a stalling technique that a lot of companies use believe me. It's not anything innocent that they're doing on their part at all. I just finished telling the guy listen you're wasting all this time with all this back and forth emailing when all you had to do was send me another drive that doesn't default to dvd minus ROM. The latest Shenanigans was that they tried to tell me that DVD decrypter changes the bit set and he showed me where in the window it shows that you could change it to normal though he never ever showed what happens when you click next. As we all know and as I posted when you click next it tells you it's not authorized whatever whatever information. An Unofficial command or whatever the hell it it says anyway. I told him why don't you just keep on showing what it does. Now he says he's going to try to see if they have something in their Arsenal that doesn't book type 2 dvd minus ROM. My new drive should be here either late tonite or tomorrow for sure, so I'll be good. I'm seriously thinking about the external enclosures as it's a cinch to swP in and out I presume. Point me towards one so I can see what they're about. Thanks.
Wow! And I truly believe everything you say because LG seems like they don't understand English at all! They keep playing this email volleyball act with me trying to ask me what I did or what I tried to do regarding the issue at hand with my burner! I just finished replying to the swap coordinator that I didn't and couldn't do anything and that's why I want a new burner that is not set to default bit setting or booktype to DVD minus ROM. They automatically set most of their drives at least the internal ones to automatically bit set. I don't mind if they had the option to do so any of the software is available as image burn kind and Nero etc etc. I just don't want it to be a default action that I can't do anything about. I just tried the disc that my light on burnt and didn't booktype to dvd minus ROM and they played just fine in my DVD player. So basically my DVD player plays dvd plus r just fine. Now I must admit if it didn't play the DVD plus r then I would need to booktype, but then again it would be my option to do so when needed. I'm waiting for my new drive it should be here tomorrow. I did some information checking up on the company and they seem to be straight up. These people just don't understand English well! I have this problem when I go to my Pharmacy where I live. You tell them one thing and they process it another way thinking that it's the correct way. I just want them to fix this. I don't care where they come from!
What happened with LG again? All of a sudden they stopped supporting a certain disc format? My 2 spindles from Amazon are still MCC. So I guess they still have a large surplus left. I ordered a burner from Amazon. I took a chance on an offshoot. I usually do good so lets see. It's a 24x Piodata.
The external ASUS was one of th hose those slim ones? Because that's all they have now.
VSO is way behind when it comes to encoding . They haven't even incorporated HEVC yet. I don't need their software for my hi-def files. There's too many paid and freeware that do a great job. I
I might just get a Pioneer Burner, although they don't hit 24x on any of them besides CDs.
VSO has been trying to get me to buy the ConvertToDVD license for future updates. Only thing is that unless it's something major like going to 64 bit, I don't need to buy it for now. According to them 64 bit is needed for conversion of certain High-Def files, though I stand to differ. Some apps will not benefit much from 64 bit if at all.
You're right about LG. They take forever. I mean how difficult is it to swap my drive with one that doesn't automatically bitset? ASUS also, though getting back to me, haven't been able to confirm whether their burners automatically bitset. Can I check here and see what drives are bitsetting? I know ASUS isn't included in ImgBurn's list, though that doesn't mean it doesn't bitset.
I'm going to check VSO's site and see what they did with ConvertXToDVD.
Thanks for the update.
@dbminter Just find a disc you know you burned using the LG burner and open it up in ImgBurn in read mode, or write mode. Then check Physical Attributes Last Written and if it says DVD-ROM then it's been bitset whether by you or not.
Great news! LG is going to swap my Burner for another one that will not have bitsetting as default. I was a couple of days past warranty, though since I brought this up to their attention, they're going to use their Swap policy for $25.00 flat fee mailing and delivery. Not bad at all! It'll be refurbished, though after going online as a madman, I discovered it's a rebadged Asus or Hitachi drive that's been out for several years! They just brought it up to specs with current Windows 10 etc... Mind you that I let them know this, and that my drive actually wasn't compatible with Windows 10 completely. I couldn't update to the most recent firmware as was posted on Firmware HQ, and LG's site, even with their LG ODD online upgrade tool. So let's see if they'll not charge me after all. I'm ok with the $25.00, as that's more or less what a decent one would cost me.
I'm wauting for Plextor to write back and let me know if their drives bitset at all. They specifically spoke against auto or manual bitsetting because of the +R specifications.
ASUS got back to me and are in the process of letting me know what default their burner is programmed to.
So I've been burning with my external slim LITEON. No bitsetting. No issues.
I see you see what you see and that's it. I already explained what I meant by "my drive". I meant it's most likely bitsetting by default with or without an app. Is @dbminter checking the last written to part of the physical attributes? Because why would it return a "improper command", unless it still returns that without bitsetting.
I mentioned an analogy to a mercedes benz having parts other than mercedes, and you twist that to say it's part of my logic? After I explained there's no need for that behavior here you do exactly the same thing. Obviously there's something not quite right with you. You're just a born troublemaker. Well knock yourself out. Argue with the board.
I have new burners to get and see what LG does about my suggesting new firmware to stop that default behavior. They responded positively so just maybe they'll do something. Whether thfough a firmware now or through future ones regarding new drives.
@Ch3vr0n Every chance you get you're picking an argument? What's wrong with you? Yes it is exactly like my drive in that it posts back an "invalid command" popup, which means it's automatically setting the booktype, though doesn't support changing it. It's not cool etiquette you always being contentious. We're trying to sort things out, however and whatever it is. It just may be ImgBurn might just have to be updated to include these drives, if in fact they are bitsetting. I'm going to load the disc on another program and see what it says for sure. I just used ImgBurn, though it had the Liteon as DVD+R in Physical Address Last Recorded.
Your drive is exactly like my drive except it's a different model. It doesn't support changing the booktype but it does change the booktype to dvd minus rom because if you put a disk you just burned into ImgBurn and look it up in the window it will have the physical ID information for last recorded as booktype dvd minus ROM and that's the booktype it does automatically! I will not be burning anything with this drive for now. I used my liteon and I burned with a different program and it didn't booktype it at all! Also image burn gave me the option to either booktype or not booktype with my liteon. I don't need any manufacturer on anything or anyone telling me what I need when I buy something. That's just how I look at things. If I buy a Mercedes-Benz I want to make sure everything is from Mercedes-Benz I don't want a Toyota Corolla fuel injector and a Honda Accord water pump if you know what I mean. So put in a disc that you just burned with whatever program you want with that LG, put it into imgburn and check out the physical format information, if it says booktype dvd minus ROM then it's automatically booktype in it. if not you're good. Uncheck automatic booktyping of course to see if it's doing it on its own.
Well isn't that a conundrum of sorts? It doesn't support disc bitsetting, though it's doing it anyway? It's like that from jump street without software. It's that simple. Now I'm going to get one that doesn't do that and see if I have compatibility issues with any of my players. I'll check my liteon and see what that can do.
It won't let me. I chose LG and there were 2 options, "Normal" and "DVD-ROM". I chose normal and hit ok, and I get a "this is not a valid command..." pop-up. So what's next? If Hitachi is the Manufacturer, and I go into advanced, I couldn't find that "id string". So if it can be done, I'd like to do it. Thanks.
Okay if from reading that log you're telling me that it's set to booktype then there's something wrong with imgburn and it's not obeying orders because I have the automatic booktype setting unchecked, and I've been having it unchecked for the longest. So what you're reading in the log file is not that I have it set to booktype I think, what you're reading is that it's setting it to booktype which is a different case altogether. Imgburn is not obeying what I put in tools options on their automatic bit setting. It's unchecked and there's no apply Button as far as I can see, there's just an okay but I think. So maybe this needs to be looked at? Maybe it's automatically doing it no matter what and if it is it shouldn't be doing it. I don't want to make more of this then what it sounds, but think about this for just one second. Why buy dvd plus r Media or any other media for that fact if you're going to have a program or a drive automatically change it on you to something that you could have bought in the first place? This doesn't make any sense at all. A lot of things don't make sense in this crazy life that were in these days. No I have a serious concern here because why bother selling DVD + R
Media or why bother even using it if something or someone is going to change it on you to media that you could have bought from the beginning?
LG is useless! You know what that support team told me, sent me an email about? They said yes it sets booktype in but you need a software or a program to do it. So if in fact I need a software or a program to do it according to them, then something is not right here. Either imgburn is automatically doing it whether you check it or uncheck it, or their Drive is set to automatically do it with or without imgburn. Which I think is the case because another application I use I checked the DVDs and it said the same thing DVD minus ROM in the ImgBurn window under physical attributes not the ADIP or w/e it is. Though like you said I'm not sure if it actually is a dvd minus ROM because when I put it into the computer and I see the drive where it's in it says dvd rw, it doesn't say dvd minus ROM which it should shouldn't it? If in fact it's booktype to dvd minus ROM?
I would like Lightning UK to weigh in on this so I can do some shopping for a burner that doesn't set booktype. I'm going to check options again and make sure everything is applied correctly on my end. Thanks.
Is it doing it or not? Here's the log file. Mind you my PC sees it as DVD RW when it's inside the drive, which to me is saying that since my drive is compatible with DVD RW, then that's what's inside.
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Monday, 14 October 2019, 23:15:59
; \\****************************************//
I 22:30:46 ImgBurn Version started!
I 22:30:46 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 22:30:46 Total Physical Memory: 33,484,376 KiB - Available: 29,377,468 KiB
I 22:30:46 Initialising SPTI...
I 22:30:46 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 22:30:46 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (G:) (USB 2.0)
I 22:30:46 -> Drive 2 - Info: CyberLnk VirtualDrive 1.00 (I:) (SCSI)
I 22:30:47 -> Drive 3 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (E:) (SATA)
I 22:30:47 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs and 1 BD-ROM!
I 22:38:04 Operation Started!
I 22:38:04 Source File: C:\DVD-RB Output Path\CONSTANTINE (2005).ISO
I 22:38:04 Source File Sectors: 2,270,016 (MODE1/2048)
I 22:38:04 Source File Size: 4,648,992,768 bytes
I 22:38:04 Source File Volume Identifier: CONSTANTINE (2005)
I 22:38:04 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4F4EB3540022A33A
I 22:38:04 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 22:38:04 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 22:38:04 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 22:38:05 Destination Device: [0:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (E:) (SATA)
I 22:38:05 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 22:38:05 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x
I 22:38:05 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 22:38:05 Write Mode: DVD
I 22:38:05 Write Type: DAO
I 22:38:05 Write Speed: 24x
I 22:38:05 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 22:38:05 Link Size: Auto
I 22:38:05 Lock Volume: Yes
I 22:38:05 Test Mode: No
I 22:38:05 OPC: No
I 22:38:05 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 22:38:05 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 33,240 KB/s (24x)
I 22:38:05 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 22:38:05 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 22:38:06 Writing LeadIn...
I 22:38:45 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2270015)
I 22:38:45 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2270015)
I 22:42:12 Synchronising Cache...
I 22:42:20 Closing Track...
I 22:42:22 Finalising Disc...
I 22:42:38 Exporting Graph Data...
I 22:42:38 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_MONDAY-OCTOBER-14-2019_10-38_PM_MCC-004-00_24x.ibg
I 22:42:38 Export Successfully Completed!
I 22:42:38 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:04:26
I 22:42:38 Average Write Rate: 21,932 KiB/s (16.2x) - Maximum Write Rate: 32,320 KiB/s (23.9x)
I 23:15:59 Close Request Acknowledged
I 23:15:59 Closing Down...
I 23:15:59 Shutting down SPTI...
I 23:15:59 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Monday, 14 October 2019, 22:26:47
; \\****************************************//
I 22:26:41 ImgBurn Version started!
I 22:26:41 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 22:26:41 Total Physical Memory: 33,484,376 KiB - Available: 29,354,672 KiB
I 22:26:41 Initialising SPTI...
I 22:26:41 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 22:26:41 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (G:) (USB 2.0)
I 22:26:41 -> Drive 2 - Info: CyberLnk VirtualDrive 1.00 (I:) (SCSI)
I 22:26:41 -> Drive 3 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (E:) (SATA)
I 22:26:41 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs and 1 BD-ROM!
I 22:26:41 Operation Started!
I 22:26:41 Building Image Tree...
I 22:26:41 Checking Directory Depth...
I 22:26:41 Calculating Totals...
I 22:26:41 Preparing Image...
I 22:26:42 Checking Path Length...
I 22:26:42 Contents: 11 Files, 2 Folders
I 22:26:42 Content Type: DVD Video
I 22:26:42 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 22:26:42 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 22:26:42 Volume Label: CONSTANTINE (2005)
I 22:26:42 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 22:26:42 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 22:26:42 TV System: NTSC
I 22:26:42 Size: 4,648,404,992 bytes
I 22:26:42 Sectors: 2,269,729
I 22:26:42 Image Size: 4,648,992,768 bytes
I 22:26:42 Image Sectors: 2,270,016
I 22:26:42 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 22:26:42 Operation Started!
I 22:26:42 Image Contents: 11 Files, 2 Folders
I 22:26:42 Image Sectors: 2,270,016 (MODE1/2048)
I 22:26:42 Image Size: 4,648,992,768 bytes
I 22:26:42 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 22:26:42 Image Volume Identifier: CONSTANTINE (2005)
I 22:26:42 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4F4EB3540022A33A
I 22:26:42 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 22:26:42 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 22:26:42 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 22:26:42 Destination File: C:\DVD-RB OUTPUT PATH\CONSTANTINE (2005).ISO
I 22:26:42 Destination Free Space: 141,938,606,080 Bytes (138,611,920.00 KiB) (135,363.20 MiB) (132.19 GiB)
I 22:26:42 Destination File System: NTFS
I 22:26:42 File Splitting: Auto
I 22:26:42 Writing Image...
I 22:26:46 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:04
I 22:26:46 Average Write Rate: 1,135,008 KiB/s (839.2x) - Maximum Write Rate: 1,135,008 KiB/s (839.2x)
I 22:26:47 Close Request Acknowledged
I 22:26:47 Closing Down...
I 22:26:47 Shutting down SPTI...
I 22:26:47 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Monday, 14 October 2019, 22:04:46
; \\****************************************//
I 21:52:38 ImgBurn Version started!
I 21:52:38 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 21:52:38 Total Physical Memory: 33,484,376 KiB - Available: 28,192,732 KiB
I 21:52:39 Initialising SPTI...
I 21:52:39 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 21:52:39 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (G:) (USB 2.0)
I 21:52:39 -> Drive 2 - Info: CyberLnk VirtualDrive 1.00 (I:) (SCSI)
I 21:52:39 -> Drive 3 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (E:) (SATA)
I 21:52:39 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs and 1 BD-ROM!
I 21:53:15 Operation Started!
I 21:53:15 Building Image Tree...
I 21:53:16 Checking Directory Depth...
I 21:53:16 Calculating Totals...
I 21:53:16 Preparing Image...
E 21:53:23 Unable to find any cells that could be used for the layer break!
E 21:53:23 The minimal size of this image is 2462029 sectors.
E 21:53:23 The layer break must be between sectors 375117 and 2086912.
E 21:53:23 Sector 375117 falls within VTS_01 (Title), which starts at sector 604.
E 21:53:23 Relative to the start of VTS_01 (Title), the layer break must be between sectors 374513 and 2086308.
E 21:53:23 Relative sector 374513 falls within PGC 1, Cell 1, which starts at relative sector 0 and ends at 2461380.
E 21:53:23 Relative to the start of Cell 1, try splitting between sectors 374513 (731.47 MiB) and 2086308 (4074.82 MiB).
E 21:53:23 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:07
I 22:04:46 Close Request Acknowledged
I 22:04:46 Closing Down...
I 22:04:46 Shutting down SPTI...
I 22:04:46 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Monday, 14 October 2019, 21:50:31
; \\****************************************//
I 21:48:19 ImgBurn Version started!
I 21:48:19 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 21:48:19 Total Physical Memory: 33,484,376 KiB - Available: 27,558,328 KiB
I 21:48:19 Initialising SPTI...
I 21:48:20 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 21:48:20 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (G:) (USB 2.0)
I 21:48:20 -> Drive 2 - Info: CyberLnk VirtualDrive 1.00 (I:) (SCSI)
I 21:48:20 -> Drive 3 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (E:) (SATA)
I 21:48:20 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs and 1 BD-ROM!
I 21:48:43 Operation Started!
I 21:48:43 Building Image Tree...
I 21:48:43 Checking Directory Depth...
I 21:48:43 Calculating Totals...
I 21:48:43 Preparing Image...
I 21:48:43 Checking Path Length...
I 21:48:43 Contents: 22 Files, 2 Folders
I 21:48:43 Content Type: DVD Video
I 21:48:43 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 21:48:44 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 21:48:44 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 21:48:44 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 21:48:44 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 21:48:44 TV System: NTSC
I 21:48:44 Size: 4,634,603,520 bytes
I 21:48:44 Sectors: 2,262,990
I 21:48:44 Image Size: 4,635,230,208 bytes
I 21:48:44 Image Sectors: 2,263,296
I 21:48:44 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 21:49:37 Operation Started!
I 21:49:37 Building Image Tree...
I 21:49:43 Checking Directory Depth...
I 21:49:43 Calculating Totals...
I 21:49:43 Preparing Image...
I 21:49:44 Checking Path Length...
I 21:49:44 Contents: 22 Files, 2 Folders
I 21:49:44 Content Type: DVD Video
I 21:49:44 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 21:49:44 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 21:49:44 Volume Label: Dracula Untold (2014)
I 21:49:44 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 21:49:44 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 21:49:44 TV System: NTSC
I 21:49:44 Size: 4,634,603,520 bytes
I 21:49:44 Sectors: 2,262,990
I 21:49:44 Image Size: 4,635,230,208 bytes
I 21:49:44 Image Sectors: 2,263,296
I 21:49:48 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:11
I 21:49:49 Operation Started!
I 21:49:49 Image Contents: 22 Files, 2 Folders
I 21:49:49 Image Sectors: 2,263,296 (MODE1/2048)
I 21:49:49 Image Size: 4,635,230,208 bytes
I 21:49:49 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 21:49:49 Image Volume Identifier: Dracula Untold (2014)
I 21:49:49 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4F4EAE32002288F8
I 21:49:49 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 21:49:49 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 21:49:49 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 21:49:49 Destination File: F:\ImgBurn Output Path\Dracula Untold (2014).iso
I 21:49:49 Destination Free Space: 245,901,017,088 Bytes (240,137,712.00 KiB) (234,509.48 MiB) (229.01 GiB)
I 21:49:49 Destination File System: NTFS
I 21:49:49 File Splitting: Auto
I 21:49:49 Writing Image...
I 21:50:09 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:19
I 21:50:09 Average Write Rate: 238,241 KiB/s (176.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 641,257 KiB/s (474.1x)
I 21:50:31 Close Request Acknowledged
I 21:50:31 Closing Down...
I 21:50:31 Shutting down SPTI...
I 21:50:31 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Sunday, 13 October 2019, 21:02:54
; \\****************************************//
I 19:55:41 ImgBurn Version started!
I 19:55:41 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 19:55:41 Total Physical Memory: 33,484,376 KiB - Available: 29,804,096 KiB
I 19:55:41 Initialising SPTI...
I 19:55:41 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 19:55:41 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (G:) (USB 2.0)
I 19:55:41 -> Drive 2 - Info: CyberLnk VirtualDrive 1.00 (I:) (SCSI)
I 19:55:41 -> Drive 3 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (E:) (SATA)
I 19:55:41 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs and 1 BD-ROM!
I 19:56:15 Operation Started!
I 19:56:15 Building Image Tree...
I 19:56:15 Checking Directory Depth...
I 19:56:15 Calculating Totals...
I 19:56:15 Preparing Image...
I 19:56:15 Checking Path Length...
I 19:56:15 Contents: 11 Files, 2 Folders
I 19:56:15 Content Type: DVD Video
I 19:56:15 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 19:56:16 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 19:56:16 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 19:56:16 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 19:56:16 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 19:56:16 TV System: NTSC
I 19:56:16 Size: 4,656,119,808 bytes
I 19:56:16 Sectors: 2,273,496
I 19:56:16 Image Size: 4,656,726,016 bytes
I 19:56:16 Image Sectors: 2,273,792
I 19:56:16 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 20:03:04 Operation Started!
I 20:03:04 Building Image Tree...
I 20:03:51 Checking Directory Depth...
I 20:03:51 Calculating Totals...
I 20:03:51 Preparing Image...
I 20:03:51 Checking Path Length...
I 20:03:51 Contents: 11 Files, 2 Folders
I 20:03:51 Content Type: DVD Video
I 20:03:51 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 20:03:51 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 20:03:51 Volume Label: Spider-Man Far From Home DVD-5 (2019)
I 20:03:51 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 20:03:51 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 20:03:51 TV System: NTSC
I 20:03:51 Size: 4,656,119,808 bytes
I 20:03:51 Sectors: 2,273,496
I 20:03:51 Image Size: 4,656,726,016 bytes
I 20:03:51 Image Sectors: 2,273,792
I 20:03:58 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:53
I 20:03:58 Operation Started!
I 20:03:58 Image Contents: 11 Files, 2 Folders
I 20:03:58 Image Sectors: 2,273,792 (MODE1/2048)
I 20:03:58 Image Size: 4,656,726,016 bytes
I 20:03:58 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 20:03:58 Image Volume Identifier: Spider-Man Far From Home DVD-5 (2019)
I 20:03:58 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4F4DA0620022B1F1
I 20:03:58 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 20:03:58 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 20:03:58 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 20:03:58 Destination File: F:\ImgBurn Output Path\Spider-Man Far From Home DVD-5 (2019).iso
I 20:03:58 Destination Free Space: 266,258,075,648 Bytes (260,017,652.00 KiB) (253,923.49 MiB) (247.97 GiB)
I 20:03:58 Destination File System: NTFS
I 20:03:58 File Splitting: Auto
I 20:03:58 Writing Image...
I 20:04:10 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:12
I 20:04:10 Average Write Rate: 378,965 KiB/s (280.2x) - Maximum Write Rate: 1,487,730 KiB/s (1100.0x)
I 21:02:54 Close Request Acknowledged
I 21:02:54 Closing Down...
I 21:02:54 Shutting down SPTI...
I 21:02:54 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Sunday, 13 October 2019, 00:17:50
; \\****************************************//
I 00:16:01 ImgBurn Version started!
I 00:16:01 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 00:16:01 Total Physical Memory: 33,484,376 KiB - Available: 25,469,344 KiB
I 00:16:01 Initialising SPTI...
I 00:16:01 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 00:16:01 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (G:) (USB 2.0)
I 00:16:01 -> Drive 2 - Info: CyberLnk VirtualDrive 1.00 (I:) (SCSI)
I 00:16:02 -> Drive 3 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (E:) (SATA)
I 00:16:02 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs and 1 BD-ROM!
I 00:16:34 Operation Started!
I 00:16:34 Building Image Tree...
I 00:16:34 Checking Directory Depth...
I 00:16:34 Calculating Totals...
I 00:16:34 Preparing Image...
E 00:17:35 Unable to find any cells that could be used for the layer break!
E 00:17:35 The minimal size of this image is 4002343 sectors.
E 00:17:35 The layer break must be between sectors 1915431 and 2086912.
E 00:17:35 Sector 1915431 falls within VTS_01 (Title), which starts at sector 575.
E 00:17:35 Relative to the start of VTS_01 (Title), the layer break must be between sectors 1914856 and 2086337.
E 00:17:35 Relative sector 1914856 falls within PGC 1, Cell 1, which starts at relative sector 0 and ends at 4001721.
E 00:17:35 Relative to the start of Cell 1, try splitting between sectors 1914856 (3739.95 MiB) and 2086337 (4074.88 MiB).
E 00:17:35 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:01:00
I 00:17:49 Close Request Acknowledged
I 00:17:49 Closing Down...
I 00:17:50 Shutting down SPTI...
I 00:17:50 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Tuesday, 24 September 2019, 20:33:25
; \\****************************************//
I 20:33:13 ImgBurn Version started!
I 20:33:13 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 20:33:13 Total Physical Memory: 33,484,376 KiB - Available: 27,578,152 KiB
I 20:33:13 Initialising SPTI...
I 20:33:13 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 20:33:13 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (G:) (USB 2.0)
I 20:33:13 -> Drive 2 - Info: CyberLnk VirtualDrive 1.00 (I:) (SCSI)
I 20:33:13 -> Drive 3 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (E:) (SATA)
I 20:33:13 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs and 1 BD-ROM!
I 20:33:22 Close Request Acknowledged
I 20:33:22 Closing Down...
I 20:33:25 Shutting down SPTI...
I 20:33:25 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Tuesday, 24 September 2019, 00:45:30
; \\****************************************//
I 00:31:10 ImgBurn Version started!
I 00:31:10 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 00:31:10 Total Physical Memory: 33,484,376 KiB - Available: 27,978,636 KiB
I 00:31:10 Initialising SPTI...
I 00:31:10 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 00:31:11 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (G:) (USB 2.0)
I 00:31:11 -> Drive 2 - Info: CyberLnk VirtualDrive 1.00 (I:) (SCSI)
I 00:31:11 -> Drive 3 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (E:) (SATA)
I 00:31:11 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs and 1 BD-ROM!
I 00:45:30 Close Request Acknowledged
I 00:45:30 Closing Down...
I 00:45:30 Shutting down SPTI...
I 00:45:30 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Monday, 23 September 2019, 23:53:56
; \\****************************************//
I 23:51:07 ImgBurn Version started!
I 23:51:07 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 23:51:07 Total Physical Memory: 33,484,376 KiB - Available: 28,026,716 KiB
I 23:51:07 Initialising SPTI...
I 23:51:07 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 23:51:07 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (G:) (USB 2.0)
I 23:51:07 -> Drive 2 - Info: CyberLnk VirtualDrive 1.00 (I:) (SCSI)
I 23:51:07 -> Drive 3 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (E:) (SATA)
I 23:51:07 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs and 1 BD-ROM!
I 23:51:48 Operation Started!
I 23:51:48 Building Image Tree...
I 23:51:49 Checking Directory Depth...
I 23:51:49 Calculating Totals...
I 23:51:49 Preparing Image...
E 23:51:57 Unable to find any cells that could be used for the layer break!
E 23:51:57 The minimal size of this image is 2462029 sectors.
E 23:51:57 The layer break must be between sectors 375117 and 2086912.
E 23:51:57 Sector 375117 falls within VTS_01 (Title), which starts at sector 604.
E 23:51:58 Relative to the start of VTS_01 (Title), the layer break must be between sectors 374513 and 2086308.
E 23:51:58 Relative sector 374513 falls within PGC 1, Cell 1, which starts at relative sector 0 and ends at 2461380.
E 23:51:58 Relative to the start of Cell 1, try splitting between sectors 374513 (731.47 MiB) and 2086308 (4074.82 MiB).
E 23:51:58 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:09
I 23:52:08 Operation Started!
I 23:52:08 Building Image Tree...
I 23:52:08 Checking Directory Depth...
I 23:52:08 Calculating Totals...
I 23:52:08 Preparing Image...
E 23:52:11 Unable to find any cells that could be used for the layer break!
E 23:52:11 The minimal size of this image is 2462029 sectors.
E 23:52:11 The layer break must be between sectors 375117 and 2086912.
E 23:52:11 Sector 375117 falls within VTS_01 (Title), which starts at sector 604.
E 23:52:11 Relative to the start of VTS_01 (Title), the layer break must be between sectors 374513 and 2086308.
E 23:52:11 Relative sector 374513 falls within PGC 1, Cell 1, which starts at relative sector 0 and ends at 2461380.
E 23:52:11 Relative to the start of Cell 1, try splitting between sectors 374513 (731.47 MiB) and 2086308 (4074.82 MiB).
E 23:52:11 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:02
I 23:53:18 Operation Started!
I 23:53:18 Building Image Tree...
I 23:53:18 Checking Directory Depth...
I 23:53:18 Calculating Totals...
I 23:53:18 Preparing Image...
I 23:53:18 Checking Path Length...
I 23:53:18 Contents: 11 Files, 2 Folders
I 23:53:18 Content Type: DVD Video
I 23:53:18 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 23:53:18 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 23:53:18 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 23:53:18 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 23:53:18 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 23:53:18 TV System: NTSC
I 23:53:18 Size: 5,041,657,856 bytes
I 23:53:18 Sectors: 2,461,747
I 23:53:18 Image Size: 5,042,241,536 bytes
I 23:53:18 Image Sectors: 2,462,032
I 23:53:18 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 23:53:56 Close Request Acknowledged
I 23:53:56 Closing Down...
I 23:53:56 Shutting down SPTI...
I 23:53:56 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Thursday, 13 June 2019, 19:22:38
; \\****************************************//
I 18:59:03 ImgBurn Version started!
I 18:59:03 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 18:59:03 Total Physical Memory: 33,485,504 KiB - Available: 29,047,192 KiB
I 18:59:03 Initialising SPTI...
I 18:59:03 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 18:59:03 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 18:59:03 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (G:) (SATA)
I 18:59:03 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 19:22:38 Close Request Acknowledged
I 19:22:38 Closing Down...
I 19:22:38 Shutting down SPTI...
I 19:22:38 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Saturday, 08 June 2019, 02:07:58
; \\****************************************//
I 01:48:08 ImgBurn Version started!
I 01:48:08 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 01:48:08 Total Physical Memory: 33,485,504 KiB - Available: 28,595,156 KiB
I 01:48:08 Initialising SPTI...
I 01:48:08 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 01:48:08 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 01:48:08 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (G:) (SATA)
I 01:48:08 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 01:48:27 Operation Started!
I 01:48:27 Building Image Tree...
I 01:48:27 Checking Directory Depth...
I 01:48:27 Calculating Totals...
I 01:48:27 Preparing Image...
I 01:48:27 Checking Path Length...
I 01:48:27 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 01:48:27 Content Type: DVD Video
I 01:48:27 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 01:48:27 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 01:48:28 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 01:48:28 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 01:48:28 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 01:48:28 TV System: NTSC
I 01:48:28 Size: 4,647,553,024 bytes
I 01:48:28 Sectors: 2,269,313
I 01:48:28 Image Size: 4,648,140,800 bytes
I 01:48:28 Image Sectors: 2,269,600
I 01:48:28 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 01:48:39 Operation Started!
I 01:48:39 Building Image Tree...
I 01:48:42 Checking Directory Depth...
I 01:48:42 Calculating Totals...
I 01:48:42 Preparing Image...
I 01:48:42 Checking Path Length...
I 01:48:42 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 01:48:42 Content Type: DVD Video
I 01:48:42 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 01:48:42 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 01:48:42 Volume Label: Rise of the Planet of the Apes 2011
I 01:48:42 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 01:48:42 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 01:48:42 TV System: NTSC
I 01:48:42 Size: 4,647,553,024 bytes
I 01:48:42 Sectors: 2,269,313
I 01:48:42 Image Size: 4,648,140,800 bytes
I 01:48:42 Image Sectors: 2,269,600
I 01:48:44 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:05
I 01:48:44 Operation Started!
I 01:48:44 Source File: -==/\/[BUILD IMAGE]\/\==-
I 01:48:44 Source File Sectors: 2,269,600 (MODE1/2048)
I 01:48:44 Source File Size: 4,648,140,800 bytes
I 01:48:44 Source File Volume Identifier: Rise of the Planet of the Apes 2011
I 01:48:44 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4EC80E130022A199
I 01:48:44 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 01:48:44 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 01:48:44 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 01:48:44 Destination Device: [0:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (G:) (SATA)
I 01:48:44 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 01:48:44 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x
I 01:48:44 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 01:48:44 Write Mode: DVD
I 01:48:44 Write Type: DAO
I 01:48:44 Write Speed: 16x
I 01:48:44 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 01:48:44 Link Size: Auto
I 01:48:44 Lock Volume: Yes
I 01:48:44 Test Mode: No
I 01:48:44 OPC: No
I 01:48:44 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 01:48:44 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 22,160 KB/s (16x)
I 01:48:44 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 01:48:45 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 01:48:45 Writing LeadIn...
I 01:49:12 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2269599)
I 01:49:12 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2269599)
I 01:54:15 Synchronising Cache...
I 01:54:17 Closing Track...
I 01:54:19 Finalising Disc...
I 01:54:35 Exporting Graph Data...
I 01:54:35 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_SATURDAY-JUNE-8-2019_1-48_AM_MCC-004-00_16x.ibg
I 01:54:35 Export Successfully Completed!
I 01:54:35 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:05:43
I 01:54:35 Average Write Rate: 15,030 KiB/s (11.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 21,914 KiB/s (16.2x)
I 01:54:58 Operation Started!
I 01:54:58 Building Image Tree...
I 01:54:58 Checking Directory Depth...
I 01:54:58 Calculating Totals...
I 01:54:58 Preparing Image...
I 01:54:59 Checking Path Length...
I 01:54:59 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 01:54:59 Content Type: DVD Video
I 01:54:59 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 01:54:59 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 01:54:59 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 01:54:59 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 01:54:59 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 01:54:59 TV System: NTSC
I 01:54:59 Size: 4,649,302,016 bytes
I 01:54:59 Sectors: 2,270,167
I 01:54:59 Image Size: 4,649,910,272 bytes
I 01:54:59 Image Sectors: 2,270,464
I 01:54:59 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 01:55:21 Operation Started!
I 01:55:21 Building Image Tree...
I 01:55:25 Checking Directory Depth...
I 01:55:25 Calculating Totals...
I 01:55:25 Preparing Image...
I 01:55:25 Checking Path Length...
I 01:55:25 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 01:55:25 Content Type: DVD Video
I 01:55:25 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 01:55:25 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 01:55:25 Volume Label: War For The Planet Of The Apes 2017
I 01:55:25 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 01:55:25 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 01:55:25 TV System: NTSC
I 01:55:25 Size: 4,649,302,016 bytes
I 01:55:25 Sectors: 2,270,167
I 01:55:25 Image Size: 4,649,877,504 bytes
I 01:55:25 Image Sectors: 2,270,448
I 01:55:27 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:06
I 01:55:27 Operation Started!
I 01:55:27 Source File: -==/\/[BUILD IMAGE]\/\==-
I 01:55:27 Source File Sectors: 2,270,448 (MODE1/2048)
I 01:55:27 Source File Size: 4,649,877,504 bytes
I 01:55:27 Source File Volume Identifier: War For The Planet Of The Apes 2017
I 01:55:27 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4EC80EEA0022A4EF
I 01:55:27 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 01:55:27 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 01:55:27 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 01:55:27 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 01:55:27 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 01:55:27 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x
I 01:55:27 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 01:55:27 Write Mode: DVD
I 01:55:27 Write Type: DAO
I 01:55:27 Write Speed: MAX
I 01:55:27 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 01:55:27 Link Size: Auto
I 01:55:27 Lock Volume: Yes
I 01:55:27 Test Mode: No
I 01:55:27 OPC: No
I 01:55:27 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 01:55:27 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 11,080 KB/s (8x)
I 01:55:28 Book Type Setting: DVD+R
I 01:55:28 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 01:55:28 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 57 - CD/DVD Record Count: 21
I 01:55:28 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 01:55:28 Writing LeadIn...
I 01:55:55 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2270447)
I 01:55:55 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2270447)
I 02:05:49 Synchronising Cache...
I 02:05:50 Closing Track...
I 02:05:53 Finalising Disc...
I 02:06:15 Exporting Graph Data...
I 02:06:15 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_SATURDAY-JUNE-8-2019_1-55_AM_MCC-004-00_MAX.ibg
I 02:06:15 Export Successfully Completed!
I 02:06:15 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:10:43
I 02:06:15 Average Write Rate: 7,657 KiB/s (5.7x) - Maximum Write Rate: 10,893 KiB/s (8.1x)
I 02:07:58 Close Request Acknowledged
I 02:07:58 Closing Down...
I 02:07:58 Shutting down SPTI...
I 02:07:58 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Friday, 07 June 2019, 22:52:24
; \\****************************************//
I 22:45:16 ImgBurn Version started!
I 22:45:16 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 22:45:16 Total Physical Memory: 33,485,504 KiB - Available: 29,019,792 KiB
I 22:45:16 Initialising SPTI...
I 22:45:16 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 22:45:17 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 22:45:17 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (G:) (SATA)
I 22:45:17 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 22:46:21 Operation Started!
I 22:46:21 Source File: F:\ImgBurn Output Path\Triple.Frontier.2019..iso
I 22:46:21 Source File Sectors: 2,253,536 (MODE1/2048)
I 22:46:21 Source File Size: 4,615,241,728 bytes
I 22:46:21 Source File Volume Identifier: Triple.Frontier.2019.
I 22:46:21 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E9030D3002262C2
I 22:46:21 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 22:46:21 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 22:46:21 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 22:46:21 Destination Device: [0:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (G:) (SATA)
I 22:46:22 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 22:46:22 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x
I 22:46:22 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 22:46:22 Write Mode: DVD
I 22:46:22 Write Type: DAO
I 22:46:22 Write Speed: 16x
I 22:46:22 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 22:46:22 Link Size: Auto
I 22:46:22 Lock Volume: Yes
I 22:46:22 Test Mode: No
I 22:46:22 OPC: No
I 22:46:22 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 22:46:22 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 22,160 KB/s (16x)
I 22:46:22 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 22:46:22 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 22:46:23 Writing LeadIn...
I 22:46:52 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2253535)
I 22:46:52 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2253535)
I 22:51:51 Synchronising Cache...
I 22:51:53 Closing Track...
I 22:51:55 Finalising Disc...
I 22:52:10 Exporting Graph Data...
I 22:52:10 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_FRIDAY-JUNE-7-2019_10-46_PM_MCC-004-00_16x.ibg
I 22:52:10 Export Successfully Completed!
I 22:52:10 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:05:42
I 22:52:10 Average Write Rate: 15,124 KiB/s (11.2x) - Maximum Write Rate: 21,837 KiB/s (16.1x)
I 22:52:24 Close Request Acknowledged
I 22:52:24 Closing Down...
I 22:52:24 Shutting down SPTI...
I 22:52:24 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Friday, 07 June 2019, 22:45:11
; \\****************************************//
I 22:20:19 ImgBurn Version started!
I 22:20:19 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 22:20:19 Total Physical Memory: 33,485,504 KiB - Available: 29,004,732 KiB
I 22:20:19 Initialising SPTI...
I 22:20:19 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 22:20:19 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
E 22:20:19 Device->Initialise() Failed!
E 22:20:19 Device: [0:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (G:) (SATA)
E 22:20:19 This drive is currently locked for exclusive access by 'CopyTocd.exe_008288'.
E 22:20:19 Device->Initialise() Failed!
E 22:20:19 Device: [0:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (G:) (SATA)
E 22:20:19 This drive will not be visible in the program.
I 22:20:19 Found 1 DVD±RW/RAM!
I 22:20:42 Operation Started!
I 22:20:42 Building Image Tree...
I 22:20:42 Checking Directory Depth...
I 22:20:42 Calculating Totals...
I 22:20:42 Preparing Image...
I 22:20:42 Checking Path Length...
I 22:20:42 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 22:20:42 Content Type: DVD Video
I 22:20:43 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 22:20:43 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 22:20:43 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 22:20:43 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 22:20:43 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 22:20:43 TV System: NTSC
I 22:20:43 Size: 4,637,016,064 bytes
I 22:20:43 Sectors: 2,264,168
I 22:20:43 Image Size: 4,637,622,272 bytes
I 22:20:43 Image Sectors: 2,264,464
I 22:20:43 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 22:21:30 Operation Started!
I 22:21:30 Building Image Tree...
I 22:21:48 Checking Directory Depth...
I 22:21:48 Calculating Totals...
I 22:21:48 Preparing Image...
I 22:21:48 Checking Path Length...
I 22:21:48 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 22:21:48 Content Type: DVD Video
I 22:21:48 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 22:21:48 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 22:21:48 Volume Label: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 2014
I 22:21:48 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 22:21:48 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 22:21:48 TV System: NTSC
I 22:21:48 Size: 4,637,016,064 bytes
I 22:21:48 Sectors: 2,264,168
I 22:21:48 Image Size: 4,637,622,272 bytes
I 22:21:48 Image Sectors: 2,264,464
I 22:21:52 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:22
I 22:21:52 Operation Started!
I 22:21:52 Source File: -==/\/[BUILD IMAGE]\/\==-
I 22:21:52 Source File Sectors: 2,264,464 (MODE1/2048)
I 22:21:52 Source File Size: 4,637,622,272 bytes
I 22:21:52 Source File Volume Identifier: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 2014
I 22:21:52 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4EC7B2AF00228D80
I 22:21:52 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 22:21:52 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 22:21:52 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 22:21:52 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 22:21:52 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 22:21:52 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x
I 22:21:52 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 22:21:52 Write Mode: DVD
I 22:21:52 Write Type: DAO
I 22:21:52 Write Speed: MAX
I 22:21:52 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 22:21:52 Link Size: Auto
I 22:21:52 Lock Volume: Yes
I 22:21:52 Test Mode: No
I 22:21:52 OPC: No
I 22:21:52 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 22:21:52 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 11,080 KB/s (8x)
I 22:21:52 Book Type Setting: DVD+R
I 22:21:52 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 22:21:52 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 56 - CD/DVD Record Count: 21
I 22:21:53 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 22:21:53 Writing LeadIn...
I 22:22:20 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2264463)
I 22:22:20 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2264463)
I 22:32:13 Synchronising Cache...
I 22:32:14 Closing Track...
I 22:32:17 Finalising Disc...
I 22:32:39 Exporting Graph Data...
I 22:32:39 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_FRIDAY-JUNE-7-2019_10-21_PM_MCC-004-00_MAX.ibg
I 22:32:39 Export Successfully Completed!
I 22:32:39 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:10:42
I 22:32:39 Average Write Rate: 7,650 KiB/s (5.7x) - Maximum Write Rate: 10,893 KiB/s (8.1x)
I 22:45:11 Close Request Acknowledged
I 22:45:11 Closing Down...
I 22:45:11 Shutting down SPTI...
I 22:45:11 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Monday, 20 May 2019, 20:56:18
; \\****************************************//
I 20:37:59 ImgBurn Version started!
I 20:37:59 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 20:37:59 Total Physical Memory: 33,485,504 KiB - Available: 30,289,196 KiB
I 20:37:59 Initialising SPTI...
I 20:37:59 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 20:37:59 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 20:37:59 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (G:) (SATA)
I 20:37:59 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 20:38:59 Operation Started!
I 20:38:59 Source File: F:\ImgBurn Output Path\Leatherface.2017.iso
I 20:38:59 Source File Sectors: 2,206,432 (MODE1/2048)
I 20:38:59 Source File Size: 4,518,772,736 bytes
I 20:38:59 Source File Volume Identifier: LEATHERFACE_2017
I 20:38:59 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4EB4A4840021AAC4
I 20:38:59 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 20:38:59 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 20:38:59 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 20:38:59 Destination Device: [0:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (G:) (SATA)
I 20:38:59 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 20:38:59 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x
I 20:38:59 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 20:38:59 Write Mode: DVD
I 20:38:59 Write Type: DAO
I 20:38:59 Write Speed: 16x
I 20:38:59 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 20:38:59 Link Size: Auto
I 20:38:59 Lock Volume: Yes
I 20:38:59 Test Mode: No
I 20:38:59 OPC: No
I 20:38:59 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 20:38:59 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 22,160 KB/s (16x)
I 20:38:59 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 20:38:59 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 20:39:00 Writing LeadIn...
I 20:39:25 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2206431)
I 20:39:25 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2206431)
I 20:44:20 Synchronising Cache...
I 20:44:22 Closing Track...
I 20:44:24 Finalising Disc...
I 20:44:40 Exporting Graph Data...
I 20:44:40 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_MONDAY-MAY-20-2019_8-38_PM_MCC-004-00_16x.ibg
I 20:44:40 Export Successfully Completed!
I 20:44:40 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:05:34
I 20:44:40 Average Write Rate: 14,958 KiB/s (11.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 21,649 KiB/s (16.0x)
I 20:56:18 Close Request Acknowledged
I 20:56:18 Closing Down...
I 20:56:18 Shutting down SPTI...
I 20:56:18 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Monday, 20 May 2019, 20:37:17
; \\****************************************//
I 20:12:37 ImgBurn Version started!
I 20:12:37 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 20:12:37 Total Physical Memory: 33,485,504 KiB - Available: 30,311,000 KiB
I 20:12:37 Initialising SPTI...
I 20:12:37 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 20:12:37 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 20:12:37 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (G:) (SATA)
I 20:12:37 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 20:17:30 Operation Started!
I 20:17:30 Building Image Tree...
I 20:17:30 Checking Directory Depth...
I 20:17:30 Calculating Totals...
I 20:17:30 Preparing Image...
I 20:17:30 Checking Path Length...
I 20:17:30 Contents: 11 Files, 2 Folders
I 20:17:30 Content Type: DVD Video
I 20:17:30 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 20:17:30 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 20:17:30 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 20:17:30 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 20:17:30 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 20:17:30 TV System: NTSC
I 20:17:30 Size: 4,518,139,904 bytes
I 20:17:30 Sectors: 2,206,123
I 20:17:30 Image Size: 4,518,772,736 bytes
I 20:17:30 Image Sectors: 2,206,432
I 20:17:30 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 20:36:09 Operation Started!
I 20:36:09 Building Image Tree...
I 20:36:09 Checking Directory Depth...
I 20:36:09 Calculating Totals...
I 20:36:09 Preparing Image...
I 20:36:09 Checking Path Length...
I 20:36:09 Contents: 11 Files, 2 Folders
I 20:36:09 Content Type: DVD Video
I 20:36:09 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 20:36:09 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 20:36:09 Volume Label: LEATHERFACE_2017
I 20:36:09 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 20:36:09 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 20:36:09 TV System: NTSC
I 20:36:10 Size: 4,518,139,904 bytes
I 20:36:10 Sectors: 2,206,123
I 20:36:10 Image Size: 4,518,772,736 bytes
I 20:36:10 Image Sectors: 2,206,432
I 20:36:42 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:32
I 20:36:42 Operation Started!
I 20:36:42 Image Contents: 11 Files, 2 Folders
I 20:36:42 Image Sectors: 2,206,432 (MODE1/2048)
I 20:36:42 Image Size: 4,518,772,736 bytes
I 20:36:42 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 20:36:42 Image Volume Identifier: LEATHERFACE_2017
I 20:36:42 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4EB4A4840021AAC4
I 20:36:42 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 20:36:42 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 20:36:42 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 20:36:42 Destination File: F:\ImgBurn Output Path\Leatherface.2017.iso
I 20:36:42 Destination Free Space: 235,660,247,040 Bytes (230,136,960.00 KiB) (224,743.13 MiB) (219.48 GiB)
I 20:36:42 Destination File System: NTFS
I 20:36:42 File Splitting: Auto
I 20:36:42 Writing Image...
I 20:36:50 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:08
I 20:36:50 Average Write Rate: 551,608 KiB/s (407.8x) - Maximum Write Rate: 762,443 KiB/s (563.7x)
I 20:37:17 Close Request Acknowledged
I 20:37:17 Closing Down...
I 20:37:17 Shutting down SPTI...
I 20:37:17 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Sunday, 12 May 2019, 02:25:31
; \\****************************************//
I 01:52:23 ImgBurn Version started!
I 01:52:23 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 01:52:23 Total Physical Memory: 33,485,504 KiB - Available: 29,732,276 KiB
I 01:52:23 Initialising SPTI...
I 01:52:23 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 01:52:23 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
E 01:52:23 Device->Initialise() Failed!
E 01:52:23 Device: [0:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (G:) (SATA)
E 01:52:23 This drive is currently locked for exclusive access by 'CopyToCD.exe_003104'.
E 01:52:23 Device->Initialise() Failed!
E 01:52:23 Device: [0:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (G:) (SATA)
E 01:52:23 This drive will not be visible in the program.
I 01:52:23 Found 1 DVD±RW/RAM!
I 01:53:22 Operation Started!
I 01:53:22 Building Image Tree...
I 01:53:22 Checking Directory Depth...
I 01:53:22 Calculating Totals...
I 01:53:22 Preparing Image...
I 01:54:52 Using Layer Break LBA: 1644170 -> 1644176 (VTS_01, PGC: 1, Chapter: 17, Cell: 17, Vob/Cell ID: 7/1, Time: 01:06:43, SPLIP: No)
I 01:54:52 Checking Path Length...
I 01:54:52 Contents: 18 Files, 2 Folders
I 01:54:52 Content Type: DVD Video
I 01:54:52 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 01:54:52 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 01:54:52 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 01:54:52 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 01:54:52 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 01:54:52 TV System: NTSC
I 01:54:52 Size: 6,547,621,888 bytes
I 01:54:52 Sectors: 3,197,081
I 01:54:52 Image Size: 6,548,291,584 bytes
I 01:54:52 Image Sectors: 3,197,408
I 01:54:52 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:01:30
I 01:55:40 Operation Started!
I 01:55:40 Building Image Tree...
I 01:55:45 Checking Directory Depth...
I 01:55:45 Calculating Totals...
I 01:55:45 Preparing Image...
I 01:56:15 Using Layer Break LBA: 1644170 -> 1644176 (VTS_01, PGC: 1, Chapter: 17, Cell: 17, Vob/Cell ID: 7/1, Time: 01:06:43, SPLIP: No)
I 01:56:15 Checking Path Length...
I 01:56:15 Contents: 18 Files, 2 Folders
I 01:56:15 Content Type: DVD Video
I 01:56:15 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 01:56:15 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 01:56:15 Volume Label: UNFORGIVEN
I 01:56:15 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 01:56:15 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 01:56:15 TV System: NTSC
I 01:56:15 Size: 6,547,621,888 bytes
I 01:56:15 Sectors: 3,197,081
I 01:56:15 Image Size: 6,548,291,584 bytes
I 01:56:15 Image Sectors: 3,197,408
I 01:56:20 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:40
I 01:56:20 Operation Started!
I 01:56:20 Source File: -==/\/[BUILD IMAGE]\/\==-
I 01:56:20 Source File Sectors: 3,197,408 (MODE1/2048)
I 01:56:20 Source File Size: 6,548,291,584 bytes
I 01:56:21 Source File Volume Identifier: UNFORGIVEN
I 01:56:21 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4EAC0EF40030C9D5
I 01:56:21 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 01:56:21 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 01:56:21 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 01:56:21 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 01:56:21 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-003-00)
I 01:56:21 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x
I 01:56:21 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824
I 01:56:21 Destination Media L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,086,912 (Changeable: Yes)
I 01:56:21 Write Mode: DVD
I 01:56:21 Write Type: DAO
I 01:56:21 Write Speed: 4x
I 01:56:21 DVD+R DL Reserve Track: No
I 01:56:21 Link Size: Auto
I 01:56:21 Lock Volume: Yes
I 01:56:21 Test Mode: No
I 01:56:21 OPC: No
I 01:56:21 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 01:56:21 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 5,540 KB/s (4x)
I 01:56:21 Book Type Setting: DVD+R DL
I 01:56:21 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 01:56:21 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 55 - CD/DVD Record Count: 21
I 01:56:21 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 1,644,176
I 01:56:21 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: IFO Cell Boundary, 'SPLIP' Flag Not Set
I 01:56:21 Set L0 Data Zone Capacity Succeeded!
I 01:56:21 L0 Data Zone Capacity - Effective: 1,644,176
I 01:56:21 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 01:56:21 Writing LeadIn...
I 01:57:15 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 3197407)
I 01:57:15 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 3197407)
I 01:57:15 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1644175)
I 02:07:48 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 1644176 - 3197407)
I 02:17:39 Synchronising Cache...
I 02:17:40 Closing Track...
I 02:17:42 Finalising Disc...
I 02:19:07 Exporting Graph Data...
I 02:19:07 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_SUNDAY-MAY-12-2019_1-56_AM_MKM-003-00_4x.ibg
I 02:19:07 Export Successfully Completed!
I 02:19:07 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:22:43
I 02:19:07 Average Write Rate: 5,228 KiB/s (3.9x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5,440 KiB/s (4.0x)
I 02:25:31 Close Request Acknowledged
I 02:25:31 Closing Down...
I 02:25:31 Shutting down SPTI...
I 02:25:31 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Tuesday, 07 May 2019, 22:32:36
; \\****************************************//
I 22:27:51 ImgBurn Version started!
I 22:27:51 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 22:27:51 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 4,793,168 KiB
I 22:27:51 Initialising SPTI...
I 22:27:51 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 22:27:52 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 22:27:52 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 22:27:52 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 22:32:35 Close Request Acknowledged
I 22:32:35 Closing Down...
I 22:32:36 Shutting down SPTI...
I 22:32:36 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Tuesday, 07 May 2019, 22:26:45
; \\****************************************//
I 22:16:45 ImgBurn Version started!
I 22:16:45 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 22:16:45 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 4,812,572 KiB
I 22:16:45 Initialising SPTI...
I 22:16:45 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 22:16:46 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 22:16:46 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 22:16:46 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 22:18:44 Operation Started!
I 22:18:44 Source File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Documents\Windows.iso
I 22:18:44 Source File Sectors: 2,082,560 (MODE1/2048)
I 22:18:44 Source File Size: 4,265,082,880 bytes
I 22:18:44 Source File Volume Identifier: ESD-ISO
I 22:18:44 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 02082748ESD-ISO
I 22:18:44 Source File Implementation Identifier: Microsoft IMAPI2 1.0
I 22:18:44 Source File File System(s): ISO9660 (Bootable), UDF (1.02)
I 22:18:44 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (D:) (ATA)
I 22:18:44 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 22:18:44 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x
I 22:18:44 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 22:18:44 Write Mode: DVD
I 22:18:44 Write Type: DAO
I 22:18:44 Write Speed: 16x
I 22:18:44 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 22:18:44 Link Size: Auto
I 22:18:44 Lock Volume: Yes
I 22:18:44 Test Mode: No
I 22:18:44 OPC: No
I 22:18:44 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 22:18:44 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 22,160 KB/s (16x)
I 22:18:44 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 22:18:47 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 22:18:47 Writing LeadIn...
I 22:19:10 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2082559)
I 22:19:10 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2082559)
I 22:23:54 Synchronising Cache...
I 22:23:56 Closing Track...
I 22:23:58 Finalising Disc...
I 22:24:14 Exporting Graph Data...
I 22:24:14 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_TUESDAY-MAY-7-2019_10-18_PM_MCC-004-00_16x.ibg
I 22:24:14 Export Successfully Completed!
I 22:24:14 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:05:23
I 22:24:14 Average Write Rate: 14,665 KiB/s (10.8x) - Maximum Write Rate: 21,162 KiB/s (15.6x)
I 22:26:44 Close Request Acknowledged
I 22:26:44 Closing Down...
I 22:26:45 Shutting down SPTI...
I 22:26:45 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Friday, 26 April 2019, 22:48:48
; \\****************************************//
I 15:38:41 ImgBurn Version started!
I 15:38:41 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 15:38:41 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,162,552 KiB
I 15:38:41 Initialising SPTI...
I 15:38:41 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 15:38:41 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 15:38:41 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 15:38:41 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 15:46:08 Operation Started!
I 15:46:08 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Immortals (2011) 1080p BrRip x264 - 1.6GB - YIFY.iso
I 15:46:08 Source File Sectors: 1,578,336 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:46:08 Source File Size: 3,232,432,128 bytes
I 15:46:08 Source File Volume Identifier: Immortals (2011) 1080p BrRip x264 - 1.6GB - YIFY
I 15:46:08 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E974E2D________Immortals (2011) 1080p BrRip x264 - 1.6GB - YIFY
I 15:46:08 Source File Implementation Identifier: VsoSoftware
I 15:46:08 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:46:08 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 15:46:08 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 15:46:08 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x
I 15:46:08 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 15:46:08 Write Mode: DVD
I 15:46:08 Write Type: DAO
I 15:46:08 Write Speed: MAX
I 15:46:08 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 15:46:08 Link Size: Auto
I 15:46:08 Lock Volume: Yes
I 15:46:08 Test Mode: No
I 15:46:08 OPC: No
I 15:46:08 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 15:46:08 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 11,080 KB/s (8x)
I 15:46:08 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 15:46:08 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 15:46:08 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 53 - CD/DVD Record Count: 19
I 15:46:10 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 15:46:11 Writing LeadIn...
I 15:46:38 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 1578335)
I 15:46:38 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 1578335)
I 15:54:11 Synchronising Cache...
I 15:54:12 Closing Track...
I 15:54:14 Finalising Disc...
I 15:54:34 Exporting Graph Data...
I 15:54:34 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_FRIDAY-APRIL-26-2019_3-46_PM_MCC-004-00_MAX.ibg
I 15:54:34 Export Successfully Completed!
I 15:54:35 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:08:22
I 15:54:35 Average Write Rate: 6,968 KiB/s (5.2x) - Maximum Write Rate: 9,692 KiB/s (7.2x)
I 15:54:47 Operation Started!
I 15:54:47 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\King.Arthur.Legend.Of.The.Sword.2017..iso
I 15:54:47 Source File Sectors: 2,264,768 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:54:47 Source File Size: 4,638,244,864 bytes
I 15:54:47 Source File Volume Identifier: King.Arthur.Legend.Of.The.Sword.2017.
I 15:54:47 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E93223000228EBB
I 15:54:47 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 15:54:47 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 15:54:47 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:54:47 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (D:) (ATA)
I 15:54:47 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 15:54:47 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x
I 15:54:47 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 15:54:47 Write Mode: DVD
I 15:54:47 Write Type: DAO
I 15:54:47 Write Speed: 16x
I 15:54:47 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 15:54:47 Link Size: Auto
I 15:54:47 Lock Volume: Yes
I 15:54:47 Test Mode: No
I 15:54:47 OPC: No
I 15:54:47 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 15:54:48 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 22,160 KB/s (16x)
I 15:54:48 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 15:54:48 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 15:54:49 Writing LeadIn...
I 15:55:12 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2264767)
I 15:55:12 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2264767)
I 16:00:14 Synchronising Cache...
I 16:00:16 Closing Track...
I 16:00:18 Finalising Disc...
I 16:00:34 Exporting Graph Data...
I 16:00:34 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_FRIDAY-APRIL-26-2019_3-54_PM_MCC-004-00_16x.ibg
I 16:00:34 Export Successfully Completed!
I 16:00:34 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:05:39
I 16:00:34 Average Write Rate: 15,048 KiB/s (11.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 21,888 KiB/s (16.2x)
I 16:00:46 Operation Started!
I 16:00:46 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\TDB 2008.iso
I 16:00:46 Source File Sectors: 2,271,776 (MODE1/2048)
I 16:00:46 Source File Size: 4,652,597,248 bytes
I 16:00:46 Source File Volume Identifier: TDB 2008
I 16:00:46 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E8DBB9C0022AA03
I 16:00:46 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 16:00:46 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 16:00:46 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 16:00:46 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 16:00:46 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 16:00:46 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x
I 16:00:46 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 16:00:46 Write Mode: DVD
I 16:00:46 Write Type: DAO
I 16:00:46 Write Speed: MAX
I 16:00:46 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 16:00:46 Link Size: Auto
I 16:00:46 Lock Volume: Yes
I 16:00:46 Test Mode: No
I 16:00:46 OPC: No
I 16:00:46 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 16:00:46 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 11,080 KB/s (8x)
I 16:00:46 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 16:00:46 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 16:00:46 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 54 - CD/DVD Record Count: 20
I 16:00:46 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 16:00:48 Writing LeadIn...
I 16:01:16 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2271775)
I 16:01:16 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2271775)
W 16:06:03 Waiting for buffers to recover... (LBA: 954048)
W 16:06:13 Waiting for hard disk activity to reach threshold level...
I 16:11:23 Writing Sectors...
I 16:16:07 Synchronising Cache...
I 16:16:08 Closing Track...
I 16:16:12 Finalising Disc...
I 16:16:35 Exporting Graph Data...
I 16:16:35 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_FRIDAY-APRIL-26-2019_4-00_PM_MCC-004-00_MAX.ibg
I 16:16:35 Export Successfully Completed!
I 16:16:35 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:15:45
I 16:16:35 Average Write Rate: 5,105 KiB/s (3.8x) - Maximum Write Rate: 10,893 KiB/s (8.1x)
I 16:16:47 Operation Started!
I 16:16:47 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\The.Sisters.Brothers.2018..iso
I 16:16:48 Source File Sectors: 1,412,032 (MODE1/2048)
I 16:16:48 Source File Size: 2,891,841,536 bytes
I 16:16:48 Source File Volume Identifier: The.Sisters.Brothers.2018.
I 16:16:48 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E984019________The.Sisters.Brothers.2018.
I 16:16:48 Source File Implementation Identifier: VsoSoftware
I 16:16:48 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 16:16:48 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (D:) (ATA)
I 16:16:48 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 16:16:48 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x
I 16:16:48 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 16:16:48 Write Mode: DVD
I 16:16:48 Write Type: DAO
I 16:16:48 Write Speed: 16x
I 16:16:48 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 16:16:48 Link Size: Auto
I 16:16:48 Lock Volume: Yes
I 16:16:48 Test Mode: No
I 16:16:48 OPC: No
I 16:16:48 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 16:16:48 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 22,160 KB/s (16x)
I 16:16:48 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 16:16:48 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 16:16:49 Writing LeadIn...
I 16:17:12 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 1412031)
I 16:17:12 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 1412031)
I 16:20:45 Synchronising Cache...
I 16:20:47 Closing Track...
I 16:20:48 Finalising Disc...
I 16:21:04 Exporting Graph Data...
I 16:21:04 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_FRIDAY-APRIL-26-2019_4-16_PM_MCC-004-00_16x.ibg
I 16:21:04 Export Successfully Completed!
I 16:21:04 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:04:10
I 16:21:04 Average Write Rate: 13,258 KiB/s (9.8x) - Maximum Write Rate: 18,102 KiB/s (13.4x)
I 22:48:47 Close Request Acknowledged
I 22:48:47 Closing Down...
I 22:48:48 Shutting down SPTI...
I 22:48:48 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Wednesday, 24 April 2019, 14:14:41
; \\****************************************//
I 13:52:52 ImgBurn Version started!
I 13:52:52 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 13:52:52 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,455,948 KiB
I 13:52:53 Initialising SPTI...
I 13:52:53 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 13:52:53 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 13:52:53 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 13:52:53 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 13:54:12 Queue Successfully Loaded!
I 13:54:12 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Queue Files\ImgBurn.ibq
I 14:03:17 Queue Saved!
I 14:03:17 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Queue Files\ImgBurn_Output.ibq
I 14:04:34 Queue Successfully Loaded!
I 14:04:34 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Queue Files\ImgBurn 2.ibq
I 14:08:06 Queue Saved!
I 14:08:06 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Queue Files\Super_Stars_Mega_Mix.ibq
I 14:09:36 Queue Successfully Loaded!
I 14:09:36 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Queue Files\ImgBurn 3.ibq
I 14:12:11 Queue Saved!
I 14:12:11 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Queue Files\Daddy_Yankee_Albums.ibq
I 14:14:41 Close Request Acknowledged
I 14:14:41 Closing Down...
I 14:14:41 Shutting down SPTI...
I 14:14:41 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Friday, 19 April 2019, 04:20:10
; \\****************************************//
I 04:17:32 ImgBurn Version started!
I 04:17:32 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 04:17:32 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,334,572 KiB
I 04:17:32 Initialising SPTI...
I 04:17:32 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 04:17:33 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 04:17:33 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 04:17:33 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 04:17:33 Operation Started!
I 04:17:33 Building Image Tree...
I 04:17:33 Checking Directory Depth...
I 04:17:33 Calculating Totals...
I 04:17:34 Preparing Image...
I 04:17:34 Checking Path Length...
I 04:17:34 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 04:17:34 Content Type: DVD Video
I 04:17:34 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 04:17:34 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 04:17:34 Volume Label: King.Arthur.Legend.Of.The.Sword.2017.
I 04:17:34 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 04:17:34 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 04:17:34 TV System: NTSC
I 04:17:34 Size: 4,637,661,184 bytes
I 04:17:34 Sectors: 2,264,483
I 04:17:34 Image Size: 4,638,244,864 bytes
I 04:17:34 Image Sectors: 2,264,768
I 04:17:34 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 04:17:34 Operation Started!
I 04:17:34 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 04:17:34 Image Sectors: 2,264,768 (MODE1/2048)
I 04:17:34 Image Size: 4,638,244,864 bytes
I 04:17:34 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 04:17:34 Image Volume Identifier: King.Arthur.Legend.Of.The.Sword.2017.
I 04:17:34 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E93223000228EBB
I 04:17:34 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 04:17:34 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 04:17:34 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 04:17:34 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\King.Arthur.Legend.Of.The.Sword.2017..iso
I 04:17:34 Destination Free Space: 137,470,959,616 Bytes (134,248,984.00 KiB) (131,102.52 MiB) (128.03 GiB)
I 04:17:34 Destination File System: NTFS
I 04:17:34 File Splitting: Auto
I 04:17:34 Writing Image...
I 04:20:08 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:34
I 04:20:08 Average Write Rate: 29,412 KiB/s (21.7x) - Maximum Write Rate: 64,000 KiB/s (47.3x)
I 04:20:09 Close Request Acknowledged
I 04:20:09 Closing Down...
I 04:20:09 Shutting down SPTI...
I 04:20:10 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Tuesday, 16 April 2019, 06:09:27
; \\****************************************//
I 06:06:37 ImgBurn Version started!
I 06:06:37 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 06:06:37 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 4,947,756 KiB
I 06:06:37 Initialising SPTI...
I 06:06:37 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 06:06:38 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 06:06:38 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 06:06:38 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 06:06:38 Operation Started!
I 06:06:38 Building Image Tree...
I 06:06:38 Checking Directory Depth...
I 06:06:38 Calculating Totals...
I 06:06:38 Preparing Image...
I 06:06:39 Checking Path Length...
I 06:06:39 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 06:06:39 Content Type: DVD Video
I 06:06:39 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 06:06:39 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 06:06:39 Volume Label: Triple.Frontier.2019.
I 06:06:39 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 06:06:39 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 06:06:39 TV System: NTSC
I 06:06:39 Size: 4,614,606,848 bytes
I 06:06:39 Sectors: 2,253,226
I 06:06:39 Image Size: 4,615,241,728 bytes
I 06:06:39 Image Sectors: 2,253,536
I 06:06:39 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 06:06:39 Operation Started!
I 06:06:39 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 06:06:39 Image Sectors: 2,253,536 (MODE1/2048)
I 06:06:39 Image Size: 4,615,241,728 bytes
I 06:06:39 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 06:06:39 Image Volume Identifier: Triple.Frontier.2019.
I 06:06:39 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E9030D3002262C2
I 06:06:39 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 06:06:39 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 06:06:39 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 06:06:39 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Triple.Frontier.2019..iso
I 06:06:39 Destination Free Space: 135,952,834,560 Bytes (132,766,440.00 KiB) (129,654.73 MiB) (126.62 GiB)
I 06:06:39 Destination File System: NTFS
I 06:06:39 File Splitting: Auto
I 06:06:40 Writing Image...
I 06:09:26 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:47
I 06:09:26 Average Write Rate: 26,988 KiB/s (20.0x) - Maximum Write Rate: 72,307 KiB/s (53.5x)
I 06:09:26 Close Request Acknowledged
I 06:09:26 Closing Down...
I 06:09:27 Shutting down SPTI...
I 06:09:27 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Tuesday, 16 April 2019, 02:53:52
; \\****************************************//
I 17:59:18 ImgBurn Version started!
I 17:59:18 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 17:59:18 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 4,798,868 KiB
I 17:59:18 Initialising SPTI...
I 17:59:18 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 17:59:19 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 17:59:19 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 17:59:19 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 02:53:41 Close Request Acknowledged
I 02:53:52 Closing Down...
I 02:53:52 Shutting down SPTI...
I 02:53:52 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Monday, 15 April 2019, 17:21:16
; \\****************************************//
I 15:28:50 ImgBurn Version started!
I 15:28:50 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 15:28:50 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 4,935,292 KiB
I 15:28:50 Initialising SPTI...
I 15:28:50 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 15:28:51 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 15:28:51 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 15:28:51 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 15:56:08 Operation Started!
I 15:56:08 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Conan The Barbarian 2011.iso
I 15:56:08 Source File Sectors: 1,872,256 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:56:08 Source File Size: 3,834,380,288 bytes
I 15:56:08 Source File Volume Identifier: Conan The Barbarian (2011)
I 15:56:08 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E8DBAB7001C917F
I 15:56:08 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 15:56:08 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 15:56:08 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:56:08 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 15:56:08 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 15:56:08 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x
I 15:56:08 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 15:56:08 Write Mode: DVD
I 15:56:08 Write Type: DAO
I 15:56:08 Write Speed: MAX
I 15:56:08 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 15:56:08 Link Size: Auto
I 15:56:08 Lock Volume: Yes
I 15:56:08 Test Mode: No
I 15:56:08 OPC: No
I 15:56:08 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 15:56:08 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 11,080 KB/s (8x)
I 15:56:08 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 15:56:08 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 15:56:08 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 51 - CD/DVD Record Count: 17
I 15:56:10 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 15:56:11 Writing LeadIn...
I 15:56:39 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 1872255)
I 15:56:39 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 1872255)
I 16:05:12 Synchronising Cache...
I 16:05:13 Closing Track...
I 16:05:15 Finalising Disc...
I 16:05:35 Exporting Graph Data...
I 16:05:35 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_MONDAY-APRIL-15-2019_3-56_PM_MCC-004-00_MAX.ibg
I 16:05:35 Export Successfully Completed!
I 16:05:35 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:09:22
I 16:05:35 Average Write Rate: 7,299 KiB/s (5.4x) - Maximum Write Rate: 10,385 KiB/s (7.7x)
I 16:05:48 Operation Started!
I 16:05:48 Source File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Resident.Evil.Damnation.2012..iso
I 16:05:48 Source File Sectors: 2,263,360 (MODE1/2048)
I 16:05:49 Source File Size: 4,635,361,280 bytes
I 16:05:49 Source File Volume Identifier: Resident.Evil.Damnation.2012.
I 16:05:49 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E8E1B1800228934
I 16:05:49 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 16:05:49 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 16:05:49 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 16:05:49 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (D:) (ATA)
I 16:05:49 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 16:05:49 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x
I 16:05:49 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 16:05:49 Write Mode: DVD
I 16:05:49 Write Type: DAO
I 16:05:49 Write Speed: 16x
I 16:05:49 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 16:05:49 Link Size: Auto
I 16:05:49 Lock Volume: Yes
I 16:05:49 Test Mode: No
I 16:05:49 OPC: No
I 16:05:49 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 16:05:49 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 22,160 KB/s (16x)
I 16:05:49 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 16:05:49 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 16:05:50 Writing LeadIn...
I 16:06:13 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2263359)
I 16:06:13 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2263359)
I 16:11:13 Synchronising Cache...
I 16:11:15 Closing Track...
I 16:11:17 Finalising Disc...
I 16:11:33 Exporting Graph Data...
I 16:11:33 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_MONDAY-APRIL-15-2019_4-05_PM_MCC-004-00_16x.ibg
I 16:11:33 Export Successfully Completed!
I 16:11:33 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:05:37
I 16:11:33 Average Write Rate: 15,089 KiB/s (11.2x) - Maximum Write Rate: 21,888 KiB/s (16.2x)
I 16:11:45 Operation Started!
I 16:11:45 Source File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Resident.Evil.Vendetta.2017..iso
I 16:11:45 Source File Sectors: 2,263,072 (MODE1/2048)
I 16:11:45 Source File Size: 4,634,771,456 bytes
I 16:11:45 Source File Volume Identifier: Resident.Evil.Vendetta.2017.
I 16:11:45 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E8E7EB300228818
I 16:11:45 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 16:11:45 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 16:11:45 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 16:11:45 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 16:11:45 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 16:11:46 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x
I 16:11:46 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 16:11:46 Write Mode: DVD
I 16:11:46 Write Type: DAO
I 16:11:46 Write Speed: MAX
I 16:11:46 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 16:11:46 Link Size: Auto
I 16:11:46 Lock Volume: Yes
I 16:11:46 Test Mode: No
I 16:11:46 OPC: No
I 16:11:46 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 16:11:46 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 11,080 KB/s (8x)
I 16:11:46 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 16:11:46 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 16:11:46 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 52 - CD/DVD Record Count: 18
I 16:11:46 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 16:11:47 Writing LeadIn...
I 16:12:15 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2263071)
I 16:12:16 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2263071)
I 16:22:07 Synchronising Cache...
I 16:22:08 Closing Track...
I 16:22:12 Finalising Disc...
I 16:22:35 Exporting Graph Data...
I 16:22:35 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_MONDAY-APRIL-15-2019_4-11_PM_MCC-004-00_MAX.ibg
I 16:22:35 Export Successfully Completed!
I 16:22:36 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:10:45
I 16:22:36 Average Write Rate: 7,658 KiB/s (5.7x) - Maximum Write Rate: 10,888 KiB/s (8.1x)
I 16:22:48 Operation Started!
I 16:22:48 Source File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Unforgiven.1992..iso
I 16:22:48 Source File Sectors: 2,266,016 (MODE1/2048)
I 16:22:48 Source File Size: 4,640,800,768 bytes
I 16:22:48 Source File Volume Identifier: Unforgiven.1992.
I 16:22:48 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E8EA1A200229381
I 16:22:48 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 16:22:48 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 16:22:48 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 16:22:48 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (D:) (ATA)
I 16:22:48 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 16:22:48 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x
I 16:22:48 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 16:22:48 Write Mode: DVD
I 16:22:48 Write Type: DAO
I 16:22:48 Write Speed: 16x
I 16:22:48 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 16:22:48 Link Size: Auto
I 16:22:48 Lock Volume: Yes
I 16:22:48 Test Mode: No
I 16:22:48 OPC: No
I 16:22:48 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 16:22:48 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 22,160 KB/s (16x)
I 16:22:48 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 16:22:48 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 16:22:49 Writing LeadIn...
I 16:23:12 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2266015)
I 16:23:12 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2266015)
I 16:28:14 Synchronising Cache...
I 16:28:16 Closing Track...
I 16:28:18 Finalising Disc...
I 16:28:34 Exporting Graph Data...
I 16:28:34 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_MONDAY-APRIL-15-2019_4-22_PM_MCC-004-00_16x.ibg
I 16:28:34 Export Successfully Completed!
I 16:28:34 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:05:39
I 16:28:34 Average Write Rate: 15,056 KiB/s (11.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 21,888 KiB/s (16.2x)
I 17:21:15 Close Request Acknowledged
I 17:21:15 Closing Down...
I 17:21:16 Shutting down SPTI...
I 17:21:16 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Sunday, 14 April 2019, 20:47:02
; \\****************************************//
I 16:48:43 ImgBurn Version started!
I 16:48:43 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 16:48:43 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,143,528 KiB
I 16:48:43 Initialising SPTI...
I 16:48:43 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 16:48:43 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 16:48:43 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 16:48:43 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 20:47:02 Close Request Acknowledged
I 20:47:02 Closing Down...
I 20:47:02 Shutting down SPTI...
I 20:47:02 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Sunday, 14 April 2019, 20:15:22
; \\****************************************//
I 20:13:02 ImgBurn Version started!
I 20:13:02 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 20:13:02 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 4,886,928 KiB
I 20:13:02 Initialising SPTI...
I 20:13:02 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 20:13:03 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 20:13:03 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 20:13:03 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 20:13:04 Operation Started!
I 20:13:04 Building Image Tree...
I 20:13:04 Checking Directory Depth...
I 20:13:04 Calculating Totals...
I 20:13:04 Preparing Image...
I 20:13:04 Checking Path Length...
I 20:13:04 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 20:13:04 Content Type: DVD Video
I 20:13:04 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 20:13:04 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 20:13:04 Volume Label: Unforgiven.1992.
I 20:13:05 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 20:13:05 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 20:13:05 TV System: NTSC
I 20:13:05 Size: 4,640,163,840 bytes
I 20:13:05 Sectors: 2,265,705
I 20:13:05 Image Size: 4,640,800,768 bytes
I 20:13:05 Image Sectors: 2,266,016
I 20:13:05 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:01
I 20:13:05 Operation Started!
I 20:13:05 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 20:13:05 Image Sectors: 2,266,016 (MODE1/2048)
I 20:13:05 Image Size: 4,640,800,768 bytes
I 20:13:05 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 20:13:05 Image Volume Identifier: Unforgiven.1992.
I 20:13:05 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E8EA1A200229381
I 20:13:05 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 20:13:05 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 20:13:05 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 20:13:05 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Unforgiven.1992..iso
I 20:13:05 Destination Free Space: 143,212,773,376 Bytes (139,856,224.00 KiB) (136,578.34 MiB) (133.38 GiB)
I 20:13:05 Destination File System: NTFS
I 20:13:05 File Splitting: Auto
I 20:13:06 Writing Image...
I 20:15:21 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:16
I 20:15:21 Average Write Rate: 33,323 KiB/s (24.6x) - Maximum Write Rate: 67,230 KiB/s (49.7x)
I 20:15:21 Close Request Acknowledged
I 20:15:22 Closing Down...
I 20:15:22 Shutting down SPTI...
I 20:15:22 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Sunday, 14 April 2019, 15:55:54
; \\****************************************//
I 15:53:36 ImgBurn Version started!
I 15:53:36 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 15:53:36 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,127,156 KiB
I 15:53:36 Initialising SPTI...
I 15:53:36 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 15:53:37 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 15:53:37 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 15:53:37 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 15:53:38 Operation Started!
I 15:53:38 Building Image Tree...
I 15:53:38 Checking Directory Depth...
I 15:53:38 Calculating Totals...
I 15:53:38 Preparing Image...
I 15:53:38 Checking Path Length...
I 15:53:38 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 15:53:38 Content Type: DVD Video
I 15:53:38 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 15:53:38 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:53:38 Volume Label: Resident.Evil.Vendetta.2017.
I 15:53:38 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 15:53:38 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 15:53:38 TV System: NTSC
I 15:53:38 Size: 4,634,181,632 bytes
I 15:53:38 Sectors: 2,262,784
I 15:53:38 Image Size: 4,634,771,456 bytes
I 15:53:38 Image Sectors: 2,263,072
I 15:53:39 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 15:53:39 Operation Started!
I 15:53:39 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 15:53:39 Image Sectors: 2,263,072 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:53:39 Image Size: 4,634,771,456 bytes
I 15:53:39 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 15:53:39 Image Volume Identifier: Resident.Evil.Vendetta.2017.
I 15:53:39 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E8E7EB300228818
I 15:53:39 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 15:53:39 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 15:53:39 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:53:39 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Resident.Evil.Vendetta.2017..iso
I 15:53:39 Destination Free Space: 147,866,181,632 Bytes (144,400,568.00 KiB) (141,016.18 MiB) (137.71 GiB)
I 15:53:39 Destination File System: NTFS
I 15:53:39 File Splitting: Auto
I 15:53:39 Writing Image...
I 15:55:53 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:14
I 15:55:53 Average Write Rate: 33,777 KiB/s (25.0x) - Maximum Write Rate: 78,462 KiB/s (58.0x)
I 15:55:53 Close Request Acknowledged
I 15:55:53 Closing Down...
I 15:55:54 Shutting down SPTI...
I 15:55:54 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Sunday, 14 April 2019, 03:26:41
; \\****************************************//
I 03:24:47 ImgBurn Version started!
I 03:24:47 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 03:24:47 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,577,464 KiB
I 03:24:47 Initialising SPTI...
I 03:24:47 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 03:24:48 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 03:24:48 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 03:24:48 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 03:24:48 Operation Started!
I 03:24:48 Building Image Tree...
I 03:24:49 Checking Directory Depth...
I 03:24:49 Calculating Totals...
I 03:24:49 Preparing Image...
I 03:24:49 Checking Path Length...
I 03:24:49 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 03:24:49 Content Type: DVD Video
I 03:24:49 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 03:24:49 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 03:24:49 Volume Label: Resident.Evil.Damnation.2012.
I 03:24:49 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 03:24:49 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 03:24:49 TV System: NTSC
I 03:24:49 Size: 4,634,763,264 bytes
I 03:24:49 Sectors: 2,263,068
I 03:24:49 Image Size: 4,635,361,280 bytes
I 03:24:49 Image Sectors: 2,263,360
I 03:24:49 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 03:24:49 Operation Started!
I 03:24:49 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 03:24:49 Image Sectors: 2,263,360 (MODE1/2048)
I 03:24:49 Image Size: 4,635,361,280 bytes
I 03:24:49 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 03:24:49 Image Volume Identifier: Resident.Evil.Damnation.2012.
I 03:24:49 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E8E1B1800228934
I 03:24:49 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 03:24:49 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 03:24:49 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 03:24:49 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Resident.Evil.Damnation.2012..iso
I 03:24:49 Destination Free Space: 152,535,629,824 Bytes (148,960,576.00 KiB) (145,469.31 MiB) (142.06 GiB)
I 03:24:49 Destination File System: NTFS
I 03:24:49 File Splitting: Auto
I 03:24:50 Writing Image...
I 03:26:40 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:01:51
I 03:26:40 Average Write Rate: 40,781 KiB/s (30.2x) - Maximum Write Rate: 80,559 KiB/s (59.6x)
I 03:26:41 Close Request Acknowledged
I 03:26:41 Closing Down...
I 03:26:41 Shutting down SPTI...
I 03:26:41 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Sunday, 14 April 2019, 00:52:58
; \\****************************************//
I 22:26:43 ImgBurn Version started!
I 22:26:43 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 22:26:43 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 4,645,384 KiB
I 22:26:43 Initialising SPTI...
I 22:26:43 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 22:26:44 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 22:26:44 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 22:26:44 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 22:28:30 Queue Successfully Loaded!
I 22:28:30 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Queue Files\ImgBurn.ibq
I 22:29:49 Queue Successfully Loaded!
I 22:29:49 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Queue Files\ImgBurn 2.ibq
I 22:32:43 Operation Started!
I 22:32:43 Source File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Resident.Evil.Degeneration.2008..iso
I 22:32:43 Source File Sectors: 2,259,936 (MODE1/2048)
I 22:32:43 Source File Size: 4,628,348,928 bytes
I 22:32:43 Source File Volume Identifier: Resident.Evil.Degeneration.2008.
I 22:32:43 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E8B673800227BD2
I 22:32:43 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 22:32:43 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 22:32:43 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 22:32:43 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 22:32:43 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 22:32:43 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x
I 22:32:43 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 22:32:44 Write Mode: DVD
I 22:32:44 Write Type: DAO
I 22:32:44 Write Speed: MAX
I 22:32:44 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 22:32:44 Link Size: Auto
I 22:32:44 Lock Volume: Yes
I 22:32:44 Test Mode: No
I 22:32:44 OPC: No
I 22:32:44 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 22:32:44 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 11,080 KB/s (8x)
I 22:32:44 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 22:32:44 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 22:32:44 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 49 - CD/DVD Record Count: 15
I 22:32:45 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 22:32:47 Writing LeadIn...
I 22:33:15 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2259935)
I 22:33:15 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2259935)
I 22:43:04 Synchronising Cache...
I 22:43:06 Closing Track...
I 22:43:09 Finalising Disc...
I 22:43:32 Exporting Graph Data...
I 22:43:32 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_SATURDAY-APRIL-13-2019_10-32_PM_MCC-004-00_MAX.ibg
I 22:43:32 Export Successfully Completed!
I 22:43:32 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:10:44
I 22:43:32 Average Write Rate: 7,673 KiB/s (5.7x) - Maximum Write Rate: 10,890 KiB/s (8.1x)
I 22:43:44 Operation Started!
I 22:43:44 Source File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Resident.Evil.Retribution.2012..iso
I 22:43:44 Source File Sectors: 2,269,984 (MODE1/2048)
I 22:43:44 Source File Size: 4,648,927,232 bytes
I 22:43:44 Source File Volume Identifier: Resident.Evil.Retribution.2012.
I 22:43:44 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E8AA0770022A311
I 22:43:44 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 22:43:44 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 22:43:44 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 22:43:44 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (D:) (ATA)
I 22:43:44 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 22:43:44 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x
I 22:43:44 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 22:43:44 Write Mode: DVD
I 22:43:44 Write Type: DAO
I 22:43:44 Write Speed: 16x
I 22:43:44 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 22:43:44 Link Size: Auto
I 22:43:44 Lock Volume: Yes
I 22:43:44 Test Mode: No
I 22:43:44 OPC: No
I 22:43:44 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 22:43:44 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 22,160 KB/s (16x)
I 22:43:44 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 22:43:45 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 22:43:46 Writing LeadIn...
I 22:44:12 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2269983)
I 22:44:12 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2269983)
I 22:49:15 Synchronising Cache...
I 22:49:17 Closing Track...
I 22:49:19 Finalising Disc...
I 22:49:35 Exporting Graph Data...
I 22:49:35 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_SATURDAY-APRIL-13-2019_10-43_PM_MCC-004-00_16x.ibg
I 22:49:35 Export Successfully Completed!
I 22:49:35 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:05:43
I 22:49:35 Average Write Rate: 15,033 KiB/s (11.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 21,909 KiB/s (16.2x)
I 22:49:46 Operation Started!
I 22:49:47 Source File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Resident.Evil.The.Final.Chapter.2016..iso
I 22:49:47 Source File Sectors: 2,244,928 (MODE1/2048)
I 22:49:47 Source File Size: 4,597,612,544 bytes
I 22:49:47 Source File Volume Identifier: Resident.Evil.The.Final.Chapter.2016.
I 22:49:47 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E8AB94800224128
I 22:49:47 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 22:49:47 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 22:49:47 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 22:49:47 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 22:49:47 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 22:49:47 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x
I 22:49:47 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 22:49:47 Write Mode: DVD
I 22:49:47 Write Type: DAO
I 22:49:47 Write Speed: MAX
I 22:49:47 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 22:49:47 Link Size: Auto
I 22:49:47 Lock Volume: Yes
I 22:49:47 Test Mode: No
I 22:49:47 OPC: No
I 22:49:47 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 22:49:47 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 11,080 KB/s (8x)
I 22:49:47 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 22:49:47 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 22:49:47 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 50 - CD/DVD Record Count: 16
I 22:49:47 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 22:49:48 Writing LeadIn...
I 22:50:16 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2244927)
I 22:50:16 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2244927)
I 23:00:05 Synchronising Cache...
I 23:00:06 Closing Track...
I 23:00:11 Finalising Disc...
I 23:00:34 Exporting Graph Data...
I 23:00:34 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_SATURDAY-APRIL-13-2019_10-49_PM_MCC-004-00_MAX.ibg
I 23:00:34 Export Successfully Completed!
I 23:00:34 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:10:42
I 23:00:34 Average Write Rate: 7,635 KiB/s (5.6x) - Maximum Write Rate: 10,897 KiB/s (8.1x)
I 23:17:09 Operation Started!
I 23:17:09 Building Image Tree...
I 23:17:09 Checking Directory Depth...
I 23:17:09 Calculating Totals...
I 23:17:09 Preparing Image...
I 23:17:10 Checking Path Length...
I 23:17:10 Contents: 13 Files, 2 Folders
I 23:17:10 Content Type: DVD Video
I 23:17:10 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 23:17:10 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 23:17:10 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 23:17:10 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 23:17:10 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
I 23:17:10 TV System: NTSC
I 23:17:10 Size: 3,833,798,656 bytes
I 23:17:10 Sectors: 1,871,972
I 23:17:10 Image Size: 3,834,380,288 bytes
I 23:17:10 Image Sectors: 1,872,256
I 23:17:10 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 23:21:46 Operation Started!
I 23:21:46 Building Image Tree...
I 23:21:52 Checking Directory Depth...
I 23:21:52 Calculating Totals...
I 23:21:52 Preparing Image...
I 23:21:52 Checking Path Length...
I 23:21:52 Contents: 13 Files, 2 Folders
I 23:21:52 Content Type: DVD Video
I 23:21:52 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 23:21:52 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 23:21:52 Volume Label: Conan The Barbarian (2011)
I 23:21:52 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 23:21:52 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
I 23:21:52 TV System: NTSC
I 23:21:53 Size: 3,833,798,656 bytes
I 23:21:53 Sectors: 1,871,972
I 23:21:53 Image Size: 3,834,380,288 bytes
I 23:21:53 Image Sectors: 1,872,256
I 23:21:59 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:12
I 23:21:59 Operation Started!
I 23:21:59 Image Contents: 13 Files, 2 Folders
I 23:21:59 Image Sectors: 1,872,256 (MODE1/2048)
I 23:21:59 Image Size: 3,834,380,288 bytes
I 23:21:59 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 23:21:59 Image Volume Identifier: Conan The Barbarian (2011)
I 23:21:59 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E8DBAB7001C917F
I 23:21:59 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 23:21:59 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 23:21:59 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 23:21:59 Destination File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Conan The Barbarian 2011.iso
I 23:21:59 Destination Free Space: 165,455,290,368 Bytes (161,577,432.00 KiB) (157,790.46 MiB) (154.09 GiB)
I 23:21:59 Destination File System: NTFS
I 23:21:59 File Splitting: Auto
I 23:21:59 Writing Image...
I 23:23:26 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:01:26
I 23:23:26 Average Write Rate: 43,540 KiB/s (32.2x) - Maximum Write Rate: 102,061 KiB/s (75.5x)
I 23:28:05 Operation Started!
I 23:28:05 Building Image Tree...
I 23:28:05 Checking Directory Depth...
I 23:28:05 Calculating Totals...
I 23:28:05 Preparing Image...
I 23:28:05 Checking Path Length...
I 23:28:05 Contents: 21 Files, 2 Folders
I 23:28:05 Content Type: DVD Video
I 23:28:05 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 23:28:05 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 23:28:05 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 23:28:05 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 23:28:05 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 23:28:05 TV System: NTSC
I 23:28:05 Size: 4,651,909,120 bytes
I 23:28:05 Sectors: 2,271,440
I 23:28:05 Image Size: 4,652,597,248 bytes
I 23:28:06 Image Sectors: 2,271,776
I 23:28:06 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 23:28:57 Operation Started!
I 23:28:57 Building Image Tree...
I 23:29:00 Checking Directory Depth...
I 23:29:00 Calculating Totals...
I 23:29:00 Preparing Image...
I 23:29:01 Checking Path Length...
I 23:29:01 Contents: 21 Files, 2 Folders
I 23:29:01 Content Type: DVD Video
I 23:29:01 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 23:29:01 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 23:29:01 Volume Label: TDB 2008
I 23:29:01 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 23:29:01 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 23:29:01 TV System: NTSC
I 23:29:01 Size: 4,651,909,120 bytes
I 23:29:01 Sectors: 2,271,440
I 23:29:01 Image Size: 4,652,597,248 bytes
I 23:29:01 Image Sectors: 2,271,776
I 23:29:04 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:07
I 23:29:04 Operation Started!
I 23:29:04 Image Contents: 21 Files, 2 Folders
I 23:29:04 Image Sectors: 2,271,776 (MODE1/2048)
I 23:29:04 Image Size: 4,652,597,248 bytes
I 23:29:04 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 23:29:04 Image Volume Identifier: TDB 2008
I 23:29:04 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E8DBB9C0022AA03
I 23:29:04 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 23:29:04 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 23:29:04 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 23:29:04 Destination File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\TDB 2008.iso
I 23:29:04 Destination Free Space: 161,510,150,144 Bytes (157,724,756.00 KiB) (154,028.08 MiB) (150.42 GiB)
I 23:29:04 Destination File System: NTFS
I 23:29:04 File Splitting: Auto
I 23:29:04 Writing Image...
I 23:31:09 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:05
I 23:31:09 Average Write Rate: 36,348 KiB/s (26.9x) - Maximum Write Rate: 94,460 KiB/s (69.8x)
I 23:40:59 Queue Successfully Loaded!
I 23:40:59 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Queue Files\ImgBurn 3.ibq
E 23:49:48 ParseAudio Failed!
E 23:49:48 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\2001 - El Cartel II Los Cangris\14. Vamos A Ense?arle (Feat. Roca & L.B.M.).mp3
E 23:49:48 Reason: Unable to open file.
E 23:58:52 ParseAudio Failed!
E 23:58:52 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\2001 - El Cartel II Los Cangris\14. Vamos A Ense?arle (Feat. Roca And L.B.M.).mp3
E 23:58:52 Reason: Unable to open file.
E 00:03:12 ParseAudio Failed!
E 00:03:12 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\2001 - El Cartel II Los Cangris\14. Vamos A Ense?arle (Feat. Roca And L.B.M.).mp3
E 00:03:12 Reason: Unable to open file.
E 00:10:24 ParseAudio Failed!
E 00:10:24 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\2001 - El Cartel II Los Cangris\14. Vamos A Ense?arle (Feat. Roca And L.B.M.).mp3
E 00:10:24 Reason: Unable to open file.
E 00:20:52 ParseAudio Failed!
E 00:20:52 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\2001 - El Cartel II Los Cangris\14. Vamos A Ense?arle (Feat. Roca And L.B.M.).mp3
E 00:20:52 Reason: Unable to open file.
I 00:50:36 Queue Successfully Loaded!
I 00:50:36 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Queue Files\ImgBurn 3.ibq
I 00:52:13 Queue Saved!
I 00:52:13 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Queue Files\ImgBurn 3.ibq
I 00:52:35 Close Request Acknowledged
I 00:52:57 Closing Down...
I 00:52:57 Shutting down SPTI...
I 00:52:58 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Friday, 12 April 2019, 23:45:52
; \\****************************************//
I 22:55:29 ImgBurn Version started!
I 22:55:29 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 22:55:29 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,260,872 KiB
I 22:55:29 Initialising SPTI...
I 22:55:29 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 22:55:30 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 22:55:30 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 22:55:30 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
E 23:00:48 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:00:48 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\01. Intro.mp3
E 23:00:48 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:00:48 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:00:50 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:00:50 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\02. Run Come Follow Me.mp3
E 23:00:50 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:00:50 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:00:55 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:00:55 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\03. Chica Interesada.mp3
E 23:00:55 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:00:55 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:00:56 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:00:56 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\04. They Cry.mp3
E 23:00:56 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:00:56 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:00:57 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:00:57 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\05. Busca Un Yale.mp3
E 23:00:57 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:00:57 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:00:58 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:00:58 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\06. Oh My God!.mp3
E 23:00:58 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:00:58 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:00:59 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:00:59 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\07. Dan De Dan.mp3
E 23:00:59 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:00:59 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:00:59 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:00:59 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\08. La Soledad (Feat. Angel & Mariam).mp3
E 23:00:59 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:00:59 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:01:00 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:01:00 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\09. Conserva Tu Figura (Feat. Yaviah & Gummy Man).mp3
E 23:01:00 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:01:00 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:01:01 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:01:01 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\10. Shoat Outs.mp3
E 23:01:01 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:01:01 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:01:02 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:01:02 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\11. Raza Unida.mp3
E 23:01:02 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:01:02 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:09:30 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:09:30 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\01. Intro.mp3
E 23:09:30 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:09:30 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:09:31 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:09:31 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\02. Run Come Follow Me.mp3
E 23:09:31 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:09:31 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:09:32 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:09:32 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\03. Chica Interesada.mp3
E 23:09:32 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:09:32 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:09:33 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:09:33 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\04. They Cry.mp3
E 23:09:33 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:09:33 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:09:34 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:09:34 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\05. Busca Un Yale.mp3
E 23:09:34 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:09:34 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:09:35 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:09:35 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\06. Oh My God!.mp3
E 23:09:35 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:09:35 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:09:35 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:09:35 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\07. Dan De Dan.mp3
E 23:09:35 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:09:35 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:09:35 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:09:36 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\08. La Soledad (Feat. Angel & Mariam).mp3
E 23:09:36 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:09:36 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:09:37 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:09:37 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\09. Conserva Tu Figura (Feat. Yaviah & Gummy Man).mp3
E 23:09:37 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:09:37 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:09:38 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:09:38 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\10. Shoat Outs.mp3
E 23:09:38 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:09:38 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 23:09:38 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 23:09:38 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\MAC 44'S MUSIC FILES\AUDIO AND MP3_RIPS\Daddy Yankee\1995 - No Mercy\11. Raza Unida.mp3
E 23:09:38 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 23:09:38 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
I 23:44:42 Close Request Acknowledged
I 23:45:52 Queue Saved!
I 23:45:52 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Queue Files\ImgBurn 3.ibq
I 23:45:52 Closing Down...
I 23:45:52 Shutting down SPTI...
I 23:45:52 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Friday, 12 April 2019, 17:56:44
; \\****************************************//
I 17:09:59 ImgBurn Version started!
I 17:09:59 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 17:09:59 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,056,048 KiB
I 17:09:59 Initialising SPTI...
I 17:09:59 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 17:10:00 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 17:10:00 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 17:10:00 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
W 17:27:49 Load Queue Failed!
W 17:27:49 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Queue Files\ImgBurn 2.ibq
I 17:56:44 Close Request Acknowledged
I 17:56:44 Closing Down...
I 17:56:44 Shutting down SPTI...
I 17:56:44 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Friday, 12 April 2019, 04:31:34
; \\****************************************//
I 02:14:06 ImgBurn Version started!
I 02:14:06 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 02:14:06 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 4,775,748 KiB
I 02:14:06 Initialising SPTI...
I 02:14:06 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 02:14:06 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 02:14:06 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 02:14:06 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
E 03:21:21 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 03:21:21 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\04 Everything.mp3
E 03:21:21 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 03:21:21 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 04:12:43 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 04:12:43 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\Super Stars Mega Mix\04 Everything.mp3
E 04:12:43 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 04:12:43 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 04:13:51 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 04:13:51 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\Super Stars Mega Mix\04 Everything.mp3
E 04:13:51 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 04:13:51 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
E 04:15:42 DirectShow Error! - IMediaEvent::WaitForCompletion
E 04:15:42 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\Music\Super Stars Mega Mix\04 Everything.mp3
E 04:15:42 Decoding Progress: 0 bytes
E 04:15:42 Reason: An operation was aborted because of an error. (0x00000003)
I 04:31:07 Queue Saved!
I 04:31:07 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Queue Files\ImgBurn 2.ibq
I 04:31:15 Close Request Acknowledged
I 04:31:28 Close Request Cancelled
I 04:31:30 Close Request Acknowledged
I 04:31:34 Closing Down...
I 04:31:34 Shutting down SPTI...
I 04:31:34 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Thursday, 11 April 2019, 13:00:22
; \\****************************************//
I 12:57:48 ImgBurn Version started!
I 12:57:48 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 12:57:48 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 4,798,716 KiB
I 12:57:48 Initialising SPTI...
I 12:57:48 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 12:57:48 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 12:57:48 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 12:57:48 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 12:57:49 Operation Started!
I 12:57:49 Building Image Tree...
I 12:57:49 Checking Directory Depth...
I 12:57:49 Calculating Totals...
I 12:57:49 Preparing Image...
I 12:57:49 Checking Path Length...
I 12:57:49 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 12:57:49 Content Type: DVD Video
I 12:57:49 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 12:57:49 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 12:57:50 Volume Label: Resident.Evil.Degeneration.2008.
I 12:57:50 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 12:57:50 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 12:57:50 TV System: NTSC
I 12:57:50 Size: 4,627,746,816 bytes
I 12:57:50 Sectors: 2,259,642
I 12:57:50 Image Size: 4,628,348,928 bytes
I 12:57:50 Image Sectors: 2,259,936
I 12:57:50 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 12:57:50 Operation Started!
I 12:57:50 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 12:57:50 Image Sectors: 2,259,936 (MODE1/2048)
I 12:57:50 Image Size: 4,628,348,928 bytes
I 12:57:50 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 12:57:50 Image Volume Identifier: Resident.Evil.Degeneration.2008.
I 12:57:50 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E8B673800227BD2
I 12:57:50 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 12:57:50 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 12:57:50 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 12:57:50 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Resident.Evil.Degeneration.2008..iso
I 12:57:50 Destination Free Space: 190,453,432,320 Bytes (185,989,680.00 KiB) (181,630.55 MiB) (177.37 GiB)
I 12:57:50 Destination File System: NTFS
I 12:57:50 File Splitting: Auto
I 12:57:51 Writing Image...
I 13:00:20 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:30
I 13:00:20 Average Write Rate: 30,132 KiB/s (22.3x) - Maximum Write Rate: 84,735 KiB/s (62.6x)
I 13:00:20 Close Request Acknowledged
I 13:00:20 Closing Down...
I 13:00:21 Shutting down SPTI...
I 13:00:22 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Wednesday, 10 April 2019, 23:12:49
; \\****************************************//
I 23:10:15 ImgBurn Version started!
I 23:10:15 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 23:10:15 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 4,953,808 KiB
I 23:10:15 Initialising SPTI...
I 23:10:15 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 23:10:16 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 23:10:16 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 23:10:16 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 23:10:16 Operation Started!
I 23:10:16 Building Image Tree...
I 23:10:16 Checking Directory Depth...
I 23:10:16 Calculating Totals...
I 23:10:16 Preparing Image...
I 23:10:17 Checking Path Length...
I 23:10:17 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 23:10:17 Content Type: DVD Video
I 23:10:17 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 23:10:17 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 23:10:17 Volume Label: Resident.Evil.The.Final.Chapter.2016.
I 23:10:17 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 23:10:17 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 23:10:17 TV System: NTSC
I 23:10:17 Size: 4,596,989,952 bytes
I 23:10:17 Sectors: 2,244,624
I 23:10:17 Image Size: 4,597,612,544 bytes
I 23:10:17 Image Sectors: 2,244,928
I 23:10:17 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 23:10:17 Operation Started!
I 23:10:17 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 23:10:17 Image Sectors: 2,244,928 (MODE1/2048)
I 23:10:17 Image Size: 4,597,612,544 bytes
I 23:10:17 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 23:10:17 Image Volume Identifier: Resident.Evil.The.Final.Chapter.2016.
I 23:10:17 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E8AB94800224128
I 23:10:17 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 23:10:17 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 23:10:17 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 23:10:17 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Resident.Evil.The.Final.Chapter.2016..iso
I 23:10:17 Destination Free Space: 195,503,218,688 Bytes (190,921,112.00 KiB) (186,446.40 MiB) (182.08 GiB)
I 23:10:18 Destination File System: NTFS
I 23:10:18 File Splitting: Auto
I 23:10:18 Writing Image...
I 23:12:48 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:30
I 23:12:48 Average Write Rate: 29,932 KiB/s (22.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 77,401 KiB/s (57.2x)
I 23:12:48 Close Request Acknowledged
I 23:12:48 Closing Down...
I 23:12:49 Shutting down SPTI...
I 23:12:49 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Wednesday, 10 April 2019, 20:06:29
; \\****************************************//
I 20:03:45 ImgBurn Version started!
I 20:03:45 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 20:03:45 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,480,032 KiB
I 20:03:45 Initialising SPTI...
I 20:03:45 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 20:03:46 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 20:03:46 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 20:03:46 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 20:03:46 Operation Started!
I 20:03:47 Building Image Tree...
I 20:03:47 Checking Directory Depth...
I 20:03:47 Calculating Totals...
I 20:03:47 Preparing Image...
I 20:03:47 Checking Path Length...
I 20:03:47 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 20:03:47 Content Type: DVD Video
I 20:03:47 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 20:03:47 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 20:03:47 Volume Label: Resident.Evil.Retribution.2012.
I 20:03:47 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 20:03:47 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 20:03:47 TV System: NTSC
I 20:03:47 Size: 4,648,323,072 bytes
I 20:03:47 Sectors: 2,269,689
I 20:03:47 Image Size: 4,648,927,232 bytes
I 20:03:47 Image Sectors: 2,269,984
I 20:03:47 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:01
I 20:03:48 Operation Started!
I 20:03:48 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 20:03:48 Image Sectors: 2,269,984 (MODE1/2048)
I 20:03:48 Image Size: 4,648,927,232 bytes
I 20:03:48 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 20:03:48 Image Volume Identifier: Resident.Evil.Retribution.2012.
I 20:03:48 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E8AA0770022A311
I 20:03:48 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 20:03:48 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 20:03:48 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 20:03:48 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Resident.Evil.Retribution.2012..iso
I 20:03:48 Destination Free Space: 203,563,909,120 Bytes (198,792,880.00 KiB) (194,133.67 MiB) (189.58 GiB)
I 20:03:48 Destination File System: NTFS
I 20:03:48 File Splitting: Auto
I 20:03:48 Writing Image...
I 20:06:27 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:39
I 20:06:27 Average Write Rate: 28,553 KiB/s (21.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 95,705 KiB/s (70.8x)
I 20:06:28 Close Request Acknowledged
I 20:06:28 Closing Down...
I 20:06:28 Shutting down SPTI...
I 20:06:29 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Monday, 08 April 2019, 19:03:56
; \\****************************************//
I 14:24:19 ImgBurn Version started!
I 14:24:19 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 14:24:19 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,698,748 KiB
I 14:24:19 Initialising SPTI...
I 14:24:19 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 14:24:20 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 14:24:20 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 14:24:20 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 15:03:15 Operation Started!
I 15:03:15 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Dragged.Across.Concrete.2018._1.iso
I 15:03:15 Source File Sectors: 2,256,928 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:03:15 Source File Size: 4,622,188,544 bytes
I 15:03:15 Source File Volume Identifier: Dragged.Across.Concrete.2018.
I 15:03:15 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E87314700227011
I 15:03:15 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 15:03:15 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 15:03:15 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:03:15 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 15:03:16 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 15:03:16 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x
I 15:03:16 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 15:03:16 Write Mode: DVD
I 15:03:16 Write Type: DAO
I 15:03:16 Write Speed: MAX
I 15:03:16 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 15:03:16 Link Size: Auto
I 15:03:16 Lock Volume: Yes
I 15:03:16 Test Mode: No
I 15:03:16 OPC: No
I 15:03:16 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 15:03:16 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 11,080 KB/s (8x)
I 15:03:16 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 15:03:16 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 15:03:16 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 47 - CD/DVD Record Count: 13
I 15:03:17 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 15:03:18 Writing LeadIn...
I 15:03:46 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2256927)
I 15:03:46 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2256927)
I 15:13:36 Synchronising Cache...
I 15:13:37 Closing Track...
I 15:13:40 Finalising Disc...
I 15:14:03 Exporting Graph Data...
I 15:14:04 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_MONDAY-APRIL-8-2019_3-03_PM_MCC-004-00_MAX.ibg
I 15:14:04 Export Successfully Completed!
I 15:14:04 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:10:43
I 15:14:04 Average Write Rate: 7,663 KiB/s (5.7x) - Maximum Write Rate: 10,893 KiB/s (8.1x)
I 15:14:16 Operation Started!
I 15:14:16 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Silencer.2018..iso
I 15:14:16 Source File Sectors: 2,270,848 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:14:16 Source File Size: 4,650,696,704 bytes
I 15:14:16 Source File Volume Identifier: Silencer.2018.
I 15:14:16 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E870AD60022A67E
I 15:14:16 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 15:14:16 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 15:14:16 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:14:16 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (D:) (ATA)
I 15:14:16 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 15:14:16 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x
I 15:14:16 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 15:14:16 Write Mode: DVD
I 15:14:16 Write Type: DAO
I 15:14:16 Write Speed: 16x
I 15:14:16 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 15:14:16 Link Size: Auto
I 15:14:16 Lock Volume: Yes
I 15:14:16 Test Mode: No
I 15:14:16 OPC: No
I 15:14:16 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 15:14:16 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 22,160 KB/s (16x)
I 15:14:16 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 15:14:16 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 15:14:17 Writing LeadIn...
I 15:14:44 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2270847)
I 15:14:44 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2270847)
I 15:19:47 Synchronising Cache...
I 15:19:49 Closing Track...
I 15:19:51 Finalising Disc...
I 15:20:07 Exporting Graph Data...
I 15:20:07 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_MONDAY-APRIL-8-2019_3-14_PM_MCC-004-00_16x.ibg
I 15:20:07 Export Successfully Completed!
I 15:20:07 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:05:44
I 15:20:07 Average Write Rate: 15,038 KiB/s (11.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 21,914 KiB/s (16.2x)
I 15:20:19 Operation Started!
I 15:20:19 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Triple.Threat.2019.iso
I 15:20:19 Source File Sectors: 2,269,536 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:20:19 Source File Size: 4,648,009,728 bytes
I 15:20:19 Source File Volume Identifier: Triple.Threat.2019.
I 15:20:19 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E879C760022A155
I 15:20:19 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 15:20:19 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 15:20:19 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:20:19 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 15:20:19 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 15:20:19 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x
I 15:20:19 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 15:20:19 Write Mode: DVD
I 15:20:19 Write Type: DAO
I 15:20:19 Write Speed: MAX
I 15:20:19 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 15:20:20 Link Size: Auto
I 15:20:20 Lock Volume: Yes
I 15:20:20 Test Mode: No
I 15:20:20 OPC: No
I 15:20:20 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 15:20:20 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 11,080 KB/s (8x)
I 15:20:20 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 15:20:20 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 15:20:20 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 48 - CD/DVD Record Count: 14
I 15:20:20 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 15:20:21 Writing LeadIn...
I 15:20:49 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2269535)
I 15:20:49 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2269535)
I 15:30:42 Synchronising Cache...
I 15:30:43 Closing Track...
I 15:30:47 Finalising Disc...
I 15:31:10 Exporting Graph Data...
I 15:31:10 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_MONDAY-APRIL-8-2019_3-20_PM_MCC-004-00_MAX.ibg
I 15:31:10 Export Successfully Completed!
I 15:31:10 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:10:46
I 15:31:10 Average Write Rate: 7,667 KiB/s (5.7x) - Maximum Write Rate: 10,884 KiB/s (8.0x)
I 19:03:55 Close Request Acknowledged
I 19:03:55 Closing Down...
I 19:03:56 Shutting down SPTI...
I 19:03:56 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Monday, 08 April 2019, 10:12:24
; \\****************************************//
I 09:47:31 ImgBurn Version started!
I 09:47:31 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 09:47:31 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,228,016 KiB
I 09:47:31 Initialising SPTI...
I 09:47:31 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 09:47:32 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 09:47:32 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 09:47:32 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 10:12:24 Close Request Acknowledged
I 10:12:24 Closing Down...
I 10:12:24 Shutting down SPTI...
I 10:12:24 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Sunday, 07 April 2019, 19:37:59
; \\****************************************//
I 19:35:43 ImgBurn Version started!
I 19:35:43 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 19:35:43 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,341,392 KiB
I 19:35:43 Initialising SPTI...
I 19:35:43 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 19:35:44 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 19:35:44 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 19:35:44 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 19:35:44 Operation Started!
I 19:35:44 Building Image Tree...
I 19:35:45 Checking Directory Depth...
I 19:35:45 Calculating Totals...
I 19:35:45 Preparing Image...
I 19:35:45 Checking Path Length...
I 19:35:45 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 19:35:45 Content Type: DVD Video
I 19:35:45 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 19:35:45 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 19:35:45 Volume Label: Triple.Threat.2019.
I 19:35:45 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 19:35:45 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 19:35:45 TV System: NTSC
I 19:35:45 Size: 4,647,413,760 bytes
I 19:35:45 Sectors: 2,269,245
I 19:35:45 Image Size: 4,648,009,728 bytes
I 19:35:45 Image Sectors: 2,269,536
I 19:35:45 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 19:35:45 Operation Started!
I 19:35:45 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 19:35:45 Image Sectors: 2,269,536 (MODE1/2048)
I 19:35:45 Image Size: 4,648,009,728 bytes
I 19:35:45 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 19:35:45 Image Volume Identifier: Triple.Threat.2019.
I 19:35:45 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E879C760022A155
I 19:35:45 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 19:35:45 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 19:35:45 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 19:35:45 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Triple.Threat.2019._1.iso
I 19:35:45 Destination Free Space: 160,087,867,392 Bytes (156,335,808.00 KiB) (152,671.69 MiB) (149.09 GiB)
I 19:35:45 Destination File System: NTFS
I 19:35:45 File Splitting: Auto
I 19:35:46 Writing Image...
I 19:37:57 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:12
I 19:37:57 Average Write Rate: 34,386 KiB/s (25.4x) - Maximum Write Rate: 88,964 KiB/s (65.8x)
I 19:37:58 Close Request Acknowledged
I 19:37:58 Closing Down...
I 19:37:58 Shutting down SPTI...
I 19:37:59 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Sunday, 07 April 2019, 06:12:52
; \\****************************************//
I 06:10:13 ImgBurn Version started!
I 06:10:13 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 06:10:13 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,266,316 KiB
I 06:10:13 Initialising SPTI...
I 06:10:13 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 06:10:13 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 06:10:13 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 06:10:13 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 06:10:14 Operation Started!
I 06:10:14 Building Image Tree...
I 06:10:14 Checking Directory Depth...
I 06:10:14 Calculating Totals...
I 06:10:14 Preparing Image...
I 06:10:14 Checking Path Length...
I 06:10:14 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 06:10:14 Content Type: DVD Video
I 06:10:14 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 06:10:14 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 06:10:15 Volume Label: Dragged.Across.Concrete.2018.
I 06:10:15 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 06:10:15 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 06:10:15 TV System: NTSC
I 06:10:15 Size: 4,621,584,384 bytes
I 06:10:15 Sectors: 2,256,633
I 06:10:15 Image Size: 4,622,188,544 bytes
I 06:10:15 Image Sectors: 2,256,928
I 06:10:15 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:01
I 06:10:15 Operation Started!
I 06:10:15 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 06:10:15 Image Sectors: 2,256,928 (MODE1/2048)
I 06:10:15 Image Size: 4,622,188,544 bytes
I 06:10:15 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 06:10:15 Image Volume Identifier: Dragged.Across.Concrete.2018.
I 06:10:15 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E87314700227011
I 06:10:15 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 06:10:15 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 06:10:15 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 06:10:15 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Dragged.Across.Concrete.2018._1.iso
I 06:10:15 Destination Free Space: 164,796,743,680 Bytes (160,934,320.00 KiB) (157,162.42 MiB) (153.48 GiB)
I 06:10:15 Destination File System: NTFS
I 06:10:15 File Splitting: Auto
I 06:10:15 Writing Image...
I 06:12:51 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:35
I 06:12:51 Average Write Rate: 29,121 KiB/s (21.5x) - Maximum Write Rate: 75,773 KiB/s (56.0x)
I 06:12:51 Close Request Acknowledged
I 06:12:51 Closing Down...
I 06:12:51 Shutting down SPTI...
I 06:12:52 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Sunday, 07 April 2019, 01:25:00
; \\****************************************//
I 01:22:42 ImgBurn Version started!
I 01:22:42 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 01:22:42 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,073,044 KiB
I 01:22:42 Initialising SPTI...
I 01:22:42 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 01:22:43 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 01:22:44 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 01:22:44 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 01:22:44 Operation Started!
I 01:22:44 Building Image Tree...
I 01:22:44 Checking Directory Depth...
I 01:22:44 Calculating Totals...
I 01:22:44 Preparing Image...
I 01:22:44 Checking Path Length...
I 01:22:44 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 01:22:44 Content Type: DVD Video
I 01:22:44 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 01:22:44 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 01:22:45 Volume Label: Silencer.2018.
I 01:22:45 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 01:22:45 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 01:22:45 TV System: NTSC
I 01:22:45 Size: 4,650,119,168 bytes
I 01:22:45 Sectors: 2,270,566
I 01:22:45 Image Size: 4,650,696,704 bytes
I 01:22:45 Image Sectors: 2,270,848
I 01:22:45 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 01:22:45 Operation Started!
I 01:22:45 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 01:22:45 Image Sectors: 2,270,848 (MODE1/2048)
I 01:22:45 Image Size: 4,650,696,704 bytes
I 01:22:45 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 01:22:45 Image Volume Identifier: Silencer.2018.
I 01:22:45 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E870AD60022A67E
I 01:22:45 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 01:22:45 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 01:22:45 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 01:22:45 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Silencer.2018..iso
I 01:22:45 Destination Free Space: 175,295,873,024 Bytes (171,187,376.00 KiB) (167,175.17 MiB) (163.26 GiB)
I 01:22:45 Destination File System: NTFS
I 01:22:45 File Splitting: Auto
I 01:22:45 Writing Image...
I 01:24:58 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:13
I 01:24:58 Average Write Rate: 34,148 KiB/s (25.2x) - Maximum Write Rate: 82,088 KiB/s (60.7x)
I 01:24:59 Close Request Acknowledged
I 01:24:59 Closing Down...
I 01:25:00 Shutting down SPTI...
I 01:25:00 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Saturday, 06 April 2019, 19:00:49
; \\****************************************//
I 16:06:25 ImgBurn Version started!
I 16:06:25 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 16:06:25 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,097,044 KiB
I 16:06:25 Initialising SPTI...
I 16:06:25 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 16:06:25 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 16:06:25 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 16:06:25 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 16:06:49 Operation Started!
I 16:06:49 Building Image Tree...
I 16:06:49 Checking Directory Depth...
I 16:06:49 Calculating Totals...
I 16:06:49 Preparing Image...
I 16:06:50 Checking Path Length...
I 16:06:50 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 16:06:50 Content Type: DVD Video
I 16:06:50 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 16:06:50 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 16:06:50 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 16:06:50 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 16:06:50 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 16:06:50 TV System: NTSC
I 16:06:50 Size: 4,639,346,688 bytes
I 16:06:50 Sectors: 2,265,306
I 16:06:50 Image Size: 4,639,948,800 bytes
I 16:06:50 Image Sectors: 2,265,600
I 16:06:50 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 16:08:26 Operation Started!
I 16:08:26 Building Image Tree...
I 16:08:40 Checking Directory Depth...
I 16:08:41 Calculating Totals...
I 16:08:41 Preparing Image...
I 16:08:41 Checking Path Length...
I 16:08:41 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 16:08:41 Content Type: DVD Video
I 16:08:41 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 16:08:41 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 16:08:41 Volume Label: The.Way.Of.War.2009
I 16:08:41 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 16:08:41 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 16:08:41 TV System: NTSC
I 16:08:41 Size: 4,639,346,688 bytes
I 16:08:41 Sectors: 2,265,306
I 16:08:41 Image Size: 4,639,948,800 bytes
I 16:08:41 Image Sectors: 2,265,600
I 16:08:48 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:21
I 16:08:48 Operation Started!
I 16:08:48 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 16:08:48 Image Sectors: 2,265,600 (MODE1/2048)
I 16:08:48 Image Size: 4,639,948,800 bytes
I 16:08:48 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 16:08:48 Image Volume Identifier: The.Way.Of.War.2009
I 16:08:48 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E86810D002291F2
I 16:08:48 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 16:08:48 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 16:08:48 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 16:08:48 Destination File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Mongol The Way Of War 2009.iso
I 16:08:48 Destination Free Space: 184,608,366,592 Bytes (180,281,608.00 KiB) (176,056.26 MiB) (171.93 GiB)
I 16:08:48 Destination File System: NTFS
I 16:08:48 File Splitting: Auto
I 16:08:48 Writing Image...
I 16:10:32 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:01:44
I 16:10:32 Average Write Rate: 43,569 KiB/s (32.2x) - Maximum Write Rate: 101,472 KiB/s (75.0x)
I 17:15:55 Operation Started!
I 17:15:55 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Den.Of.Thieves.2018..iso
I 17:15:55 Source File Sectors: 2,264,224 (MODE1/2048)
I 17:15:55 Source File Size: 4,637,130,752 bytes
I 17:15:55 Source File Volume Identifier: Den.Of.Thieves.2018.
I 17:15:55 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E85433B00228C98
I 17:15:55 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 17:15:55 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 17:15:55 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 17:15:55 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 17:15:55 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 17:15:55 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x
I 17:15:55 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 17:15:55 Write Mode: DVD
I 17:15:55 Write Type: DAO
I 17:15:55 Write Speed: MAX
I 17:15:56 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 17:15:56 Link Size: Auto
I 17:15:56 Lock Volume: Yes
I 17:15:56 Test Mode: No
I 17:15:56 OPC: No
I 17:15:56 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 17:15:56 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 11,080 KB/s (8x)
I 17:15:56 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 17:15:56 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 17:15:56 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 41 - CD/DVD Record Count: 10
I 17:15:58 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 17:15:58 Writing LeadIn...
I 17:16:27 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2264223)
I 17:16:27 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2264223)
I 17:26:18 Synchronising Cache...
I 17:26:20 Closing Track...
I 17:26:24 Finalising Disc...
I 17:26:47 Exporting Graph Data...
I 17:26:47 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_SATURDAY-APRIL-6-2019_5-15_PM_MCC-004-00_MAX.ibg
I 17:26:47 Export Successfully Completed!
I 17:26:47 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:10:47
I 17:26:47 Average Write Rate: 7,662 KiB/s (5.7x) - Maximum Write Rate: 10,893 KiB/s (8.1x)
I 17:26:59 Operation Started!
I 17:26:59 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Dragged.Across.Concrete.2018..iso
I 17:26:59 Source File Sectors: 2,254,560 (MODE1/2048)
I 17:26:59 Source File Size: 4,617,338,880 bytes
I 17:26:59 Source File Volume Identifier: Dragged.Across.Concrete.2018.
I 17:26:59 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E857924002266C5
I 17:26:59 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 17:26:59 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 17:26:59 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 17:26:59 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (D:) (ATA)
I 17:26:59 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 17:26:59 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x
I 17:26:59 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 17:26:59 Write Mode: DVD
I 17:26:59 Write Type: DAO
I 17:26:59 Write Speed: 16x
I 17:26:59 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 17:26:59 Link Size: Auto
I 17:26:59 Lock Volume: Yes
I 17:26:59 Test Mode: No
I 17:26:59 OPC: No
I 17:26:59 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 17:26:59 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 22,160 KB/s (16x)
I 17:26:59 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 17:27:00 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 17:27:01 Writing LeadIn...
I 17:27:24 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2254559)
I 17:27:24 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2254559)
I 17:32:24 Synchronising Cache...
I 17:32:26 Closing Track...
I 17:32:28 Finalising Disc...
I 17:32:44 Exporting Graph Data...
I 17:32:44 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_SATURDAY-APRIL-6-2019_5-26_PM_MCC-004-00_16x.ibg
I 17:32:44 Export Successfully Completed!
I 17:32:44 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:05:38
I 17:32:44 Average Write Rate: 15,080 KiB/s (11.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 21,829 KiB/s (16.1x)
I 17:32:56 Operation Started!
I 17:32:56 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Exodus.Gods.and.Kings.2014..iso
I 17:32:56 Source File Sectors: 2,265,760 (MODE1/2048)
I 17:32:56 Source File Size: 4,640,276,480 bytes
I 17:32:56 Source File Volume Identifier: Exodus.Gods.and.Kings.2014.
I 17:32:56 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E84913600229296
I 17:32:56 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 17:32:56 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 17:32:56 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 17:32:56 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 17:32:56 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 17:32:56 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x
I 17:32:56 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 17:32:56 Write Mode: DVD
I 17:32:56 Write Type: DAO
I 17:32:56 Write Speed: MAX
I 17:32:56 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 17:32:56 Link Size: Auto
I 17:32:56 Lock Volume: Yes
I 17:32:56 Test Mode: No
I 17:32:56 OPC: No
I 17:32:57 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 17:32:57 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 11,080 KB/s (8x)
I 17:32:57 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 17:32:57 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 17:32:57 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 42 - CD/DVD Record Count: 10
I 17:32:57 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 17:32:58 Writing LeadIn...
I 17:33:30 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2265759)
I 17:33:30 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2265759)
I 17:43:23 Synchronising Cache...
I 17:43:24 Closing Track...
I 17:43:28 Finalising Disc...
I 17:43:50 Exporting Graph Data...
I 17:43:50 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_SATURDAY-APRIL-6-2019_5-32_PM_MCC-004-00_MAX.ibg
I 17:43:50 Export Successfully Completed!
I 17:43:50 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:10:49
I 17:43:50 Average Write Rate: 7,654 KiB/s (5.7x) - Maximum Write Rate: 10,888 KiB/s (8.1x)
I 17:44:02 Operation Started!
I 17:44:02 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\In.The.Name.Of.The.King.A.Dungeon.Siege.Tale.2007..iso
I 17:44:03 Source File Sectors: 2,263,200 (MODE1/2048)
I 17:44:03 Source File Size: 4,635,033,600 bytes
I 17:44:03 Source File Volume Identifier: In.The.Name.Of.The.King.A.Dungeon.Siege.Tale.2007.
I 17:44:03 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E8522750022889C
I 17:44:03 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 17:44:03 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 17:44:03 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 17:44:03 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (D:) (ATA)
I 17:44:03 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 17:44:03 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x
I 17:44:03 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 17:44:03 Write Mode: DVD
I 17:44:03 Write Type: DAO
I 17:44:03 Write Speed: 16x
I 17:44:03 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 17:44:03 Link Size: Auto
I 17:44:03 Lock Volume: Yes
I 17:44:03 Test Mode: No
I 17:44:03 OPC: No
I 17:44:03 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 17:44:03 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 22,160 KB/s (16x)
I 17:44:03 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 17:44:03 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 17:44:04 Writing LeadIn...
I 17:44:27 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2263199)
I 17:44:27 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2263199)
I 17:49:28 Synchronising Cache...
I 17:49:30 Closing Track...
I 17:49:32 Finalising Disc...
I 17:49:48 Exporting Graph Data...
I 17:49:48 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_SATURDAY-APRIL-6-2019_5-44_PM_MCC-004-00_16x.ibg
I 17:49:48 Export Successfully Completed!
I 17:49:48 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:05:38
I 17:49:48 Average Write Rate: 15,088 KiB/s (11.2x) - Maximum Write Rate: 21,871 KiB/s (16.2x)
I 17:50:00 Operation Started!
I 17:50:00 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Mongol The Rise Of Genghis Khan 2007.iso
I 17:50:00 Source File Sectors: 2,266,112 (MODE1/2048)
I 17:50:00 Source File Size: 4,640,997,376 bytes
I 17:50:00 Source File Volume Identifier: Mongol.The.Rise.Of.Genghis.Khan.2007.
I 17:50:00 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E854D7C002293F3
I 17:50:00 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 17:50:00 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 17:50:00 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 17:50:00 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 17:50:00 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 17:50:00 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x
I 17:50:00 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 17:50:00 Write Mode: DVD
I 17:50:00 Write Type: DAO
I 17:50:00 Write Speed: MAX
I 17:50:00 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 17:50:00 Link Size: Auto
I 17:50:01 Lock Volume: Yes
I 17:50:01 Test Mode: No
I 17:50:01 OPC: No
I 17:50:01 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 17:50:01 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 11,080 KB/s (8x)
I 17:50:01 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 17:50:01 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 17:50:01 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 43 - CD/DVD Record Count: 10
I 17:50:01 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 17:50:02 Writing LeadIn...
I 17:50:30 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2266111)
I 17:50:30 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2266111)
I 18:00:21 Synchronising Cache...
I 18:00:22 Closing Track...
I 18:00:27 Finalising Disc...
I 18:00:50 Exporting Graph Data...
I 18:00:50 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_SATURDAY-APRIL-6-2019_5-50_PM_MCC-004-00_MAX.ibg
I 18:00:50 Export Successfully Completed!
I 18:00:50 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:10:45
I 18:00:50 Average Write Rate: 7,668 KiB/s (5.7x) - Maximum Write Rate: 10,893 KiB/s (8.1x)
I 18:01:02 Operation Started!
I 18:01:02 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Overlord.2018..iso
I 18:01:02 Source File Sectors: 2,239,648 (MODE1/2048)
I 18:01:02 Source File Size: 4,586,799,104 bytes
I 18:01:02 Source File Volume Identifier: Overlord.2018.
I 18:01:02 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E8459EC00222C93
I 18:01:02 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 18:01:02 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 18:01:02 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 18:01:02 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (D:) (ATA)
I 18:01:02 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 18:01:02 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x
I 18:01:02 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 18:01:02 Write Mode: DVD
I 18:01:02 Write Type: DAO
I 18:01:02 Write Speed: 16x
I 18:01:02 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 18:01:02 Link Size: Auto
I 18:01:02 Lock Volume: Yes
I 18:01:02 Test Mode: No
I 18:01:02 OPC: No
I 18:01:02 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 18:01:02 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 22,160 KB/s (16x)
I 18:01:02 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 18:01:03 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 18:01:03 Writing LeadIn...
I 18:01:26 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2239647)
I 18:01:26 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2239647)
I 18:06:25 Synchronising Cache...
I 18:06:27 Closing Track...
I 18:06:29 Finalising Disc...
I 18:06:45 Exporting Graph Data...
I 18:06:45 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_SATURDAY-APRIL-6-2019_6-01_PM_MCC-004-00_16x.ibg
I 18:06:45 Export Successfully Completed!
I 18:06:45 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:05:36
I 18:06:45 Average Write Rate: 15,031 KiB/s (11.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 21,777 KiB/s (16.1x)
I 18:07:26 Operation Started!
I 18:07:26 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Shot.Caller.2017..iso
I 18:07:26 Source File Sectors: 2,263,744 (MODE1/2048)
I 18:07:26 Source File Size: 4,636,147,712 bytes
I 18:07:26 Source File Volume Identifier: Shot.Caller.2017.
I 18:07:26 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E840C2900228AB5
I 18:07:26 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 18:07:26 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 18:07:26 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 18:07:26 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 18:07:26 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 18:07:26 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x
I 18:07:26 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 18:07:26 Write Mode: DVD
I 18:07:26 Write Type: DAO
I 18:07:26 Write Speed: MAX
I 18:07:26 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 18:07:26 Link Size: Auto
I 18:07:26 Lock Volume: Yes
I 18:07:27 Test Mode: No
I 18:07:27 OPC: No
I 18:07:27 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 18:07:27 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 11,080 KB/s (8x)
I 18:07:27 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 18:07:27 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 18:07:27 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 44 - CD/DVD Record Count: 10
I 18:07:27 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 18:07:28 Writing LeadIn...
I 18:07:55 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2263743)
I 18:07:55 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2263743)
I 18:17:47 Synchronising Cache...
I 18:17:48 Closing Track...
I 18:17:51 Finalising Disc...
I 18:18:14 Exporting Graph Data...
I 18:18:14 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_SATURDAY-APRIL-6-2019_6-07_PM_MCC-004-00_MAX.ibg
I 18:18:14 Export Successfully Completed!
I 18:18:14 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:10:43
I 18:18:14 Average Write Rate: 7,660 KiB/s (5.7x) - Maximum Write Rate: 10,888 KiB/s (8.1x)
I 18:18:53 Operation Started!
I 18:18:53 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\The Way Of War 2009.iso
I 18:18:53 Source File Sectors: 2,265,600 (MODE1/2048)
I 18:18:53 Source File Size: 4,639,948,800 bytes
I 18:18:53 Source File Volume Identifier: The.Way.Of.War.2009
I 18:18:53 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E86810D002291F2
I 18:18:53 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 18:18:53 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 18:18:53 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 18:18:53 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (D:) (ATA)
I 18:18:53 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 18:18:54 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x
I 18:18:54 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 18:18:54 Write Mode: DVD
I 18:18:54 Write Type: DAO
I 18:18:54 Write Speed: 16x
I 18:18:54 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 18:18:54 Link Size: Auto
I 18:18:54 Lock Volume: Yes
I 18:18:54 Test Mode: No
I 18:18:54 OPC: No
I 18:18:54 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 18:18:54 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 22,160 KB/s (16x)
I 18:18:54 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 18:18:54 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 18:18:55 Writing LeadIn...
I 18:19:16 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2265599)
I 18:19:16 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2265599)
I 18:24:18 Synchronising Cache...
I 18:24:20 Closing Track...
I 18:24:22 Finalising Disc...
I 18:24:38 Exporting Graph Data...
I 18:24:38 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_SATURDAY-APRIL-6-2019_6-18_PM_MCC-004-00_16x.ibg
I 18:24:38 Export Successfully Completed!
I 18:24:38 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:05:37
I 18:24:38 Average Write Rate: 15,003 KiB/s (11.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 21,871 KiB/s (16.2x)
I 18:25:36 Operation Started!
I 18:25:36 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Triple.Threat.2019..iso
I 18:25:36 Source File Sectors: 2,267,552 (MODE1/2048)
I 18:25:36 Source File Size: 4,643,946,496 bytes
I 18:25:36 Source File Volume Identifier: Triple.Threat.2019.
I 18:25:36 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E858F0A00229989
I 18:25:36 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 18:25:36 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 18:25:36 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 18:25:36 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 18:25:36 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 18:25:36 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x
I 18:25:36 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 18:25:36 Write Mode: DVD
I 18:25:36 Write Type: DAO
I 18:25:36 Write Speed: MAX
I 18:25:36 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 18:25:36 Link Size: Auto
I 18:25:36 Lock Volume: Yes
I 18:25:36 Test Mode: No
I 18:25:36 OPC: No
I 18:25:36 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 18:25:36 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 11,080 KB/s (8x)
I 18:25:36 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 18:25:37 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 18:25:37 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 45 - CD/DVD Record Count: 11
I 18:25:37 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 18:25:37 Writing LeadIn...
I 18:26:04 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2267551)
I 18:26:04 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2267551)
I 18:35:57 Synchronising Cache...
I 18:35:58 Closing Track...
I 18:36:02 Finalising Disc...
I 18:36:25 Exporting Graph Data...
I 18:36:25 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_SATURDAY-APRIL-6-2019_6-25_PM_MCC-004-00_MAX.ibg
I 18:36:25 Export Successfully Completed!
I 18:36:26 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:10:45
I 18:36:26 Average Write Rate: 7,660 KiB/s (5.7x) - Maximum Write Rate: 10,888 KiB/s (8.1x)
I 18:37:06 Operation Started!
I 18:37:06 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Troy.2004.Directors.Cut..iso
I 18:37:06 Source File Sectors: 2,264,800 (MODE1/2048)
I 18:37:06 Source File Size: 4,638,310,400 bytes
I 18:37:06 Source File Volume Identifier: Troy.2004.Directors.Cut.
I 18:37:06 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E85017700228EDE
I 18:37:06 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 18:37:06 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 18:37:06 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 18:37:07 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (D:) (ATA)
I 18:37:07 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 18:37:07 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x
I 18:37:07 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 18:37:07 Write Mode: DVD
I 18:37:07 Write Type: DAO
I 18:37:07 Write Speed: 16x
I 18:37:07 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 18:37:07 Link Size: Auto
I 18:37:07 Lock Volume: Yes
I 18:37:07 Test Mode: No
I 18:37:07 OPC: No
I 18:37:07 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 18:37:07 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 22,160 KB/s (16x)
I 18:37:07 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 18:37:07 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 18:37:08 Writing LeadIn...
I 18:37:28 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2264799)
I 18:37:28 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2264799)
I 18:42:29 Synchronising Cache...
I 18:42:32 Closing Track...
I 18:42:34 Finalising Disc...
I 18:42:49 Exporting Graph Data...
I 18:42:49 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_SATURDAY-APRIL-6-2019_6-37_PM_MCC-004-00_16x.ibg
I 18:42:49 Export Successfully Completed!
I 18:42:49 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:05:36
I 18:42:49 Average Write Rate: 15,098 KiB/s (11.2x) - Maximum Write Rate: 21,871 KiB/s (16.2x)
I 18:43:51 Operation Started!
I 18:43:51 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Upgrade.2018..iso
I 18:43:51 Source File Sectors: 2,242,144 (MODE1/2048)
I 18:43:51 Source File Size: 4,591,910,912 bytes
I 18:43:52 Source File Volume Identifier: Upgrade.2018.
I 18:43:52 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E83ADD700223645
I 18:43:52 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 18:43:52 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 18:43:52 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 18:43:52 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 18:43:52 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 18:43:52 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x
I 18:43:52 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 18:43:52 Write Mode: DVD
I 18:43:52 Write Type: DAO
I 18:43:52 Write Speed: MAX
I 18:43:52 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 18:43:52 Link Size: Auto
I 18:43:52 Lock Volume: Yes
I 18:43:52 Test Mode: No
I 18:43:52 OPC: No
I 18:43:52 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 18:43:52 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 11,080 KB/s (8x)
I 18:43:52 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 18:43:52 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 18:43:52 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 46 - CD/DVD Record Count: 12
I 18:43:52 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 18:43:53 Writing LeadIn...
I 18:44:19 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2242143)
I 18:44:19 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2242143)
I 18:54:07 Synchronising Cache...
I 18:54:08 Closing Track...
I 18:54:12 Finalising Disc...
I 18:54:34 Exporting Graph Data...
I 18:54:34 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_SATURDAY-APRIL-6-2019_6-43_PM_MCC-004-00_MAX.ibg
I 18:54:34 Export Successfully Completed!
I 18:54:34 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:10:38
I 18:54:34 Average Write Rate: 7,639 KiB/s (5.6x) - Maximum Write Rate: 10,880 KiB/s (8.0x)
I 19:00:49 Close Request Acknowledged
I 19:00:49 Closing Down...
I 19:00:49 Shutting down SPTI...
I 19:00:49 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Friday, 05 April 2019, 17:58:35
; \\****************************************//
I 17:56:20 ImgBurn Version started!
I 17:56:20 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 17:56:20 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 4,990,524 KiB
I 17:56:20 Initialising SPTI...
I 17:56:20 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 17:56:20 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 17:56:20 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 17:56:20 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 17:56:21 Operation Started!
I 17:56:21 Building Image Tree...
I 17:56:21 Checking Directory Depth...
I 17:56:21 Calculating Totals...
I 17:56:21 Preparing Image...
I 17:56:21 Checking Path Length...
I 17:56:21 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 17:56:21 Content Type: DVD Video
I 17:56:21 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 17:56:21 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 17:56:21 Volume Label: Triple.Threat.2019.
I 17:56:21 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 17:56:21 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 17:56:21 TV System: NTSC
I 17:56:21 Size: 4,643,325,952 bytes
I 17:56:21 Sectors: 2,267,249
I 17:56:21 Image Size: 4,643,946,496 bytes
I 17:56:22 Image Sectors: 2,267,552
I 17:56:22 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 17:56:22 Operation Started!
I 17:56:22 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 17:56:22 Image Sectors: 2,267,552 (MODE1/2048)
I 17:56:22 Image Size: 4,643,946,496 bytes
I 17:56:22 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 17:56:22 Image Volume Identifier: Triple.Threat.2019.
I 17:56:22 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E858F0A00229989
I 17:56:22 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 17:56:22 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 17:56:22 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 17:56:22 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Triple.Threat.2019..iso
I 17:56:22 Destination Free Space: 189,535,145,984 Bytes (185,092,916.00 KiB) (180,754.80 MiB) (176.52 GiB)
I 17:56:22 Destination File System: NTFS
I 17:56:22 File Splitting: Auto
I 17:56:22 Writing Image...
I 17:58:34 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:12
I 17:58:34 Average Write Rate: 34,356 KiB/s (25.4x) - Maximum Write Rate: 79,167 KiB/s (58.5x)
I 17:58:34 Close Request Acknowledged
I 17:58:34 Closing Down...
I 17:58:35 Shutting down SPTI...
I 17:58:35 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Friday, 05 April 2019, 15:11:23
; \\****************************************//
I 15:09:06 ImgBurn Version started!
I 15:09:06 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 15:09:06 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 4,998,572 KiB
I 15:09:07 Initialising SPTI...
I 15:09:07 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 15:09:07 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 15:09:07 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 15:09:07 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 15:09:08 Operation Started!
I 15:09:08 Building Image Tree...
I 15:09:08 Checking Directory Depth...
I 15:09:08 Calculating Totals...
I 15:09:08 Preparing Image...
I 15:09:08 Checking Path Length...
I 15:09:08 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 15:09:08 Content Type: DVD Video
I 15:09:08 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 15:09:08 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:09:08 Volume Label: Dragged.Across.Concrete.2018.
I 15:09:08 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 15:09:08 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 15:09:09 TV System: NTSC
I 15:09:09 Size: 4,616,710,144 bytes
I 15:09:09 Sectors: 2,254,253
I 15:09:09 Image Size: 4,617,338,880 bytes
I 15:09:09 Image Sectors: 2,254,560
I 15:09:09 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 15:09:09 Operation Started!
I 15:09:09 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 15:09:09 Image Sectors: 2,254,560 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:09:09 Image Size: 4,617,338,880 bytes
I 15:09:09 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 15:09:09 Image Volume Identifier: Dragged.Across.Concrete.2018.
I 15:09:09 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E857924002266C5
I 15:09:09 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 15:09:09 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 15:09:09 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:09:09 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Dragged.Across.Concrete.2018..iso
I 15:09:09 Destination Free Space: 194,655,277,056 Bytes (190,093,044.00 KiB) (185,637.74 MiB) (181.29 GiB)
I 15:09:09 Destination File System: NTFS
I 15:09:09 File Splitting: Auto
I 15:09:09 Writing Image...
I 15:11:21 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:12
I 15:11:21 Average Write Rate: 34,160 KiB/s (25.3x) - Maximum Write Rate: 96,423 KiB/s (71.3x)
I 15:11:22 Close Request Acknowledged
I 15:11:22 Closing Down...
I 15:11:22 Shutting down SPTI...
I 15:11:23 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Friday, 05 April 2019, 09:52:20
; \\****************************************//
I 09:17:10 ImgBurn Version started!
I 09:17:10 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 09:17:10 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,026,328 KiB
I 09:17:10 Initialising SPTI...
I 09:17:10 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 09:17:10 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 09:17:10 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 09:17:10 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 09:20:27 Queue Successfully Loaded!
I 09:20:27 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Queue Files\ImgBurn.ibq
I 09:38:59 Queue Saved!
I 09:38:59 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Queue Files\ImgBurn.ibq
I 09:40:41 Operation Started!
I 09:40:41 Building Image Tree...
I 09:40:41 Checking Directory Depth...
I 09:40:41 Calculating Totals...
I 09:40:41 Preparing Image...
I 09:40:41 Checking Path Length...
I 09:40:41 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 09:40:41 Content Type: DVD Video
I 09:40:41 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 09:40:41 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 09:40:41 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 09:40:41 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 09:40:41 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 09:40:42 TV System: NTSC
I 09:40:42 Size: 4,640,397,312 bytes
I 09:40:42 Sectors: 2,265,819
I 09:40:42 Image Size: 4,640,997,376 bytes
I 09:40:42 Image Sectors: 2,266,112
I 09:40:42 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:01
I 09:43:56 Operation Started!
I 09:43:56 Building Image Tree...
I 09:45:04 Checking Directory Depth...
I 09:45:04 Calculating Totals...
I 09:45:04 Preparing Image...
I 09:45:04 Checking Path Length...
I 09:45:04 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 09:45:04 Content Type: DVD Video
I 09:45:04 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 09:45:04 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 09:45:04 Volume Label: Mongol.The.Rise.Of.Genghis.Khan.2007.
I 09:45:04 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 09:45:04 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 09:45:04 TV System: NTSC
I 09:45:04 Size: 4,640,397,312 bytes
I 09:45:04 Sectors: 2,265,819
I 09:45:04 Image Size: 4,640,997,376 bytes
I 09:45:04 Image Sectors: 2,266,112
I 09:45:17 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:01:20
I 09:45:17 Operation Started!
I 09:45:17 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 09:45:17 Image Sectors: 2,266,112 (MODE1/2048)
I 09:45:17 Image Size: 4,640,997,376 bytes
I 09:45:17 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 09:45:17 Image Volume Identifier: Mongol.The.Rise.Of.Genghis.Khan.2007.
I 09:45:17 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E854D7C002293F3
I 09:45:17 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 09:45:17 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 09:45:17 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 09:45:17 Destination File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Mongol The Rise Of Genghis Khan 2007.iso
I 09:45:17 Destination Free Space: 204,108,525,568 Bytes (199,324,732.00 KiB) (194,653.06 MiB) (190.09 GiB)
I 09:45:17 Destination File System: NTFS
I 09:45:17 File Splitting: Auto
I 09:45:17 Writing Image...
I 09:47:09 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:01:52
I 09:47:09 Average Write Rate: 40,466 KiB/s (29.9x) - Maximum Write Rate: 83,151 KiB/s (61.5x)
I 09:50:52 Operation Started!
I 09:50:52 Building Image Tree...
I 09:50:53 Checking Directory Depth...
I 09:50:53 Calculating Totals...
I 09:50:53 Preparing Image...
E 09:51:27 Unable to find any cells that could be used for the layer break!
E 09:51:27 The minimal size of this image is 3937815 sectors.
E 09:51:27 The layer break must be between sectors 1850903 and 2086912.
E 09:51:27 Sector 1850903 falls within VTS_01 (Title), which starts at sector 583.
E 09:51:27 Relative to the start of VTS_01 (Title), the layer break must be between sectors 1850320 and 2086329.
E 09:51:27 Relative sector 1850320 falls within PGC 1, Cell 1, which starts at relative sector 0 and ends at 3937161.
E 09:51:27 Relative to the start of Cell 1, try splitting between sectors 1850320 (3613.91 MiB) and 2086329 (4074.86 MiB).
E 09:51:27 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:34
I 09:52:02 Close Request Acknowledged
I 09:52:20 Queue Saved!
I 09:52:20 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Queue Files\ImgBurn.ibq
I 09:52:20 Closing Down...
I 09:52:20 Shutting down SPTI...
I 09:52:20 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Friday, 05 April 2019, 08:27:58
; \\****************************************//
I 08:25:53 ImgBurn Version started!
I 08:25:53 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 08:25:53 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,022,968 KiB
I 08:25:53 Initialising SPTI...
I 08:25:53 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 08:25:53 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 08:25:53 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 08:25:53 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 08:25:54 Operation Started!
I 08:25:54 Building Image Tree...
I 08:25:54 Checking Directory Depth...
I 08:25:54 Calculating Totals...
I 08:25:54 Preparing Image...
I 08:25:54 Checking Path Length...
I 08:25:54 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 08:25:54 Content Type: DVD Video
I 08:25:54 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 08:25:54 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 08:25:55 Volume Label: Den.Of.Thieves.2018.
I 08:25:55 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 08:25:55 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 08:25:55 TV System: NTSC
I 08:25:55 Size: 4,636,540,928 bytes
I 08:25:55 Sectors: 2,263,936
I 08:25:55 Image Size: 4,637,130,752 bytes
I 08:25:55 Image Sectors: 2,264,224
I 08:25:55 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 08:25:55 Operation Started!
I 08:25:55 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 08:25:55 Image Sectors: 2,264,224 (MODE1/2048)
I 08:25:55 Image Size: 4,637,130,752 bytes
I 08:25:55 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 08:25:55 Image Volume Identifier: Den.Of.Thieves.2018.
I 08:25:55 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E85433B00228C98
I 08:25:55 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 08:25:55 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 08:25:55 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 08:25:55 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Den.Of.Thieves.2018..iso
I 08:25:55 Destination Free Space: 204,114,337,792 Bytes (199,330,408.00 KiB) (194,658.60 MiB) (190.10 GiB)
I 08:25:55 Destination File System: NTFS
I 08:25:55 File Splitting: Auto
I 08:25:55 Writing Image...
I 08:27:57 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:01
I 08:27:57 Average Write Rate: 37,425 KiB/s (27.7x) - Maximum Write Rate: 78,016 KiB/s (57.7x)
I 08:27:57 Close Request Acknowledged
I 08:27:57 Closing Down...
I 08:27:58 Shutting down SPTI...
I 08:27:58 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Friday, 05 April 2019, 04:22:22
; \\****************************************//
I 04:19:41 ImgBurn Version started!
I 04:19:41 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 04:19:41 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,211,912 KiB
I 04:19:41 Initialising SPTI...
I 04:19:41 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 04:19:42 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 04:19:42 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 04:19:42 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 04:19:42 Operation Started!
I 04:19:43 Building Image Tree...
I 04:19:43 Checking Directory Depth...
I 04:19:43 Calculating Totals...
I 04:19:43 Preparing Image...
I 04:19:43 Checking Path Length...
I 04:19:43 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 04:19:43 Content Type: DVD Video
I 04:19:43 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 04:19:43 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 04:19:43 Volume Label: In.The.Name.Of.The.King.A.Dungeon.Siege.Tale.2007.
I 04:19:43 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 04:19:43 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 04:19:43 TV System: NTSC
I 04:19:43 Size: 4,634,451,968 bytes
I 04:19:43 Sectors: 2,262,916
I 04:19:43 Image Size: 4,635,033,600 bytes
I 04:19:43 Image Sectors: 2,263,200
I 04:19:43 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 04:19:43 Operation Started!
I 04:19:44 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 04:19:44 Image Sectors: 2,263,200 (MODE1/2048)
I 04:19:44 Image Size: 4,635,033,600 bytes
I 04:19:44 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 04:19:44 Image Volume Identifier: In.The.Name.Of.The.King.A.Dungeon.Siege.Tale.2007.
I 04:19:44 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E8522750022889C
I 04:19:44 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 04:19:44 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 04:19:44 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 04:19:44 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\In.The.Name.Of.The.King.A.Dungeon.Siege.Tale.2007..iso
I 04:19:44 Destination Free Space: 186,880,098,304 Bytes (182,500,096.00 KiB) (178,222.75 MiB) (174.05 GiB)
I 04:19:44 Destination File System: NTFS
I 04:19:44 File Splitting: Auto
I 04:19:44 Writing Image...
I 04:22:20 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:36
I 04:22:20 Average Write Rate: 29,015 KiB/s (21.5x) - Maximum Write Rate: 59,170 KiB/s (43.7x)
I 04:22:21 Close Request Acknowledged
I 04:22:21 Closing Down...
I 04:22:22 Shutting down SPTI...
I 04:22:22 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Friday, 05 April 2019, 00:14:00
; \\****************************************//
I 00:11:44 ImgBurn Version started!
I 00:11:44 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 00:11:44 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,021,936 KiB
I 00:11:44 Initialising SPTI...
I 00:11:44 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 00:11:45 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 00:11:45 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 00:11:45 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 00:11:46 Operation Started!
I 00:11:46 Building Image Tree...
I 00:11:46 Checking Directory Depth...
I 00:11:46 Calculating Totals...
I 00:11:46 Preparing Image...
I 00:11:46 Checking Path Length...
I 00:11:46 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 00:11:46 Content Type: DVD Video
I 00:11:46 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 00:11:46 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 00:11:46 Volume Label: Troy.2004.Directors.Cut.
I 00:11:46 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 00:11:46 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 00:11:46 TV System: NTSC
I 00:11:47 Size: 4,637,732,864 bytes
I 00:11:47 Sectors: 2,264,518
I 00:11:47 Image Size: 4,638,310,400 bytes
I 00:11:47 Image Sectors: 2,264,800
I 00:11:47 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:01
I 00:11:47 Operation Started!
I 00:11:47 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 00:11:47 Image Sectors: 2,264,800 (MODE1/2048)
I 00:11:47 Image Size: 4,638,310,400 bytes
I 00:11:47 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 00:11:47 Image Volume Identifier: Troy.2004.Directors.Cut.
I 00:11:47 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E85017700228EDE
I 00:11:47 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 00:11:47 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 00:11:47 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 00:11:47 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Troy.2004.Directors.Cut..iso
I 00:11:47 Destination Free Space: 191,723,675,648 Bytes (187,230,152.00 KiB) (182,841.95 MiB) (178.56 GiB)
I 00:11:47 Destination File System: NTFS
I 00:11:47 File Splitting: Auto
I 00:11:47 Writing Image...
I 00:13:58 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:11
I 00:13:58 Average Write Rate: 34,577 KiB/s (25.6x) - Maximum Write Rate: 79,410 KiB/s (58.7x)
I 00:13:58 Close Request Acknowledged
I 00:13:58 Closing Down...
I 00:13:59 Shutting down SPTI...
I 00:13:59 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Thursday, 04 April 2019, 18:12:21
; \\****************************************//
I 18:09:43 ImgBurn Version started!
I 18:09:44 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 18:09:44 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,041,048 KiB
I 18:09:44 Initialising SPTI...
I 18:09:44 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 18:09:44 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 18:09:44 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 18:09:44 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 18:09:45 Operation Started!
I 18:09:45 Building Image Tree...
I 18:09:45 Checking Directory Depth...
I 18:09:45 Calculating Totals...
I 18:09:45 Preparing Image...
I 18:09:45 Checking Path Length...
I 18:09:45 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 18:09:45 Content Type: DVD Video
I 18:09:45 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 18:09:45 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 18:09:46 Volume Label: Exodus.Gods.and.Kings.2014.
I 18:09:46 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 18:09:46 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 18:09:46 TV System: NTSC
I 18:09:46 Size: 4,639,682,560 bytes
I 18:09:46 Sectors: 2,265,470
I 18:09:46 Image Size: 4,640,276,480 bytes
I 18:09:46 Image Sectors: 2,265,760
I 18:09:46 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 18:09:46 Operation Started!
I 18:09:46 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 18:09:46 Image Sectors: 2,265,760 (MODE1/2048)
I 18:09:46 Image Size: 4,640,276,480 bytes
I 18:09:46 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 18:09:46 Image Volume Identifier: Exodus.Gods.and.Kings.2014.
I 18:09:46 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E84913600229296
I 18:09:46 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 18:09:46 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 18:09:46 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 18:09:46 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Exodus.Gods.and.Kings.2014..iso
I 18:09:46 Destination Free Space: 204,557,582,336 Bytes (199,763,264.00 KiB) (195,081.31 MiB) (190.51 GiB)
I 18:09:46 Destination File System: NTFS
I 18:09:46 File Splitting: Auto
I 18:09:47 Writing Image...
I 18:12:20 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:34
I 18:12:20 Average Write Rate: 29,425 KiB/s (21.8x) - Maximum Write Rate: 75,936 KiB/s (56.1x)
I 18:12:21 Close Request Acknowledged
I 18:12:21 Closing Down...
I 18:12:21 Shutting down SPTI...
I 18:12:21 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Thursday, 04 April 2019, 11:17:33
; \\****************************************//
I 11:15:23 ImgBurn Version started!
I 11:15:23 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 11:15:23 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,110,052 KiB
I 11:15:23 Initialising SPTI...
I 11:15:23 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 11:15:24 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 11:15:24 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 11:15:24 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 11:15:25 Operation Started!
I 11:15:25 Building Image Tree...
I 11:15:25 Checking Directory Depth...
I 11:15:25 Calculating Totals...
I 11:15:25 Preparing Image...
I 11:15:25 Checking Path Length...
I 11:15:25 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 11:15:25 Content Type: DVD Video
I 11:15:25 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 11:15:25 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 11:15:26 Volume Label: Overlord.2018.
I 11:15:26 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 11:15:26 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 11:15:26 TV System: NTSC
I 11:15:26 Size: 4,586,199,040 bytes
I 11:15:26 Sectors: 2,239,355
I 11:15:26 Image Size: 4,586,799,104 bytes
I 11:15:26 Image Sectors: 2,239,648
I 11:15:26 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 11:15:26 Operation Started!
I 11:15:26 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 11:15:26 Image Sectors: 2,239,648 (MODE1/2048)
I 11:15:26 Image Size: 4,586,799,104 bytes
I 11:15:26 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 11:15:26 Image Volume Identifier: Overlord.2018.
I 11:15:26 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E8459EC00222C93
I 11:15:26 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 11:15:26 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 11:15:26 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 11:15:26 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Overlord.2018..iso
I 11:15:26 Destination Free Space: 210,183,553,024 Bytes (205,257,376.00 KiB) (200,446.66 MiB) (195.75 GiB)
I 11:15:26 Destination File System: NTFS
I 11:15:26 File Splitting: Auto
I 11:15:27 Writing Image...
I 11:17:32 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:06
I 11:17:32 Average Write Rate: 35,549 KiB/s (26.3x) - Maximum Write Rate: 75,076 KiB/s (55.5x)
I 11:17:32 Close Request Acknowledged
I 11:17:32 Closing Down...
I 11:17:33 Shutting down SPTI...
I 11:17:33 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Thursday, 04 April 2019, 01:35:20
; \\****************************************//
I 01:33:17 ImgBurn Version started!
I 01:33:17 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 01:33:17 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,126,972 KiB
I 01:33:17 Initialising SPTI...
I 01:33:17 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 01:33:18 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 01:33:18 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 01:33:18 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 01:33:18 Operation Started!
I 01:33:18 Building Image Tree...
I 01:33:18 Checking Directory Depth...
I 01:33:18 Calculating Totals...
I 01:33:18 Preparing Image...
I 01:33:18 Checking Path Length...
I 01:33:18 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 01:33:19 Content Type: DVD Video
I 01:33:19 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 01:33:19 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 01:33:19 Volume Label: Shot.Caller.2017.
I 01:33:19 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 01:33:19 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 01:33:19 TV System: NTSC
I 01:33:19 Size: 4,635,551,744 bytes
I 01:33:19 Sectors: 2,263,453
I 01:33:19 Image Size: 4,636,147,712 bytes
I 01:33:19 Image Sectors: 2,263,744
I 01:33:19 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 01:33:19 Operation Started!
I 01:33:19 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 01:33:19 Image Sectors: 2,263,744 (MODE1/2048)
I 01:33:19 Image Size: 4,636,147,712 bytes
I 01:33:19 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 01:33:19 Image Volume Identifier: Shot.Caller.2017.
I 01:33:19 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E840C2900228AB5
I 01:33:19 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 01:33:19 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 01:33:19 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 01:33:19 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Shot.Caller.2017..iso
I 01:33:19 Destination Free Space: 214,800,400,384 Bytes (209,766,016.00 KiB) (204,849.63 MiB) (200.05 GiB)
I 01:33:19 Destination File System: NTFS
I 01:33:19 File Splitting: Auto
I 01:33:20 Writing Image...
I 01:35:19 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:00
I 01:35:19 Average Write Rate: 37,729 KiB/s (27.9x) - Maximum Write Rate: 94,596 KiB/s (69.9x)
I 01:35:19 Close Request Acknowledged
I 01:35:19 Closing Down...
I 01:35:20 Shutting down SPTI...
I 01:35:20 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Wednesday, 03 April 2019, 21:48:44
; \\****************************************//
I 21:46:45 ImgBurn Version started!
I 21:46:45 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 21:46:45 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,250,552 KiB
I 21:46:45 Initialising SPTI...
I 21:46:45 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 21:46:46 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 21:46:46 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 21:46:46 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 21:46:46 Operation Started!
I 21:46:46 Building Image Tree...
I 21:46:46 Checking Directory Depth...
I 21:46:46 Calculating Totals...
I 21:46:46 Preparing Image...
I 21:46:46 Checking Path Length...
I 21:46:46 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 21:46:46 Content Type: DVD Video
I 21:46:46 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 21:46:47 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 21:46:47 Volume Label: Upgrade.2018.
I 21:46:47 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 21:46:47 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 21:46:47 TV System: NTSC
I 21:46:47 Size: 4,591,282,176 bytes
I 21:46:47 Sectors: 2,241,837
I 21:46:47 Image Size: 4,591,910,912 bytes
I 21:46:47 Image Sectors: 2,242,144
I 21:46:47 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 21:46:47 Operation Started!
I 21:46:47 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 21:46:47 Image Sectors: 2,242,144 (MODE1/2048)
I 21:46:47 Image Size: 4,591,910,912 bytes
I 21:46:47 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 21:46:47 Image Volume Identifier: Upgrade.2018.
I 21:46:47 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E83ADD700223645
I 21:46:47 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 21:46:47 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 21:46:47 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 21:46:47 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Upgrade.2018..iso
I 21:46:47 Destination Free Space: 219,432,779,776 Bytes (214,289,824.00 KiB) (209,267.41 MiB) (204.36 GiB)
I 21:46:47 Destination File System: NTFS
I 21:46:47 File Splitting: Auto
I 21:46:47 Writing Image...
I 21:48:43 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:01:56
I 21:48:43 Average Write Rate: 38,657 KiB/s (28.6x) - Maximum Write Rate: 74,901 KiB/s (55.4x)
I 21:48:44 Close Request Acknowledged
I 21:48:44 Closing Down...
I 21:48:44 Shutting down SPTI...
I 21:48:44 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Wednesday, 03 April 2019, 19:51:25
; \\****************************************//
I 18:47:52 ImgBurn Version started!
I 18:47:52 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 18:47:52 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,136,592 KiB
I 18:47:52 Initialising SPTI...
I 18:47:52 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 18:47:52 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 18:47:52 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 18:47:52 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 19:16:23 Operation Started!
I 19:16:23 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Apocalypse Now {1979}.iso
I 19:16:23 Source File Sectors: 2,266,528 (MODE1/2048)
I 19:16:23 Source File Size: 4,641,849,344 bytes
I 19:16:23 Source File Volume Identifier: Apocalypse Now {1979}
I 19:16:23 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E834EBB0022959E
I 19:16:23 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 19:16:23 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 19:16:23 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 19:16:23 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 19:16:24 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 19:16:24 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x
I 19:16:24 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 19:16:24 Write Mode: DVD
I 19:16:24 Write Type: DAO
I 19:16:24 Write Speed: MAX
I 19:16:24 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 19:16:24 Link Size: Auto
I 19:16:24 Lock Volume: Yes
I 19:16:24 Test Mode: No
I 19:16:24 OPC: No
I 19:16:24 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 19:16:24 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 11,080 KB/s (8x)
I 19:16:24 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 19:16:24 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 19:16:24 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 39 - CD/DVD Record Count: 10
I 19:16:25 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 19:16:26 Writing LeadIn...
I 19:16:58 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2266527)
I 19:16:58 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2266527)
I 19:26:51 Synchronising Cache...
I 19:26:52 Closing Track...
I 19:26:56 Finalising Disc...
I 19:27:19 Exporting Graph Data...
I 19:27:19 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_WEDNESDAY-APRIL-3-2019_7-16_PM_MCC-004-00_MAX.ibg
I 19:27:19 Export Successfully Completed!
I 19:27:19 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:10:51
I 19:27:19 Average Write Rate: 7,657 KiB/s (5.7x) - Maximum Write Rate: 10,893 KiB/s (8.1x)
I 19:27:31 Operation Started!
I 19:27:31 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Outpost.Black.Sun.2012..iso
I 19:27:31 Source File Sectors: 2,250,208 (MODE1/2048)
I 19:27:31 Source File Size: 4,608,425,984 bytes
I 19:27:31 Source File Volume Identifier: Outpost.Black.Sun.2012.
I 19:27:31 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E832A5A002255D8
I 19:27:31 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 19:27:32 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 19:27:32 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 19:27:32 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (D:) (ATA)
I 19:27:32 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 19:27:32 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 8x, 16x, 24x
I 19:27:32 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 19:27:32 Write Mode: DVD
I 19:27:32 Write Type: DAO
I 19:27:32 Write Speed: 16x
I 19:27:32 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 19:27:32 Link Size: Auto
I 19:27:32 Lock Volume: Yes
I 19:27:32 Test Mode: No
I 19:27:32 OPC: No
I 19:27:32 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 19:27:32 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 22,160 KB/s (16x)
I 19:27:32 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 19:27:32 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 19:27:33 Writing LeadIn...
I 19:27:56 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2250207)
I 19:27:56 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2250207)
I 19:32:56 Synchronising Cache...
I 19:32:58 Closing Track...
I 19:33:00 Finalising Disc...
I 19:33:16 Exporting Graph Data...
I 19:33:16 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_WEDNESDAY-APRIL-3-2019_7-27_PM_MCC-004-00_16x.ibg
I 19:33:16 Export Successfully Completed!
I 19:33:16 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:05:37
I 19:33:16 Average Write Rate: 15,051 KiB/s (11.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 21,811 KiB/s (16.1x)
I 19:33:28 Operation Started!
I 19:33:28 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\Tactical.Force.2011..iso
I 19:33:28 Source File Sectors: 2,270,304 (MODE1/2048)
I 19:33:28 Source File Size: 4,649,582,592 bytes
I 19:33:28 Source File Volume Identifier: Tactical.Force.2011.
I 19:33:28 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E8331B30022A453
I 19:33:28 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 19:33:28 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 19:33:28 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 19:33:28 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 19:33:28 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00)
I 19:33:28 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x
I 19:33:28 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 19:33:28 Write Mode: DVD
I 19:33:28 Write Type: DAO
I 19:33:28 Write Speed: MAX
I 19:33:28 DVD+R Reserve Track: No
I 19:33:28 Link Size: Auto
I 19:33:28 Lock Volume: Yes
I 19:33:28 Test Mode: No
I 19:33:28 OPC: No
I 19:33:28 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 19:33:29 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 11,080 KB/s (8x)
I 19:33:29 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 19:33:29 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 19:33:29 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 40 - CD/DVD Record Count: 10
I 19:33:29 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 19:33:30 Writing LeadIn...
I 19:33:58 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2270303)
I 19:33:58 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2270303)
I 19:43:52 Synchronising Cache...
I 19:43:53 Closing Track...
I 19:43:57 Finalising Disc...
I 19:44:20 Exporting Graph Data...
I 19:44:20 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_WEDNESDAY-APRIL-3-2019_7-33_PM_MCC-004-00_MAX.ibg
I 19:44:20 Export Successfully Completed!
I 19:44:20 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:10:47
I 19:44:20 Average Write Rate: 7,644 KiB/s (5.7x) - Maximum Write Rate: 10,893 KiB/s (8.1x)
I 19:50:28 Queue Saved!
I 19:50:28 File Name: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Queue Files\ImgBurn.ibq
I 19:50:45 Close Request Acknowledged
I 19:51:24 Closing Down...
I 19:51:24 Shutting down SPTI...
I 19:51:24 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Wednesday, 03 April 2019, 09:56:30
; \\****************************************//
I 09:53:54 ImgBurn Version started!
I 09:53:54 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 09:53:54 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 4,813,584 KiB
I 09:53:54 Initialising SPTI...
I 09:53:54 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 09:53:54 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 09:53:54 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 09:53:54 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 09:53:55 Operation Started!
I 09:53:55 Building Image Tree...
I 09:53:55 Checking Directory Depth...
I 09:53:55 Calculating Totals...
I 09:53:55 Preparing Image...
I 09:53:55 Checking Path Length...
I 09:53:55 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 09:53:55 Content Type: DVD Video
I 09:53:55 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 09:53:55 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 09:53:55 Volume Label: Apocalypse Now {1979}
I 09:53:55 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 09:53:55 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 09:53:55 TV System: NTSC
I 09:53:55 Size: 4,641,271,808 bytes
I 09:53:55 Sectors: 2,266,246
I 09:53:55 Image Size: 4,641,849,344 bytes
I 09:53:55 Image Sectors: 2,266,528
I 09:53:55 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 09:53:55 Operation Started!
I 09:53:55 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 09:53:55 Image Sectors: 2,266,528 (MODE1/2048)
I 09:53:55 Image Size: 4,641,849,344 bytes
I 09:53:55 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 09:53:56 Image Volume Identifier: Apocalypse Now {1979}
I 09:53:56 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E834EBB0022959E
I 09:53:56 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 09:53:56 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 09:53:56 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 09:53:56 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Apocalypse Now {1979}.iso
I 09:53:56 Destination Free Space: 209,899,397,120 Bytes (204,979,880.00 KiB) (200,175.66 MiB) (195.48 GiB)
I 09:53:56 Destination File System: NTFS
I 09:53:56 File Splitting: Auto
I 09:53:56 Writing Image...
I 09:56:29 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:33
I 09:56:29 Average Write Rate: 29,627 KiB/s (21.9x) - Maximum Write Rate: 75,498 KiB/s (55.8x)
I 09:56:29 Close Request Acknowledged
I 09:56:29 Closing Down...
I 09:56:30 Shutting down SPTI...
I 09:56:30 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Wednesday, 03 April 2019, 06:16:06
; \\****************************************//
I 06:13:37 ImgBurn Version started!
I 06:13:37 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 06:13:37 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 4,940,424 KiB
I 06:13:37 Initialising SPTI...
I 06:13:37 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 06:13:37 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 06:13:37 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 06:13:37 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 06:13:38 Operation Started!
I 06:13:38 Building Image Tree...
I 06:13:38 Checking Directory Depth...
I 06:13:38 Calculating Totals...
I 06:13:38 Preparing Image...
I 06:13:38 Checking Path Length...
I 06:13:38 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 06:13:38 Content Type: DVD Video
I 06:13:38 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 06:13:38 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 06:13:38 Volume Label: Tactical.Force.2011.
I 06:13:39 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 06:13:39 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 06:13:39 TV System: NTSC
I 06:13:39 Size: 4,648,982,528 bytes
I 06:13:39 Sectors: 2,270,011
I 06:13:39 Image Size: 4,649,582,592 bytes
I 06:13:39 Image Sectors: 2,270,304
I 06:13:39 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00
I 06:13:39 Operation Started!
I 06:13:39 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 06:13:39 Image Sectors: 2,270,304 (MODE1/2048)
I 06:13:39 Image Size: 4,649,582,592 bytes
I 06:13:39 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 06:13:39 Image Volume Identifier: Tactical.Force.2011.
I 06:13:39 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E8331B30022A453
I 06:13:39 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 06:13:39 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 06:13:39 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 06:13:39 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Tactical.Force.2011..iso
I 06:13:39 Destination Free Space: 214,561,021,952 Bytes (209,532,248.00 KiB) (204,621.34 MiB) (199.83 GiB)
I 06:13:39 Destination File System: NTFS
I 06:13:39 File Splitting: Auto
I 06:13:39 Writing Image...
I 06:16:05 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:25
I 06:16:05 Average Write Rate: 31,314 KiB/s (23.2x) - Maximum Write Rate: 76,200 KiB/s (56.3x)
I 06:16:05 Close Request Acknowledged
I 06:16:05 Closing Down...
I 06:16:06 Shutting down SPTI...
I 06:16:06 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Wednesday, 03 April 2019, 05:21:12
; \\****************************************//
I 05:18:50 ImgBurn Version started!
I 05:18:50 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 05:18:50 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 4,932,060 KiB
I 05:18:50 Initialising SPTI...
I 05:18:50 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 05:18:51 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 05:18:51 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 05:18:51 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 05:18:52 Operation Started!
I 05:18:52 Building Image Tree...
I 05:18:52 Checking Directory Depth...
I 05:18:52 Calculating Totals...
I 05:18:52 Preparing Image...
I 05:18:52 Checking Path Length...
I 05:18:52 Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 05:18:52 Content Type: DVD Video
I 05:18:52 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 05:18:52 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 05:18:52 Volume Label: Outpost.Black.Sun.2012.
I 05:18:53 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 05:18:53 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 05:18:53 TV System: NTSC
I 05:18:53 Size: 4,607,836,160 bytes
I 05:18:53 Sectors: 2,249,920
I 05:18:53 Image Size: 4,608,425,984 bytes
I 05:18:53 Image Sectors: 2,250,208
I 05:18:53 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:01
I 05:18:53 Operation Started!
I 05:18:53 Image Contents: 10 Files, 2 Folders
I 05:18:53 Image Sectors: 2,250,208 (MODE1/2048)
I 05:18:53 Image Size: 4,608,425,984 bytes
I 05:18:53 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 05:18:53 Image Volume Identifier: Outpost.Black.Sun.2012.
I 05:18:53 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E832A5A002255D8
I 05:18:53 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 05:18:53 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 05:18:53 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 05:18:53 Destination File: C:\Users\Noloc42\Videos\AVStoDVD DVD Output\Outpost.Black.Sun.2012..iso
I 05:18:53 Destination Free Space: 219,215,872,000 Bytes (214,078,000.00 KiB) (209,060.55 MiB) (204.16 GiB)
I 05:18:53 Destination File System: NTFS
I 05:18:53 File Splitting: Auto
I 05:18:53 Writing Image...
I 05:21:11 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:18
I 05:21:11 Average Write Rate: 32,611 KiB/s (24.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 71,088 KiB/s (52.6x)
I 05:21:11 Close Request Acknowledged
I 05:21:11 Closing Down...
I 05:21:12 Shutting down SPTI...
I 05:21:12 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Saturday, 30 March 2019, 23:56:45
; \\****************************************//
I 22:55:33 ImgBurn Version started!
I 22:55:33 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 22:55:33 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,112,488 KiB
I 22:55:33 Initialising SPTI...
I 22:55:33 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 22:55:33 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 22:55:34 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 22:55:34 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 22:57:06 Operation Started!
I 22:57:06 Building Image Tree...
I 22:57:06 Checking Directory Depth...
I 22:57:06 Calculating Totals...
I 22:57:06 Preparing Image...
I 22:59:59 Using Layer Break LBA: 2010723 -> 2081872 (VTS_01, PGC: 1, Chapter: 25, Cell: 25, Vob/Cell ID: 1/25, Time: 01:59:53, SPLIP: Yes)
I 22:59:59 Checking Path Length...
I 22:59:59 Contents: 13 Files, 2 Folders
I 22:59:59 Content Type: DVD Video
I 22:59:59 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 22:59:59 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 22:59:59 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 22:59:59 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 22:59:59 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 22:59:59 TV System: NTSC
I 22:59:59 Size: 8,381,050,880 bytes
I 22:59:59 Sectors: 4,092,310
I 22:59:59 Image Size: 8,527,347,712 bytes
I 22:59:59 Image Sectors: 4,163,744
I 22:59:59 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:53
I 23:08:57 Operation Started!
I 23:08:57 Building Image Tree...
I 23:09:11 Checking Directory Depth...
I 23:09:11 Calculating Totals...
I 23:09:11 Preparing Image...
I 23:09:34 Using Layer Break LBA: 2010723 -> 2081872 (VTS_01, PGC: 1, Chapter: 25, Cell: 25, Vob/Cell ID: 1/25, Time: 01:59:53, SPLIP: Yes -> No)
I 23:09:34 Checking Path Length...
I 23:09:34 Contents: 13 Files, 2 Folders
I 23:09:34 Content Type: DVD Video
I 23:09:34 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 23:09:34 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 23:09:34 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 23:09:34 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 23:09:34 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 23:09:34 TV System: NTSC
I 23:09:34 Size: 8,381,050,880 bytes
I 23:09:34 Sectors: 4,092,310
I 23:09:35 Image Size: 8,527,347,712 bytes
I 23:09:35 Image Sectors: 4,163,744
E 23:09:41 Operation Aborted! - Duration: 00:00:43
I 23:18:49 Operation Started!
I 23:18:49 Building Image Tree...
I 23:18:49 Checking Directory Depth...
I 23:18:50 Calculating Totals...
I 23:18:50 Preparing Image...
I 23:19:01 Using Layer Break LBA: 2010723 -> 2081872 (VTS_01, PGC: 1, Chapter: 25, Cell: 25, Vob/Cell ID: 1/25, Time: 01:59:53, SPLIP: Yes -> No)
I 23:19:01 Checking Path Length...
I 23:19:01 Contents: 13 Files, 2 Folders
I 23:19:01 Content Type: DVD Video
I 23:19:01 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 23:19:01 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 23:19:01 Volume Label: LOTR_TFOTR_2001
I 23:19:01 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 23:19:01 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 23:19:01 TV System: NTSC
I 23:19:01 Size: 8,381,050,880 bytes
I 23:19:01 Sectors: 4,092,310
I 23:19:01 Image Size: 8,527,347,712 bytes
I 23:19:01 Image Sectors: 4,163,744
I 23:19:08 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:18
I 23:19:08 Operation Started!
I 23:19:08 Image Contents: 13 Files, 2 Folders
I 23:19:08 Image Sectors: 4,163,744 (MODE1/2048)
I 23:19:08 Image Size: 8,527,347,712 bytes
I 23:19:08 Image Layer Break Position: 2,081,872
I 23:19:08 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 23:19:08 Image Double Layer Profile: DVD+R DL (Min L0: 0, Max L0: 2,086,912, Media Capacity: 4,173,824)
I 23:19:08 Image Volume Identifier: LOTR_TFOTR_2001
I 23:19:08 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E7EBA58003F889E
I 23:19:08 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 23:19:08 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 23:19:08 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 23:19:08 Destination File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring EXTENDED 2001.iso
I 23:19:08 Destination Free Space: 271,683,670,016 Bytes (265,316,084.00 KiB) (259,097.74 MiB) (253.03 GiB)
I 23:19:08 Destination File System: NTFS
I 23:19:08 File Splitting: Auto
I 23:19:08 Writing Image...
I 23:23:02 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:03:53
I 23:23:02 Average Write Rate: 35,740 KiB/s (26.4x) - Maximum Write Rate: 100,458 KiB/s (74.3x)
I 23:28:19 Operation Started!
I 23:28:19 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring EXTENDED 2001.mds
I 23:28:19 Source File Sectors: 4,163,744 (MODE1/2048)
I 23:28:20 Source File Size: 8,527,347,712 bytes
I 23:28:20 Source File Volume Identifier: LOTR_TFOTR_2001
I 23:28:20 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E7EBA58003F889E
I 23:28:20 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 23:28:20 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 23:28:20 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 23:28:20 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (D:) (ATA)
I 23:28:21 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-003-00)
I 23:28:21 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 4x, 8x
I 23:28:21 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824
I 23:28:21 Destination Media L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,086,912 (Changeable: Yes)
I 23:28:21 Write Mode: DVD
I 23:28:21 Write Type: DAO
I 23:28:22 Write Speed: 4x
I 23:28:22 DVD+R DL Reserve Track: No
I 23:28:22 Link Size: Auto
I 23:28:22 Lock Volume: Yes
I 23:28:22 Test Mode: No
I 23:28:22 OPC: No
I 23:28:22 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 23:28:23 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 5,540 KB/s (4x)
I 23:28:23 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 23:28:23 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,081,872
I 23:28:23 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: Copied From Original Disc
I 23:28:23 Set L0 Data Zone Capacity Succeeded!
I 23:28:23 L0 Data Zone Capacity - Effective: 2,081,872
I 23:28:28 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 23:28:29 Writing LeadIn...
I 23:29:14 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 4163743)
I 23:29:14 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 4163743)
I 23:29:14 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 2081871)
I 23:42:17 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 2081872 - 4163743)
I 23:55:33 Synchronising Cache...
I 23:55:36 Closing Track...
I 23:55:37 Finalising Disc...
I 23:56:18 Exporting Graph Data...
I 23:56:18 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_SATURDAY-MARCH-30-2019_11-28_PM_MKM-003-00_4x.ibg
I 23:56:18 Export Successfully Completed!
I 23:56:18 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:27:54
I 23:56:18 Average Write Rate: 5,277 KiB/s (3.9x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5,459 KiB/s (4.0x)
I 23:56:45 Close Request Acknowledged
I 23:56:45 Closing Down...
I 23:56:45 Shutting down SPTI...
I 23:56:45 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Wednesday, 20 March 2019, 20:13:36
; \\****************************************//
I 15:35:02 ImgBurn Version started!
I 15:35:02 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 15:35:02 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,430,504 KiB
I 15:35:02 Initialising SPTI...
I 15:35:02 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 15:35:02 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 15:35:02 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 15:35:02 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 15:35:17 Operation Started!
I 15:35:17 Building Image Tree...
I 15:35:17 Checking Directory Depth...
I 15:35:17 Calculating Totals...
I 15:35:17 Preparing Image...
I 15:39:21 Using Layer Break LBA: 1916507 -> 1916512 (VTS_05, PGC: 1, Chapter: 1, Cell: 1, Vob/Cell ID: 1/1, Time: 00:00:00, SPLIP: No)
I 15:39:21 Checking Path Length...
I 15:39:21 Contents: 46 Files, 2 Folders
I 15:39:21 Content Type: DVD Video
I 15:39:21 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 15:39:21 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:39:21 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 15:39:21 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 15:39:21 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 15:39:21 TV System: NTSC
I 15:39:21 Size: 7,822,460,928 bytes
I 15:39:21 Sectors: 3,819,561
I 15:39:21 Image Size: 7,823,163,392 bytes
I 15:39:21 Image Sectors: 3,819,904
I 15:39:21 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:04:04
I 15:40:00 Operation Started!
I 15:40:00 Building Image Tree...
I 15:40:03 Checking Directory Depth...
I 15:40:03 Calculating Totals...
I 15:40:03 Preparing Image...
I 15:40:09 Using Layer Break LBA: 1916507 -> 1916512 (VTS_05, PGC: 1, Chapter: 1, Cell: 1, Vob/Cell ID: 1/1, Time: 00:00:00, SPLIP: No)
I 15:40:09 Checking Path Length...
I 15:40:09 Contents: 46 Files, 2 Folders
I 15:40:09 Content Type: DVD Video
I 15:40:09 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 15:40:09 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:40:09 Volume Label: EL_CAPO_7
I 15:40:09 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 15:40:09 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 15:40:09 TV System: NTSC
I 15:40:09 Size: 7,822,460,928 bytes
I 15:40:09 Sectors: 3,819,561
I 15:40:09 Image Size: 7,823,163,392 bytes
I 15:40:09 Image Sectors: 3,819,904
I 15:40:11 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:11
I 15:40:11 Operation Started!
I 15:40:11 Image Contents: 46 Files, 2 Folders
I 15:40:12 Image Sectors: 3,819,904 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:40:12 Image Size: 7,823,163,392 bytes
I 15:40:12 Image Layer Break Position: 1,916,512
I 15:40:12 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 15:40:12 Image Double Layer Profile: DVD+R DL (Min L0: 0, Max L0: 2,086,912, Media Capacity: 4,173,824)
I 15:40:12 Image Volume Identifier: EL_CAPO_7
I 15:40:12 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E747D00003A497C
I 15:40:12 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 15:40:12 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 15:40:12 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:40:12 Destination File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\EL_CAPO_7.ISO
I 15:40:12 Destination Free Space: 58,202,615,808 Bytes (56,838,492.00 KiB) (55,506.34 MiB) (54.21 GiB)
I 15:40:12 Destination File System: NTFS
I 15:40:12 File Splitting: Auto
I 15:40:12 Writing Image...
I 15:43:25 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:03:13
I 15:43:25 Average Write Rate: 39,584 KiB/s (29.3x) - Maximum Write Rate: 110,524 KiB/s (81.7x)
I 15:43:49 Operation Started!
I 15:43:49 Building Image Tree...
I 15:43:49 Checking Directory Depth...
I 15:43:49 Calculating Totals...
I 15:43:49 Preparing Image...
I 15:44:52 Using Layer Break LBA: 1896323 -> 1896336 (VTS_06, PGC: 1, Chapter: 1, Cell: 1, Vob/Cell ID: 1/1, Time: 00:00:00, SPLIP: No)
I 15:44:52 Checking Path Length...
I 15:44:52 Contents: 46 Files, 2 Folders
I 15:44:53 Content Type: DVD Video
I 15:44:53 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 15:44:53 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:44:53 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 15:44:53 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 15:44:53 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 15:44:53 TV System: NTSC
I 15:44:53 Size: 7,716,849,664 bytes
I 15:44:53 Sectors: 3,767,993
I 15:44:53 Image Size: 7,717,584,896 bytes
I 15:44:53 Image Sectors: 3,768,352
I 15:44:53 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:01:03
I 15:45:09 Operation Started!
I 15:45:09 Building Image Tree...
I 15:45:12 Checking Directory Depth...
I 15:45:12 Calculating Totals...
I 15:45:12 Preparing Image...
I 15:45:16 Using Layer Break LBA: 1896323 -> 1896336 (VTS_06, PGC: 1, Chapter: 1, Cell: 1, Vob/Cell ID: 1/1, Time: 00:00:00, SPLIP: No)
I 15:45:16 Checking Path Length...
I 15:45:16 Contents: 46 Files, 2 Folders
I 15:45:16 Content Type: DVD Video
I 15:45:16 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 15:45:16 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:45:16 Volume Label: EL_CAPO_8
I 15:45:16 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 15:45:16 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 15:45:16 TV System: NTSC
I 15:45:16 Size: 7,716,849,664 bytes
I 15:45:16 Sectors: 3,767,993
I 15:45:16 Image Size: 7,717,584,896 bytes
I 15:45:16 Image Sectors: 3,768,352
I 15:45:38 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:29
I 15:45:38 Operation Started!
I 15:45:38 Image Contents: 46 Files, 2 Folders
I 15:45:38 Image Sectors: 3,768,352 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:45:38 Image Size: 7,717,584,896 bytes
I 15:45:38 Image Layer Break Position: 1,896,336
I 15:45:38 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 15:45:38 Image Double Layer Profile: DVD+R DL (Min L0: 0, Max L0: 2,086,912, Media Capacity: 4,173,824)
I 15:45:38 Image Volume Identifier: EL_CAPO_8
I 15:45:38 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E747DA400398014
I 15:45:38 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 15:45:38 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 15:45:38 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:45:38 Destination File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\EL_CAPO_8.ISO
I 15:45:38 Destination Free Space: 50,382,311,424 Bytes (49,201,476.00 KiB) (48,048.32 MiB) (46.92 GiB)
I 15:45:38 Destination File System: NTFS
I 15:45:38 File Splitting: Auto
I 15:45:38 Writing Image...
I 15:48:56 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:03:18
I 15:48:56 Average Write Rate: 38,064 KiB/s (28.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 129,764 KiB/s (95.9x)
I 15:51:25 Operation Started!
I 15:51:25 Building Image Tree...
I 15:51:25 Checking Directory Depth...
I 15:51:25 Calculating Totals...
I 15:51:25 Preparing Image...
I 15:51:55 Using Layer Break LBA: 1766363 -> 1945664 (VTS_06, PGC: 1, Chapter: 1, Cell: 1, Vob/Cell ID: 1/1, Time: 00:00:00, SPLIP: No)
I 15:51:55 Checking Path Length...
I 15:51:55 Contents: 48 Files, 2 Folders
I 15:51:55 Content Type: DVD Video
I 15:51:55 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 15:51:55 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:51:55 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 15:51:55 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 15:51:55 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 15:51:55 TV System: NTSC
I 15:51:55 Size: 7,601,539,072 bytes
I 15:51:55 Sectors: 3,711,689
I 15:51:55 Image Size: 7,969,439,744 bytes
I 15:51:55 Image Sectors: 3,891,328
I 15:51:55 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:30
I 15:52:15 Operation Started!
I 15:52:15 Building Image Tree...
I 15:52:19 Checking Directory Depth...
I 15:52:19 Calculating Totals...
I 15:52:19 Preparing Image...
I 15:52:23 Using Layer Break LBA: 1766363 -> 1945664 (VTS_06, PGC: 1, Chapter: 1, Cell: 1, Vob/Cell ID: 1/1, Time: 00:00:00, SPLIP: No)
I 15:52:23 Checking Path Length...
I 15:52:23 Contents: 48 Files, 2 Folders
I 15:52:23 Content Type: DVD Video
I 15:52:23 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 15:52:23 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:52:23 Volume Label: EL_CAPO_9
I 15:52:23 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 15:52:23 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 15:52:23 TV System: NTSC
I 15:52:23 Size: 7,601,539,072 bytes
I 15:52:23 Sectors: 3,711,689
I 15:52:23 Image Size: 7,969,439,744 bytes
I 15:52:23 Image Sectors: 3,891,328
I 15:52:26 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:11
I 15:52:26 Operation Started!
I 15:52:27 Image Contents: 48 Files, 2 Folders
I 15:52:27 Image Sectors: 3,891,328 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:52:27 Image Size: 7,969,439,744 bytes
I 15:52:27 Image Layer Break Position: 1,945,664
I 15:52:27 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 15:52:27 Image Double Layer Profile: DVD+R DL (Min L0: 0, Max L0: 2,086,912, Media Capacity: 4,173,824)
I 15:52:27 Image Volume Identifier: EL_CAPO_9
I 15:52:27 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E747E87003B607E
I 15:52:27 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 15:52:27 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 15:52:27 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:52:27 Destination File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\EL_CAPO_9.ISO
I 15:52:27 Destination Free Space: 42,664,321,024 Bytes (41,664,376.00 KiB) (40,687.87 MiB) (39.73 GiB)
I 15:52:27 Destination File System: NTFS
I 15:52:27 File Splitting: Auto
I 15:52:27 Writing Image...
I 15:55:19 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:52
I 15:55:19 Average Write Rate: 45,248 KiB/s (33.5x) - Maximum Write Rate: 211,735 KiB/s (156.5x)
I 15:55:50 Operation Started!
I 15:55:50 Building Image Tree...
I 15:55:50 Checking Directory Depth...
I 15:55:50 Calculating Totals...
I 15:55:50 Preparing Image...
I 15:57:23 Using Layer Break LBA: 1191114 -> 1955904 (VTS_04, PGC: 1, Chapter: 1, Cell: 1, Vob/Cell ID: 1/1, Time: 00:00:00, SPLIP: No)
I 15:57:23 Checking Path Length...
I 15:57:23 Contents: 39 Files, 2 Folders
I 15:57:23 Content Type: DVD Video
I 15:57:23 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 15:57:23 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:57:23 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 15:57:23 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 15:57:23 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 15:57:23 TV System: NTSC
I 15:57:23 Size: 6,444,408,832 bytes
I 15:57:23 Sectors: 3,146,684
I 15:57:23 Image Size: 8,011,382,784 bytes
I 15:57:23 Image Sectors: 3,911,808
I 15:57:23 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:01:33
I 15:57:48 Operation Started!
I 15:57:48 Building Image Tree...
I 15:57:50 Checking Directory Depth...
I 15:57:50 Calculating Totals...
I 15:57:50 Preparing Image...
I 15:57:53 Using Layer Break LBA: 1191114 -> 1955904 (VTS_04, PGC: 1, Chapter: 1, Cell: 1, Vob/Cell ID: 1/1, Time: 00:00:00, SPLIP: No)
I 15:57:53 Checking Path Length...
I 15:57:54 Contents: 39 Files, 2 Folders
I 15:57:54 Content Type: DVD Video
I 15:57:54 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 15:57:54 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:57:54 Volume Label: EL_CAPO_10
I 15:57:54 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 15:57:54 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 15:57:54 TV System: NTSC
I 15:57:54 Size: 6,444,408,832 bytes
I 15:57:54 Sectors: 3,146,684
I 15:57:54 Image Size: 8,011,382,784 bytes
I 15:57:54 Image Sectors: 3,911,808
I 15:57:56 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:07
I 15:57:56 Operation Started!
I 15:57:56 Image Contents: 39 Files, 2 Folders
I 15:57:56 Image Sectors: 3,911,808 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:57:56 Image Size: 8,011,382,784 bytes
I 15:57:56 Image Layer Break Position: 1,955,904
I 15:57:56 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 15:57:56 Image Double Layer Profile: DVD+R DL (Min L0: 0, Max L0: 2,086,912, Media Capacity: 4,173,824)
I 15:57:56 Image Volume Identifier: EL_CAPO_10
I 15:57:56 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E747F38003BB079
I 15:57:56 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 15:57:56 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 15:57:56 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:57:56 Destination File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\EL_CAPO_10.ISO
I 15:57:56 Destination Free Space: 34,694,635,520 Bytes (33,881,480.00 KiB) (33,087.38 MiB) (32.31 GiB)
I 15:57:56 Destination File System: NTFS
I 15:57:56 File Splitting: Auto
I 15:57:56 Writing Image...
I 16:00:44 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:48
I 16:00:44 Average Write Rate: 46,569 KiB/s (34.4x) - Maximum Write Rate: 285,425 KiB/s (211.0x)
I 16:15:17 Operation Started!
I 16:15:17 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\EL_CAPO_7.MDS
I 16:15:17 Source File Sectors: 3,819,904 (MODE1/2048)
I 16:15:17 Source File Size: 7,823,163,392 bytes
I 16:15:18 Source File Volume Identifier: EL_CAPO_7
I 16:15:18 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E747D00003A497C
I 16:15:18 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 16:15:18 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 16:15:18 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 16:15:18 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (D:) (ATA)
I 16:15:18 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-003-00)
I 16:15:18 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 4x, 8x
I 16:15:18 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824
I 16:15:18 Destination Media L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,086,912 (Changeable: Yes)
I 16:15:18 Write Mode: DVD
I 16:15:18 Write Type: DAO
I 16:15:18 Write Speed: 4x
I 16:15:18 DVD+R DL Reserve Track: No
I 16:15:18 Link Size: Auto
I 16:15:18 Lock Volume: Yes
I 16:15:18 Test Mode: No
I 16:15:18 OPC: No
I 16:15:18 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 16:15:18 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 5,540 KB/s (4x)
I 16:15:18 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 16:15:18 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 1,916,512
I 16:15:18 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: Copied From Original Disc
I 16:15:18 Set L0 Data Zone Capacity Succeeded!
I 16:15:18 L0 Data Zone Capacity - Effective: 1,916,512
I 16:15:19 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 16:15:20 Writing LeadIn...
I 16:16:03 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 3819903)
I 16:16:03 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 3819903)
I 16:16:03 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1916511)
I 16:27:44 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 1916512 - 3819903)
I 16:39:54 Synchronising Cache...
I 16:39:57 Closing Track...
I 16:39:58 Finalising Disc...
I 16:40:48 Exporting Graph Data...
I 16:40:48 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_WEDNESDAY-MARCH-20-2019_4-15_PM_MKM-003-00_4x.ibg
I 16:40:48 Export Successfully Completed!
I 16:40:48 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:25:24
I 16:40:48 Average Write Rate: 5,346 KiB/s (4.0x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5,455 KiB/s (4.0x)
I 17:14:09 Operation Started!
I 17:14:09 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\EL_CAPO_8.MDS
I 17:14:09 Source File Sectors: 3,768,352 (MODE1/2048)
I 17:14:09 Source File Size: 7,717,584,896 bytes
I 17:14:09 Source File Volume Identifier: EL_CAPO_8
I 17:14:09 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E747DA400398014
I 17:14:09 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 17:14:09 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 17:14:09 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 17:14:09 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (D:) (ATA)
I 17:14:09 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-003-00)
I 17:14:09 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 4x, 8x
I 17:14:09 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824
I 17:14:09 Destination Media L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,086,912 (Changeable: Yes)
I 17:14:09 Write Mode: DVD
I 17:14:09 Write Type: DAO
I 17:14:09 Write Speed: 4x
I 17:14:09 DVD+R DL Reserve Track: No
I 17:14:09 Link Size: Auto
I 17:14:09 Lock Volume: Yes
I 17:14:09 Test Mode: No
I 17:14:09 OPC: No
I 17:14:09 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 17:14:09 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 5,540 KB/s (4x)
I 17:14:09 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 17:14:09 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 1,896,336
I 17:14:09 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: Copied From Original Disc
I 17:14:09 Set L0 Data Zone Capacity Succeeded!
I 17:14:09 L0 Data Zone Capacity - Effective: 1,896,336
I 17:14:09 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 17:14:10 Writing LeadIn...
I 17:14:55 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 3768351)
I 17:14:55 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 3768351)
I 17:14:55 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1896335)
I 17:26:47 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 1896336 - 3768351)
I 17:38:45 Synchronising Cache...
I 17:38:48 Closing Track...
I 17:38:49 Finalising Disc...
I 17:39:43 Exporting Graph Data...
I 17:39:43 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_WEDNESDAY-MARCH-20-2019_5-14_PM_MKM-003-00_4x.ibg
I 17:39:43 Export Successfully Completed!
I 17:39:44 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:25:28
I 17:39:44 Average Write Rate: 5,274 KiB/s (3.9x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5,458 KiB/s (4.0x)
I 17:43:45 Operation Started!
I 17:43:45 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\EL_CAPO_9.MDS
I 17:43:45 Source File Sectors: 3,891,328 (MODE1/2048)
I 17:43:45 Source File Size: 7,969,439,744 bytes
I 17:43:45 Source File Volume Identifier: EL_CAPO_9
I 17:43:45 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E747E87003B607E
I 17:43:45 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 17:43:45 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 17:43:45 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 17:43:45 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 17:43:45 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-003-00)
I 17:43:45 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x
I 17:43:45 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824
I 17:43:45 Destination Media L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,086,912 (Changeable: Yes)
I 17:43:45 Write Mode: DVD
I 17:43:45 Write Type: DAO
I 17:43:45 Write Speed: 4x
I 17:43:45 DVD+R DL Reserve Track: No
I 17:43:45 Link Size: Auto
I 17:43:45 Lock Volume: Yes
I 17:43:45 Test Mode: No
I 17:43:45 OPC: No
I 17:43:45 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 17:43:45 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 5,540 KB/s (4x)
I 17:43:45 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 17:43:45 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 17:43:45 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 36 - CD/DVD Record Count: 10
I 17:43:45 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 1,945,664
I 17:43:45 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: Copied From Original Disc
I 17:43:45 Set L0 Data Zone Capacity Succeeded!
I 17:43:45 L0 Data Zone Capacity - Effective: 1,945,664
I 17:43:45 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 17:43:46 Writing LeadIn...
I 17:44:38 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 3891327)
I 17:44:38 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 3891327)
I 17:44:38 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1945663)
I 17:57:08 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 1945664 - 3891327)
I 18:09:35 Synchronising Cache...
I 18:09:36 Closing Track...
I 18:09:37 Finalising Disc...
I 18:10:23 Exporting Graph Data...
I 18:10:23 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_WEDNESDAY-MARCH-20-2019_5-43_PM_MKM-003-00_4x.ibg
I 18:10:23 Export Successfully Completed!
I 18:10:23 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:26:35
I 18:10:23 Average Write Rate: 5,198 KiB/s (3.8x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5,638 KiB/s (4.2x)
I 18:23:16 Operation Started!
I 18:23:16 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\EL_CAPO_10.MDS
I 18:23:16 Source File Sectors: 3,911,808 (MODE1/2048)
I 18:23:16 Source File Size: 8,011,382,784 bytes
I 18:23:16 Source File Volume Identifier: EL_CAPO_10
I 18:23:16 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E747F38003BB079
I 18:23:16 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 18:23:16 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 18:23:16 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 18:23:16 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 18:23:17 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-003-00)
I 18:23:17 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x
I 18:23:17 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824
I 18:23:17 Destination Media L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,086,912 (Changeable: Yes)
I 18:23:17 Write Mode: DVD
I 18:23:17 Write Type: DAO
I 18:23:17 Write Speed: 4x
I 18:23:17 DVD+R DL Reserve Track: No
I 18:23:17 Link Size: Auto
I 18:23:17 Lock Volume: Yes
I 18:23:17 Test Mode: No
I 18:23:17 OPC: No
I 18:23:17 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 18:23:17 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 5,540 KB/s (4x)
I 18:23:17 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 18:23:17 Advanced Settings - Force HT: No, Online HT: No, OverSpeed: No, SmartBurn: Yes
I 18:23:17 CD/DVD Life Record Count: 37 - CD/DVD Record Count: 10
I 18:23:17 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 1,955,904
I 18:23:17 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: Copied From Original Disc
I 18:23:17 Set L0 Data Zone Capacity Succeeded!
I 18:23:17 L0 Data Zone Capacity - Effective: 1,955,904
I 18:23:17 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 18:23:18 Writing LeadIn...
I 18:24:09 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 3911807)
I 18:24:09 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 3911807)
I 18:24:09 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1955903)
I 18:36:43 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 1955904 - 3911807)
I 18:49:13 Synchronising Cache...
I 18:49:14 Closing Track...
I 18:49:15 Finalising Disc...
I 18:50:00 Exporting Graph Data...
I 18:50:00 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\Slimtype_eBAU108_5_L_4L01_WEDNESDAY-MARCH-20-2019_6-23_PM_MKM-003-00_4x.ibg
I 18:50:00 Export Successfully Completed!
I 18:50:00 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:26:40
I 18:50:00 Average Write Rate: 5,201 KiB/s (3.8x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5,538 KiB/s (4.1x)
I 20:13:36 Close Request Acknowledged
I 20:13:36 Closing Down...
I 20:13:36 Shutting down SPTI...
I 20:13:36 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Wednesday, 20 March 2019, 01:47:50
; \\****************************************//
I 01:08:36 ImgBurn Version started!
I 01:08:36 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 01:08:36 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,347,740 KiB
I 01:08:37 Initialising SPTI...
I 01:08:37 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 01:08:37 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 01:08:37 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 01:08:37 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 01:09:51 Operation Started!
I 01:09:51 Building Image Tree...
I 01:09:52 Checking Directory Depth...
I 01:09:52 Calculating Totals...
I 01:09:52 Preparing Image...
I 01:11:51 Using Layer Break LBA: 1572287 -> 1888864 (VTS_04, PGC: 1, Chapter: 1, Cell: 1, Vob/Cell ID: 1/1, Time: 00:00:00, SPLIP: No)
I 01:11:52 Checking Path Length...
I 01:11:52 Contents: 43 Files, 2 Folders
I 01:11:52 Content Type: DVD Video
I 01:11:52 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 01:11:52 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 01:11:52 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 01:11:52 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 01:11:52 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 01:11:52 TV System: NTSC
I 01:11:52 Size: 7,087,734,784 bytes
I 01:11:52 Sectors: 3,460,808
I 01:11:52 Image Size: 7,736,786,944 bytes
I 01:11:52 Image Sectors: 3,777,728
I 01:11:52 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:00
I 01:12:38 Operation Started!
I 01:12:38 Building Image Tree...
I 01:12:45 Checking Directory Depth...
I 01:12:45 Calculating Totals...
I 01:12:45 Preparing Image...
I 01:12:52 Using Layer Break LBA: 1572287 -> 1888864 (VTS_04, PGC: 1, Chapter: 1, Cell: 1, Vob/Cell ID: 1/1, Time: 00:00:00, SPLIP: No)
I 01:12:52 Checking Path Length...
I 01:12:52 Contents: 43 Files, 2 Folders
I 01:12:52 Content Type: DVD Video
I 01:12:52 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 01:12:52 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 01:12:52 Volume Label: EL_CAPO_6
I 01:12:52 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 01:12:52 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 01:12:52 TV System: NTSC
I 01:12:52 Size: 7,087,734,784 bytes
I 01:12:52 Sectors: 3,460,808
I 01:12:52 Image Size: 7,736,786,944 bytes
I 01:12:52 Image Sectors: 3,777,728
I 01:12:55 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:17
I 01:12:55 Operation Started!
I 01:12:55 Image Contents: 43 Files, 2 Folders
I 01:12:55 Image Sectors: 3,777,728 (MODE1/2048)
I 01:12:55 Image Size: 7,736,786,944 bytes
I 01:12:55 Image Layer Break Position: 1,888,864
I 01:12:56 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 01:12:56 Image Double Layer Profile: DVD+R DL (Min L0: 0, Max L0: 2,086,912, Media Capacity: 4,173,824)
I 01:12:56 Image Volume Identifier: EL_CAPO_6
I 01:12:56 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E7409930039A4B4
I 01:12:56 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 01:12:56 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 01:12:56 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 01:12:56 Destination File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\EL_CAPO_6.ISO
I 01:12:56 Destination Free Space: 65,944,174,592 Bytes (64,398,608.00 KiB) (62,889.27 MiB) (61.42 GiB)
I 01:12:56 Destination File System: NTFS
I 01:12:56 File Splitting: Auto
I 01:12:56 Writing Image...
I 01:15:56 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:03:00
I 01:15:56 Average Write Rate: 41,974 KiB/s (31.0x) - Maximum Write Rate: 217,108 KiB/s (160.5x)
I 01:17:35 Operation Started!
I 01:17:35 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\EL_CAPO_6.MDS
I 01:17:35 Source File Sectors: 3,777,728 (MODE1/2048)
I 01:17:35 Source File Size: 7,736,786,944 bytes
I 01:17:35 Source File Volume Identifier: EL_CAPO_6
I 01:17:35 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E7409930039A4B4
I 01:17:35 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 01:17:35 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 01:17:35 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 01:17:35 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (D:) (ATA)
I 01:17:35 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-003-00)
I 01:17:35 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 4x, 8x
I 01:17:35 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824
I 01:17:35 Destination Media L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,086,912 (Changeable: Yes)
I 01:17:35 Write Mode: DVD
I 01:17:35 Write Type: DAO
I 01:17:35 Write Speed: 4x
I 01:17:35 DVD+R DL Reserve Track: No
I 01:17:35 Link Size: Auto
I 01:17:35 Lock Volume: Yes
I 01:17:35 Test Mode: No
I 01:17:35 OPC: No
I 01:17:35 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 01:17:35 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 5,540 KB/s (4x)
I 01:17:35 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 01:17:35 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 1,888,864
I 01:17:35 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: Copied From Original Disc
I 01:17:35 Set L0 Data Zone Capacity Succeeded!
I 01:17:35 L0 Data Zone Capacity - Effective: 1,888,864
I 01:17:37 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 01:17:38 Writing LeadIn...
I 01:18:20 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 3777727)
I 01:18:20 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 3777727)
I 01:18:20 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1888863)
I 01:30:09 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 1888864 - 3777727)
I 01:42:11 Synchronising Cache...
I 01:42:14 Closing Track...
I 01:42:15 Finalising Disc...
I 01:42:56 Exporting Graph Data...
I 01:42:56 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_WEDNESDAY-MARCH-20-2019_1-17_AM_MKM-003-00_4x.ibg
I 01:42:56 Export Successfully Completed!
I 01:42:56 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:25:16
I 01:42:56 Average Write Rate: 5,283 KiB/s (3.9x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5,459 KiB/s (4.0x)
I 01:47:50 Close Request Acknowledged
I 01:47:50 Closing Down...
I 01:47:50 Shutting down SPTI...
I 01:47:50 ImgBurn closed!
; //****************************************\\
; ImgBurn Version - Log
; Tuesday, 19 March 2019, 22:07:01
; \\****************************************//
I 14:35:52 ImgBurn Version started!
I 14:35:52 Microsoft Windows 8 Core x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200)
I 14:35:52 Total Physical Memory: 8,387,060 KiB - Available: 5,727,480 KiB
I 14:35:52 Initialising SPTI...
I 14:35:52 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 14:35:53 -> Drive 1 - Info: Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB 2.0)
I 14:35:53 -> Drive 2 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00-20 (D:) (ATA)
I 14:35:53 Found 2 DVD±RW/RAMs!
I 14:36:57 Operation Started!
I 14:36:57 Building Image Tree...
I 14:36:58 Checking Directory Depth...
I 14:36:58 Calculating Totals...
I 14:36:58 Preparing Image...
I 14:40:20 Using Layer Break LBA: 1852828 -> 1889952 (VTS_06, PGC: 1, Chapter: 1, Cell: 1, Vob/Cell ID: 1/1, Time: 00:00:00, SPLIP: No)
I 14:40:20 Checking Path Length...
I 14:40:20 Contents: 48 Files, 2 Folders
I 14:40:20 Content Type: DVD Video
I 14:40:20 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 14:40:20 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 14:40:20 Volume Label: [Not Configured]
I 14:40:20 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 14:40:20 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 14:40:20 TV System: NTSC
I 14:40:20 Size: 7,664,504,832 bytes
I 14:40:20 Sectors: 3,742,434
I 14:40:20 Image Size: 7,741,243,392 bytes
I 14:40:20 Image Sectors: 3,779,904
I 14:40:20 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:03:23
I 14:58:49 Operation Started!
I 14:58:50 Building Image Tree...
I 14:58:50 Checking Directory Depth...
I 14:58:50 Calculating Totals...
I 14:58:50 Preparing Image...
I 14:58:58 Using Layer Break LBA: 1852828 -> 1889952 (VTS_06, PGC: 1, Chapter: 1, Cell: 1, Vob/Cell ID: 1/1, Time: 00:00:00, SPLIP: No)
I 14:58:58 Checking Path Length...
I 14:58:58 Contents: 48 Files, 2 Folders
I 14:58:58 Content Type: DVD Video
I 14:58:59 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 14:58:59 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 14:58:59 Volume Label: EL_CAPO_1
I 14:58:59 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 14:58:59 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 14:58:59 TV System: NTSC
I 14:58:59 Size: 7,664,504,832 bytes
I 14:58:59 Sectors: 3,742,434
I 14:58:59 Image Size: 7,741,243,392 bytes
I 14:58:59 Image Sectors: 3,779,904
I 14:59:03 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:13
I 14:59:03 Operation Started!
I 14:59:03 Image Contents: 48 Files, 2 Folders
I 14:59:03 Image Sectors: 3,779,904 (MODE1/2048)
I 14:59:03 Image Size: 7,741,243,392 bytes
I 14:59:03 Image Layer Break Position: 1,889,952
I 14:59:03 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 14:59:03 Image Double Layer Profile: DVD+R DL (Min L0: 0, Max L0: 2,086,912, Media Capacity: 4,173,824)
I 14:59:03 Image Volume Identifier: EL_CAPO_1
I 14:59:03 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E7377580039AD36
I 14:59:03 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 14:59:03 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 14:59:03 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 14:59:03 Destination File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\EL_CAPO_1.ISO
I 14:59:03 Destination Free Space: 111,006,289,920 Bytes (108,404,580.00 KiB) (105,863.85 MiB) (103.38 GiB)
I 14:59:03 Destination File System: NTFS
I 14:59:03 File Splitting: Auto
I 14:59:03 Writing Image...
I 15:01:53 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:50
I 15:01:53 Average Write Rate: 44,469 KiB/s (32.9x) - Maximum Write Rate: 158,098 KiB/s (116.9x)
I 15:09:05 Operation Started!
I 15:09:05 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\EL_CAPO_1.MDS
I 15:09:05 Source File Sectors: 3,779,904 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:09:05 Source File Size: 7,741,243,392 bytes
I 15:09:05 Source File Volume Identifier: EL_CAPO_1
I 15:09:05 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E7377580039AD36
I 15:09:05 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 15:09:05 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 15:09:05 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 15:09:05 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LF00 (D:) (ATA)
I 15:09:06 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-003-00)
I 15:09:06 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 4x, 8x
I 15:09:06 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824
I 15:09:06 Destination Media L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,086,912 (Changeable: Yes)
I 15:09:06 Write Mode: DVD
I 15:09:06 Write Type: DAO
I 15:09:06 Write Speed: 2.4x
I 15:09:06 DVD+R DL Reserve Track: No
I 15:09:06 Link Size: Auto
I 15:09:06 Lock Volume: Yes
I 15:09:06 Test Mode: No
I 15:09:06 OPC: No
I 15:09:06 BURN-Proof: Enabled
W 15:09:06 Write Speed Miscompare! - Wanted: 3,324 KB/s (2.4x), Got: 5,540 KB/s (4x)
W 15:09:06 The drive only supports writing these discs at 4x, 8x.
I 15:09:06 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM
I 15:09:06 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 1,889,952
I 15:09:06 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: Copied From Original Disc
I 15:09:06 Set L0 Data Zone Capacity Succeeded!
I 15:09:06 L0 Data Zone Capacity - Effective: 1,889,952
I 15:09:08 Filling Buffer... (80 MiB)
I 15:09:08 Writing LeadIn...
I 15:09:53 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 3779903)
I 15:09:53 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 3779903)
I 15:09:53 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1889951)
I 15:21:43 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 1889952 - 3779903)
I 15:33:45 Synchronising Cache...
I 15:33:48 Closing Track...
I 15:33:49 Finalising Disc...
I 15:34:29 Exporting Graph Data...
I 15:34:29 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Noloc42\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSB0_LF00_TUESDAY-MARCH-19-2019_3-09_PM_MKM-003-00_2.4x.ibg
I 15:34:29 Export Successfully Completed!
I 15:34:29 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:25:19
I 15:34:29 Average Write Rate: 5,282 KiB/s (3.9x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5,459 KiB/s (4.0x)
I 16:21:18 Operation Started!
I 16:21:18 Building Image Tree...
I 16:21:19 Checking Directory Depth...
I 16:21:19 Calculating Totals...
I 16:21:19 Preparing Image...
E 16:22:16 Operation Aborted! - Duration: 00:00:57
I 16:26:32 Operation Started!
I 16:26:32 Building Image Tree...
I 16:26:33 Checking Directory Depth...
I 16:26:33 Calculating Totals...
I 16:26:33 Preparing Image...
I 16:29:09 Using Layer Break LBA: 2081283 -> 2081296 (VTS_05, PGC: 1, Chapter: 5, Cell: 6, Vob/Cell ID: 1/6, Time: 00:23:33, SPLIP: No)
I 16:29:09 Checking Path Length...
I 16:29:09 Contents: 49 Files, 2 Folders
I 16:29:09 Content Type: DVD Video
I 16:29:09 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 16:29:09 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 16:29:09 Volume Label: EL_CAPO_2
I 16:29:10 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 16:29:10 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 16:29:10 TV System: NTSC
I 16:29:10 Size: 8,502,980,608 bytes
I 16:29:10 Sectors: 4,151,846
I 16:29:10 Image Size: 8,503,754,752 bytes
I 16:29:10 Image Sectors: 4,152,224
I 16:29:10 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:37
I 16:29:53 Operation Started!
I 16:29:53 Building Image Tree...
I 16:29:53 Checking Directory Depth...
I 16:29:53 Calculating Totals...
I 16:29:53 Preparing Image...
I 16:57:41 Using Layer Break LBA: 2081283 -> 2081296 (VTS_05, PGC: 1, Chapter: 5, Cell: 6, Vob/Cell ID: 1/6, Time: 00:23:33, SPLIP: No)
I 16:57:41 Checking Path Length...
I 16:57:41 Contents: 49 Files, 2 Folders
I 16:57:41 Content Type: DVD Video
I 16:57:41 Data Type: MODE1/2048
I 16:57:41 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 16:57:41 Volume Label: EL_CAPO_2
I 16:57:41 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled
I 16:57:41 Region Code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I 16:57:41 TV System: NTSC
I 16:57:41 Size: 8,502,980,608 bytes
I 16:57:41 Sectors: 4,151,846
I 16:57:41 Image Size: 8,503,754,752 bytes
I 16:57:41 Image Sectors: 4,152,224
I 16:57:46 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:27:52
I 16:57:46 Operation Started!
I 16:57:46 Image Contents: 49 Files, 2 Folders
I 16:57:46 Image Sectors: 4,152,224 (MODE1/2048)
I 16:57:46 Image Size: 8,503,754,752 bytes
I 16:57:46 Image Layer Break Position: 2,081,296
I 16:57:46 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD-R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,297,888)
I 16:57:46 Image Double Layer Profile: DVD+R DL (Min L0: 0, Max L0: 2,086,912, Media Capacity: 4,173,824)
I 16:57:46 Image Volume Identifier: EL_CAPO_2
I 16:57:46 Image Volume Set Identifier: 4E7383BA003F5B84
I 16:57:46 Image Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 16:57:46 Image Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 16:57:46 Image File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 16:57:46 Destination File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\EL_CAPO_2.ISO
I 16:57:46 Destination Free Space: 103,262,617,600 Bytes (100,842,400.00 KiB) (98,478.91 MiB) (96.17 GiB)
I 16:57:46 Destination File System: NTFS
I 16:57:46 File Splitting: Auto
I 16:57:46 Writing Image...
I 17:00:59 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:03:12
I 17:00:59 Average Write Rate: 43,252 KiB/s (32.0x) - Maximum Write Rate: 139,315 KiB/s (103.0x)
I 17:04:04 Operation Started!
I 17:04:04 Source File: C:\ImgBurn Output Path\EL_CAPO_2.MDS
I 17:04:04 Source File Sectors: 4,152,224 (MODE1/2048)
I 17:04:04 Source File Size: 8,503,754,752 bytes
I 17:04:04 Source File Volume Identifier: EL_CAPO_2
I 17:04:04 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4E7383BA003F5B84
I 17:04:04 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
I 17:04:04 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
I 17:04:04 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 17:04:04 Destination Device: [0:0:0] Slimtype eBAU108 5 L 4L01 (E:) (USB)
I 17:04:04 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-003-00)
I 17:04:04 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x
I 17:04:04 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824
I 17:04:04 Destination Media L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,086,912 (Changeable: Yes)
I 17:04:04 Write Mode: DVD
I 17:04:04 Write Type: DAO
I 17:04:04 Write Speed: 4x
I 17:04:04 DVD+R DL Reserve Track: No
Let me know what's going on. I'm going to check my LG drive and see if it's doing the booktyping on its own. If it is I'll just get another drive. Thanks. -
Whether or not it has an impact isn't my primary concern. I don't want it and I don't need it. It's that simple. It should be an option at the least. Don't tell me DVD+R don't load faster because I think it was here or another well known forum by a well known poster that I got that info from, and after testing both DVD-R and DVD+R, they do load faster and are read faster on loading.
It's my prerogative anyway. So is it booktyping anyway even after unchecking automatic booktyping? That's the question. Just like everything else in life there comes a time for updating/upgrading/fixing whatever needs to be.
I see my burns and the logs, and according to the logs in physical attributes it says "Booktype DVD-Rom". When I insert the disc into my PC it says DVD+RW, or DVD RW so I don't know if in fact it's booktyped. I don't want it booktyped anyway. I feel we're way ahead to not need automatic booktyping because of compatibility issues with discs. I have an LG burner and I have automatic booktyping unchecked, so I don't know if it's still booktyping because of the log. Anyway I want no booktyping as I use DVD+R for their ability to be read quickly and recognized faster on loading, whether inserting it into ImgBurn or just putting it into my drive in my PC. Thanks. Let me know if you need a recent log.
Will do. Thanks.
TSSTcorp CDDVD SH-S202J SB03 won't read disc
in ImgBurn Support
Another coaster! That's too many, no matter the speed, though at 4x no coasters. So there we're at.