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Maybe its just me but this thread has gone a bit off topic.


Not having a go like its bin quite funny to read since my last post and my opinion is calweycn should go get a gameboy to see if he/she can understand that before starting to chat loads of rubbish about pcs. (and if you can't understand a gb get a wind up clock lol) :)

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Maybe its just me but this thread has gone a bit off topic.


Not having a go like its bin quite funny to read since my last post and my opinion is calweycn should go get a gameboy to see if he/she can understand that before starting to chat loads of rubbish about pcs. (and if you can't understand a gb get a wind up clock lol) :)


calweycn should go get a gameboy to see if he/she can understand that before starting to chat loads of rubbish about pcs.
This is truly funny..... :D:D:D:D



Nope. it's not just you..like many others before, we're plenty sideways with this one. :thumbup:



But the asshole is just too ripe for the picking.....=))=))

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Don't worry MJ I have made a mental note of this thread and your insult to Jill so that it's remembered long after Calvert has reached puberty.....




Spot on lfc.................. :lol:

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