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Poor Chuck Heston


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Was watching Heartland on Fox News just now. They ended with a DID YOU KNOW?! type of montage of so called trivia that basically everyone knows or can figure out from the basic clues. You know the kind of thing I mean. :) Anyway, because it was Veterans' Day, they had a montage of actors and celebrities who had served in the armed forces in some way. One of them was Charleton Heston, and, Fox TRIED to show a clip of him from Beneath The Planet Of The Apes. UNFORTUNATELY... what they showed, instead... and, I had to laugh... was a clip of James Franciscus instead! =)) Now, James had been hired to star in Beneath because of his somewhat similarity to Heston when Charles said he didn't want to star in the sequel. But, COME ON! Who was asleep at the fucking wheel down there on Fox's Heartland? :lol:

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Somebody had their head so far up their ass they were looking at the back of their teeth.




And Moses is the one with Alzheimer's! They better check the editor. :hide: As for the director: :dunce:


But, COME ON! Who was asleep at the fucking wheel down there on Fox's Heartland? :lol:
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