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Department Store 'Mannequin Rape' Hits All Time High


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The period beginning on the Monday before Thanksgiving* up until Christmas, is the peak time for a little reported incidence of mannequin rape, according to disturbing figures that have come into our possession.


The attacks, where store mannequins are sexually assaulted, sometimes in the store in front of other shoppers, hit a peak in 2004 with over 4,000 suspected incidents. That number is expected to grow again this year.


The combination of mild winters, and increasingly sexy mannequins are to blame for the increase in what is widely regarded as a significantly underreported crime.


Mannequin rape may have gone unnoticed for many years as it had been miss-reported under other offenses, such as 'mannequin theft', 'temporarily missing mannequin' or 'unauthorized mannequin moving'.


In the case of 'mannequin moving', most stores do not regard it as a police reportable offense if the mannequin is moved less than 3 inches.


A store security guard told this web site:


"85% of mannequin rapes occur when a mannequin, which is on display near a changing room, is taken into the said changing room and then attacked."


23 November 2005


*Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday of November.





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I think the point being missed here is it's called RAPE! Rape occurs only without the consent of one party. (To Hell with statuatory rape, created only to help line jails and prosecutors lists when it comes election time. :D) So, they're saying the mannequins DIDN'T consent to it? Of course not! They're dummies! They can't speak! Or... are they saying... the mannequins DID say no... :o



Edited by dbminter
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I think the REAL point here is that Shamus is blatantly trying to focus our attention away from the practice of Mouse Necrophilia that he encourages in his own home :o


no mention of celery in awhile either ,is he in celery rehab or moved on to another veg and dont know how to break the news :lol: ITS OK SHAMUS we're here for you :thumbup:

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Mysterious clues have been left behind at the site of all mannequin rapes:


1.) dead mice in traps with evidence of recent post mortem mating

2.) celery stalks inserted into various places carved into the dummies

3.) water wings were attached

4.) copies of Pretty Woman DVD's scattered all over the place

5.) one copy each of #4 were inserted into a pile of dead DVD drives

6.) a bill of sale in the decimal/comma swapped format



Police are baffled... some strangely aroused. :& Depending on which type arrived on the scene first, "Wot's all this, then?!" takes on different meaning. :unsure:




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I think the REAL point here is that Shamus is blatantly trying to focus our attention away from the practice of Mouse Necrophilia that he encourages in his own home :o


The photographs prove nothing!


I was framed!


Framed, I tell ye!





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New shop's use of live models draws mixed reaction


By Associated Press


AUGUSTA, Maine - It's downtown Augusta's latest attraction: three young women clad in lingerie who wave to passersby from a store window.


The attention-grabbing models were hired by Spellbound, a lingerie store that recently opened on Water Street and is trying to establish its name.


The reaction from the public and neighboring business has been mixed.


Police have received complaints, and the owner of a business across the road says the women are driving away customers, especially shoppers with children.


"It's tainting the wholesome businesses down here," said Carrie Rossignol, co-owner of Video Game Exchange. "I think it's selfish, and I think it's morally reprehensible."


Others suggest that the women, who have graced Spellbound's storefront a few days a week since September, bring life and beauty to an often colorless street.


"It's like a New York thing. It's urban. It's edgy," said Stacy Gervais, owner of Stacy's Hallmark Store and a founder of a downtown merchants group. "We need a shtick _ something that we do that attracts people and gets us remembered."


Spellbound's owner, former Cony High School teacher Felicia Stockford, said she came up with the idea while brainstorming for an inexpensive marketing idea. "I thought, 'You know, that's a big window, and if I put girls in there to wave at traffic, it would draw a lot of attention.'"


Paid only in lingerie, the women said they volunteer because they love being seen.


"I enjoy it," said Tara Manns, 20. "I enjoy the looks I get."


"It's good to get attention once and a while," said Amanda Richards, 21.


Accompanied by Jesyka Clark, 18, Manns and Richards stood, kneeled or reclined in the window Friday, flirtatiously cooing and waving at drivers stopped at a red light.


"They're exhibitionists," said Stockford, noting that's she's had no trouble finding models for the window.


Stockford said the models do not show private parts that would break the law and she forbids the women from striking overly suggestive poses.


Police officers have visited the store in response to complaints, but have found nothing illegal, said Lt. Peter Couture. He said there are no state or city laws that prohibit wearing lingerie in public.


Information from: Kennebec Journal, http://www.kjonline.com/

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It isn't illegal is it???


It's all their fault; dressing so sexy and all. Sometimes it is impossible to resist the temptation!!!!


Heck I even bought myself a mannuquin (that wouldn't be considered prostituion will it???), but I am ashamed to admit that I tend to cheat on her...


Well, at least I'm not the only one :D !!!

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Some people here know WAY TOO MUCH information about others.


LFC, I didn't think you were supposed to share other people's stories outside the therapy group ? :wacko:


We got a therapy group :wub: WHERE! =))


Yes I need help with JR :w00t:

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