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Miscompare at LBA


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Looks like a simple verify error. Check firmware and perhaps burn a tad slower - you may just have a bad blank (it happens even with Verbs). If this is the only error on this DVD, forget it.


I am not sure of this plugin - ImgBurn is a standalone program which in build mode can burn from VIDEO_TS folders.



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Looks like a simple verify error. Check firmware and perhaps burn a tad slower - you may just have a bad blank (it happens even with Verbs). If this is the only error on this DVD, forget it.


I am not sure of this plugin - ImgBurn is a standalone program which in build mode can burn from VIDEO_TS folders.




Hi Blutach,


I had already checked if I was using the latest firmware so this is not the problem.


I've tried now to make a ISO with the build mode in ImgBurn but again a soon as I burned it I got the same error message.

This is the only error I get and when I was able to use the DVD's I burned I would indeed ignore the error message but unfortunately I can't play the burned DVD.


I'm wondering if this error got something to do with the ASPI driver or Framework version I installed?





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ASPI is old now and ImgBurn doesn't use it, it uses SPTI instead (which is built into Windows).


If you build an image rather than doing it on the fly (and then burn it), check and see if a manual verify returns errors in the exact same place - repeat the verify a few times, maybe even in different drives if you have access to any.


Check and see if you're always getting errors in the same sector etc on multiple burns. Look for patterns basically!

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Is it always at LBA 17, byte 1 (and only there)? That sector is almost useless. But it's weird and incorrect that a 0x43 and be written as a 0x5f - there is no pattern to that.



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ASPI is old now and ImgBurn doesn't use it, it uses SPTI instead (which is built into Windows).


If you build an image rather than doing it on the fly (and then burn it), check and see if a manual verify returns errors in the exact same place - repeat the verify a few times, maybe even in different drives if you have access to any.


Check and see if you're always getting errors in the same sector etc on multiple burns. Look for patterns basically!



Edited by Nescio
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Looks like you're getting corruption on the entire bus.


Change your cable (make sure you replace it with a decent 80 wire one). Put the drive on 'MASTER' and attach it to the end of the cable (the other end being attached to the motherboard of course!).


Check your bios setting to make sure UDMA is enabled properly and finally, follow the DMA post in the FAQ.

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Normally, making an image after making a disk will result in verify errors in the filesystem area (which is where you are getting your errors). This is purely due to time and date (and possibly version numbers if you have upgraded in the interim - in this case, using Img Tools Classic may be enough). Make the image using build mode with ImgBurn and try again. There should be way less errors in sector 16.


However ....


Byte 1 of LBA 17 is always "C" (0x4C). This appears always incorrect.


Please report back after making the changes LUK! suggested.



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I followed up your advice and changed mine 40 wire cable for a 80 one and this did the trick for me. Everything is working fine now and also mine burner is burning on a higher speed.


I was not aware that a 40 wire cable could cause these problems. Also I had not expected that the burning speeds were effected that much otherwise I had bought this cable immediately when I got mine Plextor burner. (The one supplied with the Plextor was not long enough)


Anyway I think it

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