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The ImgBurn Settings


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The ImgBurn Settings



This guide will explain the various registry settings, that can be changed by the user.


The 'Settings' window is found in this location


Main Menu -> Tools -> Settings...

  • The Tabs




    General Read Build Write Verify Graph Data I/O Device Sounds Events Registry File Locations


  • Default Settings


    The default setting is showed in blue in this guide.


    In most cases you will not need to change any of the default settings. The program is already optimized for the normal end-user.


    If you have changed any settings and want to use the default ones instead, simply press the 'Restore Defaults' button. The program will ask you if you really want to reset the settings.



    • Yes


      Your changes will be reverted back to default values.


    • No


      Only the current tab will be reverted back to default settings.


    • Cancel


      Will leave the settings as they are and abort the pop-up window.

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General Settings - Page 1




  • Options
    • Always Use Legacy Folder Picker
      The windows style of the built-in dialogues that you use for File-Open, File-Save and Browse for file/folder operations.
      In Windows Vista and later Windows versions, Microsoft updated the common file dialogues, this time to make them similar to regular Explorer windows. The file-open and file-save dialogues now have a built-in search field as well as the Favorite Links/tree view pane that are in all Explorer windows.
      If you enable this option, the used windows style will be the old Windows 9x style.
      Note: This setting is only valid if you are running Windows Vista or later Windows versions.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Don't Show Status Bar Messages
      If enabled you will not see the status bar messages that shows up in the lower left corner in the 'EZ-Mode Picker' window. The standard messages contains funny quotes from movies and TV shows.
      By creating a plain text file with the name 'StatusBarMessages.txt' in the ImgBurn program folder, it's possible to create your own compilation of status bar messages to be used instead of the default ones.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Minimize To System Tray
      When enabling this option, ImgBurn will minimize itself as an icon to the system tray. (The system tray is where your PC clock is located.)If you want to bring the ImgBurn window backup, you would double click the "CD" looking icon. Alternatively, you could right click on the "CD" looking icon and then left click on "Restore ImgBurn".
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
      • In Windows XP
      • In Windows 7

      [*]Prevent Entering Stand By


      When this option is enabled, ImgBurn will attempt to stop the computer from going into standby whilst it's burning.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]Prevent Screen Saver From Starting


      For those who don't want any CPU to be wasted during a burn.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


      [*]Show 'Shutdown' Window


      Will display your shut down option after the action has completed.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]Shutdown Action


      You can select the shutdown option here, that you want to be carried out after that ImgBurn has finished it's tasks. The different modes are the same as in Windows.


      Both of the options 'Shut Down' and 'Power Off' will perform the same task. One uses the 'EWX_SHUTDOWN' flag while the other uses the 'EWX_POWEROFF' flag. Some messed up machines just don't work with one but will with the other.The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • None
      • Log Off
      • Restart
      • Shut Down
      • Power Off
      • Stand By
      • Hibernate

      [*]Never Force Shutdown Action


      If enabled, the shutdown action will not take place if there are still other programs running. If disabled, this option will shut down your computer in any situation.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


      [*]Syncronise Build / Write / Discovery Options


      A change of the settings 'Write Speed, 'Copies', 'Test Mode' and 'Verify' in one of the 'Modes' user inter face, will automatically change the same setting(s) in the other two 'Modes' for you.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Language
      You can have the user interface in your own native language by selecting it here.
      If the desired language file is not already installed in your computer, you need to do this first from the ImgBurn Download Page. These files needs to be extracted to a 'Languages' folder wherever ImgBurn is installed. (i.e. C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\Languages)
      • System Default
        Option to use the system default language. When an exact match cannot be found (i.e. the correct translation file is missing from the Languages folder), the program will attempt a partial match, like in this case when a local language variant of a the Swedish language file is installed instead.
        W 00:00:00 Language not available! - Name: 'Swedish (Sweden)', LCID: 1053 / 0x041D
        W 00:00:00 Language partial match! - Name: 'Swedish (Finland)', LCID: 2077 / 0x081D


      • User Specified
        In this option you manually select amongst the installed language files the desired language to set for the user interface.
        The default setting is 'English (United Kingdom)'.

      [*]BiDi Mode


      Allows you to decide if 'BiDiMode' (Bi-Directional support for fonts) is to be set to 'Left To Right' or 'Right To Left'.


      Bi-directional text is text containing text in both text directionalities, both right-to-left (RTL) and left-to-right (LTR). Some writing systems of the world, notably the Arabic (including variants such as Nasta'liq), Persian and Hebrew scripts, are written in a form known as right-to-left (RTL), in which writing begins at the right-hand side of a page and concludes at the left-hand side. This is different from the left-to-right (LTR) direction used by most languages in the world. When LTR text is mixed with RTL in the same paragraph, each type of text should be written in its own direction, which is known as bi-directional text.


      The default setting is 'Left To Right'.

  • Display Warnings
    • Don't Update IFO/BUP Files
      Warns you when checking the 'Don't update IFO/BUP files' box in the layer break dialog window in the 'Build Mode'.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.
    • Images Still Queued
      Prompts to save the Queue when you exit the program if there is more than one image in the queue.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.
    • Interfering Programs
      A check for 'AnyDVD', 'DVD43' and 'DVD Region+CSS Free' - as they could potentially modify data when it's being verified - resulting in a 'Mis compare' error.
      W 00:00:00 DVD43 can interfere with ImgBurn's ability to verify accurately, please ensure it's disabled!

      It also checks if the driver sptd.sys from Duplex Secure Ltd is present in the system. This driver is used by Deamon Tools and Alcohol 120%. Older versions of this driver can slow down I/O and basically limit the top speed of your drive when reading/verifying (for some drives on some machines). Only PATA and DVD -R discs were affected. Recent versions, as version 1.81 and above of the sptd.sys driver, doesn't suffer from this behaviour.
      Even if you have uninstalled Daemon Tools and/or Alcohol 120% the driver might still be present in your system and in such case you need to uninstall it through the 'SPTD setup file'.

      W 00:00:00 Duplex Secure's SPTD driver can have a detrimental effect on drive performance.

      The default setting is 'Enabled'.

    • Layer Break On DVD-R DL
      When burning DVD-R DL media and Layer Jump Recording is not supported/being used.
      W 00:00:00 Cannot set the layer break position when burning DVD-R DL media.

      The default setting is 'Enabled'.

    • Maximum File Size
      With this option you can decide if you want the FAT32 4GB max file size warning in the log should show up or not.
      If enabled you will see a warning in the log file.
      W 00:00:00 Drive C:\ (FAT32) does not support single files > 4 GB

      The default setting is 'Enabled'.

    • Overburning
      Warns if the image is larger than the default disc size.
      W 00:00:00 User accepted disc space warning and is attempting to overburn!

      The default setting is 'Enabled'.

    • Protected Disc
      ImgBurn can not read from protected sources.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.
    • Seamless Layer Break
      Warns you when checking the 'Seamless' box in the layer break dialog window.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.
    • Select MDS File Not ISO
      This will tell you to select the MDS file rather than the ISO file when you select an ISO file for burning and its MDS file exists.
      In most cases you should select the .ISO file when you want to burn the image. In some cases there is the need to select the .MDS file instead:
      .The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Your hard disk is not NTFS formatted
        As Windows 98 and some other older Windows versions are based on the FAT 32 file system (and a lot of people still use this even under Windows XP) which cannot handle files larger than 4 GB and ISO files containing movie data usually are larger than 4 GB, the created ISO is split on such systems into a multi part or segmented ISO which consists of several 1 GB files with an enumerated extension like .i01, .i02 and a .mds file of a few bytes which holds info on the parts.
      • You are going to burn to a DL disc
        MDS is just a file that is generated along with the ISO file when making a 1:1 copy or creating an ISO file on your hard drive. It just basically tells your burner where to put the layer break for dual layer burning.

      [*]Test Mode Enabled


      This will allow you to configure if the program should tell you that you have the Test Mode enabled when you write to a disc.




      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]Test Mode Not Supported


      Option to not show the 'Test mode not/might not be support' warning message when you write to a disc.




      The default setting is 'Enabled'.




      This will allow you to configure if the program should tell you that you can burn to a single layer disc and don't need to use the double layer disc in the drive.




      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]Write Mode Not Build Mode


      If you select an image file in the import file dialog in the 'Build Mode'.




      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Set GUI Font
      You can here select the desired font to be used by the program's GUI (Graphical User Interface).
      If you want to change the default GUI font, then first enable the option 'Set GUI Font' and then use the folder browser folder01.png button to activate the 'Choose Font' window.
      Segoe UI (pronounced "SEE-go") is the Windows system font. When the GUI font is set to 'Segoe UI', the program uses size 9 rather than size 8 as the default character size.
      The default setting is 'Disabled' and 'Segoe UI'.

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General Settings - Page 2




  • Advanced
    • Allocate Files On Creation
      Files created in 'Read/Build Mode' will be preallocated. This cuts down on fragmentation.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.
    • Calculate MD5 Hash Values
      Calculates MD5 values for builds and images and displays them in the log.
      I 00:00:00 Image MD5: 6a2ac4bec78830dddef06a0380e7741e

      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • Compare MD5 Hash Values
        Only selectable if you also have enabled the option 'Calculate MD5 Hash Values'. If it it's enabled, ImgBurn will warn the user when the MD5 of a disc / image do not match after a Verify operation.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      [*]Don't Analyse CD-DA Ready WAV Files


      Option to stop the program from analysing (doing the dummy decode pass on) CD-DA ready WAV files in the 'Create CUE' file function.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]Create CUE - Preserve Full Pathnames


      Preserve the full path of the files when creating the CUE file.


      A cue sheet, or cue file, is a meta data file which describes how the tracks of a CD or DVD are laid out. Cue sheets are stored as plain text files and commonly have a ".cue" filename extension. For an audio CD, a cue sheet specifies titles and performers for the disc and its tracks as well as the names of one or more audio files to be used. Cue sheets are also used for many types of CD's in conjunction with an image file. The image file generally has a ".bin" extension.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


      [*]Create CUE - Save As ANSI File


      If enabled, the CUE file will be saved as an ANSI file, instead of an Unicode file.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]Create DVD - Preserve Full Pathnames


      Preserve the full path of the files when creating the DVD file which accompanies an ISO.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


      [*]Create DVD - Save As Ansi File


      When this option is enabled, support for writing Unicode names into DVD files is enabled.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]Create MD5 - Preserve Full Pathnames


      Preserve the full path of the files when creating the MDS file which accompanies an ISO.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


      [*]Create MDS - Save As Ansi File


      When this option is enabled, support for writing Unicode names into MDS files is enabled.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]Parse File System Timeout


      The allowed time to parse the file system during read and verify operations. Ranges from 10 seconds to 5 minutes.


      The default setting is 'Enabled' and '30 Seconds'.

    [*]Log File

    • Add Header
      Option to tell the program to include a header (program version + date) at the top of log files when saving them.
      ; //****************************************\\
      ; ImgBurn Version - Log
      ; Friday, 24 September 2010, 17:14:44
      ; \\****************************************//
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

    [*]Layer Break

    • Check 'Don't update IFO/BUP files'
      Will automatically check this setting in the 'Create Layer Break Position' dialog window. It is used mainly if you have set or unset the non-seamless flag in a particular cell and want it kept that way.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Check 'Seamless'
      Will automatically check the seamless layer break option in the 'Create Layer Break Position' dialog window.
      The difference between seamless layer change or a non-seamless layer change, is that with the seamless layer change, the switch between the first and second layer is less detectable. With the non-seamless layer change, there is a short pause when the DVD player switches between the layers.
      While the seamless layer change would appear to be the best choice, some (mainly older) DVD players do not support the seamless feature, and may stop playing the disc once the switch point is reached. For that reason, it is a good idea to test your player(s) ability by burning a disc with the option enabled, to see if your player accepts seamless playback across the layer break (most modern players do). before you start use it as the default setting.
      Also if this setting is enabled, ImgBurn no longer tells the previewer to insert a 1 second pause between cells.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Show Interleaved Cells
      Option that makes the program include interleaved cells (Multiple title-sets that share the same VOB) in the 'create/select layer break position' dialog.
      An explanation of interleaved cells.
      A cell is made of little parts (called VOBUs, beginning with a Nav PacK and followed by some video, audio and subpic packs.) A normal cell usually contains several VOBUs, unless it's a very short cell (such as a single frame.) Each VOBU has its own VOB/Cell ID combination.
      An ILVed cell (interleaved cell) is a cell "mixed" with (at least) another ILVed cell. When the cells are interleaved, only one interleaved cell is played at a time. Interleaved cells are used in multi-angle Titles where the cell to play is determined by the current angle (previously defined by a SetSTN command, or by the user if he changes the angle with the remote.) It is possible to switch easily and (almost) in real time the current angle, as the player has just to finish playing the current VOBU, and then switch to the next VOBU in the other cell. The multi-angle technique is often used to translate some parts of the original image with words in foreign languages. There are many multi-angle examples in Disney DVDs.
      Interleaved cells are also used in multi-story Titles. In this case, only one of the interleaved cells is declared in the cells list of the PGC, and it is therefore not possible to change the angle during the playback, and there is no need to define the angle with SetSTN. Another, totally different Title is defined elsewhere in the same titleset, and in that PGC, the other interleaved cell is used. Another difference between multi-angle and multi-story titles is that, in the latter, the duration of the interleaved cells doesn't have to be exactly identical. Therefore, the multi-story technique is used in DVDs with several versions of the same film, with little differences in the story (such as happy or sad ending.) Hence the "multi-story" name. True multi-story titles are very rare, but the multi-story technique can also be used for complex technical reasons, like in Matrix 1, to disable the white rabbit BOVs when playing the regular Title, or enabling them when playing the film via the bonus menu. In this case, it's the subpic streams that are different in the interleaved cells, not the video stream. Credit: r0lZ
      An example.
      • With the setting disabled.
      • With the setting enabled.

      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

    [*]ImgBurnPreview Options

    • ImgBurnPreview File Name
      The preview is used to display conveniently what the video looks like at your selected layer break position on dual layer builds.
      If you wish to use an alternative DVD2AVI implementation, enter its EXE here.
      The default setting is 'C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\ImgBurnPreview.exe'.
    • Show Information
      Makes the ImgBurnPreview program to show the information window automatically when the preview function is launched.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Show Real Size (1:1)
      Starts the ImgBurnPreview window in full size, instead of the default small size.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Don't Enable Sound
      Normally the sound in the 'Layer Break Position' preview window will be turned on by selecting the first audio stream in the title domain. On some systems this might cause playback problems. By enabling this option, the default sound setting will be set to 'Silent' in the drop down box in the 'Layer Break Position' preview window.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Don't Limit Frames Per Second
      This option will make the playback in the preview window go faster than a normal 1x speed playback (25 frames per second). The actual speed, if this setting is enabled, depends on your computers hardware.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Don't Use DirectDraw Overlays
      Direct draw overlays use the very low level overlay buffer, which is much faster than the usual way of displaying video to the screen.
      If your video card does not support the DirectDraw overlay function or you run the program under Linux's Wine, it can be disabled with this setting. On some systems the preview may actually be faster if this option is disabled.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

    [*]Reset ImgBurn Statistics


    Sets the value to zero in the 'ImgBurn Statistics' window.



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Read Settings - Page 1





    • Options
    • File Splitting
      This setting tells ImgBurn how to set the output file size of image files. The setting is required because some operating systems (such as Windows 9x/Me) have file size limits (a single file cannot be over 4 GB in size). Setting it to "Auto" will do the job in most cases, and ImgBurn will split your ISO files based on the file size limits of your OS.
    • Auto
    • 650 MB
    • 700 MB
    • 780 MB
    • 810 MB
    • 870 MB
    • 890 MB
    • 1 GB
    • 2 GB
    • 4 GB
    • 4.37 GB
    • 4.4 GB
    • 4.45 GB
    • 4.5 GB
    • 4.55 GB
    • 4.6 GB
    • 4.65 GB
    • 4.7 GB
    • 7.95 GB
    • 23.3 GB
    • 46.6 GB
    • None

    • Disc Capacity
    • DVD+RW always show themselves as being the full 4.37 GB in size, because of the formatting process.
    • Disc
      This option will cause 'Read Mode' to read that full 4.37 GB, even if only 100 MB was written on the disc.
    • File System
      This option will attempt 'Read Mode' to find out how many sectors of REAL data that are actually on the disc (by looking at various fields in the file system) and that amount will be read instead.

    • Create Image Layout File
      Image Layout Files are optional media descriptor files that can be generated when creating a disc image from a CD or DVD. The purpose is mainly to hold information about the image file, such as the position of the layer breaks or layer breach bit and if the image file is split into several smaller files due to file size limitations of older disk file systems, to hold the information of those files that's making up the image file.
      Several programs use this Image Layout File to be able to mount or burn image file in a correct way.
    • Auto
      ImgBurn will create the selected Image Layout Files, that have been selected in the 'Image Layout File Format' option, only when it's appropriate.
      The MDS file will be created if:
    • File splitting has been used and there's more than 1 file that goes to make up the complete ISO, hence MDS is needed to piece it back together.
    • The ISO is a double layer image that, hence MDS is needed to tell ImgBurn where it is (without ImgBurn needing to search for it again).
    • The ISO is under 1GB in size, hence the MDS is needed so that DAEMON Tools etc will switch to 'DVD' mode rather than being in 'CD' mode.
    • Yes
      Always creates the selected Image Layout Files, that have been selected in the 'Image Layout File Format' option.
    • No
      Only creates a MDS file for FAT 32 file systems when the image file is splitted into several 1 GB files.
    • Image Layout File Format
      With these options you can select the various image layout file formats you want to be generated when creating a disc image from a CD, DVD, Blu-ray or HD-DVD.
    • CCD
      The .CCD (CloneCD Control) file is simply an ASCII text file that holds information about the image file. With the help of this file you can mount Audio CD's onto virtual CD drives with programs like Virtual Clone Drive or Daemon Tools.
      The image data file needs to be named *.IMG, as that's what Virtual Clone Driver looks for.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • CUE
      A .CUE file (cue sheet) is a plain text file containing commands with one or more parameters. These commands describe the data as a whole as well as individual tracks are laid out of a CD or DVD.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • DVD
      The .DVD file basically contains this information:
      [File Name].iso
      In the past the .DVD file was needed for mounting HD-DVDs and BDs when using Virtual Clone Drive. The file contained the MediaType of the ISO image and told Virtual Clone Drive what type of image it was mounting. Recent versions of Virtual Clone Drive now detects the UDF directly from the ISO image so the .DVD file is no longer necessary.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • MDS
      MDS is just a file that is generated along with the ISO file when making a 1:1 copy or creating an ISO file on your hard drive. The MDS file contains metadata about the original media, specifically the position of the layer break and is needed to tell your burner where to put the layer break for dual layer burning. The format is a binary file with the "MEDIA DESCRIPTOR" appearing in the beginning of the file.
      As Windows 95/98/Me and some other older Windows versions are based on the FAT 32 file system (and a lot of people still use this even under Windows XP/Vista) which cannot handle files larger than 4 GB and ISO files containing movie data usually are larger than 4 GB, the created ISO is split on such systems into a multi part or segmented ISO which consists of several 1 GB files with an enumerated extension like .i01, .i02 and a .mds file of a few bytes which holds info on the parts.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.

    • Audio CD - Default To WAV File
      Allows you to save an Audio CD as a CUE/WAV (instead of CUE/BIN).
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Create MD5 File
      This setting is only available if you also have enabled the 'Calculate MD5 Hash Values' in the Settings 'General' tab.
      It will create a text file with the same name as your image and add the extension '.md5'.
      # MD5 checksum generated by ImgBurn v2.4.4.0 ([url=http://www.imgburn.com]http://www.imgburn.com[/url])
      3c7d6796809a1d7cb4b148c00ac71456 *The_Name_Of_The_Image.iso
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Check 'Close Program'
      This will pre-check this option in the 'Read Mode' window.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Check 'Shutdown Computer'
      This will pre-check this option in the 'Read Mode' window.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Auto 'Export Graph Data'
      Data captured during the read (read speed, buffer levels etc) can be displayed / analysed using either BurnPlot
    • , DVDInfoPro or Opti Drive Control.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.
    • Enable SpeedRead DVD (Plextor)
      SpeedRead allows the user to change the reading of DVD media up to the maximum speed of the drive. Discs that may be damaged due to mishandling or improper use may shatter due to the higher rotational forces reached at the maximum read speed of the drive. The drive's maximum read speed is therefore limited as a safety function. When you enable the SpeedRead DVD option the drive will read DVD Video discs at maximum speed. Plextor recommends examining each disc before enabling this function.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.
    • Process Priority
      In a multi-tasking system like Windows, it is necessary to assign different priorities to different tasks. By assigning a higher priority to more important tasks such as CD/DVD writing software, Windows ensures that critical tasks do not get interrupted by less important background tasks, like virus scanners or printer spoolers.
      You can choose one of the following priorities: 'Realtime', 'High', 'Above Normal', 'Normal', 'Below Normal', or 'Idle'. The lower the priority is, the lower percentage of CPU time will be delegated to this task.
      Note that depending on the process and your administrative rights to your machine, you may not be able to change a particular process's priority.
      The default setting is 'Normal'.
    • Default Destination
      This option allows you to select where you want ImgBurn to save the output file(s).
    • None
      ImgBurn don't suggest a saving place or a file name. You have to select it manually.
    • Generated Automatically
      ImgBurn will use the hard disk with the largest free space to read the CD/DVD to. It will also generate a new name for the output file using the name of the DVD, i.e. NAME.iso. For CD's and if the source is recorded using 'Mode 1' (2048 bytes per sector) an ISO will be created and for 'Mode 2' (2352 bytes per sector) it will be in a BIN/CUE setup.
      When calculating the automatic destination path, ImgBurn checks that the user has permission to write to the folder. As it normally goes to the root folder of the drive, this fails under Windows Vista when running as a 'Normal' user. Now it will realise that and point to the 'My Documents' folder instead.
    • Most Recently Used
      It will use the latest place you saved to.
    • Image Files Folder
      Selecting this will make the program default to saving in the 'Image Files' folder as specified on the 'File Locations' tab.
    • Custom
      Always defaults to the specified destination - regardless of any manual changes you have made via the 'Browse' button. The destination specified here is ONLY used if it is set on 'Custom'. It is nothing to do with automatic.

    • Read Errors
    • Software Retries
      You can set how many times a failed read operation is retried until ImgBurn gives up. The higher the value you select there the more ImgBurn will try to read a sector before giving up.
      It can be set to a digit between 0 and 20.
      The default setting is '20'.
    • Hardware Retries
      This is for the drive itself, not the program. Not all drives support setting the number of retries they perform on an error. The drive performs X 'hardware retries' for Y 'software retries' made by the program. So in total retries = X * Y.
      It can be set to a digit between 0 and 20.
      The default setting is 'Disabled' and '2'.
    • Ignore Read Errors
      This will result in ImgBurn just skipping sectors it can't read.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

    • PreGap Options
      This is for the 'Create CD CUE' module.
      The PreGap on an Audio CD is the portion of the audio track that precedes "index 01" for a given track in the table of contents (TOC).
    • Detection Method
      Option where you can configure the PreGap detection command order.
    • 1 = Read CD
    • 2 = Read SubChannel
    • 3 = Read CDDA
    • The default setting is '1-2-3'.

PreGap Snapping


Gaps will snap to the nearest second (multiple of 75 frames) if within the specified range. (i.e. 1 second, 72 frames will snap to 2 seconds). It can be turned off by setting the value to 0. This option only applies when reading a disc, not writing one.


The default setting is '5 Frames'.

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Read Settings - Page 2




  • Disc Layout Method


    An option that allows the user to override which information that should be used to create the program's internal disc layout info. This is used at any time the program looks at what's on a disc and has to use that info in read mode and verify mode.


    1 = Table of Contents (TOC)

    2 = Disc/Track Information

    3 = Disc Capacity (Basic single session/track!)


    The above information can be found in the right part of the Read mode window when a disc has been loaded.


    Buggy firmware on certain drives may benefit from using TOC info for DVD media rather than the now default Disc/Track Info.

    • CD


      The default setting is '1-2-3'.


    • DVD


      The default setting is '2-1-3'.


    • HD DVD


      The default setting is '2-1-3'.


    • Blu-ray


      The default setting is '2-1-3'.

  • Batch Mode Options
    • Eject Tray Before Next Read


      When you use the 'Batch Mode' function and the previous disc is done, this option will eject the tray for you.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • Insert Next Disc - Auto 'OK'


      When you use the 'Batch Mode' function, ImgBurn will ask you to insert a new disc and after that is done it will wait 10 seconds by default before it starts the reading process. In this option you can specify how long that time should be. It can be set to a time between 1 second and 5 minutes.


      The default setting is 'Enabled' and '10 Seconds'.


    • Insert Next Disc - Find Next Non-Blank Disc


      This option will automatically load the next non-blanc disc for you when you are using the 'Batch Mode' function and if the 'Next' drive has a changer device associated with it.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Wait Longer For Drive To Become Ready


      Option to make the program wait longer for the drive (in an auto/embedded/medium changer) to become ready when doing a 'Batch Mode' Read. Option is enabled by default and makes the program wait 5 minutes rather than 5 seconds.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Replace File - Auto Rename


      When you use the 'Batch Mode' function, ImgBurn will ask you to insert a new disc and after that is done it will wait 10 seconds by default before it starts the reading process. In this option you can specify how long that time should be. It can be set to a time between 1 second and 1 minute.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.

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Build Settings - Page 1




    • Options
      • File Splitting
        This setting tells ImgBurn how to set the output file size of image files. The setting is required because some operating systems (such as Windows 9x/Me) have file size limits (a single file cannot be over 4 GB in size). Setting it to "Auto" will do the job in most cases, and ImgBurn will split your ISO files based on the file size limits of your OS.
      • Auto
        • 650 MB
        • 700 MB
        • 780 MB
        • 810 MB
        • 870 MB
        • 890 MB
        • 1 GB
        • 2 GB
        • 4 GB
        • 4.37 GB
        • 4.4 GB
        • 4.45 GB
        • 4.5 GB
        • 4.55 GB
        • 4.6 GB
        • 4.65 GB
        • 4.7 GB
        • 7.95 GB
        • 23.3 GB
        • 46.6 GB
        • None

      • Create Image Layout File


        Image Layout Files are optional media descriptor files that can be generated when creating a disc image from a CD or DVD. The purpose is mainly to hold information about the image file, such as the position of the layer breaks or layer breach bit and if the image file is split into several smaller files due to file size limitations of older disk file systems, to hold the information of those files that's making up the image file.


        Several programs use this Image Layout File to be able to mount or burn image file in a correct way.

        • Auto
          ImgBurn will create the selected Image Layout Files, that have been selected in the 'Image Layout File Format' option, only when it's appropriate.
          The MDS file will be created if:
        • File splitting has been used and there's more than 1 file that goes to make up the complete ISO, hence MDS is needed to piece it back together.
        • The ISO is a double layer image that, hence MDS is needed to tell ImgBurn where it is (without ImgBurn needing to search for it again).
        • The ISO is under 1GB in size, hence the MDS is needed so that DAEMON Tools etc will switch to 'DVD' mode rather than being in 'CD' mode.

      • Yes


        Always creates the selected Image Layout Files, that have been selected in the 'Image Layout File Format' option.


      • No


        Only creates a MDS file for FAT 32 file systems when the image file is splitted into several 1 GB files.

        • Image Layout File Format
          With these options you can select the various image layout file formats you want to be generated when creating a disc image from a CD, DVD, Blu-ray or HD-DVD.
        • CUE
          A .CUE file (cue sheet) is a plain text file containing commands with one or more parameters. These commands describe the data as a whole as well as individual tracks are laid out of a CD or DVD.
          The default setting is 'Enabled'.
        • DVD
          The .DVD file basically contains this information:
          [File Name].iso
          In the past the .DVD file was needed for mounting HD-DVDs and BDs when using Virtual CloneDrive. The file contained the MediaType of the ISO image and told Virtual CloneDrive what type of image it was mounting. Recent versions of Virtual CloneDrive now detects the UDF directly from the ISO image so the .DVD file is no longer necessary.
          The default setting is 'Disabled'.
        • MDS
          MDS is just a file that is generated along with the ISO file when making a 1:1 copy or creating an ISO file on your hard drive. The MDS file contains metadata about the original media, specifically the position of the layer break and is needed to tell your burner where to put the layer break for dual layer burning. The format is a binary file with the "MEDIA DESCRIPTOR" appearing in the beginning of the file.
          As Windows 95/98/Me and some other older Windows versions are based on the FAT 32 file system (and a lot of people still use this even under Windows XP/Vista) which cannot handle files larger than 4 GB and ISO files containing movie data usually are larger than 4 GB, the created ISO is split on such systems into a multi part or segmented ISO which consists of several 1 GB files with an enumerated extension like .i01, .i02 and a .mds file of a few bytes which holds info on the parts.
          The default setting is 'Enabled'.

    • Create MD5 File


      This setting is only available if you also have enabled the 'Calculate MD5 Hash Values' in the Settings 'General' tab.


      It will create a text file with the same name as your image and add the extension '.md5'.

      # MD5 checksum generated by ImgBurn v2.4.4.0 (http://www.imgburn.com)
      3c7d6796809a1d7cb4b148c00ac71456 *The_Name_Of_The_Image.iso
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • Check 'Close Program'


      This will pre-check this option in the 'Build Mode' window.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • Check 'Shutdown Computer'


      This will pre-check this option in the 'Build Mode' window.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


  • Log Non Compliant File/Folder Names
    This will show you in the log file which files/folder names that has been changed/truncated due to the restrictions of the applied file system.
    W 00:00:00 ISO9660 File System: 3 folder/file names have been modified due to your current settings.
    W 00:00:00 Joliet File System: 3 folder/file name has been modified due to your current settings.
    W 00:00:00 UDF File System: 3 folder/file name has been modified due to your current settings.
    The default setting is 'Enabled'.
    • ISO9660
      ISO9660 only allows file names in the 8.3 format. DOS file name format.
      If enabled it gives you the full list of the files that have been modified.
      W 00:00:00 ISO9660 File: 'C:\A very long file name.txt' -> 'A_VERY_L.TXT'
      W 00:00:00 ISO9660 File: 'C:\Also a very long file name.txt' -> 'ALSO_A_V.TXT'
      W 00:00:00 ISO9660 File: 'C:\Yet another long file name.txt' -> 'YET_ANOT.TXT'
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Joliet
      Joliet only allows file names shorter than 64 characters. Windows file name format.
      If enabled it gives you the full list of the files that have been modified.
      W 00:00:00 Joliet File: 'C:\A very long file name -> 'A shorter file name'
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.
    • UDF
      UDF only allows file names shorter than 128 characters.
      If enabled it gives you the full list of the files that have been modified.
      W 00:00:00 UDF File: 'C:\A very long file name -> 'A shorter file name'
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.

  • Log Skipped Subfolders


    Option to log skipped subfolders in Build mode (for when 'Recurse Subdirectories' is disabled).


    The default setting is 'Enabled'.


  • Log Skipped Filtered Files/Folders


    Option to log skipped 'filtered' files/folders in Build mode - i.e. from within folders like the VIDEO_TS one where only IFO/BUP/VOB files are allowed.

    W 00:00:00 Skipped Filtered Folder: C:\Movie\VIDEO_TS\PgcEdit_backup\
    W 00:00:00 Skipped Filtered Folder: C:\Movie\VIDEO_TS\VobBlanker_backup\
    The default setting is 'Enabled'.


  • Log Skipped Hidden Files/Folders


    If you have the option 'Include Hidden Files' in the tab 'Options' in the Build Mode function disabled, ImgBurn will add a note in the log about files/folders that are skipped due to this setting when you add hidden files/folders to your compilation.

    W 00:00:00 Skipped Hidden File: Filename.exe
    The default setting is 'Enabled'.


  • Log Skipped Non Archive Files/Folders


    If you have the option 'Include Archive Files Only' in the tab 'Options' in the Build Mode function enabled, ImgBurn will add a note in the log about files/folders that are skipped due to this setting when you add non archive files/folders to your compilation.

    W 00:00:00 Skipped Non Archive File: D:\Filename.txt
    The default setting is 'Enabled'.


  • Log Skipped Reparse Point Files/Folders


    If you have the option 'Include Reparse Point Files' in the tab 'Options' in the Build Mode function disabled, ImgBurn will add a note in the log about files/folders that are skipped due to this setting when you add reparse point files/folders to your compilation.

    W 00:00:00 Skipped Reparse Point File: Filename.txt
    The default setting is 'Enabled'.


  • Log Skipped System Files/Folders


    If you have the option 'Include System Files' in the tab 'Options' in the Build Mode function disabled, ImgBurn will add a note in the log about files/folders that are skipped due to this setting when you add system files/folders to your compilation.

    W 00:00:00 Skipped System File: Filename.sys
    The default setting is 'Enabled'.


  • Halt Logging After Too Many Messages


    The logging of skipped files and folders will stop after 1000 messages. If you want it to still log skipped files and folders, you can disable this setting.


    The default setting is 'Enabled'.


  • Image Start LBA
    Logical block addressing (LBA) is a particularly simple addressing scheme; blocks are located by an index, with the first block being LBA=0, the second LBA=1, and so on.
    This setting allows you to specify the first LBA of the image. It's mainly used on games to to push data to the outside part of the disc to make the reading faster during the gaming.
    The default setting is '0'.
  • Image Minimum Sectors
    Sets the minimum amount of sectors that the image should contain.
    The track is the smallest logical unit and a track is a minimum of 600 sectors in length.
    If the image is < 300 sectors (600K/4 seconds) in size ImgBurn will use TAO instead, because that's the minimum size for an DAO track.
    The default setting is '600'.
  • File System Padding
    Anything that's not divisible by 16 (sectors) will be padded by the drive when you burn to DVD+ media.
    The default setting is '0'.
  • Ignore 'In Use' Files
    Allows you to ignore files that is in use by another process.
    The default setting is 'Disabled'.
  • Include Reparse Point Files
    The user can now decide if 'Reparse Point' (A.K.A 'Junction') files/folders are included when scanning for files/folder to add to the compilation.
    A Reparse Point is a type of NTFS file system object (implemented in Windows 2000 and later versions) that provides extended functionality to an NTFS volume. The most notable examples of reparse points include junction point, volume mount point and symbolic link. Junction point (also called directory junction) and volume mount point were introduced in Windows 2000. More recently, the symbolic links (for directory and for file) were introduced in Windows Vista. The common characteristic of these reparse points is that they store a reference path (called target) and behave as if they were the target object when accessed by most application programs.
    In Vista and Windows 7, your old friend, 'C:\Documents and Settings' is not a regular directory. Rather, it exists as a junction point whose target is C:\Users. Similarly, the 'All Users' directory inside '\Documents and Settings' is replaced by a directory-type Symbolic Link, 'C:\ProgramData\' whose file attributes are usually marked with the hidden and system bits. These reparse points are presumably provided for the backward compatibility's sake.
    The default setting is 'Disabled'.
  • Optimise Duplicate Files
    ImgBurn will look for and optimise duplicate files so that only one copy of that file actually exists in the image or on the disc.
    The default setting is 'Disabled'.
  • Group Files By Directory Level
    'Build Mode' now groups files by an entire directory (including sub directories) rather than doing it by directory level. This option makes it revert to doing it by directory level.
    The default setting is 'Disabled'.
  • Sort Files By Source List Order
    If disabled the files will be sorted in alphabetical order on the image.
    The default setting is 'Disabled'.
  • Browse For File - Dereference Links
    If this option is disabled and you browse for a file and pick a '.lnk' (Windows Shortcut File), it will add the .lnk file (~1k) to the ISO image. Enabling this option and browsing and picking the same .lnk file, will add the file referenced by the link.
    For example with this setting disabled, Imgburn.lnk will add the 598 byte .lnk file. With the setting enabled, Imgburn.lnk puts the 970+k .exe file in the image.
    The default setting is 'Disabled'.
  • Remember Copies
    Option to control whether or not the current selection within the 'Copies' drop down box gets remembered / saved when the program is closed down - and thus restored when it's opened again.
    The default setting is 'Disabled'.
  • Remember MRU Tab
    When ImgBurn starts in 'Build Mode' it will default to the last selected Information tab that was used the last time you used one of those tabs. It will also remember the sub-tab in the case when the 'Advanced' tab was selected.
    The default setting is 'Disabled'.
  • Proposed Setting Changes - Update GUI
    By default, ImgBurn will update the Graphical User Interface (GUI) with any proposed setting changes it detects are required when you're building a disc.
    The default setting is 'Enabled'.
  • Volume Label - Auto 'Yes'
    If you have the setting 'Don't Prompt Volume Label' disabled and you have not specified a Volume Label, ImgBurn will create one for you and show you the result for you in a window. With this setting you can allow ImgBurn to automatically press the 'Yes' button for you after x amount of seconds if you move the glider to your desired time.
    The default setting is 'Enabled' and '30 Seconds'.

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Build Settings - Page 2




  • DVD Video
    • Folder Content Location


      This option is only for people adding DVD ROM content to their DVD Video disc.


      If you're burning non DVD Video data too, as adding DVD ROM content to the DVD Video disc, you can set where you want the DVD Video data (VIDEO_TS folder) to be positioned. Either at the start, mixed in or at the end. It defaults to mixed in.


      This option was mainly added for people doing DL builds whereby the location of the folders could actually have an effect on which layer break positions were made available to them. Otherwise it doesn't make a difference.


      A DVD player would just parse the UDF file system, look for the VIDEO_TS folder and then for the VIDEO_TS.IFO file. (well, going by the specs anyway!)


      So it really doesn't matter where it's positioned on the disc, so long as the files within it are properly positioned. (i.e. the ordering - IFO -> VOB -> BUP, and the LBA sector pointers / offsets etc).

      • Start


        Positions the VIDEO_TS folder at the start of the disc.


      • Mixed


        Positions the various files/folders in alphabetical order with the folders first.


      • End


        Positions the VIDEO_TS folder at the end of the disc.

    • Create AUDIO_TS Folder


      If you look at the files on a DVD, you will notice that most DVDs have both a VIDEO_TS and an AUDIO_TS folder, but the AUDIO_TS folder is usually empty. DVD Audio would be stored in an AUDIO_TS folder but is a separate format to DVD-Video.


      The AUDIO_TS folder isn’t needed on Video DVD’s but some really old DVD players require one to be present. This option will ensure that there is always created an AUDIO_TS folder if it's not there from the beginning.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Filter Folder Content


      All files/folders inside the VIDEO_TS folder that is not a BUP, IFO or VOB file will not be included in the build.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Fix VTS Sectors


      When your build includes DVD Video material, ImgBurn does a check on the included files and might change some items in the IFO/BUP files, to ensure that they are DVD compliant. During this check you can encounter error messages such as these:

      E 00:00:00 Fix VTS Sectors Failed! - Reason: Could not find VIDEO_TS.IFO file.
      E 00:00:00 Fix VTS Sectors Failed! Reason: VIDEO_TS.IFO is not a valid IFO file.
      By disabling this option, ImgBurn will not do this check and possible corrections in the IFO/BUP files and you will face the risk that you will end up with a non playable disc.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • IFO/BUP 32K Padding


      There can be gaps on a DVD. The most notable ones are those used to ensure that no ECC block contains any portion of an IFO file and its associated BUP file. Often times, you will see commercial DVD's authored with tiny menu files of 40 or 50 kb, exactly for this purpose. Since ECC blocks are 16 sectors long (32K), the easiest way to accomplish this is to ensure that there are 16 sectors between the end of the IFO and the start of the BUP. With VIDEO_TS.VOB or VTS_xx_0.VOB files less that 32K (or absent) this means using a gap.


      If an IFO is unreadable (e.g. a CRC error in a sector), the player looks for the BUP, which is stored on the disk right after the VOBs for the title set. Now suppose the VOB's for that title set are small and the data is packed in. There is a chance that the BUP occupies exactly the same bad block that the IFO did, making the BUP useless and the disk, dead in the water.


      Essentially, the basic problem is that without the proper spacing, a single CRC error that would normally only affect one of the two files will affect both, rendering both useless. If proper spacing exists, it would take at least two CRC errors (one affecting each) to render both the IFO and BUP useless.


      Credit: blutach.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Uppercase File/Folder Names


      This option ensures that the AUDIO_TS, VIDEO_TS and JACKET_P folders are all upper case in all file systems and that known files (i.e. IFO/BUP/VOB) are also upper case.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Volume Label - Read DVD Text Data


      If there is a formatted DVD Text Data available, as part of the data in VMG_TXTDT_MG table in the VIDEO_TS.IFO file, ImgBurn will use that string as the 'Volume Label' Name.


      Also, if the DVD-Text General Name is not specified, the Volume Label will instead be derived from the DVD folder name. For example, if your DVD files are in C:\Videos\My DVD\VIDEO_TS, the Volume Label name will be 'MY_DVD'.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.

  • HD DVD Video
    • Volume Label - Read VPLST000.XPL


      When suggesting a volume label for a HD DVD Video image/disc, the program will read the disc name specified in the 'VPLST000.XPL' file.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

  • Blu-ray Video
    • Create BDMV Folders


      If enabled, this option ensures that the BDMV folder contains all the basic folders required for successful playback in PowerDVD.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Create CERTIFICATE Folder


      The 'CERTIFICATE' folder is necessary for the disc to play back correctly on some devices and this setting will create such a folder on Blu-ray Video discs.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • Reset Copy Permission Indicator Flag


      This option will reset the CPI (Copy Permission Indicator) flags within M2TS file packets when you create an image/disc in Build mode.


      This was a request from someone at a duplication plant to save them having to mux two projects - one with AACS and one without.


      The 'Reset Copy Permission Indicator Flag' feature automatically disables itself if the compilation includes an 'AACS_bd' or 'AACS_mv' folder in the root.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • Volume Label - Read BDMT_ENG.XML


      When suggesting a volume label for a BD Video image/disc, the program will read the disc name specified in the 'BDMV\META\DL\bdmt_eng.xml' file.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

  • Read Buffer Size


    A buffer is a region of memory which can be used to temporarily hold data. This buffer will be used to temporarily store the data that is being read from the media before it is being processed and then written to your hard disk.


    The default setting is - less than 1GB RAM = 20MB, Less than 2GB RAM = 40MB, Everything else = 80MB.


  • Disc Layout Editor Options
    • Set Explorer Pane Initial Folder


      Option to set the initial folder for the Explorer pane in the 'Disc Layout Editor' window.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • Disc Layout Editor Window - Stay On Top


      Keeps the Disc Layout Editor window 'stay on top' of other windows while it's open.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • Dereference Link Files


      When enabled, the target of *.LNK files is added to the compilation rather than the LNK file itself. Applies to Advanced Build mode and only to items being added directly, not sub folders/files.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Get Shell File Information


      If this option is enabled, ImgBurn will show the associated file type name of the file types that have been added to the 'Disc Layout Editor' windows column 'Type', in the 'Advanced' Build Mode. If you add a file with the extension 'TXT', it will show 'TXT File' and if you add a file with the extension 'EXE', it will show 'Application'.


      If you disable this setting, ImgBurn will only show the standard value 'File' in the 'Type' column for all added files.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Don't Prompt New Disc


      ImgBurn will not ask you to answer this window when you try to create an 'Empty Disc' in the 'Advanced' input mode window.




      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

  • Clear Source MRU List


    Pressing this button will clear the files listed in the 'Most Recently Used' list. They will not physically be removed from your hard disk.

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Build Settings - Page 3




  • Prompts
    • Don't Prompt Image Details
      ImgBurn will not ask you to enter an 'OK' in this window
      The TV System info is retrieved from byte 0x200 (i.e. video attributes of VTS_VOB's) in the largest IFO file in your VIDEO_TS folder.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Don't Prompt Volume Label
      ImgBurn will not ask you to answer this window.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
      • Answer 'Yes'
        Answering 'Yes' will proceed with the image building task.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Answer 'No'
        Answering 'No' will take you back to 'Build' mode.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      [*]Don't Prompt Include 'ADV_OBJ' Folder


      ImgBurn will not ask you to answer this window




      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • Answer 'Yes'
        Answering 'Yes' will proceed with the image building task.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Answer 'No'
        Answering 'No' will take you back to 'Build' mode.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      [*]Don't Prompt Include 'CERTIFICATE' Folder


      ImgBurn will not ask you to answer this window




      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • Answer 'Yes'
        Answering 'Yes' will proceed with the image building task.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Answer 'No'
        Answering 'No' will take you back to 'Build' mode.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      [*]Don't Prompt UDF Revision Not Supported


      ImgBurn will not ask you to answer this window




      This option is for Windows XP (and older) OS's that don't have a known 3rd party UDF 2.50+ driver installed. The program now checks for 3 drivers - Toshiba, Matsushita and Cyberlink UDF 2.50+ filter driver - before displaying the warning that the OS doesn't support the chosen UDF revision (if 2.50+) and a UDF 2.50+ formatted disc potentially being unreadable.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • Answer 'Yes'
        Answering 'Yes' will proceed with the image building task.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Answer 'No'
        Answering 'No' will take you back to 'Build' mode.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      [*]Don't Prompt Change Mini Image Destination File


      ImgBurn will not ask you to answer this window




      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • Answer 'Yes'
        Answering 'Yes' will proceed with the image building task.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Answer 'No'
        Answering 'No' will take you back to 'Build' mode.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • Prompt Confirm DVD Audio Detection
      Option to be asked if you want to build a DVD Audio disc.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Prompt Confirm DVD Video Detection
      Option to be asked if you want to build a DVD Video disc.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Prompt Confirm HD DVD Video Detection
      Option to be asked if you want to build a HD DVD Video disc.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Prompt Confirm BD Video Detection
      Option to be asked if you want to build a BD Video disc.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Prompt Confirm OS Installation Detection
      Option to be asked if you want to build an OS Installation disc.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

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Build Settings - Page 4




  • Prompts
    • Don't Prompt Root Content
      If you add a single folder you will not be asked to answer this window.
      If you add more than one folder (folder or file), it's NOT the root and so you're not given the prompt.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
      • Answer 'Yes'
        Answering 'Yes' will proceed with the image building task.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Answer 'No'
        Answering 'No' will take you back to 'Build' mode.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      [*]Don't Prompt AUDIO_TS Content


      ImgBurn will not ask you to answer one of these windows






      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • Answer 'Yes'
        Answering 'Yes' will proceed with the image building task.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Answer 'No'
        Answering 'No' will take you back to 'Build' mode.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      [*]Don't Prompt VIDEO_TS Content


      ImgBurn will not ask you to answer one of these windows






      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • Answer 'Yes'
        Answering 'Yes' will proceed with the image building task.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Answer 'No'
        Answering 'No' will take you back to 'Build' mode.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      [*]Don't Prompt HDDVD_TS Content


      ImgBurn will not ask you to answer this window




      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • Answer 'Yes'
        Answering 'Yes' will proceed with the image building task.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Answer 'No'
        Answering 'No' will take you back to 'Build' mode.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      [*]Don't Prompt BDAV/BDMV Content


      ImgBurn will not ask you to answer one of these windows






      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • Answer 'Yes'
        Answering 'Yes' will proceed with the image building task.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Answer 'No'
        Answering 'No' will take you back to 'Build' mode.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • Don't Prompt DVD Audio Settings
      ImgBurn will not ask you to answer this window
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
      • Answer 'Yes'
        Answering 'Yes' will proceed with the image building task.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Answer 'No'
        Answering 'No' will take you back to 'Build' mode.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      [*]Don't Prompt DVD Video Settings


      ImgBurn will not ask you to answer this window




      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • Answer 'Yes'
        Answering 'Yes' will proceed with the image building task.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Answer 'No'
        Answering 'No' will take you back to 'Build' mode.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      [*]Don't Prompt HD DVD Video Settings


      ImgBurn will not ask you to answer this window




      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • Answer 'Yes'
        Answering 'Yes' will proceed with the image building task.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Answer 'No'
        Answering 'No' will take you back to 'Build' mode.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      [*]Don't Prompt BD Video Settings


      ImgBurn will not ask you to answer this window




      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • Answer 'Yes'
        Answering 'Yes' will proceed with the image building task.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Answer 'No'
        Answering 'No' will take you back to 'Build' mode.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      [*]Don't Prompt DivX Video Settings


      ImgBurn will not ask you to answer this window




      DivX, XviD... it's all the same thing. So far as the program is concerned, it's any disc that has a *.avi or *.divx file on it in the root directory. This window is to help people (newbies) make discs that stand a decent chance of working on their standalone players. Most will not read the UDF file system and the ISO9660 one is limited to 8.3 characters. So basically, ImgBurn tells the user to switch to a file system option that includes Joliet.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • Answer 'Yes'
        Answering 'Yes' will proceed with the image building task.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Answer 'No'
        Answering 'No' will take you back to 'Build' mode.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      [*]Don't Prompt OS Installation Settings


      ImgBurn will not ask you to answer this window




      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • Answer 'Yes'
        Answering 'Yes' will proceed with the image building task.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Answer 'No'
        Answering 'No' will take you back to 'Build' mode.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

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Write Settings - Page 1




  • Options
    • Write Mode
      There are four 'Write Modes' in ImgBurn..
      • Auto
      • CD
      • DVD
      • HD DVD
      • BD

      The program will take a certain path through the various functions depending on the enabled 'Write Mode'. The 'Auto' setting will auto detect the inserted media type and use the appropriate 'Write Mode' for you.

      .[*]Write Type


      There are four methods of writing discs in ImgBurn: Incremental, Track-at-once (TAO), Session-at-once (SAO) and Disc-at-once (DAO).


      On DVD/HD DVD/Blu-ray the only supported write types are Incremental, SAO/DAO (and 'Layer Jump' but that only applies to DVD-R DL and isn't supported by ImgBurn because it's a waste of time).


      Disc-at-once is used to write the media in one continuous process. The laser is not turned off until all information has been written to the media. Session-at-once (SAO) and DAO are basically the same thing. It's called SAO on CD and DAO on DVD/HD DVD/Blu-ray.


      If you select anything that's not supported it'll just default to SAO/DAO. Selecting Incremental for CD's will defaults to SAO/DAO as it's not implemented for CD's.

      • Incremental
        Unlike 'at once' recording, incremental writing (or packet writing) is a recording method which allows data tracks to be divided up into small chunks called packets (typically 64 Kb - 1 Mb in size). Each packet can then be written separately to the disc, with interruptions if necessary.
        Between the writing of packets, there are virtually no data rate constraints. This means that writing can be interrupted for an unlimited amount of time, which reduces the risk of buffer under runs when writing large amounts of data to a DVD.
      • TAO
        Using Track-at-once (TAO) means that after each track is written, the writer drive turns its laser off and makes any necessary alignment changes before continuing to the next track.
        When writing an audio CD, Track-at-once can be good to use because it gives the writer drive and the source device a quick break between tracks. This allows the source device a chance to fill the buffer, or cache on the CD-Writer drive to better ensure that buffer under runs are avoided, if possible. The two second gap between songs when playing back an audio CD are the breaks on the disc when the laser was turned off during writing.
      • SAO/DAO
        Session-at-once (SAO) and Disc-at-once (DAO), as its name implies, is the process of writing an entire disc's worth of data in a single operation, and the disc is closed, without ever turning off the writing laser.
        There are a few reasons why SAO/DAO may be used. The main reason why SAO/DAO would be selected has to do with the material being written to the CD. Many audio performances do not have silent breaks between pieces; for example, in live concerts the audience fills the gaps between songs. If the audio events to be recorded are meant to be played back with no silent gaps between tracks, SAO/DAO should be selected.

      [*]Link Size


      This setting specifies the number of link sizes available for the current media and it may be 0, 1, or 16 for DVD media.


      For most media, this field should be 1. For CD media it's always 1..

      • Auto
      • 0
      • 1
      • 16

      [*]Auto 'Change Book Type'


      Applies to LG, Lite-On, NEC/Optiarc and Samsung drives.


      Certain older DVD players, including DVD players in some laptop computers, will not load DVD-R or DVD+R disks at all because those formats did not even exist when the player's firmware was written. However, by changing the bit setting on a DVD+R to DVD-ROM, those players should be able to load and play the DVD+R.


      Samsung (using the identifier 'TSSTcorp') and LG (using the identifier 'HL-DT-ST') drive owners will automatically have all their +R /+RW /+R DL media changed to look like a DVD-ROM disc via bit setting. (Note: +RW bit setting isn't supported by the LG drives though).


      For NEC based drives with original firmware only +R DL media will be book typed to 'DVD-ROM'. For +R/+RW media need first to flash the burner with a patched firmware, that then allows for the book type to be changed to DVD-ROM. You can read more in the guide Book type +R/+RW media on NEC/Optiarc drives.


      The book type commands are sent to the drive before each and every burn the program makes. Obviously just for 'Plus' format media - i.e. DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL. Either the program tells the drive to change the book type to DVD-ROM or it doesn't and the drive will do whatever it had already been told to do by other programs (or by ImgBurn's 'Change Book Type' screen).


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.

      • Use 'Normal' For BD Video Discs
        Option to have the program automatically set the book type to 'Normal' rather than 'DVD-ROM' when burning a BD Video (BDAV/BDMV folder is present) disc. Some players won't play BD (AVCHD ?) content from a disc with its book type set to DVD-ROM.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      [*]Perform OPC before Write


      Performing Optimum Power Calibration (OPC ) is a special technique used in newer CD/DVD recordable drives to perform a test write and read in an area inside of the lead-in, in order to determine the best laser power for recording and to adjust to each recordable disc, which may vary slightly from different manufacturers, or for other reasons.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


      [*]DVD+R Reserve Track


      This setting makes ImgBurn send the 'Reserve Track' command to the drive before it starts writing all the time when burning DVD+R/+RW format media.


      Basically, when burning DVD+R/+RW you can either just go right ahead and start sending 'Write' commands or you can send 'Reserve Track' and then send 'Write' commands.


      If you send a 'Reserve Track' command first, the drive knows right from the start how much data you're intending to burn. That way the drive already knows how much data to expect and can update the disc's TOC or whatever accordingly. It will either accept the track size you specify, or it'll reject it. As such, you'll know if an attempted 'overburn' is going to work or not. If you don't send the command, it could fail at any time if you try to write beyond the end of the disc.


      Most drives will allow 'Reserve Track' + 'Write' to the same size it allows just 'Write' to - and I'm mainly talking about overburning here.


      Some drives, as BenQ drives, need the command to be issued prior to burning if you're attempting to overburn. Without it, the 'Write' command fails at the 'normal' end of the disc. It's like some secret overburning method! This option was added in the settings when support for BenQ overburning was added. ('DVD+R Reserve Track' is automatic when overburning).


      For normal size burns, there's never a need for reserve track on DVD+R/+RW, it's totally optional and most programs don't send it. It's really just these in case you have a weird drive that does things differently if it's sent. It's not an option you should even need to touch.


      It's always sent for DVD-R/-RW media (because it needs to be) but it's not needed for DVD+R/+RW format media.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


      [*]DVD+R Finalise Disc (Minimal Radius)


      No matter how much (little) you burn on a DVD+R, it'll tell the drive to pad it out to a predefined amount so that at least 1GB is burnt to the disc. This is done in order to achieve maximum compatibility with drives when reading back.


      So basically, you shouldn't ever have a reason to turn it off.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]DVD+R DL Only Write To First Layer


      Applies to DVD+R DL media.


      When a small image is being written, write everything to the first layer (L0) instead of writing equal amounts on both layers.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


      [*]DVD-RAM / BD-RE FastWrite


      This is pretty much a bodge to disable the 'verify' part that's built into normal DVD-RAM/BD-RE burning. This prevents the drive from performing its own internal write + verification, leaving verification down to the software.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


      [*]BD-R Verify Not Required


      This is pretty much a bodge to disable the 'verify' part that's built into normal BD-R burning. This prevents the drive from performing its own internal write + verification, leaving verification down to the software.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]Enable BURN-Proof


      The BURN-Proof technology allows you to avoid buffer under runs by suspending and restarting the write process when the recorder's buffer is about to empty.


      This is for situations where your computer is unable to send data to the drive quickly enough to keep the buffer full. It will not help you if your computer loses power, your software crashes, your media is of poor quality, or you smack the drive hard enough to disrupt the recording process. Nearly all CD/DVD recorders announced in or after 2001 features some variation of the buffer under run protection.


      Ideally, the results of interrupted and uninterrupted writes would be identical. In practice, there may be a small glitch at the point where writing was suspended. The general consensus is that these technologies are effective and do not result in noticeable glitches.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]Lock Volume - Exclusive Access


      This will stop other programs for using the drive while ImgBurn performs tasks with it.


      If you have Windows XP SP3 x86/x64 based version, Windows Server 2003 SP3, Windows Vista or Windows 7 installed and also have the 'SPTI - Device Enumeration Method' options 'Device Interface', set as default in the settings tab 'I/O', ImgBurn will now also tell you which program that is that is currently locking one or more of your drives, if ImgBurn can't get exclusive access.


      I 00:00:00 ImgBurn Version started!

      I 00:00:00 Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Edition (6.0, Build 6002 : Service Pack 2)

      I 00:00:00 Total Physical Memory: 2 095 484 KB - Available: 905 772 KB

      I 00:00:00 Initialising SPTI...

      I 00:00:00 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

      E 00:00:00 Device->Initialise() Failed!

      E 00:00:00 Device: [2:0:0] (D:) (ATA)

      E 00:00:00 This drive is currently locked for exclusive access by 'ACME Super Burner - PID: 2744'.

      E 00:00:00 Device->Initialise() Failed!

      E 00:00:00 Device: [2:0:0] (D:) (ATA)

      E 00:00:00 This drive will not be visible in the program.

      I 00:00:00 Found 1 DVD±RW, 3 DVD±RW/RAMs, 1 BD-ROM/HD DVD-ROM and 1 BD-RE!


      If you should see this warning message in the log and you are running Windows XP SP2 or Windows Server 2003 SP2, you need to install the Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) update package (KB932716), to be able to lock the drive.


      W 00:00:00 DeviceIoControl(IOCTL_CDROM_EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS, Lock, 1) Not Supported! - You need to install the IMAPI v2.0 update or Service Pack 3!


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.

      • Ignore Mounted File System Drivers
        This option is only available if you also have enabled 'Lock Volume - Exclusive Access' and is only of interest if you also have 'SPTI - Device Enumeration Method' option 'Device Interface' selected in the 'I/O' tab.
        This setting i used if the program attempts to lock a device while the file system driver is mounted and fails to lock it. The setting suspends the check for a mounted file system driver. An example is if you try to format or write to a rewritable disc that already contains data.
        This setting saves you from having to press the 'Try Again' button in this image, as the window will not show up at all.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.

      [*]Cycle Tray Before Verify


      CD/DVD recorders (and modern CD/DVD-ROM drives) have a chunk of RAM that holds blocks read from the disc. Some drives provide a way to clear this out, some don't.


      All drives need to have their block cache cleared out after writing completes and before disc verification begins. If this weren't done, the files being verified could be read out of the block cache instead of from the disc itself, defeating the purpose of the verification pass. Also, some CD/DVD recorders need to have their recording buffers explicitly cleared between the "test" and "write" passes.


      The most reliable, 100%-guaranteed-to-work approach is to eject the disc and re-insert it. Watching your CD/DVD tray open and close can be startling at first, but in general it's harmless.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]Verify Against Image File


      This option will run the verify process against the actual image you burned. If not enabled - it will only try to read the burned disc so it behaves more like version where it just checked that the sectors could be read.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]Never Delete Audio Files


      Option to never delete audio files when deleting files (having been told to!) after a burn/verify. This makes it safer for people burning audio discs via the 'Create CD CUE File' feature.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]Check 'Delete Image'


      This will pre-check this option in the 'Write Mode' window. After a successful burn the image source will be automatically deleted.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


      [*]Check 'Close Program'


      After a successful burning, the program will terminate itself.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


      [*]Check 'Shutdown Computer'


      This will pre-check this option in the 'Write Mode' window.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • Layer Break (For DL Media)
      The layer break point is the place where a dual layer DVD switches from the first layer (layer 0) to the second layer (layer 1). DVDs are laid out in sectors (each sector contains 2048 bytes of content), starting with sector 0 (zero). The break point is the sector address of the first sector on the second layer. This number also represents the number of sectors on layer 0.
      It is recommended to let ImgBurn place the Layer Break for you.
      • Calculate Optimal
        ImgBurn will calculate the optimal layer break.
      • User Specified
        You can insert where you want the layer break to be present.
      • Sectors in L0:
        The number of sectors in L0 (the first layer of the disc) i.e. if Layer 1 starts at LBA 10, Sectors in L0 = 10 and then 0, 1, 2.... 9 = 10 sectors.
        It is not necessary to specify the number of sectors in L0 for DVD+R DL discs, since the layer break can be at any position on L0. On DVD-R DL discs, it is necessary to know exactly the number of sectors in L0, because the first layer must be filled completely with data.
        If you are going to burn a DL XBox360 game backup on a DVD +R DL, you need to enter the value 1913760.

      [*]Auto 'Export Graph Data'


      Data captured during the write (write speed, buffer levels etc) can be displayed / analysed using either BurnPlot, DVDInfoPro or Opti Drive Control.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]Prefer Format With Full Certification


      This setting is only for BD-RE media.


      This option allows you to choose if you want to perform full certification where the drive tests all the sectors and maps out any bad ones, or not (the opposite being 'Quick Certification' !) when full erasing BD-RE.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]Prefer Format Without Spare Areas


      This setting is only for DVD-RAM and BD-RE media.


      The whole thing about leaving the spare areas enabled is that if a sector on the disc is found to be a bit dodgy, it can be mapped out of use. When you use the entire disc (no spare areas), that can't happen and your bad sector becomes 'available' for use again, even if it's not readable/writable.

      • DVR-RAM
        DVD-RAM has spare areas used for defect management. This is done by the drive itself, so there's no way around it. As far as the OS is concerned, a DVD-RAM is exactly like a hard drive. Any bad sectors are remapped automatically and the OS never knows about them.
        If a DVD-RAM drive detects a defect during use, it will automatically map the bad sector back to either 'The Primary Spare Area' (PSA) or the 'Secondary Spare Area' (SSA), if one exists. Unfortunately, this means that the head has to seek to the spare area each time it hits a remapped sector. However, during a low-level format, all of these remapped sectors are actually mapped differently. In this case, it will use "slip" remapping, so that no extra seeking is necessary. This is only possible during a full format because slipping basically pushes all of the sectors back by one, and you can't just do that on the fly.
        The PSA is always 26 MB and is at the beginning of the media. The SSA is variable-size and is at the end of the media. By default, it's about 100 MB. But the cool part is, if you think the PSA is enough, you can reformat a DVD-RAM to eliminate the secondary spare area.
        Format Capacities:
        DT: 0x02 - NB: 2295072 (0x00230520) - TDP: 2048
        FT: 0x00 - NB: 2236704 (0x00222120) - TDP: 2048
        FT: 0x00 - NB: 2295072 (0x00230520) - TDP: 2048
        FT: 0x01 - NB: 2285344 (0x0022DF20) - TDP: 2048
        FT: 0x01 - NB: 2275616 (0x0022B920) - TDP: 2048
        FT: 0x01 - NB: 2265888 (0x00229320) - TDP: 2048
        FT: 0x01 - NB: 2256160 (0x00226D20) - TDP: 2048
        FT: 0x01 - NB: 2246432 (0x00224720) - TDP: 2048
        FT: 0x01 - NB: 2236704 (0x00222120) - TDP: 2048
        FT: 0x01 - NB: 2226976 (0x0021FB20) - TDP: 2048
        FT: 0x01 - NB: 2217248 (0x0021D520) - TDP: 2048

        After the format you media, in this case a DVD-RAM, it will report that the 'Current Format Capacity' is also equal to the 'Maximum Format Capacity'.
        Current Format Capacity:
        Sectors: 2,295,072
        Size: 4,700,307,456 bytes
        Time: 510:02:72 (MM:SS:FF)
        Preferred Format Capacity:
        Sectors: 2,236,704
        Size: 4,580,769,792 bytes
        Time: 497:04:54 (MM:SS:FF)
        Maximum Format Capacity:
        Sectors: 2,295,072
        Size: 4,700,307,456 bytes
        Time: 510:02:72 (MM:SS:FF)

      • BD-RE
        BD Disc Information:
        Disc ID: MEI-T01-01
        Disc Type: BD-RE
        Format Capacities:
        DT: 0x02 - NB: 23652352 (0x0168E800) - TDP: 24576
        FT: 0x00 - NB: 23652352 (0x0168E800) - TDP: 24576
        FT: 0x30 - NB: 23652352 (0x0168E800) - TDP: 24576
        FT: 0x30 - NB: 23259136 (0x0162E800) - TDP: 36864
        FT: 0x30 - NB: 24307712 (0x0172E800) - TDP: 4096
        FT: 0x31 - NB: 24438784 (0x0174E800) - TDP: 2048

        If this setting is enabled, the 'Format Type' (FT) 0x31 and it's 'Number of Blocks' (NB) will be the new format size. The 'Type Dependant Parameters' (TDP) value of 'Number of Spare Area Blocks' will be set to zero.

        BD Disc Information:
        Disc ID: MEI-T01-01
        Disc Type: BD-RE
        Format Capacities:
        DT: 0x02 - NB: 24438784 (0x0174E800) - TDP: 0
        FT: 0x00 - NB: 23652352 (0x0168E800) - TDP: 24576
        FT: 0x30 - NB: 23652352 (0x0168E800) - TDP: 24576
        FT: 0x30 - NB: 23259136 (0x0162E800) - TDP: 36864
        FT: 0x30 - NB: 24307712 (0x0172E800) - TDP: 4096
        FT: 0x31 - NB: 24438784 (0x0174E800) - TDP: 2048

        Note: You can quickly change your existing 'spare areas' format to a 'no spare areas' one by turning off full certification and turning on the option to format without spare areas. If you also disable 'prefer properly formatted discs', it won't try and zero all the sectors.

      The default setting is 'Enabled'.

      .[*]Prefer Properly Formatted Discs


      A format is required on new DVD+RW, DVD-RAM and Blu-ray media and those that haven't been properly formatted in the first place. When unchecked, it will only prompt when in the 'Formatted: No' state (i.e. when it really has to format).


      If it doesn't say 'Formatted: Yes' in the info panel on the right in the 'Write' mode window, ImgBurn will perform a full format. After that the DVD+RW, DVD-RAM or Blu-ray disc is just overwritten without the need for any sort of erase (it's not like DVD-RW in that respect).


      You should only need to do this formatting once so if you find you're doing it all the time (on the same disc), either your drive isn't formatting properly or some other tool/drive is screwing up the format.


      If you find ImgBurn's methods don't fit with how you like to do things, just uncheck this setting and it will then allow writing to media even when it hasn't been fully formatted - note, brand new DVD+RW must ALWAYS be formatted before use. There's no way around that (although you might not see it happening).


      The 'Prefer Properly Formatted Discs' option will make ImgBurn zero fill all the sectors on the Blu-ray disc once the drive says it's finished doing its part (i.e. preparing the disc for the new formatted size and certifying it). If you disable full certification and properly formatted discs it'll only take about 30 seconds - but you should only disable certification if you know the disc is 100% fine (or don't care if it's not).


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]Prefer Format Size


      This setting allows you to set the desired size of the formatted disc.


      BD Disc Information:
      Disc ID: MEI-T01-01
      Disc Type: BD-RE
      Format Capacities:
      DT: 0x02 - NB: 23652352 (0x0168E800) - TDP: 24576
      FT: 0x00 - NB: 23652352 (0x0168E800) - TDP: 24576
      FT: 0x30 - NB: 23652352 (0x0168E800) - TDP: 24576
      FT: 0x30 - NB: 23259136 (0x0162E800) - TDP: 36864
      FT: 0x30 - NB: 24307712 (0x0172E800) - TDP: 4096
      FT: 0x31 - NB: 24438784 (0x0174E800) - TDP: 2048

      • Preferred
        If this setting is selected, the new format size will be the 'Number Of Blocks' (NB) value from the first descriptor in the list.
      • Minimum
        If this setting is selected, the lowest value of 'Number of Blocks' (NB) found an a 'Format Type' (FT) 0x30 row will be the new format size.
        FT: 0x30 - NB: 23259136 (0x0162E800) - TDP: 36864


      • Maximum
        If this setting is selected, the highest value of 'Number of Blocks' (NB) found an a 'Format Type' (FT) 0x30 row will be the new format size.
        FT: 0x30 - NB: 24307712 (0x0172E800) - TDP: 4096

      [*]CD-TEXT - Use Ansi CodePage


      If you enable this setting, the CD-TEXT label in the function 'Create CUE File' will use the 'Ansi Code Page' character set, instead of the default Unicode character set. This to to ensure backwards compatibility with some older systems.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


      [*]Remember Copies


      Option to control whether or not the current selection within the 'Copies' drop down box gets remembered / saved when the program is closed down - and thus restored when it's opened again.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


      [*]Process Priority


      In a multi-tasking system like Windows, it is necessary to assign different priorities to different tasks. By assigning a higher priority to more important tasks such as CD/DVD writing software, Windows ensures that critical tasks do not get interrupted by less important background tasks, like virus scanners or printer spoolers.


      You can choose one of the following priorities: 'Realtime', 'High', 'Above Normal', 'Normal', 'Below Normal', or 'Idle'. The lower the priority is, the lower percentage of CPU time will be delegated to this task.


      Note that depending on the process and your administrative rights to your machine, you may not be able to change a particular process's priority.


      The default setting is 'High'.

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Write Settings - Page 2




  • Prompts
    • Don't Prompt Close Track/Session/Disc
      If this option is enabled and if you choose to abort the burning you will not be prompted for the 'Close Track/Session/Disc' functions and also if the burning fails, ImgBurn will skip the 'Close Track/Session/Disc' commands.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
      • Answer 'Yes'
        ImgBurn will try to close the 'Track/Session/Disc' on a failed burn.
      • Answer 'No'
        ImgBurn will not try to close the 'Track/Session/Disc' on a failed burn.

      [*]Don't Prompt Close Tray


      If you have enabled the option to 'Cycle Tray Before Verify' you might see this prompt. It should only pop up on a laptop (or other) drive where ImgBurn can't 'load' the tray, only 'eject' it.




      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


      [*]Don't Prompt Delete Files


      If this option is enabled, ImgBurn will not ask you if the files should be deleted or not after the writing.




      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • Answer 'Yes'
        ImgBurn will delete the files.
      • Answer 'No'
        ImgBurn will not delete the files.

      [*]Don't Prompt Erase Media


      If you enable this option, ImgBurn will erase your RW disc automatic if it's needed.




      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


      [*]Don't Prompt Format Media


      If you enable this option, ImgBurn will format your +RW disc automatic if it's needed.




      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


      [*]Don't Prompt Overwrite Media


      If you enable this option, the program will overwrite your RW disc automatic.




      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


      [*]Don't Prompt Retry Failed Burns


      Option to control the 'retry for remaining copies' / 'try burning image again before trying next image' prompts. It would normally ask if you want to retry (and if applicable, for however many 'copies' failed) before moving onto the next image in the list. You can suppress/control those prompts by adjusting this option.






      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • Answer 'Yes'
        ImgBurn will burn the image again.
      • Answer 'No'
        ImgBurn will not burn the image again and just jump to the next task in the queue.

    [*]Default Overburning Method


    Overburning is the process of writing more audio or data than the official capacity limit on a disc.


    ImgBurn offers two methods of overburning discs. The one that you select as default in this setting, will be pre selected in this pop up window when an image or a build bigger than the official disc size is to be written.

    • Overburn
      ImgBurn will write until the end of the image.
    • Truncate
      Option to truncate image (not physically!) when burning to a smaller disc rather than always attempting to overburn.
      ImgBurn will write until the end of the disc. It writes as much as it can and then closes the disc.

    [*]Write Errors

    • Software Retries
      When you burn a disc the program will retry to write that sector as many times as you has set it to do until ImgBurn gives up.
      It can be set to a digit between 0 and 20.
      The default setting is '20'.
    • Finalise Disc - Auto Retry
      If this option is enabled, ImgBurn will auto retry when the close track/session/disc commands fail.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.
    • Finalise Disc - Ignore Errors
      If the close track/session/disc commands fail, this option will automatically ignore such failures.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

    [*]Queue Options

    • Write Queue Window - Stay On Top
      Keeps the Write Queue window on top of other windows while it's open.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Eject Tray Before Next Write
      When you use the 'Queue' function and the previous disc is done, this option will eject the tray for you.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Insert Next Disc - Auto 'OK'
      When you use the 'Queue' function, ImgBurn will ask you to insert a new disc and after that is done it will wait 10 seconds by default before it starts the burning process. In this option you can specify how long that time should be. It can be set to a time between 1 second and 5 minutes.
      The default setting is 'Enabled' and '10 Seconds'.
    • Insert Next Disc - Find Next Blank Disc
      This option will automatically load the next blanc disc for you when you are using the 'Queue' function and if the 'Next' drive has a changer device associated with it.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.

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Verify Settings




  • Options
    • Ignore CD-DA Data
      Compact Disc-Digital Audio (CD-DA) Data is generally read out at a "standard speed" (about 150 KBps) equal to a sampling frequency in order to reproduce it as a normal sound (that is, the data is reproduced without buffering data). On the other hand, CD-ROM data can be read out at a higher speed while using buffering of the data or a similar technique. This makes the verify very slow.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      Ignore Non 'User Data' Bytes
      Ignore non user data within sectors. i.e. So with Mode1/2352 images, it only compares the real 2048 user data bytes.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
      Ignore Miscompares
      Option to automatically ignore miscompare errors during the verify process.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Check 'Delete Image'
      This will pre-check this option in the 'Verify Mode' window and after a successful verify the image will be erased.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Check 'Close Program'
      This will pre-check this option in the 'Verify Mode' window and after a successful verify the program will be closed.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Check 'Shutdown Computer'
      This will pre-check this option in the 'Verify Mode' window and after a successful verify the computer will be automatically shutdown.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Auto 'Export Graph Data'
      Data captured during the verify (read speed, buffer levels etc) can be displayed / analysed using either BurnPlot, DVDInfoPro or Opti Drive Control.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.
    • Enable SpeedRead DVD (Plextor)
      SpeedRead allows the user to change the reading of DVD media up to the maximum speed of the drive. Discs that may be damaged due to mishandling or improper use may shatter due to the higher rotational forces reached at the maximum read speed of the drive. The drive's maximum read speed is therefore limited as a safety function. SpeedRead enables the user to increase the read speed of the drive to the maximum possible. Plextor recommends examining each disc before enabling this function.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.
    • Process Priority
      In a multi-tasking system like Windows, it is necessary to assign different priorities to different tasks. By assigning a higher priority to more important tasks such as CD/DVD writing software, Windows ensures that critical tasks do not get interrupted by less important background tasks, like virus scanners or printer spoolers.
      You can choose one of the following priorities: 'Realtime', 'High', 'Above Normal', 'Normal', 'Below Normal', or 'Idle'. The lower the priority is, the lower percentage of CPU time will be delegated to this task.
      Note that depending on the process and your administrative rights to your machine, you may not be able to change a particular process's priority.
      The default setting is 'High'.

    [*]Read Errors

    • Software Retries
      You can set how many times a failed read operation is retried until ImgBurn gives up. The higher the value you select there the more ImgBurn will try to read a sector before giving up.
      It can be set to a digit between 0 and 20.
      The default setting is '0'.
    • Hardware Retries
      This is for the drive itself, not the program. Not all drives support setting the number of retries they perform on an error. The drive performs X 'hardware retries' for Y 'software retries' made by the program. So in total retries = X * Y.
      It can be set to a digit between 0 and 20.
      The default setting is 'Disabled' and '2'.
    • Ignore Read Errors
      This will result in ImgBurn just skipping sectors it can't read.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

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Graph Data Settings




  • Options
    • Capture Graph Data
      Allows you to capture 'Graph Data' from a read/write task in ImgBurn and also have it saved to the default Graph Data folder. You can see exactly what speed your drive was during read/write and when.
      You can display the captured Graph Data in either the freeware program BurnPlot, DVDInfoPro or Opti Drive Control.
      If you disable the setting, you will receive this message when you try to display graph data.
      This is an example from DVDInfoPro of the 'Graph Data' you will see if you enable and use this function.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      Note: DVDInfoPro will not work with Windows 95/98/Me.
    • Capture Processor Usage
      If this option is enabled it will capture the processors usage during the time ImgBurn performs the various tasks as read, write and verify and then show it in the Graph Data in either the freeware program BurnPlot, DVDInfoPro or Opti Drive Control.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      Note: Windows Vista prevents non-admin users (or admins where UAC is enabled) from accessing the performance counters. Because of this, ImgBurn is unable to collect and record '% Processor Usage' as part of the IBG (Graph Data). The guide 'How to get the graph data to include CPU usage under Vista, For non-admin users or admin with UAC enabled', will tell you how to circumvent this problem.
    • Sample Rate
      'Sample Rate' allows you to set the interval for the data to capture (ranges from 10ms to 1 second with the lower numbers equating to more data captured).
      The default setting is '100 ms'.
    • Thread Priority
      In a multi-tasking system like Windows, it is necessary to assign different priorities to different tasks. By assigning a higher priority to more important tasks such as CD/DVD writing software, Windows ensures that critical tasks do not get interrupted by less important background tasks, like virus scanners or printer spoolers.
      You can choose one of the following priorities: 'Realtime', 'High', 'Above Normal', 'Normal', 'Below Normal', or 'Idle'. The lower the priority is, the lower percentage of CPU time will be delegated to this task.
      Note that depending on the process and your administrative rights to your machine, you may not be able to change a particular process's priority.
      The default setting is 'Normal'.

    [*]Default File Name


    The other graph options allow you to name the graph based on your drive's make and model and the time and date of the burn.

    • Most Recently Used
      The saved file will have the same name as the last one that was saved. As all will have similar names, ImgBurn will add a duplicate number (#) at the end of the file name to separate them.
    • Custom
      With the various strings you can compose your own file name. In the bottom of the 'Graph Data Settings' window you can see how your string will look.

    [*]Compress Spaces


    Only keeps one space between the various options.


    The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    [*]Replace Spaces With Underscores


    The space between the various options will be replaced with '_' (underscore) signs.


    The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    [*]Default Viewer


    You can here select whether you wish to use BurnPlot, DVDInfoPro or Opti Drive Control as the default graph viewer.

    • BurnPlot
      This sets BurnPlot as the default viewer.
      You need to have BurnPlot installed in the ImgBurn program folder in order to be able to use it as a graph viewer. The program is a freeware.
    • DVDInfoPro
      This sets DVDInfoPro as the default graph viewer.
      You need to have DVDInfoPro installed in order be able to use it as a graph viewer. The program has a 14 days trial period.
    • Opti Drive Control
      This sets Opti Drive Control as the default graph viewer.
      You need to have Opti Drive Control installed in order be able to use it as a graph viewer. The program has a 30 days trial period.

    [*]Default Folder


    Lets you decide where you want the captured 'Graph Data' to be saved.

    • Most Recently Used
      The location you last used to save captured 'Graph Data' in.
    • Image File's
      The location you have specified in the 'File Locations' tab for 'Graph Data Files'.
    • Custom
      Lets you decide where you want to save them. If you change the location here, it will also be changed in the 'File Locations' tab for 'Graph Data Files' automatically.

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  • 2 years later...

I/O Settings - Page 1




  • Interface
    • Interface
      You can select how ImgBurn accesses your drive(s).
      All other options than 'SCSI Pass Through Interface' (SPTI) require special drivers that you first have to download and install. 'Advanced SCSI Programming Interface' (ASPI) is mainly for compatibility with Windows 95/98/Me.
      The various ASPI drivers can be download from the ImgBurn Download Page.
      • ASPI - WNASPI32.DLL
        Nero's AG's version of ASPI. A special system file for use with CD and DVD software and is designed to interface with IDE, SCSI and USB CD-ROM/DVD drives and CD/DVD-Recorders.
        The advanced ASPI programming interface (ASAPI) layer is a system file created by VoB Computersysteme GmbH. Both IDE and SCSI devices can be used. It is supposed to be 10-15% quicker than normal ASPI layers.
      • SPTI - Microsoft
        The default SCSI Pass Through Interface (SPTI) works if you have a Microsoft NT based operating system (Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista and Windows 7), and does not require any special drivers.
      • ElbyCDIO - Elaborate Bytes AG
        Eloborate Bytes AG's version of an ASPI layer.
      • Patin-Couffin - VSO Software
        Patin-Couffin access layer device I/O interface.

      [*]Detect Device Arrival/Removal


      Microsoft Windows will send a message to ImgBurn whenever some hardware change occurs, including when a flash drive (or other removable device) is inserted or removed.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]Show All Devices


      If this is set to 'disabled', ImgBurn will only show you CD/DVD/HD-DVD/Blu-ray compliant devices.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


      [*]Don't Use Immediate I/O


      The Immediate I/O only comes into play when sending the Erase/Format Disc, Sync Cache, Close Track, Close Session and Finalise Disc commands. They're the only ones where the program really has to 'wait' for it to finish.


      When this setting is enabled, the drive performs the function associated with the command before returning control to the program.


      When the setting is disabled, the drive just validates the command before returning control to the program. It's then down to the program to figure out when the drive has finished performing the function associated with the command.


      By not using it, there is no way to provide the user with any sort of progress % feedback etc as the drive only returns control to the program once it's totally finished. Normally the drive just validates the command and then returns control to the program - the program then polls the drive to see if it has finished and picks up the progress info along the way.


      If you encounter an error like this one:


      W 00:00:00 Potential 'WaitImmediateIO' Deferred Error - (99%, 0/3) - Program Memory Area Update Failure


      it might be a good try to enable this setting.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

    [*]SPTI - Device Enumeration Method


    This is how ImgBurn talks to your drives and there are three ways to identifying all the devices attached to a system and initializing the required routines (drivers) that enable them to function when using SPTI.


    The common method is to open them using the path '\\.\CdRomX' - where X is some number. That's the 'Device' class. An alternative is via their drive letter using the path '\\.\X:\' where X is the drive letter. That was mainly added for Linux users who use the program under Wine. 'Device Interface' is a later method only available in recent Windows versions like Vista and Windows 7.


    The different options *might* go in at different levels too. 'Drive Letter' being the highest level, then Device Class' and 'Device Interface' is the lowest. 'Device Interface' seems to go so low that it bypasses functions whereby you can 'lock the volume' - hence that command might fail. The program also falls back to 'Drive Letter' if the other two enumeration methods return 0 drives.


    Note: This setting is not available in Windows 95, 98, Me and NT 4.0.

    • Device Class
      Windows 2000 and Windows XP SP2 (or lower XP version) will default to using 'Device Class'. Linux systems using the program in Wine will also default to this option.
    • Device Interface
      Default setting for Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and newer.
      'Device Interface' itself works fine on Windows 2000 onwards but the locking function (IOCTL_CDROM_EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS) was only added in XP SP3. The normal locking function 'FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME' doesn't work with the 'Device Path' to the drive that 'Device Interface' enumeration returns... so if you select 'Device Interface' on anything pre Windows XP SP3, the program won't be able to claim exclusive access of the drive.
      Note: If you have Windows XP SP2 x86/x64 based version or Windows Server 2003 SP2 with the Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) update package (KB932716) installed, the program will set your default setting to 'Device Interface'.
    • Drive Letter
      When running the program in Linux in Wine, this setting might solve detection issues of devices, if the default setting 'Device Class' doesn't work.

    [*]Enumerate Devices

    • Auto Loaders
      Enables the enumeration of auto loader devices in ImgBurn.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      [*]Medium Changers


      Enables the enumeration of medium changer devices such as the Sony VGP-XL1B2(3) model.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

    [*]Auto Loader Options

    • Auto 'Abort' On Error
      Enabling this option just fakes the user clicking 'Cancel' on some I/O error related messageboxes that would normally pop up if the drive encounters an problem whilst the program is 'Writing Sectors' (and the write retries have been exhausted) is prevented from doing so and the code (when that option is enabled) basically fakes the user clicking the 'Cancel' button.
      It only auto aborts if the drive has an auto-loader associated with it and the burn queue isn't empty (that includes there being 'copies' remaining in Build mode).
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
      • Vinpower Digital
        • Sticky Media Mode
          There's a contraption on the end of the arm that picks discs up via the hole in the middle of the disc. When sticky mode is enabled the black arm thing goes to the bottom (that drawer pulls out and reveals the input / output bins) and engages the pickup mechanism (picks up the disc). The arm then starts to head back up to the top again before very suddenly coming to a halt, jolting downwards again, coming to a halt again (this is where any additional 'sticky' discs would fall off the pickup mechanism) and then returns to the rest position at the top of the unit.
          When sticky mode is disabled it just goes right down, engages the pickup mechanism (picks up the disc) and returns to the rest position at the top of the unit.
          The default setting is 'Disabled'.


        • Alternate Accept Disc Method
          Rather than opening the drive tray, issuing an 'Accept Disc' command (where the robot then picks up the disc and moves it to the output bin) and closing the drive tray again, it opens the drive tray, issues a 'Get Disc' command (where the robot then picks up the disc), closes the drive tray and then sends the 'Reject Disc' command (where the robot then drops the disc in the output bin).
          This is required for autoloaders that only have a single output bin (i.e. a single place for good and bad discs) - and one where the output bin can't be accessed whilst the drive tray is out.
          The default setting is 'Disabled'.
        • Baud Rate
          The Baud Rate is just a standard COM port setting that controls how fast the machine should talk to the device. Normally 9600 would be used but some devices may only work at faster speeds.
          The default setting is '9600'.

    [*]File I/O

    • Ignore Reported File System on Remote Drives
      Gives you the ability to ignore the reported file system on remote drives - so the program doesn't then force the 4GB file splitting limit on anything (possibly incorrectly) reported to be using FAT/FAT32.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Reading - Always Use Buffered I/O
      In buffered I/O, data is buffered and then sent to the device/file. In unbuffered I/O, the data is immediately sent to the device/file with no system caching - 'FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING'.
      File I/O in Build mode (reading the files from the HDD) is by default using unbuffered I/O.
      File I/O in Write / Verify mode (reading the image file from the HDD) is also by default using unbuffered I/O when the image is a bog standard ISO file (single session, single track, MODE1/2048).
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

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I/O Settings - Page 2




  • Buffer Size


    Buffer is a block of reserved system memory that is used to store data in. This buffer is used to temporarily store the data that is being read from the CD/DVD/Blu-ray/hard disk before it is being processed and then written to your hard disk or media.


    When burning to a media, a drive doesn't write the data directly from the hard drive. Data has to be written at a constant rate, but the speed it comes from the hard drive can be variable, so the drive copies data into a buffer first. A buffer is a region of memory which can be used to temporarily hold data. A drive's buffer size (sometimes called cache size) is the amount of data it can store in preparation for writing to a disc.


    Whenever your hard disk can't keep reading the same speed needed for burning, the buffer will get empty, the 'Waiting for buffers to recover' message will be displayed and the burn will be resumed when all is back to normal. Most likely the quality of your burn won't be affected.


    This setting sets the Memory Buffer size. The Device buffer is internal on the burner and can't be changed.


    The default buffer size is set to 20MB for people with less than 1GB of RAM. Less than 2GB RAM is set to 40MB, Everything higher than 2GB of RAM is set to 80MB.

    • Enable Buffer Recovery


      When the main buffer is below the value of 'Main' and the device buffer is below the value of 'Device' (for a certain pre set period of time), buffer recovery kicks in and waits for

    • The buffer to refill.
    • The HDD activity (Average Disk Queue length) to reach the the value that is set for 'Avg Disk Q'. (This is a performance counter that you can monitor in the same way you do CPU usage).
  • This message will be displayed in the log
    W 00:00:00 Waiting for buffers to recover...
    W 00:00:00 Waiting for hard disk activity to reach threshold level...
    and the burn will be resumed when all is back to normal. Most likely the quality of your burn won't be affected. Raising the buffer won't actually make it recover any quicker, if anything it'll take longer as there's more buffer to fill (but it could make the pause less likely to happen in the first place).


    What you can do to avoid this is to defragment your HD regularly, close all unneeded programs and don't run 'heavy' programs while burning.


    Older burners might not have this 'Buffer Recovery' feature.


    The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Buffer Recovery Thresholds


      These settings can be changed if you also have enabled the 'Buffer Recovery' setting.


      Do you ever see the 'Waiting for buffers to recover' message in your log? If not, these won't do anything - and you don't really want them to cut in early. Just make your main buffer bigger if your machine has trouble filling it all the time.


      Basically though, it's when the main buffer falls below the set level and the device one does too (it has to do this a few times in a row - sampled every 250ms I believe), the program pauses until the main one is full again.

      • Main


        If the Main buffer goes below this limit, the burner will wait for buffers to recover until it continues with the burning.


        The default setting is '20%'.


      • Device


        What this setting will do is to set a level and if the device buffer goes below this limit, the burner will wait for buffers to recover.


        The default setting is '40%'.


      • Average Disk Queue Length


        ImgBurn won't start back up until the 'Average Disk Queue Length' drops below the value you set. If there are lots of I/O requests being made and the drive is too slow to cope, the queue length obviously increases - until a point where I guess the OS just rejects them or something.


        The value is an average over ALL the drives, not just the 'source' drive. So any activity on any of the drives would push up the average and mean ImgBurn keeps waiting.


        You can monitor the 'Average Disk Que Length' value by running 'perfmon.msc' in Windows.




        If you are using Windows Vista you need to manually add the strings for 'Average Disk Que Length' in the 'perfmon.msc' program.


        The range 0 - 5 is just ImgBurn's own one, it's doesn't mean anything outside of ImgBurn.


        The default setting is '1,0'.

    • Transfer Length


      You can here set the amount of KB that the program should read/write each time in the reading/writing cycle.


      There were just some crappy drivers around that only allowed for 32k transfers and not the default 64k. As the 'Auto' part has been improved over time, there has been less and less need for a manual option, but it's still there just in case.

      • Automatic


        Uses 64k for 'Transfer Length'.


      • Manual


        You can select either 32 KB or 64 KB for 'Transfer Length'.

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Device Settings




  • Options
    • Lock Tray During...
      If you lock the tray, it will prevent you from accidentally ejecting the tray while ImgBurn is performing tasks with the drive.
      • Read
        If enabled the program will lock the tray during a read operation.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Write
        If enabled the program will lock the tray during a write operation.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Verify
        If enabled the program will lock the tray during a verify operation.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Erase
        If enabled the program will lock the tray during an erase operation.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.

      [*]Eject Tray After...


      You can set as an option that the tray is automatically ejected upon completing of a process.

      • Read
        If enabled the program will eject the tray after a read operation.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.
      • Write
        If enabled the program will eject the tray after a write operation.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.
      • Verify
        If enabled the program will eject the tray after a verify operation.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.
      • Erase
        If enabled the program will eject the tray after an erase operation.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      [*]Cancel AutoPlay


      Option to prevent the program from blocking AutoPlay when it receives the 'QueryCancelAutoPlay' message from the OS (probably only when it's in the foreground).


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


      [*]Disable Media Change Notification


      If enabled it stops the entire OS from knowing a disc has been inserted - only affects the currently selected drive. Useful for discs with 'Autorun' content and where a player would jump in and try to play the disc as ImgBurn is trying to initialise it.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.

    [*]Sort By


    This indicates how ImgBurn sorts the list of drives (in case you have multiple drives).

    • None
    • Address
    • Drive Letter
    • Name

    [*]Operating System Options

    • Auto Insert Notification
      If enabled, Windows can detect when the media/media content has been changed if ImgBurn isn't doing anything important like burning/erasing etc.
      This is nothing to do with ImgBurn really, it's a global OS thing. The OS defaults to having it enabled.
      Auto Insert Notification works by periodically polling a CD ROM drive for the purpose of reading the title and table of contents on the disc and also try to launch each disc's Autorun file. If found, an appropriate program is launched. (The type of program would depend on whether it was an audio CD or installation CD, etc.). Unfortunately, Autorun can interfere with the burning process, which is why many burning applications disable the feature altogether.
      If you disable this option it will cause your CD/DVD device to stop noticing new discs in the drive unless you specifically click on them, regardless of if ImgBurn is loaded or not.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.
    • Play Data Discs Automatically
      If enabled, Data Discs are started automatically when they are inserted.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.
    • Play Audio Discs Automatically
      If enabled, Audio Discs are played automatically when they are inserted.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.

    Note: These options are not available in Windows 95, 98, Me and NT 4.0.

    .[*]Synchronise Selection


    This table gives you the ability to synchronise a device selection within the various modes. If you change the default drive in one mode, it will also change it for the other mode(s) that are enabled in the table.


    The default setting is 'Enabled'.

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Sounds Settings




  • Success Sound
    • Play Success Sound
      Here you can select if you want the program to play a sound and also which sound you want to hear.
      You can listen to the current sound if you click on the green arrow.
      The default sound is 'Enabled' and 'C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\Sounds\Success.wav'.
    • Play Sound After...
      You can here specify if you want sound to be heard after these actions; 'Read', 'Write', 'Verify', 'Quick Erase' and 'Full Erase'.
      The default settings are 'Enabled'.

    [*]Error Sound

    • Play Error Sound
      Here you can select if you want the program to play a sound and also which sound you want to hear.
      You can listen to the current sound if you click on the green arrow.
      The default sound is 'Enabled' and 'C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\Sounds\Error.wav'.
    • Play Sound After...
      You can here specify if you want sound to be heard after these actions; 'Read', 'Write', 'Verify', 'Quick Erase' and 'Full Erase'.
      The default settings are 'Enabled'.

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Events Settings




  • On Startup
    • Set Program Mode
      This option allows you to define in what Mode that you want ImgBurn to start in by default.
      • Most Recently Used
        Starts Imgburn in the Mode you used the last time that ImgBurn was used.
      • Ez-Mode Picker
        Starts ImgBurn in the 'Ez-Mode Picker Mode'.
      • Read
        Starts ImgBurn in the 'Read Mode'.
      • Build
        Starts ImgBurn in the 'Build Mode'.
      • Write
        Starts ImgBurn in the 'Write Mode'.
      • Verify
        Starts ImgBurn in the 'Verify Mode'.
      • Discovery
        Starts ImgBurn in the 'Discovery Mode'.

      [*]Set Build Input Mode


      In the 'Build Mode' you can choose if you want to use the Standard or the Advanced building function. This setting defines which one that should be used as default when you start the 'Build Mode'.

      • Most Recently Used
        Sets the 'Input Mode' to the one you used the last time that 'Build Mode' was used.
      • Standard
        Sets the 'Input Mode' to use the 'Standard' compilation window.
      • Advanced
        Sets the 'Input Mode' to use the 'Advanced' compilation window, that uses the 'Disc Layout Editor'.

      [*]Set Build Output Mode


      In the 'Build Mode' you can choose if you want the build to be created as an image file or burnt directly. This setting defines which one that should be used as default when you start the 'Build Mode'.

      • Most Recently Used
        Sets the 'Output Mode' to the one you used the last time that 'Build Mode' was used.
      • Device
        Sets the 'Output Mode' to 'Device'.
      • Image File
        Sets the 'Output Mode' to 'Image File'.

      [*]Check For Program Update


      Periodically checks for program updates. ImgBurn will only check for an update once per day, regardless of how many times the program is started.


      As a note, ImgBurn polls (pings) a few places (Microsoft, Google and Yahoo) to see if there is an internet connection.

      • Never
      • Daily
      • Weekly
      • Fortnightly
      • Monthly

    [*]On Cancel

    • Ask 'Do you really want to Cancel?'
      This option is just a backup in case you accidentally click the 'Stop' button by mistake while ImgBurn is performing its tasks. It will also ask if you want to delete the incomplete file(s).
      If you enable this option, you will in such a case see this window.
      The default setting is 'Enabled'.
    • Delete Incomplete Files
      • Ask
        Asks you if you want to delete the incomplete file(s).
      • Yes
        Deletes the incomplete file(s) automatically.
      • No
        Keeps the incomplete file(s) automatically.

    [*]On Error

    • Flash Taskbar Button
      This setting controls if the 'Taskbar Button' of ImgBurn should be flashed when the application is trying to get your attention and wants to become the active window, but is not allowed to do so.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

    [*]On Exit

    • Clear Recent Files List
      Clears the list of the recent opened/saved files when you exit ImgBurn.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
    • Save the Queue
      Here you have the option to let the program automatically saving the queue when you close the program.
      The default setting is 'Disabled'.
      • Overwrite Existing
        If enabled, the old queue file will be overwritten. If you disable it, the queue file will be saved as ImgBurn(#).ibq were the number (#) will be enumerated with a higher number the next time you save a queue file.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.

      [*]Save the Log


      Here you have the option to let the program automatically saving the file log when you close the program.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • Append Existing
        If enabled this setting, ImgBurn will add the latest log to the existing log. There is a maximum on how big the appended log will grow to, by estimate 4 200 rows. When that maximum size is reached, it will delete the last entries when the latest new log is added.
        The default setting is 'Enabled'.
      • Overwrite Existing
        If enabled, the old log file will be overwritten. If you disable it, the log file will be saved as ImgBurn(#).log were the number (#) will be enumerated with a higher number the next time you save a log file.
        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

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Registry Settings




  • File Associations


    Whatever type is checked will be opened in ImgBurn if you double click on a file having such an extension. It will also show you a context menu with the option 'Burn using ImgBurn' when you right click such a file.

    • APE


      APE is the file extension for the Monkey's Audio Lossless Audio Compression Format.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • BIN


      BIN is the file extension for the Binary file.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • CDI


      CDI is the file extension for the Phillips Compact Disk Interactive file.


      For proper support of .CDI image files (including multi-track/session ones), download the pfctoc.dll file from Padus's Website. Save the PfcToc.dll file in the same folder as where ImgBurn.exe is located.


      Note: ImgBurn does not require this dll in order to function (albeit with basic support for .CDI image files) and its installation is completely optional.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • CDR


      CDR is the file extension for Raw Audio-CD data file.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • CUE


      CUE is the file extension for a cue sheet, or cue file, a metadata file which describes how the tracks of a CD or DVD are laid out. Cue sheets are stored as plain text files.


      For an audio CD, a cue sheet specifies titles and performers for the disc and its tracks as well as the names of one or more audio files to be used. MP3, WAV and BIN files are often used, although some programs support other formats.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • DI


      Prassi / TraxData images.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • DVD


      DVDMaestro Project File (Spruce Technologies).


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • FLAC


      FLAC is the file extension for Free Lossless Audio Codec, a file format for audio data compression.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • GCM


      GameCube Image File (Nintendo).


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • GI


      Sony CD Extreme Global Image File, Prassi or PrimoDVD Image or RecordNow MAX CD Image (Stomp).


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • IBB


      ImgBurn Project file.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • IBQ


      ImgBurn Que file.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • IMG


      Apple Macintosh Disk Copy Format (Apple Computer, Inc.)


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • ISO


      An ISO image is an informal term for a disk image of an ISO 9660 file system.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • LST


      Ingres Dump List File (Computer Associates International, Inc.).


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • MDS


      Media Descriptor Image File.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • NRG


      NRG is the file extension for the Image file associated with Nero.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • PDI


      InstantCopy Disc Image (Pinnacle Systems, Inc.)


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • UDI


      Universal Disk Image.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • WV


      WV is the file extension for WavPack a free, open source lossless audio compression format.


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.

      • All


        This will checkmark all of the above image formats.


      • None


        This will uncheck all of the above image formats.


        The default setting is 'Disabled'.

  • Create Entry In Default ProgID


    Option to include 'Burn using ImgBurn' file association entries in whatever's the default ProgID of a given file extension. In older versions of ImgBurn (prior to ver this was done by default.


    The default setting is 'Disabled'.


  • Set ImgBurn as Default Application


    With this option you can set ImgBurn as the default application for some or all of the above image formats.


    The default setting is 'Disabled'.

    • It's also possible to use Microsoft's function 'Set associations for a program', in Windows Vista and Windows 7, for this purpose.



  • Shell Extensions


    This allows you to directly by right clicking on the drive and selecting the appropriate options as well as list ImgBurn as an option for the autoplay feature.


    This means that if you enter a DVD, the menu that comes up not only lists the options to play the DVD in your favorite software player, open it in Windows Explorer and do nothing, but there will be another option that allows you to launch ImgBurn.

    • Autoplay - Blank CD


      Adds the options 'Build + Burn an Image in ImgBurn' and 'Burn an Image in ImgBurn' to the Windows AutoPlay menu with an inserted blank CD disc in the device.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Autoplay - Blank DVD


      Adds the options 'Build + Burn an Image in ImgBurn' and 'Burn an Image in ImgBurn' to the Windows AutoPlay menu with an inserted blank DVD disc in the device.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Autoplay - Blank HD DVD


      Adds the options 'Build + Burn an Image in ImgBurn' and 'Burn an Image in ImgBurn' to the Windows AutoPlay menu with an inserted blank HD DVD disc in the device.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Autoplay - Blank Blu-ray


      Adds the options 'Build + Burn an Image in ImgBurn' and 'Burn an Image in ImgBurn' to the Windows AutoPlay menu with an inserted blank Blu-ray disc in the device.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Autoplay - CD Audio


      Adds the option 'Create an Image in ImgBurn' to the Windows AutoPlay menu with an inserted CD Audio disc in the device.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Autoplay - DVD Movie


      Adds the option 'Create an Image in ImgBurn' to the Windows AutoPlay menu with an inserted DVD Movie in the device.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Autoplay - HD DVD


      Adds the option 'Create an Image in ImgBurn' to the Windows AutoPlay menu with an inserted HD DVD disc in the device.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Autoplay - Blu-ray


      Adds the option 'Create an Image in ImgBurn' to the Windows AutoPlay menu with an inserted Blu-ray disc in the device.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Audio CD


      Adds the option 'Read using ImgBurn' to the context menu when you right click on a device with an inserted Audio CD.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Drive.CDROM


      Adds the option 'Read using ImgBurn' to the context menu when you right click on any CD/DVDROM drive.


      It's off by default because Windows appears to make it the default option - hence double clicking on the drive opens ImgBurn!


      The default setting is 'Disabled'.


    • DVD


      Adds the option 'Read using ImgBurn' to the context menu when you right click on a device with an inserted DVD.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.


    • Open With


      When enabled, ImgBurn lists itself in the manual 'Open With' selection window that you can have pop up on files with unknown file extensions.


      The default setting is 'Enabled'.

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File Locations Settings






If you want to change the default path, then use the folder browser folder.png button to specify a new path on the row for the type of files that you want to change the 'File Locations' setting for.


The check box checkbox.png that is located to the right of the 'Folder Browser' button, can be check marked if you always want to use the specified path as the initiation folder in open/save dialog boxes.

  • Graph Data Files
    The path to where you want the 'Graph Data Files' to be located. ImgBurn's 'Graph Data Files' have by default the extension '.ibg'.
  • Image Files
    The path to where you want the created images from the 'Build Mode' to be located.
  • Language Files
    The path to where you want the ImgBurn's 'Language Files' to be located. By default this folder is empty and you need to manually download the desired language file(s) from the 'ImgBurn Download Page' and place the extracted file here.
  • Log Files
    The path to where you want the 'Log Files' to be located. ImgBurn's 'Log Files' have the extension '.txt'.
  • Project Files
    The path to where you want the 'Project Files' to be located. ImgBurn's 'Project Files' have the extension '.ibb'.
  • Queue Files
    The path to where you want the 'Queue Files' to be located. ImgBurn's 'Queue Files' have the extension '.ibg'.

The default path will depend on your installed Windows version. The default paths in this window are from a Windows 7 64-bit installation.

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