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Firmware Updates...


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I am trying to check for an update for my drive:




but I don't get any results, and I just see a forum instead of the update. Even the Search option in the forum doesn't show anything for my drive model. rpc1.org has changed. Now the "Firmware Update" feature in ImgBurn seems a bit useless. Or am I doing something wrong?

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It is indeed useless until rpc1.org gets fixed properly.


Google is useful too though, just search for 'UJ-841S firmware' or something similar.


As that's a laptop drive you should just go to the website of whoever made it and download the one for your model of laptop.

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  • 4 months later...

I figure I should bump this, sadly... :(


rpc1.org doesn't seem to be interested in fixing their database... I can't understand why - they used to be the definitive firmware resource! Now they're just a banged-up, poorly formatted forum, despite still accepting and redirecting requests to dl_result.php to the forum (without even searching it or *trying* to be useful).


I brought this to their attention, and I got a reply basically telling me to stfu and wait. I've waited, the whole internet has waited. It no longer seems like they care. =|


Is there another firmware resource I can rely on? I definitely can't rely on the manufacturers... most drives I've tried researching were too old to even have working manufacturer links anymore, but still had firmware on the rpc1.org site. Now they're no longer there. =\

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Firmware for most common drives can usually be found easily via a google search and in some cases you can find the modified stuff and tools to go with them if you know where to look. It was a handy feature when rpc1 had their shit together, but as you say I don't think they give a rats arse anymore. As you can see Blu has let the cat out of the bag :thumbup:

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