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oh my, i feel dumb....




so its the media info thats shown there ok,,,




i think i got an old firware -> 1.21 -> 19th April, 2007


from the link you gave me,


1.28 was out on 1st August, 2008


But if my drive works, i dont feel like updating it....



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Having the latest firmware ensures the drive "knows" how to do best quality burns on most of the media available on the market (the software doesn't even come into it) and, at least for me, that's very important :)

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Updating the firmware is as simple as downloading the updater and running it (if you're on Vista/Win7 right-click on it and choose Run As Administrator just to be sure). Close all programs before updating, and after it has finished updating, reboot the computer. Do not reboot/power off while it's updating.

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But by doing so, the files will be installed on the drive itself or?


like if i update my drive to 1.28 and then remove it from my PC

and plug it in my friends PC,

will it show firmware 1.28 or 1.21?

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