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IMGBurn writing with wrong Layer Break


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I've tried burning the game using the .dvd file which looks like this in notepad:





It burns ok but and says it's setting the layer break correctly at 1913760 but when the disc is read after burning the LB is set at 50% (2086912).


This time I have deleted the dvd file and burned using just the iso file and manually set the LB (Tools>Settings>Write>Options>Layer Break (For DL Media)>User Specified:


Sectors in L0: 1913760


Here's my log for this burn which gave problems with finalising this time but the same problem is there.


I 01:06:27 ImgBurn Version started!

I 01:06:27 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3)

I 01:06:27 Total Physical Memory: 1,047,788 KB - Available: 402,312 KB

I 01:06:27 Initialising SPTI...

I 01:06:27 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 01:06:27 Found 1 DVD±RW/RAM and 1 BD-ROM/HD DVD-ROM!

I 01:35:21 Operation Started!

I 01:35:21 Source File: C:\Documents and Settings\Spudgun\Desktop\file.dvd

I 01:35:21 Source File Sectors: 3,827,488 (MODE1/2048)

I 01:35:21 Source File Size: 7,838,695,424 bytes

I 01:35:21 Source File Volume Identifier: DVD_ROM

I 01:35:21 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 356fc000MS UDFBridge

I 01:35:21 Source File Application Identifier: CDIMAGE 2.45 (12/06/2000 TM)

I 01:35:21 Source File Implementation Identifier: Microsoft CDIMAGE UDF

I 01:35:21 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.50)

I 01:35:21 Destination Device: [3:0:0] TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S223C SB01 (D:) (ATA)

I 01:35:21 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: UMEDISC-DL1-64) (Speeds: 4x)

I 01:35:21 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824

I 01:35:21 Write Mode: DVD

I 01:35:21 Write Type: DAO

I 01:35:21 Write Speed: 2.4x

I 01:35:21 Link Size: Auto

I 01:35:21 Lock Volume: Yes

I 01:35:21 Test Mode: No

I 01:35:21 OPC: No

I 01:35:21 BURN-Proof: Enabled

W 01:35:21 Write Speed Miscompare! - Wanted: 3,324 KB/s (2.4x), Got: 5,540 KB/s (4x)

I 01:35:21 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM

I 01:35:21 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 1,913,760

I 01:35:21 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: Copied From Original Disc

I 01:36:25 Set L0 Data Zone Capacity Succeeded!

I 01:36:25 Filling Buffer... (40 MB)

I 01:36:26 Writing LeadIn...

I 01:36:27 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 3827487)

I 01:36:27 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 3827487)

I 01:36:27 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1913759)

I 01:48:23 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 1913760 - 3827487)

I 02:00:49 Synchronising Cache...

I 02:00:50 Closing Track...

I 02:00:58 Finalising Disc...

I 02:01:41 Exporting Graph Data...

I 02:01:41 Graph Data File: C:\Documents and Settings\Spudgun\Application Data\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\TSSTcorp_CDDVDW_SH-S223C_SB01_16-DECEMBER-2009_01-35_UMEDISC-DL1-64_2.4x.ibg

I 02:01:41 Export Successfully Completed!

I 02:01:41 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:26:19

I 02:01:41 Average Write Rate: 5,235 KB/s (3.8x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5,618 KB/s (4.1x)

I 02:01:41 Cycling Tray before Verify...

W 02:01:48 Waiting for device to become ready...

I 10:43:12 Abort Request Acknowledged

E 10:43:12 Device Not Ready - Reason: Medium Not Present - Tray Closed

E 10:43:12 Operation Aborted!

I 11:29:55 Operation Started!

I 11:29:55 Source File: C:\Documents and Settings\Spudgun\Desktop\file.iso

I 11:29:55 Source File Sectors: 3,827,488 (MODE1/2048)

I 11:29:55 Source File Size: 7,838,695,424 bytes

I 11:29:55 Source File Volume Identifier: DVD_ROM

I 11:29:55 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 356fc000MS UDFBridge

I 11:29:55 Source File Application Identifier: CDIMAGE 2.45 (12/06/2000 TM)

I 11:29:55 Source File Implementation Identifier: Microsoft CDIMAGE UDF

I 11:29:55 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.50)

I 11:29:55 Destination Device: [3:0:0] TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S223C SB01 (D:) (ATA)

I 11:29:55 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: UMEDISC-DL1-64) (Speeds: 4x)

I 11:29:55 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824

I 11:29:55 Write Mode: DVD

I 11:29:55 Write Type: DAO

I 11:29:55 Write Speed: 4x

I 11:29:55 Link Size: Auto

I 11:29:55 Lock Volume: Yes

I 11:29:55 Test Mode: No

I 11:29:55 OPC: No

I 11:29:55 BURN-Proof: Enabled

I 11:29:55 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM

I 11:29:55 User Specified L0 Data Zone Capacity: 1,913,760

I 11:30:45 Set L0 Data Zone Capacity Succeeded!

I 11:30:45 Filling Buffer... (40 MB)

I 11:30:45 Writing LeadIn...

I 11:30:46 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 3827487)

I 11:30:46 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 3827487)

I 11:30:46 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1913759)

I 11:42:43 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 1913760 - 3827487)

I 11:55:12 Synchronising Cache...

I 11:55:14 Closing Track...

I 11:55:23 Finalising Disc...

W 11:56:28 Potential 'WaitImmediateIO' Deferred Error - (17%, 0/3) - Session Fixation Error Writing Lead In

W 11:56:28 Finalise Disc Failed! - Reason: Session Fixation Error Writing Lead In

W 11:56:28 Retrying (1 of 3)...

I 11:56:29 Exporting Graph Data...

I 11:56:29 Graph Data File: C:\Documents and Settings\Spudgun\Application Data\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\TSSTcorp_CDDVDW_SH-S223C_SB01_16-DECEMBER-2009_11-29_UMEDISC-DL1-64_4x.ibg

I 11:56:29 Export Successfully Completed!

I 11:56:29 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:26:33

I 11:56:29 Average Write Rate: 5,225 KB/s (3.8x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5,618 KB/s (4.1x)

I 11:56:29 Cycling Tray before Verify...

W 11:56:36 Waiting for device to become ready...

I 11:57:01 Device Ready!

I 11:57:15 Operation Started!

I 11:57:15 Source Device: [3:0:0] TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S223C SB01 (D:) (ATA)

I 11:57:15 Source Media Type: DVD+R DL (Book Type: DVD+R DL) (Disc ID: UMÇDISC-DL1-64) (Speeds: 4x)

I 11:57:15 Image File: C:\Documents and Settings\Spudgun\Desktop\file.iso

I 11:57:15 Image File Sectors: 3,827,488 (MODE1/2048)

I 11:57:15 Image File Size: 7,838,695,424 bytes

I 11:57:15 Image File Volume Identifier: DVD_ROM

I 11:57:15 Image File Volume Set Identifier: 356fc000MS UDFBridge

I 11:57:15 Image File Application Identifier: CDIMAGE 2.45 (12/06/2000 TM)

I 11:57:15 Image File Implementation Identifier: Microsoft CDIMAGE UDF

I 11:57:15 Image File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.50)

I 11:57:15 Read Speed (Data/Audio): MAX / MAX

I 11:57:15 Verifying Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 3827487)

I 11:57:15 Verifying Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 3827487)

I 11:57:15 Verifying Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 2086911)

E 12:02:53 Miscompare at LBA: 1913760, Offset: 0

E 12:02:53 Device: 0x00

E 12:02:53 Image File: 0x0F

E 12:02:53 Total Errors in Sector: 1,533

E 12:02:53 Failed to Verify Sectors!

I 12:02:53 Exporting Graph Data...

I 12:02:53 Graph Data File: C:\Documents and Settings\Spudgun\Application Data\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\TSSTcorp_CDDVDW_SH-S223C_SB01_16-DECEMBER-2009_11-29_UMEDISC-DL1-64_4x.ibg

I 12:02:53 Export Successfully Completed!

E 12:02:53 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:05:38

I 12:02:53 Average Verify Rate: 11,324 KB/s (8.2x) - Maximum Verify Rate: 16,383 KB/s (11.8x)








Current Profile: DVD+R DL


Disc Information:

Status: Complete

Erasable: No

Sessions: 1

Sectors: 4,173,823

Size: 8,547,989,504 bytes

Time: 927:32:73 (MM:SS:FF)

Supported Write Speeds: 4x


DVD±R DL Boundary Information:

L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,086,912

Changeable: No


TOC Information:

Session 1... (LBA: 0)

-> Track 01 (Mode 1, LBA: 0 - 4173822)

-> LeadOut (LBA: 4173823)


Disc Control Blocks Information:

TSSTcorp SH-S223C


Physical Format Information (ADIP):


Book Type: DVD+R DL

Part Version: 1

Disc Size: 120mm

Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified

Number of Layers: 2

Track Path: Opposite Track Path (OTP)

Linear Density: 0.293 um/bit

Track Density: 0.74 um/track

First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608

Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 16,580,607

Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 2,283,519


Physical Format Information (Last Recorded):


Book Type: DVD+R DL

Part Version: 1

Disc Size: 120mm

Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified

Number of Layers: 2

Track Path: Opposite Track Path (OTP)

Linear Density: 0.293 um/bit

Track Density: 0.74 um/track

First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608

Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 16,580,607

Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 2,283,519


Layer Information:

Layer 0 Sectors: 2,086,912 (50%)

Layer 1 Sectors: 2,086,911 (50%)


Performance (Write Speed):

Descriptor 1...

-> B0: 0x00, B1: 0x00, B2: 0x00, B3: 0x00

-> EL: 4173823 (0x003FAFFF)

-> RS: 16,620 KB/s (12x) - WS: 5,540 KB/s (4x)



Is this just due to shoddy media? (Another post answered with the "V" word)

Edited by spudgun
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'UMEDISC-DL1-64' MID discs are junk.


If your drive is failing to change the LB (or perhaps even just read the new position correctly?), I'm afraid that's its problem.


Just after it has been set, ImgBurn queries the drive to see what position it's been set to. If the drive hadn't reported the correct value at that time, ImgBurn would have errored out.

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'UMEDISC-DL1-64' MID discs are junk.


If your drive is failing to change the LB (or perhaps even just read the new position correctly?), I'm afraid that's its problem.


Just after it has been set, ImgBurn queries the drive to see what position it's been set to. If the drive hadn't reported the correct value at that time, ImgBurn would have errored out.


Thanks for the reply.


It doesn't give any error usually when writing but a chance of media is the way forward I guess.


I have more problems now.


I updated the FW, following the instructions perfectly and now the drive is no longer recognised in the BIOS. :(



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