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  3. This post is about the expected lifespan of Imation 8x DVD+RW (RiData second generation) RICOHJPN-W21-01. I'll be keeping track of how many writes are done to this media before it fails. I'll update this post with the final value when the disc dies. The writer is an ASUS BD BW-16D1HT with firmware 3.11 is a VanTech USB 3.0 first generation enclosure. One write is already accounted for by Full formatting of the disc.
  4. This post is about the expected lifespan of RiData 8x DVD+RW (First generation) RICOHJPN-W21-01. I'll be keeping track of how many writes are done to this media before it fails. I'll update this post with the final value when the disc dies. The writer is an ASUS BD BW-16D1HT with firmware 3.11 is a VanTech USB 3.0 first generation enclosure. One write is already accounted for by Full formatting of the disc.
  5. Earlier
  6. If your storage (HDD or SSD) can cope to feed the transfer needed should be doable.
  7. I'm still lurking here maybe once or twice on week...
  8. I sometimes think LUK and I are the only ones from the old guard who still regularly post here and help out.
  9. I know it"s been a long time since I checked in but I couldn't log in and now I'm on as the OG... since my screen name is in use and my login wasn't accepted.🤔 To Lightning UK and the rest of the staff hope you all are doing great and Ill check in more frequently if thats ok.👍
  10. As far as I am aware of, there's nothing preventing you from opening 4 different instances of ImgBurn and burning 4 different ISO's to 4 different drives. I know I have had 2 instances of ImgBurn open at the same time, but not doing 2 different burns. However, it may not be PRACTICAL to do it. If these 4 drives are all attached by USB, there may be throughput issues writing to 4 different USB burners at the same time. I've never tried it before so I can't say.
  11. If i have 4 different ISO and 4 DVD writer, can I burn all 4 ISO to each drive all at one or do I need to burn 1 at a time to prevent issue?
  12. Another thought has crept into my brain since my last post. I notice that a lot of this bumping'n'grinding occurs randomly when Windows wakes my PC up out of it's sleep mode. I am wondering if Microsoft's Windows is trying to do some virus scan or file indexing or some other "service" on the optical disc without regard for the very fact that it is an optical disc volume. This would explain the "working perfectly at times" and bumping'n'grinding horribly at other times on the same media... It may not be an issue with the media at all, just a function of what the software is trying to do with it...
  13. I may try this when I run out of my current fat stack of RiTECH BD-R discs. Oh, also. I guess I lied. So, that makes me a LIAR! Okay, I'm just kidding. I forgot. I did purchase a stack of BD-R DL discs in 2023 called 'ValueDisc' from Amazon. Although, I'm not even sure if I've had problems with those. I'll have to start monitoring when my BD-R is 'bumping and a grinding...GOOD TIMES' and when it's not. I don't own a stand alone Blu Ray player. I use the single LG BD-R internal optical drive on my PC for everything, including watching movies burned to BD-R. That's a good idea though. I could test these on a stand alone BD-R player to see how they do.
  14. Any burned disc will return the same information. It may not do it in Write Mode so you may have to go into Read Mode. Somewhere in the right hand pane of info, there should be something that says Manufacturer ID. The burner in your PC probably doesn't have a problem with those Ritek discs, but your BD player apparently does, if you're using a standalone BD player. I've used primarily Verbatim BD-R for the past 10 years. I tried a few Sony; they were junk. Memorex's Ritek's caused playback problems on the PS3. It would skip over entire title sets, including the opening one and some it would play only partially, skipping over parts of it. The same contents burned to Verbatim BD-R all played back normally. So, I've got experience with Ritek's poor playback quality with BD-R on the PS3. I'd expect the same sort of results on other BD players. I would try some of the Verbatim BD-R and see if those work better. Since you also purchased from NewEgg and your account info verifies it, it says you're in the US like I am. I get my Verbatim BD-R from Amazon.com. You can find them at Office Depot brick and mortar stores, too. And you can order just like 10 of them at a time from Amazon.com to test out and see if you get better results without having to invest much to see if they're better.
  15. Hi there. Thank You for your post. It will save me the money I was apparently going to "BLOW" on a Memorex optical media cleaning kit. I can tell you all the brands of BD-R media I've purchased over the lifetime of owning the LG BD-R optical drive: Optical Quantum and RiDATA from New Egg. I never delete my log files so I have a history of probably over 20 burns. I looked in the log files and couldn't find anything that contains 'MID' or 'CMC'. I also looked at my last burned BD-R in the 'Write Mode' as you suggested. It shows a lot of meta-data but nothing that identifies the disc. Does this step require an unburned BD-R disc to get that information? Anyhow, you're probably spot on. My media is mostly Optical Quantum and RiTECH. I've never purchased Verbatim BD-R media. But if that would eliminate the grinding it might be worth it to me. My BD-R motor has probably lost 50% of it's natural life from bumping'n'grinding. So, I guess we all end up paying the same, one way or another. And lastly, and ironically, the BD-R disc seems to behaving perfectly at the moment using your ImgBurn software to access the media. I don't know what causes it to work perfectly at times and horribly at others on the same PC and the same disc. Bizarre!
  16. Generally, cleaning discs for standalone optical devices have been recommended to avoid. At best they do nothing and at worst they scratch the lens. General grinding issues are the result of the laser being unable to properly read the data. And this is generally down to a conflict between the media itself and the laser. For instance, on the PS3, it hated MEMOREX/RITEK BD-R but had no issues with VERBAT-IM BD-R. The easiest way to check further is post the log of a full write of a burn of one of these BD-R that causes the grinding. If you can't get one and don't want to burn another test BD-R, you can put a disc in the drive, open ImgBurn in Write Mode, and check the pane of information on the right hand side. Look for what it says under Disc ID (DID) or Manufacturer ID (MID). What does it say is the manufacturer of the BD-R? If it says CMC anywhere in it, that's probably the issue. Although RITEK and RICOH can be a cause. If it says VERBAT anywhere in it, then the issue is not necessarily so clear cut.
  17. I know this is an old thread but since I am still suffering from the same issue with the same BD-R optical media player I want to ask a new question which eluded me the first time around. The constant bumping'n'grinding that my BD-R just can't get enough of...could it be due to a dirty laser lens? I've never even thought about this the first time I posted this question. I've never used or let alone purchased an optical media lens cleaning kit. But years later, this just makes some sense, that maybe I do need to purchase an optical media laser lens cleaning kit. You have an LG BD-R optical media burner just like me. You never experience this issue, so why should I have to? Maybe it's not poor burns or even poor media but just a dirty optical laser lens which prolongs my agony? Is this my ticket to nirvana? What are your thoughts?
  18. I am creating an image file (ISO) from a mounted Win 11 Pro ISO. I used the 'Extract Boot Image' option to extract the boot image from the mounted Win11 ISO. When I accept the option to 'use the boot image file in your current project', the Platform ID is set to 80x86. My system,though, is UEFI. Before I save the project should I change the Platform ID to UEFI or leave it at 80x86? If I do change the Platform ID from 80x86 to UEFI prior to the build, will this create a problem during future Win 11 boot installations with a USB boot drive created by Rufus from the ISO?
  19. Sorry for a very late reply, due to the very poor/varying quality of affordable DL Blu-ray I pretty much stopped using them. But I used Google Gemini AI to write a script in Powershell, for BD movies, basically it is like this : First a couple of notes: I don't know Powershell. This was pretty much entirely written by Gemini. I just changed the layer size a bit. The code has no error correction or anything. If the STREAM-folder is close to 50GB it won't work. It will only accept the STREAM-folder (for BD movies, script depends on all big files being in the same folder - for data discs it could be other folder than STREAM folder obviously). param( # Path to the folder containing the files [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $FolderPath ) # Set the size limits in bytes $maxSizeLayer = 24000000000 # Function to get the total size of files function Get-TotalFileSize { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]] $FilePaths ) $fileSizes = $FilePaths | ForEach-Object { Get-Item $_ -Force | Select-Object Length } $fileSizes | Measure-Object -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum } # Get all files in the folder sorted alphabetically $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $FolderPath -File | Sort-Object Name # Track the total size and last added file $totalSize = 0 $lastFile # Loop through files until reaching limit foreach ($file in $files) { $fileSize = $file.Length if ($totalSize + $fileSize -lt $maxSizeLayer) { $totalSize += $fileSize $lastFile = $file } else { break } } $paddingFileSize = (25GB - $totalSize) # Calculate padding file size $paddingSize = $paddingFileSize # Check if padding is needed if ($paddingFileSize -gt 0) { # Create padding filename based on last added file $paddingFileName = ($lastFile.Name.Split('.')[-2] + "dummy") + "." + ($lastFile.Name.Split('.')[-1]) $paddingFilePath = Join-Path $FolderPath -ChildPath $paddingFileName # Write message about padding file Write-Host "Creating padding file: $paddingFileName with size: $($paddingSize / 1KB) KB" fsutil file createNew $paddingFilePath $paddingSize } else { Write-Host "No padding file needed. Total size reached the limit." } To use this script, create a text document, for example padder.ps1 , I put my on my Desktop. Then I open Powershell, , and run Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process (My Windows is restricted from running scripts in Powershell) I then drag my script to the Powershell windows, run it, and drag the STREAM-folder, and will get something looking like this: PS C:\Users\MattKarma> Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process PS C:\Users\MattKarma> C:\Users\MattKarma\Desktop\Padder.ps1 cmdlet Padder.ps1 at command pipeline position 1 Supply values for the following parameters: FolderPath: C:\multiAVCHD\AVCHD\BDMV\STREAM Creating padding file: 00006dummy.m2ts with size: 3742564 KB File C:\multiAVCHD\AVCHD\BDMV\STREAM\00006dummy.m2ts is created PS C:\Users\MattKarma> Again, this is a very crude solution, and it also assumes the burning program burns files alphabetically and not based on when files were created or something else. It also assumes that the size of .mt2ts files are reasonable, I use something like 4000 MB m2ts media split in MultiAVCHD. If you have 3 15GB .m2ts files it won't work.
  20. Ah ok, that makes sense. So that correct output file size is used to determine where the tracks start and end in terms of sectors? So that's why Imgburn must need that before the burn? Yeah I figured. After posting, I actually compared the length of tracks in a music player with the file decoded size length that comes in the cue files: the only difference was a couple of frames. So just to confirm: lets say I have a song that's 3:55 in length but it's length including the frames is 3:55:23. If I compromise on only those 23 frames and put 3:55:00 as the file decoded size in the cue file, I have got nothing to lose right? I just want to make sure the burn will still go through without Imgburn giving an error. (And yeah I don't care at all about those frames, if anything only a single second, that too towards the end of the track, would only be missed.) I see, that's a fabulous system to use so that our storage won't have to keep on holding the large decoded files. 😄 Thanks for your reply.
  21. I've no longer got the input source files at hand to see if I can repeat it after being able to repeat it before. I was using Advanced.
  22. Yes, having that line in the file means ImgBurn doesn't have to run a dummy decode to get the correct output file length from the directshow decoding routine. MP3 isn't a lossless format anyway, so a few frames here and there probably won't hurt. You'd be using a different format if you really cared about faithfully reproducing the original format (and they came from CD). The decoding is all done in memory. No intermediate file is ever created. I feed the file into directshow and then just keep asking for the next chunk of output data until it says it has finished decoding.
  23. Can you capture that in a video? Are you using standard or advanced input mode (basic box or the disc layout editor window) ?
  24. Hello, I recently created a program to automate writing cue files based on the titles of MP3 files in a given directory. I followed the exact same format as imgburn's cue files and got the program to succeed even without putting in the line of the REM FILE DECODED size for each track: Imgburn could recognize the file and burn the disc with the exact CD text I desired. My only concern is that now, Imgburn performs 'Analyzing Audio Files' each time I want to burn the image files created with my program. This is opposed to it only doing it once when I create a cue file from Imgburn itself and it won't have to decode each file every time I want to burn that image. This isn't really a big deal; however, I do burn many copies of an image and having to convert files prior to each burn of the image would be a bit taxing on my computers. (I use older machines for burning.) I think this is only because I don't specify the REM file decoded size in my custom cue files from my program. I did some more digging and I saw someone able to do it when they were creating a similar program of writing cue files with python. I personally am using Java for my program and there was no good way of getting the decoded size of an MP3 in MM:SS:FF format. However, there is an easy way to just get the normal playable length of the MP3 file using java. This leads me to my question of: Can I just use the length of the MP3 file itself as the REM file decoded size? I also read somewhere that the length should be almost the same and the only difference would be a couple of frames; there are 74 frames in a whole second of audio so I would only be compromising a maximum of a single second in audio? I really wouldn't notice that at all. But I just want to make sure that what I plan to do won't ruin the whole point of a traditional audio CD as opposed to a data CD of MP3s or MP3 CD. Another general question I had about the way Imgburn works: are these decoded files whenever Imgburn performs the 'Analyzing Audio Files' constructed in memory as the disc burns? I still can't piece my around how I have normal cue files that do not correspond with a binary file of the raw data structure of an audio CD. I feel like I read somewhere on the forum that the files are constructed in small segments in memory as the burn proceeds but I just wanted to confirm. I apologize for a very long initial post and I thank those who bother reading even a portion of it. Thanks for any help in advance!
  25. I've got 2 different folders I wanted to add to a project. One in a folder called 2 and one in a folder called 3. 2 and 3 have the same folder structure except one subfolder is labeled Disc 1 Of 2 in 2 and the other is labeled Disc 2 Of 2 in 3. I dragged and dropped the subfolder in 2 to the project, but dragging and dropping the same folder in 3 wants to replace the contents already existing in 2. Wants to overwrite the contents of Disc 1 Of 2, which there is NO Disc 1 Of 2 in 3, only in 2. I triple checked. The contents in 3 are NOT entirely the same as in 2. There is the Disc 2 of 2 folder in 3 and there is NO Disc 1 Of 2 in 3. I triple checked to make sure I was dragging the folder from 3 and not 2. I was. I repeated this several times and got the same result. I closed ImgBurn, reopened, and repeated. Same results. Thanks!
  26. This happens only rarely, but it does occasionally happen. Because it is so rare, it seems impossible to debug such an issue. What happens is sometimes in Build mode, dragging and dropping a folder into the Project does not add the folder. Instead what gets added are all of the files and subfolders in the ImgBurn installation directory. So, files like ImgBurn.exe and other executables get added. This just happened to me for the first time in a long time, but it does occur from time to time. What generally happens is deleting those ImgBurn folder files and dragging and dropping the same folder again works. Thanks!
  27. It depends on the version of DiscSpeed you are using, but go under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Nero\Nero XX\Nero Toolkit\DiscSpeed\CD Quality\Blocked and put something nonsensical in there like DEADBEEF
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