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Layerbreak in batch mode


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Hi All,


I have a bunch of DVD folders (each with a VIDEO_TS etc) that I wish to convert into iso. I am using a batch script that processes them in sequence and creates a nice ISO with the same name as the folder.


This is what I use to generate the iso (of course passing it all the variables):



Only issue I encounter is when my folder is too large to fit on a single layer DVD. At that point the program stops and asks me to select a layerbreak point from a series of available ones.

Apparently it ignores the LAYERBREAK command.


I will be using the iso images from an xtreamer media server, I did not really notice any difference in the positioning of the layerbreaks so I'd be happy with a default 2000000 and not having to select it each time.

Any suggestions on proper use of the LAYERBREAK command that I seem to have gotten wrong?



On a completely separate note, I wrote a little program to transfer my DVDs to hard drive in batch mode (once a copy is done it ejects the DVD and waits for the next one). Each DVD is copied to a properly named folder which I then convert to ISO with the above method.

Now that I discovered imgburn (duh!) I was wondering if there was a way to call the engine programmatically (i.e. DLL, API) so that I could skip the copy passage. Any one can point me to the right documentation?


Thanks a lot,


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Open ImgBurn, go to Build mode, Advanced tab -> Media tab, choose Custom double-layer profile and enter a large number for both Max Sectors in L0 and Media Capacity, then close ImgBurn to save those settings. That way you'll never be asked about the layerbreak again.


Also install the latest ImgBurn version, if you haven't already, and change /BUILDMODE IMAGEFILE to /BUILDOUTPUTMODE IMAGEFILE. You can also remove /ROOTFOLDER "YES" since ImgBurn detects DVD-Video content and won't ask about the root.


ImgBurn doesn't have a DLL or an API, but it does have the command line switches, which you can find all of them listed in ImgBurn's Read Me.

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