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Everything posted by infinitus

  1. well then this isn't really a forum then, is it? see, forums help people with their problems... this is more of a FAQ with an attitude. why don't you just join the f***ing microsoft corporation???
  2. at first it all comes up unknown. then i click device and it all says n/a. the order is... upper device upper class device lower class lower device idk exactly what you wanted. have to go to work now... should be back in 8 hours or sooner to check. thanks for the help.
  3. okay... how come it worked before is what i'm asking? this isn't the first time i've done this... even with a disc that i tried that i've already backed up. and don't take that as an attack on your forum... i just don't like when people read one thing but think another. it's not the copy protection on the disc, i assure you. if that's what that particular log error is about, that's my fault. but it's just not working like it used to and i'm looking for anyone with a similar experience.
  4. it does have something to do with imgburn... as in 'it won't work anymore'... and im not trying to do anything with nero... The discs won't read properly since i uninstalled some things... i was hoping someone else may have had this problem. so instead of acting like a microsoft support line and trying to get me out of here... y don't you just sit in the back of the room with your hands down if you don't know how to help???
  5. it's still giving me errors even with an older disc. I'm going to reinstall nero to see if that background process helps...
  6. A little history... In the past month I have tried Nero Burning ROM, DVD Decrypter, ImgBurn, and a whole bunch of other crappy nameless DVD burners and rippers. I liked DVDDecrypter, so I figured I would like ImgBurn. I uninstalled all the other crap that I had and had just the two sister programs installed. Then my problems started. I inserted a DVD (for backup, of course) hit the start button, it started working, then around 7% it stopped with a bunch of errors. Okay, maybe the programs are working against each other... uninstalled ImgBurn (Never had a prob with DVDD) and... same problem. Vice Versa... same thing. Okay, it's not the program. Driver? (Maybe it was part of Nero?) Can't find one... Firmware update. Done. Now proud owner of SHW-160P6S PS0B. Now it doesn't work at all. I can't find a driver... and I think that's my problem. If not that then I think it might be that little Nero program that runs in the background. Here's the log file. Thanks for any advice. Time is of the essence. ******* I/O Error! Device: [0:0:0] LITE-ON DVDRW SHW-160P6S PS0B (d:) (ATA) ScsiStatus: 0x02 Interpretation: Check Condition CDB: 28 00 00 00 4F DA 00 00 01 00 Interpretation: Read (10) - Sector:20442 Sense Area: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 6F 03 00 00 00 00 Interpretation: Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication
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