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Everything posted by RobertM

  1. I have removed all burning software and other kludge junk from my box in the past few months. I couldn't stand it any more. All that crap constantly trying to insert itself in my start-up configuration and not giving a damn if they consumed my resources. So I figured the next time I wanted to burn something I'd just have to do the best I can and figure it out as I went. Well the day came today, I needed to burn some files to DVD this morning. So, I started poking around looking at ImgBurn and what I could do with it, sure enough there was a way to burn individual files and folders. As a developer myself I recognized the clean straight forward approach of the developer who created ImgBurn took and am very pleased to find out I can give Nero and the rest of the Kludge creators the boot on the copy files to disk issue. I just wanted to let you know that people do notice good clean code without some subversive intent. To further show my appreciation I just PayPal'd a donation to you. Thanks again. Best Regards RobertM (in the colonies)
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