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ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Just the icon would suffice for me
  2. what an exaggeration!
  3. Thank you And yes I use 800x600 most of time, even on a 17" crt, I like to see all the details (every pixel) and it is easy on eyes for long time work
  4. No, I use default 96dpi, probably you are forgetting the taskbar Check below: It's not that it is unusable at this res. as you can see, but well... why not allow to resize it to a smaller size? Layout doesn't need to be such big... Regards
  5. Hi LUK!, Small suggestion: allow "Create CD CUE File" window to be resizable to smaller size in height... it doesn't currently fit on 800x600. Thanks! and keep up the good work
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