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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. This is exactly what I need. I just want to have ImgBurn window centered on every computer. Simple checkbox "Center window" in settings dialog would be nice. If I move the window, then on next start of ImgBurn i want the window centered - ignore values stored in .ini file. I think, it is very easy to implement this I tried to delete values from ini file(MainWindow= and LogWindow=) and set read only on file. And this works great for now Thanks to all for suggestions...
  2. But, i need to centet whole ImgBurn window. Not only Log window. Thanks anyway
  3. I am using ImgBurn on many computers with different screen resolutions(from USB drive) and i have to always manualy aling the window to center of the screen. Can you please add ability to start ImgBurn centered with Log window placed below ImgBurn? Sorry if my English...
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