I'd like to see the queue screens change a little.
Add the eject, verify, delete image when finished, etc options to the queue list screen, so that these settings can be set universally.
And change the format of the last/next disk to be burned screen. (The one that pops up when you finished a burn and are about to start a new one)
Make it a little more blatant as to which image completed and which one is coming up next. At the risk of sounding like a n00b... I've accidentally written the wrong title on a disk because I just quickly looked at the last/next screen and saw the NEXT image not the PREVIOUS one.
I like the fact that the latest version has the disk label listed for the previous/next disk, but the words "previous" and "next are too small to really organize the information on the screen. You may consider reorganizing the screen (vertically?) and putting the PREVIOUS and NEXT headers in bold... and larger font... to separate these two and make it more obvious which is which. I don't want there to be any question which is which when I look at the screen.
Just a few suggestions. The former is more logical than the latter, since I'm guessing the whole previous/next screen is just an issue with my instincts when looking at the screen. The way it is now is probably just fine for everyone else.
Anyway... love the software! Keep up the good work!