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  1. vikyboss

    what so special?

    comparing to cdrtfe, is there anything special about imgburn?
  2. vikyboss


    Thanks Lightning for such wonderful comment. Being an one day visitor of this forum, I cannot expect everyone to change, that is my mistake. It is just a small suggestion. Thanks. and thanks for locoeng for changing something.
  3. vikyboss


    I think lightning could even do something. Even that 1 " thing could harm. Lets try to do some small thing and prevent people especially children. Thanks.
  4. vikyboss


    thats ok, but what about a young visitor just visiting the forum, he gets seduced. I think Lightning could warn such people in general. I means just change the avatar and pictures. OR he could ban such people from posting or having account. that is the real discipline I think.
  5. vikyboss


    I found some people using adult images for their avatar and pictures. Mr.Lightning can you please make an rule to stop these people from displaying such images. Because it is not only me, who ever looking through the forum may affected by this. Thanks. I have even seen big torrent sites has never even have showed single adult images. Thanks. such as Demonoid.com.
  6. This is the one we are all looking for, transcoding, from avi to dvd and many more. Nero does that in high quality, it will be good if imgburn can use open source things to make it really a better quality thing. thanks.
  7. On my god, my cds are not wasted, it says blank cd. Thanks God. Thanks lightning. And I have a question. Should I check full path name and queue thing when burning, does it affect the cd?. I dont know why it is blank, it burned and ejected the cds, but I really don't know why it never burned. Thanks. I saw it says a pregap before starting reading the disc, but softwares like burrrn, does not allow pre gap. Is it in imgburn? also, when running cd in car player, sometime suddenly skips a part, made with sonic, does imgburn also have that problem?
  8. Hai, when i tried to run that audio cds in my home cd cd player, it says, bad disc. What may be the problem? . I just created a simple cue and then burned it, i never included path names. I made a cue from songs then saved to desktop then burnt it. Please tell me what the real problem is. Thanks.
  9. ; //****************************************\\ ; ImgBurn Version - Log ; Monday, 17 March 2008, 19:01:33 ; \\****************************************// ; ; I 19:01:27 ImgBurn Version started! I 19:01:27 Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) I 19:01:27 Total Physical Memory: 2,095,492 KB - Available: 1,458,776 KB W 19:01:27 Drive D:\ (FAT32) does not support single files > 4 GB in size. I 19:01:27 Initialising SPTI... I 19:01:27 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 19:01:27 Found 1 DVD-ROM and 1 DVD
  10. I used the same brand cd from same pack to burn audio cd using sonic digital media. By changing the software I got into trouble. I used 2.4x speed. Thanks.
  11. I already used same brand cd to make audio cd using SONIC digital media, which worked fine in my car player. But changing a software caused all this trouble. I used 2.4 X speed to burn. Thanks.
  12. I am using hp cd-r cds. I am trying to burn mp3 files. I created cue file first then i opened the file using imgburn and burnt and wasted cds.
  13. I made a cue sheet from audio files and burnt it to a cd-r. Then i tried to play it in toyota camry 2000 model car. It did not play, automatically the player ejects the cd. I tried a lot software, finally i ended using imgburn, but it also fails me, i wasted two cds. Please tell me what is the problem and what is the solution. Thanks.
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