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Jose Campos

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Everything posted by Jose Campos

  1. Hi guys! I'm currently running a phone software with my PC (magicjack) and I also have imgburn installed in this PC and I use it basically everyday... I was just wondering how can I tell imgburn to not scan or to disable a specific drive? I want to be able to do this since (magicjack) is installed as a virtual drive in my PC and this is giving me some troubles with my phone software.
  2. Hi Guys! I really like ImgBurn program and I enjoyed using it. I never had any problem with this program before but now I have a question about creating a layer position. Well this is my situation: I download a 7 Gbs video from the Internet (it is a concert), this video is in DVD format (.vob) so tried to use ImgBurn (like I always do) to make a ISO file from all this vobs files but now every time I try to make a ISO file (just with this 7 Gbs video) I see a new windows from ImgBurn about "layer position". I don't really know what is this and what to do with this situation. Can somebody please tell me what a layer position is and what should I do in this situation? Here is a screenshot about the windows that is confusing me:
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