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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. I found a solution. I was almost out of disks and was lookinf for new but all were 2.4X. Then I was at Fry's last night and tripped accross these GQ (great quality) disks that were showing 8X. I got them home and this is what I saw: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-H10L LL12 (ATA) Current Profile: DVD+R DL Disc Information: Status: Empty Erasable: No Free Sectors: 4,173,824 Free Space: 8,547,991,552 bytes Free Time: 927:32:74 (MM:SS:FF) Supported Write Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 10x DVD
  2. I found a solution. I was almost out of disks and was lookinf for new but all were 2.4X. Then I was at Fry's last night and tripped accross these GQ (great quality) disks that were showing 8X. I got them home and this is what I saw: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-H10L LL12 (ATA) Current Profile: DVD+R DL Disc Information: Status: Empty Erasable: No Free Sectors: 4,173,824 Free Space: 8,547,991,552 bytes Free Time: 927:32:74 (MM:SS:FF) Supported Write Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 10x DVD
  3. Thanks to both, I thought I was doing something wrong, but I just did the latest firmware so thats not it and I guess I got an update on the quality of these disks. So far are OK @ 4X Thanks again
  4. So I have this LG drive should be able of 10X on DL and bought Memorex 8X DL's But all I can get is 4X ??? Is there a way to increase that I can't find? HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-H10L LL12 (ATA) Current Profile: DVD+R DL Disc Information: Status: Complete Erasable: No Sessions: 1 Sectors: 3,893,808 Size: 7,974,518,784 bytes Time: 865:19:33 (MM:SS:FF) Supported Write Speeds: 2.4x, 4x <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ??? DVD
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