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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Thanks guys. Not sure what was happening before and why it wouldn't allow me to select split mode, but it looks like I can now! Thanks for the advice Cynthia, without your guide I wouldn't have been able to do this. Nice and simple guide!
  2. Thanks very much for your quick reply blutach. I don't actually get that far though. I get to the point of selecting which cell i want to split (and it is the only one in the title) but I cannot actually press the split button as it is greyed out, any ideas?
  3. Hi Guys, I'm getting the dreaded could not find cells to be used for layer break message. So I've been using the guide to fix this (which has been very helpful) but VOB Blanker will not allow me to split the cell (it actually greys out the option to split). Any help or adviced would be great. Sorry I'm in a huge rush!
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