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  1. Thanks blutach - I burnt a disc and it came up as "Book Type: DVD-ROM" in the log. Don't know whether it was automatic or because I changed it, just glad it worked! Not sure if it will work from now on though, unless I change this every time... so could you please tell me where I can find this 'auto change booktype'? I couldn't find it on the normal window when I go into write mode, or when I click on the book icon. Thanks!!!
  2. THanks so much Cynthia - it worked
  3. It says: [1:0:0] TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-L632H (D:) And in the window next to it, it says: TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-L632H TO01 (ATA) Thanks very much!
  4. Hi, I'm burning to a DVD+R and I want to change the book type to DVD-ROM. Just wondering how/where I find out my correct drive type (i.e. BenQ, LG, LITE-ON etc.) in order to do this. Fingers crossed that someone can help me with this. Thanks very much!
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