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Everything posted by Osasco

  1. I've posted the problem in the Kaspersky forum. Found the problem and the solution... Problem: Windows Defender and KAV running. Solution: Disable Windows Defender. I'm testing other situations to be sure about this solution... but aparently this should fix it. Memory usage was normal.
  2. Enabled and Disabled... get the same results... I use KAV 7. I'll try to "Exit" instead "Pause Protection"... I'll post the results... Thanks! Exit instead Pause... Now everything is back to the normal... Now: to the Kaspersky support... Thanks for the reply, Sliztzan!
  3. Enabled and Disabled... get the same results... I use KAV 7. I'll try to "Exit" instead "Pause Protection"... I'll post the results... Thanks!
  4. Hi all! First: Sorry for my poor english. I'm having problems when burning a full DVD ISO 4,8GB. Memory starts with 1,1GB used (normal when idle) and keeps going up until the system become unusable. When the burn/verification is over, memory usage goes back to the normal. Any ideas? Thanks! System: Intel Q6600 Core2Quad @ 2,4 GHz Asus Maximus Formula 4GB RAM 800 MHz Samsung S203D ODD SATA Vista x64 (all patches installed, SP1 isn't released for brazilian version yet) log.txt
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