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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. hey there, I have downloaded a game and was wondering can i use imgburn to put it on disc so that it will play in my xbox360?
  2. Ok so what does image burn do then? and if you know how do i create a disc backup and then burn it onto a dual layer disc? any help would be appreciated thanks
  3. Dude i have tried all that but it doesnt seem to work. When i look in the folder that i have saved it to there is an is an audio folder and a video folder but no iso or image. Also when i go to burn on dual layer it tell me it will fir on a normal dvd so i guess i am doing something wrong. See told you a was thick as pig poo lol
  4. Hi There Hey i think i am stupid cos i totally cant figure out how to backup and copy my xbox360 games using image burn. Can anybody please help me and gimme an idiot proof step by step guide on how to do it lol Many Thanks tnywiseman@hotmail.co.uk
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