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James Baker

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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Sorry if this has been answered before. The posts relating to it didn't seem that clear. I have a group of VOP/IFO/BUP files which have been encoded and outputted from another program onto to my harddrive. When outputted they were set to All Regions. Can someone tell me if the All Regions settings will stay with the files when they are burnt onto an actual DVD with imgburn? Or does imgburn have region settings of its own which will override the ones of the files? If it does can you tell me where to set the region coding? Thanks
  2. Thanks for the suggestions. I think that this is actually an issue with WinDVD playing the MPEG files.
  3. Hi, I have a set of VOB, IFO and BUP files which all look as they should do. However when I burn them onto an actual DVD the VOP file looks as it should but the IFO files look washed out, with the blacks being too light. This is the case when played on a computer monitor. Unfortunately I'm not able to test it on a TV screen but I have heard that the quality for DVD MPEG-2s does not look correct when played on a computer. Does anyone know if this is true and if it is the norm. If this is the case does anyone know of any way around this so that it can play properly on a monitor? Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks
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