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Everything posted by saxa

  1. Sorry... The log is empty... I'm running W2K3 Std SP2; but the same behavior on WXP SP2.
  2. Hello dear community, hello dear LUK! I'm using ImgBurn and I'm really happy with it. Thank you very much for this excellent piece of software! I think, I have found a little bug and would like to inform about it. While trying to open a .nrg image containing a self-prepared AudioCD (will explain later, what I mean) I get an error saying "Invalid or unsupported image file format!" Some words about the nrg image itself. I created it with Nero 6 - "burned" onto the image drive. The image is slightly "overburned", in other words, I packed into it more music than it could contain: 817 MB instead of 800 MB. Nero _could_ burn this image and the resulting CD is perfectly playable...
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