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ISF Newbie

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  1. Hi, Thank you, so it is ISO/UDF1.2! Anybody for the remainig questions ? Thank you for looking into that! Jockel
  2. Hi, I did read the topic http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1777 but I think, preparing a DVD-9 data ISO may be different? I need to write an DVD-9 ISO for pressing plant. The DVD includes data files only. It is an installation DVD for geographical map files, maps and a setup application, no music or video files, 7.5GB overall in size, about 500 files, max size of file about 50MB. Now I am uncertain about the exact settings to use: Options/File System: ISO/Joliet/UDF/all of them? If UDF is included, what revision ? Media: Dual Layer "DVD-9" right? Advanced/Restrictions: what options to set for the selected file systems as far as they should be in use here (see question above) If this is different from preparing a VIDEO DVD-9, maybe one could add this to the guides section! Thank you for your help!
  3. Hi, This attitude is highly appreciated. So maybe keep the idea in mind if it comes to revamping related portions of code ;-) Jockel
  4. Hi, o.k. and sorry, did not expect this to be a big problem to program with the existing code! Thank you for looking ino it! Jockel
  5. Hi LIGHTNING UK! Certainly I know how to and can figure that out! But to simply check the correct arrangement of folders and files, It would ease my life to switch from the source-path window between these two views. It is great to see the originating path of data, but to verify arrangement with "just a click" would help me a lot.. As of the real purpose I have to "compose" setup CDs, using the contents of different folders and the correct arrangement (paths) of files and folders is essential for the proper functioning of the setups. Maybe this would be helpful for others too, please see below: Anyway, with or without that feature, thank you for a great software!
  6. Hi, sorry if I simply do not find the right button to adjust the view accordingly! If I burn a collection of files to CD/DVD I can see the original location of the files as they appear on my harddrive in imgburn-source-pane. These may be quite different originating paths. Is there a way to alternatively switch this window-view, so I can see the files and folders as they will appear on CD/DVD after burning this disk? Yes, I had a look through the guides but simply could not find any matching setting/button. Thanks! Jockel
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