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Everything posted by bbsmitho

  1. Hello, I wish to burn a Dual Layer DVD ISO of a Linux operating system onto a DL DVD and have tried many softwares uptill now like Poweriso, Nero, Alcohol 120% etc. etc. but the burning always fails. I am using Windows XP and have the latest Sony DVD burner. Please inform if its possible to burn this ISO using imageburn? Thanks for your cooperation.
  2. I have read your link but what if the image is 6 GB? I would not fit on a normal DVD. It would require a dual layer DVD. How can I reduce the image size to match the size of a normal DVD and create bootable DVDs in order to install the operating system?
  3. I have seen the CD versions and DVD version downloads at opensuse website but they need to remain online for a long time to install the full operating system and take much of the time. The reason you have to remain online for long time is that the CD or DVD does not contain the complete OS. The two dual layer DVD I posted above is a custom made complete OS containing all the drivers, OSS, Non OSS and all the other things for which you have to remain online for so long time. I wish to create a multiple DVD set of this complete OS for me for the comfort of installing and unstalling whenever I want. I think its ISO images in the two Dual layer DVDs and I would have to create bootable ISO images for normal DVDs in terms of size in order to burn the OS on normal DVDs. So can you inform me how to do that. I would remain thankful to you.
  4. I have just downloaded the complete openSUSE 10.3 Linux Box version the data for which needs two double layer DVDs which are very expensive in my area. I can afford the normal DVDs. The data is as follows: <LI class="folder last"> openSUSE10.3__32-Bit+64-Bit__(the box) <LI class=folder> openSUSE10.3__DVD-DL-1__32-Bit+64-Bit openSUSE-10_3-DVD1.part01.rar (683.59 megabyte) openSUSE-10_3-DVD1.part02.rar (683.59 megabyte) openSUSE-10_3-DVD1.part03.rar (683.59 megabyte) openSUSE-10_3-DVD1.part04.rar (683.59 megabyte) openSUSE-10_3-DVD1.part05.rar (683.59 megabyte) openSUSE-10_3-DVD1.part06.rar (683.59 megabyte) openSUSE-10_3-DVD1.part07.rar (683.59 megabyte) openSUSE-10_3-DVD1.part08.rar (683.59 megabyte) openSUSE-10_3-DVD1.part09.rar (683.59 megabyte) openSUSE-10_3-DVD1.part10.rar (77.76 megabyte) LIESMICH-openSUSE-10.3.txt (189 bytes) README-openSUSE-10.3.txt (177 bytes) openSUSE10.3__DVD-DL-2__32-Bit+64-Bit openSUSE-10_3-DVD2.part01.rar (683.59 megabyte) openSUSE-10_3-DVD2.part02.rar (683.59 megabyte) openSUSE-10_3-DVD2.part03.rar (683.59 megabyte) openSUSE-10_3-DVD2.part04.rar (683.59 megabyte) openSUSE-10_3-DVD2.part05.rar (683.59 megabyte) openSUSE-10_3-DVD2.part06.rar (683.59 megabyte) openSUSE-10_3-DVD2.part07.rar (683.59 megabyte) openSUSE-10_3-DVD2.part08.rar (683.59 megabyte) openSUSE-10_3-DVD2.part09.rar (683.59 megabyte) openSUSE-10_3-DVD2.part10.rar (180.92 megabyte) LIESMICH-openSUSE-10.3.txt (189 bytes) README-openSUSE-10.3.txt (177 bytes) Is there a way to burn this data on normal DVDs and be able to install the operating system? If so please inform me. Thanks
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