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  1. Well even at 4x it's been doing it. I tried to move hd 2 to the writer channel but the system wouldn't boot. So now I have OS HD on primary as master, hd 2 on primary as slave and pioneer on secondary as master, like before. I ran a diagnostic test on hd2 and get some type of SMART error. I have no idea what the culprit is at this point, but am leaning more towards hd 2... any other suggestions welcome. I think I'll try one at 2x.
  2. updated to 1.18 upon install. using 40 pin ribbons. did a chkdsk and defragged yesterday, no change. i do not have a seperate ide controller i *believe* my max udma is 166 devices are setup i believe just how you suggested: small hd with OS on primary as master secondary large hd (with mp3's, etc) on primary as slave pioneer on secondary as master do you think i should move one of the hd's to secondary as slave to the pioneer? i tried something just for the heck of it: i copied the mp3's on my cue sheet and the cue file over to the small hd and it burned complete. the pc buffer kept running dry but it recovered and the cd turned out good. first success with cd-r's. could my second hd be too slow for some reason? before it wouldn't even work at 4x but my previous two drives burned fine. so you don't think this is imgburn related do you?
  3. Hi folks- Just registered. My NEC dvd-rw bruner crapped out on me so I ordered Pioneer 115D based on good reviews. Installed it and have burned iso data disks no problem with ImgBurn. But, I have only been able to burn a complete audio cd from mp's once. It was to an old verbatim CD-RW. Every other burn attempt to any media (new Verbatim, TDK, Memorex) fails somewhere between 20 and 60%. The whole app just stops. No blinking lights, no nothing. I can hit the Cancel button but it never cancels or unfreezes. I have to end task and reboot to get my drive back. System is a PIII 500, 512mb ram, Win2k sp3. I tried the drive as cable select then put it to master (it's the only thing on 2nd channel, hd's are on primary). The only difference I noticed was on cable select it got good speed and on master it maxes at 4x on everything. I don't know if this is a drive problem, win2k problem or imgburn problem. I am very irritated and would like to blow something up . Anybody got any suggestions for further testing? During my testing, I noticed that somehow device 1 on primary ide got reset to PIO mode (my 2nd hd). Thought that was a but odd but got everything back to dma as of now.
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