Hi folks-
Just registered.
My NEC dvd-rw bruner crapped out on me so I ordered Pioneer 115D based on good reviews. Installed it and have burned iso data disks no problem with ImgBurn. But, I have only been able to burn a complete audio cd from mp's once. It was to an old verbatim CD-RW.
Every other burn attempt to any media (new Verbatim, TDK, Memorex) fails somewhere between 20 and 60%. The whole app just stops. No blinking lights, no nothing. I can hit the Cancel button but it never cancels or unfreezes. I have to end task and reboot to get my drive back.
System is a PIII 500, 512mb ram, Win2k sp3.
I tried the drive as cable select then put it to master (it's the only thing on 2nd channel, hd's are on primary). The only difference I noticed was on cable select it got good speed and on master it maxes at 4x on everything.
I don't know if this is a drive problem, win2k problem or imgburn problem. I am very irritated and would like to blow something up . Anybody got any suggestions for further testing? During my testing, I noticed that somehow device 1 on primary ide got reset to PIO mode (my 2nd hd). Thought that was a but odd but got everything back to dma as of now.