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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. ^^^ okie mate
  2. Thnx LUK! Screenshots with & Without DCBassSource With DCBassSource Without DCBassSource - Removed Hopefully u can Integrate DCBassSource in ur next Imgburn release would that be a Tough task mate ?
  3. ooops ur right opened the Wav file is this fine LUK ?
  4. downloaded the latest version of dc-bass source from here:http://www.dsp-worx.de/?n=15 & opened the flac file with graphedit this is wat i get: how i associate dc-bass source with the Flac file ?
  5. hey people have a small query,i know ImgBurn Supports Burning of Cue sheets,searched on forum about this use of DC-Bass Source Filter is recommended here http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtop...&hl=DC-Bass wats required to Integrate DC-Bass Source Filter & Imgburn ? want to Make sure the decoding is done by using DC-Bass Source only & not any other filters which are installed as a part of my other codec packs installed on my PC
  6. thnx a TON mate
  7. When i try to Make an ISO File from a DVD9 Files on my Hard Drive,get this error any way to fix this ?
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