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Everything posted by Tinks

  1. This is beyond the scope of ImgBurn. 2 other options come to mind though. . A dedicated and expensive backup program such as "Ghost". . Backing your critical files up to a second, third or forth harddrive using free software. (My personal choice) Another option comes to mind and that is to install your system to a mirrored RAID drive. Most motherboards support doing this these days. Your operatiing system is essentially installed to 2 identical drives at the same time (hence the term "mirrored"). If one fails, the other takes over. You then replace the faulty drive with a new one and your 2nd drive is backed up automagically (mirrored) to the new drive. FWIW, I don't bother with any of this type of nonsense. I keep backups of the files (and drivers) I need and don't worry about the rest. Hey there Complete...(can't make me say the other part....lol) Ok...I understand what you are saying.....and indeed I have an external drive which I can backup my files on, no problem. The problem is I want to make a backup of the recovery partition as this has a fresh installation of the os used to restore the pc to factory in the case of a failure. Having bought a new pc with Vista on it, you shell out big money for the pc, and of course the stingy companies wont give you a Vista installation disc. So that is what I am wanting to guard against. If I have drive failure, or whatever.....I have lost my operating system and can't put it back. They do have a recovery partition back up of the os, BUT I still want to make an image of that and put it safely on disc. My pc (as is common now) comes with a programme to do this, but the stupid programme is not working (burns to DVD number one, but wont take the second disc to complete the burn). It is called MDVD Creator. So although I am working with Tech Support to try and sort this.....you know how that can work. So I'm being proactive in trying to find an alternative programme which does what MDVD Creator does. Thanks for your input though.... Cheers, Me
  2. Hey there, I am pretty new to the concept of image burning etc. I am wondering if I can use ImgBurn to backup my recovery partition to an image file on more than one blank DVD? If so, would you mind pointing me in the direction of a tutorial? I have searched the forum but haven't found any info on it (which doesn't necessarily mean it's not there, but perhaps I haven't used the right search words). Anyway, any help would be much appreciated. Thanks guys, Me
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