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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Hi I use dvd flick to convert avi files to mpeg .It does increase the size of the file .Can i use dvd shrink to compress the file ? will it affect the file in any way .If i use nero recode it compress the file in mp4 format which is no good .Please help
  2. Hi i also wanted to burn mutliple avi files on single disc but somehow it does not work on my dvd player .I used both dvdflick and nero recode then use Imgburn but it jus wont play says " Cannot play this type of disc " But when i convert jus one avi file and check the option burn in DVD flick it burns and plays but is a 4.7 GB dvd and is jus wasting the rest of space .Please help
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