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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Does this imgburn do the job? I mean the burning part?
  2. I also use winrar. I dont know about the 'Create SFX Archive' part. Instead I open my winrar Start>run>winrar.exe then Right click my installer then click "Add files to archive" Then I split it up. What I am going to do next?
  3. wow man! your avatar is hoot! pheeeew!! hahaha! Man, can you tell me if i am doing right? I already split the installer into 3 parts.. does this mean I have to put the part 1 in disk 1, part 2 in disk 2, and part 3 in disk 3?? You said, that its the installer part for the 'ask about 2nd disc part'. Do you also know how?
  4. I am confuse of what this software does, The name is IMGBurn. Does this means it only burns Images? Not installers? If no then I need some guides on how to burn my 1.6gig game installer. Some says to split it in archives, I already did it. I want to burn it just like some game installers that when you successfully installs the disc 1 it asks for disk 2 to be placed. Do you know how to do this kind of burning? And is this the right software for that job? Thanks!
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