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Everything posted by bhoar

  1. dt - I acquired one of these (a refurb) Wednesday and wrote a "bare metal" driver for it for dbpoweramp last night. The software the comes with it is pretty simple and has two modes: 1. Burning mode, which takes a disc image and burns it. Not sure if it uses its own burning engine or if it uses the Nero SDK. 2. Lightscribe mode, which automates Nero to print multiple lightscribe labels. The app uses the SDK sourced from the dexpreso people, but branded for Aleratec. What would be nice would be something you could run that would eject the old and load the new disc every time the tray was opened (for > 10 or so seconds to allow for tray cycle before verify). This would work for both ImgBurn and iTunes. I'll see what I can do if you're interested. -brendan
  2. Correction: It looks like the units often come with two output bins, though I can't guarantee they do that under all labels (they do under the dexpress label). One is smaller, for table-top use. One is larger for over-the-edge-of-table use. -brendan
  3. Looks like the robo racer and the recordex rx-100pc are both originally made by these guys: http://www.dexpreso.com/index.htm I've sent them email asking for any available documentation on the command set, to get an idea of how easy it would be to support. -brendan
  4. Looks like aleratec OEM's that hardware unit. Other companies do as well (though with a smaller output bin), e.g.: $625 - http://www.checkoutstore.com/ProductDetail...uctCode=RE100PC $595 - http://www.longselectronics.com/product.as...p;id=RECRX100PC -brendan
  5. Thanks for asking that question, as I'd been curious about the robo racer and the other aleratec robots as well. It got me thinking to go look over at the aleratec site for drivers/software for clues regarding the robot control...but there weren't any downloads. There was, however, a knowledgebase article: http://shopping.netsuite.com/s.nl/c.ACCT17....f?category=165 So...it turns out it is a serial connected (well, USB to serial anyway) robot. That it, it takes commands regarding load, unload and reject (as well as others) via the serial port. Just the kind of things I use my Universal Loader CLI scripts for (e.g to create robot drivers for dbpoweramp's batch ripper). I could probably code up a batch file pretty quickly to unload/load whenever the tray opened for longer than xx seconds, even if IMGBurn didn't support the robot. That'd be creating more complex problems to solve a simple problem. -brendan PS - the one snag you might run into with the unit is that it *appears* that the tray hardware has been customized so it might be difficult/impossible to put a different optical drive in the unit. Might want to also look at the LS version of their three disc stack robot as well (that's also a peripheral and if the robo racer is serial connected, so might this one be).
  6. L-UK - I've also added a link to imgburn in the xl1bwiki here: http://www.xl1bwiki.com/MainPage.ashx -brendan
  7. ImgBurn is my favorite burning application, let me get that out of the way first. Pre-history: about 2-3 years ago I bought a Acronova DupliQ. Not liking their canned automation software much, I obtained the MF-Digital Baxter SDK (which works for the DupliQ) through unofficial means and wrote an AutoIT command-line application to tell the robot to do things, then wrote a batch file that would unload a disc and load the next disc every time the tray opened. Sadly since I am not an official SDK user (as I am not an MF-Digital customer...) I cannot distribute it. So with that approach - if a program can start an action on disc insert and can eject when done (like iTunes CD import...), the script worked great. A slight modification to the batch file would be necessary to make it work with ImgBurn (you'd wait for the tray to be open for more than xx seconds so that the pre-verify tray cycle would not activate the robot). And now for today: But, a single 25-disc robot wasn't enough. I had to have more. Now I have a hobby...a passion...an obsession...an affliction...I collect robotic duplicators. A hell of a lot of them. And I started documenting the serial protocols and coming up with a generic scripting approach (see http://hyperdiscs.pbwiki.com/ ). You can reach me by using the link at the bottom of the front page of the wiki if necessary. L-UK: you might want to take a look at what spoon has done over at the dbpoweramp.com forums (beta forum, batch ripper sticky thread) - his ripper to automated device archtecture/interface is pretty simple (each of five actions is farmed out to a command line client), but therein lies the beauty, as anyone can develop "drivers" for it (as I have). If you mirrored his approach, I suspect you'd also want to add a "CycleTray" action to the five he has (Pre-Batch, Load, Unload, Reject and Post-Batch) for those people who have multi-drive robots (situations in which the core robot control application should have sole discretion on openng or not opening a tray so as to prevent robot/tray collision when servicing other drives). -brendan
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