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Everything posted by werwer

  1. werwer

    my post

  2. werwer

    my post

    chaos thinks, it is: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm...se_branding.JPG
  3. werwer

    my post

    I am talking with chaos, please respected this. I can not translate german mistakes into english, that's absolutely impossible. Look, you say in enlgish: "my server is running", you do not use "my server is walking"... I apologise for any inconvenience. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 = S e r i a l n u m m e r : bitte aendern in Seriennummer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 = E i n g e b e t t e W e c h s l e r - S t e u e r u n g Was soll das heissen? 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 = S l o t s 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 = A k t u e l l e r S l o t : 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 = A u s g e w
  4. werwer

    my post

  5. werwer

    my post

    Weshalb den Konjunktiv? Es 'koennte' richtig sein?
  6. werwer

    my post

    pls give me the english log date
  7. werwer

    my post

  8. werwer

    my post

    Why have not asked me? "Please, what are you trying to say...?" - But no your must del my post? So your think it's better to del everything what you not understand as to ask the operer? You're bad. In the german translation is many thing bad, maybe this german is borken or he abouse his translator possition.
  9. werwer

    my post

    he made the german translation can you replace/restoring my first post?
  10. werwer

    my post

    Hi, why is my post delete? It's forbidden to say anything about acts from Mr. Pfannstiel?
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