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  1. I have the latest version and I don't think there is a way to do this yet (if there is and I missed it, just let me know ...nicely please... ). I was wondering if you could make it so that we can convert iso or what ever else to something different. For example: I have an old game that I burned onto my computer into an iso. I later found out that what I was going to use it for must be made into cue/bin format. Instead of just deleting the iso and reburning it into cue/bin format, I was just hoping there would be an option to convert it through ImgBurn. If you could allow converting in these formats, that would be great! Iso, cue/bin, img, and mds/mdf
  2. I tried it and it worked great. Thanks
  3. Ok. I have a LEGIT version of Windows Vista (I can show you a pic of it with my name next to it if needed). I copied the vista cd to my computer and included and added a folder with a couple of applications to it, and then burned it to a cd. But the new cd (unlike the original) isn't bootable. I wasn't sure if it was because I copied the original to my computer first, or if it was because I added files to it, so I burned it again without the files and got the same result. No bootable cd. How do I make an OS cd bootable. I had the same problem with the Windows 7 Beta cds as well. Coping them to the computer first, and then creating an iso from that makes it unbootable...even if I didn't touch anything.
  4. I love you Cynthia ! Yep. After reading the FAQ, I downloaded that Process Explorer thingy and found out that imgburn was listed 3 times. They wouldn't go away and it took restarting the computer to fix the problem. Thanks again.
  5. Hello, I'm trying to backup a game that I have. It copied to my computer just fine without errors, but now that I'm trying to put a copy of the game on a new dvd, it get's to where it suppose to burn and then says at the bottom of the screen: "Locking Volume for exclusive access..." Then it doesn't do anything. The time elapsed timer continues the whole time, but it doesn't burn. AND the only way to stop this error is to stop the img burn process on the task manager.
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