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Everything posted by Gus

  1. Thanks, that is what I figured.
  2. What is the difference between UDF 1.02 and ISO 9660+UDF 1.02? Does the ISO 9660+UDF 1.02 format allow backward compatibility with the older standalone DVD players? I just want to be sure, since I am more than certain that all current PC DVD players can read all formats. Regards, Gus
  3. Hi Gus, can you tell me what you did exactly to burn the m2ts file to DL Disc ? I tried burning a 4.6G file and it won't play in the PS3. It recognizes it, but nothings happening. I burned as UDF 1.02...didn't work. I'm not sure what trick you did to get it to work. All I did was take an mkv file in x264 format and used Tsmuxer to convert it to .m2ts. At the bottom for Output, I chose 'M2TS muxing' and not 'Create Blu-ray disk'. That is all. Then I used Imgburn to burn it as a data file using UDF 1.02. Did your 4.6Gig file fit a single layer DVD? Perhaps there was not enough space on the disk and the last part of the file was not written? That is all.
  4. I burned the 6.7 gig 720p .m2ts video file (converted from .mkv) and the PS3 played it directly off of the DVD +R DL perfectly. Thanks for your help!
  5. I have converted the mkv file to m2ts. So the plan is to play it from the DVD disc as a data file. I'm sure you already know that the PS3 hard drive only supports FAT3. So play a file greater than 4 gigs is not possible.
  6. I intend to play it from the PS3 console. I believer the PS3 hard drive is FAT 32. Thanks for your help.
  7. I am confused about the different UDF versions in ImgBurn. Which Files system (ISO or UDF) and version # do I use when I want to burn a 7 gig .mkv or .m2ts file to a DVD +R DL? Regards,
  8. Your using dual layer so it would start to burn but give warning if you had of been using a DVD-5 Ok, but how come no break layer window popped up. I thought the pop-up window happens regardless of the file size being recorded on the second layer.
  9. Hi, I successfully burned a /BDMV and/Certificate folder to a Verbatim on DVD DL but ImgBurn did not prompt me to select a layer break. I expected this to happen in the last step when you click on the icon when you are ready to burn the files. Nothing happened. Instead it showed the progress window and it went straight to burning the files. The total file size in the folders was 5,029,986,304 bytes as reported in the log. So this is about 300 megs more than a single layer can handle. The calculator showed free space of -300 Megs (107%), so for sure it won't fit on a DVD single layer. The DVD works fine ... just expected the layer break window to pop up. Unless the size was too small and ignored by ImgBurn. Any help would be appreciated... thanks! The log is below. I 13:38:18 ImgBurn Version started! I 13:38:18 Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Edition (6.0, Build 6000) I 13:38:18 Total Physical Memory: 2,095,296 KB - Available: 1,235,800 KB I 13:38:18 Initialising SPTI... I 13:38:18 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 13:38:19 Found 2 DVD
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