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Posts posted by Datus

  1. Where do you get the name for the image file from, i assume you read it from volume label or what ever Blu-Ray uses?

    I dont type anything as all I do is use ez-picker mode, create image from disc, imageburn reads the Blu-Ray disc and fills in the image name.

    Thats the part id like to have underscores stripped out of please.


    No biggy if you cant as i can work arround it, original post was to see if there was an option i had missed.


    Program is ace and don't know how my dream of HD Media PC would have come about with out it.

    I have writen a program that I can click on a thumb nail picture of a film and it loads the image into a virtual cd drive.

    I just have to strip out the underscore for my searches.


    Again thanks for a superb program.

  2. I cant for the life of me find the way to leave or put spaces in the iso name.

    E.g. I_AM_LEGEND.iso I would like to be I AM LEGEND.iso


    Im sure in previous version I ticked a box and it left spaces.


    Can someone help or deney there ever was an option.


    If there isnt can we have one please as I use the name to look up film details on IMDB.



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