No, no I use Verbatim discs, which are the ones that I use everytime I burn and I burn those discs at 2,4x speed, which is the one I use everytime so that can't be the problem
Yes the error is verifying at the 96%, but what could create that problem. It happened to me other times and I tried to burn that disc 3 times and those three times appeared that error at the 96% in all of them.
Hello everybody. This is my problem. I open the Imgburn, I click in the write button, I select the file, I put the layer break, and when it's going to start this message appears:
DeviceIoControl(FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME) Not Supported! - Update your motherboard / IDE drivers!!!
Someone knows how to solve it?
I have entered in the website and I didn't find anything but I think that is not a motherboard problem. The message I wrote in the post only appears when i'm going to burn something. When I put the image file and click in the "write" button that message appears but not before. Someone told me that it could be because my DVD writer is blocked by some programme. Could it be?
When I start ImgBurn all goes perfectly but when I start to write a disc from an image file in the log appears this:
15:38:51 DeviceIoControl(FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME) Not Supported! - Update your motherboard / IDE drivers!!!
This started to happen after burning the first three discs and I dont know what to do. There's no update for my drive. Someone knows what to do?