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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Hello, I know a little bit of the past and the trouble with some commercial companies and that is the reason why I think and propose an API or "Plugin" feature. In other countries you are allowed to make backup copies, and if somebody want to do that, it would be nice if they write such "Plugins" and other users can use ist too... And why I shouldn't make such a suggestion? An implementation of an API/Plugin feature has _NOTHING_ to do with the implementation of a decrypting feature... Perhaps such plugins/algorithm will be implemented by the community/user. hopfully as open-source and free software. And so the "ImgBurn" Coder(s) will _NOT_ get trouble with commercial companies or other people who try to prosecute decrypting software... Zweistein...
  2. Hello, I think it would be good if there will be a possibility to write plugins for the imgburn programm. Perhaps the coders can implement such an API and plugin feature. For Example to add a user/3rd-party written decrypting algorithmen (plugin), which allows to make backup-copies of DVDs/CDs - similar to DVDDecrypter in the past. Zweistein
  3. Yes, the iso-image is made with mkisofs (cdr-tools of cygwin) using the "cdrtfe" version from: http://cdrtfe.sourceforge.net/ I know the GUI based steps to build the mds file, but it would be good to build this from the command-line with batch-scripts... and completely independent to the GUI. zweistein
  4. Hello, how can I create MDS files from the command-line with the imgburn.exe? There are many command-line options, but I don't see an option to create a mds file to a given ISO image. Perhaps there is a workaround with the build command, but not to build a new iso-image - just to create the mds-file? Or does anybody know a third party tool? Zweistein.
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