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Everything posted by Dopey

  1. Dopey

    I Donated

    thanks from across the other pond. weeell, look at you... Posts: 4,454 the best i can do in my area of expertise is almost 5k x 4 forums and bbs' over 5 years. so it's ppl like you that i thank as well... because i do know. btw, i noticed some posts complaining of lightning's humor embedded in the program. keep it! i enjoy it! it displays lightning's personality in his work. this isn't fortune 500 or some empty shirt gov publication worried about not offending everyone including some monkey's human rights! like i said, no complaints from me. this is your guy's world. enjoy it. d ps Dopey is appropriate for me because i'm a lamer in my field (and i know it) and even worse when i venture out (when they let me out).
  2. hi lightning! i donated 20 bucks... Yankee ( i wish it could be more) today, because i think this program is great... as is. thanks for all your hard work! i do not and will not blame you for all my coasters because your program did not create 1 as far as i can see. mostly issues are due to my own stupidity so you're not getting even a single complaint out of me. hey, you ppl that haven't donated, please do. a few pesos here and there go a long way to improve attitudes and we all know the world can use more ppl with better attitudes! especially for those who do things for other ppl without expectations. thanks again to lightning and all the folks who carry on thankless tasks! d
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