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Posts posted by davexnet

  1. Hi I'd like to burn 3GB of data to a regular dvd-r, but I'd like the the burn to start offset from the

    normal inner groove so that the data more closely goes towards the outer edge.


    Is this possible?


    Is there anything in the interface to allow this, or perhaps a cue sheet?


    Any advice appreciated

  2. Hello - I'm using Imgburn to burn my avi files on an NEC 3540a, and in general, it's worked well.

    The burner itself seems to be dying, some of the disks (dvd-rw's) don't verify properly after the burn.


    Using the same media on a different PC/burner (Lite-On LDW-851S ) actually creates cleaner burns.  They verify

    properly on the exact same disk that failed in the NEC, and both computers can read the burned disk without issues.


    The problem is, these disks burned in the Lite-On do not play on the standalone DVD/DivX player.

    The symptom is this, the video file plays for about 2 seconds, the screen turns black, sometimes there's audio

    for a few more seconds.  That's it, total fail.


    Is there something about the Lite-On burner that is creating incompatible disks as far as the DVD player is concerned?

    I've tried other DVD-RW's and the result is 100% reproducible.    Imgburn is set to default in the settings on

    both PC's.


    EDIT - if DVD+RW's are burned in the Lite-On, they play normally in the standalone.

    Is this burner not compatible with DVD-RW ?


    EDIT2 I just looked at the front on the burner, right on the tray it says "DVD+ ReWritable"

    This burner must be from 2003.  I wonder how much it cost when it was new?

  3. Hello,

    I loaded my files into the disk layout editor.  Everything looks good.  I start the burn, and about half way through,

    it tells me one of the files was not found.  This is odd, because the files are still on the hard drive untouched.


    Then I looked closer at the error in the log and there is a bogus character in the file name

    as seen in the log.  The file in the log that is not found says this:

    K:\k-temp\#music\VA픠- First Love


    but the actual file on the hard drive is named

    K:\k-temp\#music\VA - First Love


    These files were loaded into Imgburn by dragging andf dropping the folders onto the layout editor.

    If Imgburn keeps this file list in memory as the file layout is created, it occurred to me this might be memory

    corruption.   As a precaution, I open the PC, cleaned out the dust and reseated the memory.


    However, before closing down the program after the initial error, I saved the project..

    When the project was later reloaded, I checked it and reburned the disk, this time without error.


    If this was a transient memory error, wouldn't the error have been saved into the project ?

    Then I thought perhaps it was something to do with the programs renaming of the files to satisfy the joliet rules.

    The file in error, as far as I can see, was not renamed.  Here's the log.


  4. Hello,

    I attempted to write a couple of small files to a dvd-rw, but it appeared to hang at 99% into the burn.

    (I cancelled it after 3 or 4 minutes)

    The files were only about 100MB in total. I recreated this problem on more than one dvd-rw.


    However, when you write a bigger set of files to the disk (eg. 4GB) the problem does not occur.

    The Imgburn settings are at default, latest release.


    Is Imgburn doing something different/extra when it is a small compilation of files?

  5. HI all,

    I'm burning with an NEC 3540a. It's 6 years old and has probably burned close to 1500 disks.

    I usually burn 16x media at 12x. When the burn is just over 90% complete, the burn drops from 12x

    to something lower (I presume 8x but not sure). I can actually hear the note of the burners motor

    drop down a gear or two. Other than that it finishes OK, and the verify is good.


    The media I'm currently using is only rated average (CMC MAG-M01-00), but not sure why the drive is

    having this difficulty. Time to bite the bullet and replace it?


    TIA for any info


  6. Thanks for the information. I see I wasn't doing what I thought I was doing at all.

    From the EZ mode picker I was choosing "write files/folders to disk" .

    Under the covers this is Build mode?


    Anyway from there I choose input/advanced,

    click on the disk layout editor,

    drag in my video_ts folder, close the layout editor,

    confirm that options/file system has ISO9660/UDF and I'm ready to burn.


    This is apparently Build mode, but isn't it writing the video_ts folder directly to

    the DVD?

  7. Hi all -

    I had a 7.5 GB Video_ts folder to burn to a DL disk.

    My first attempt was to burn the folder in "write" mode,

    and after the layer change point was determined, the writing commenced.

    It was not, however, entirely successful. There seemed to be an error

    at the layer change; the writing continued to completion, but the disk

    didn't verify properly (mismatch).


    I burned it a second way, in "build" to create the iso, then burn the

    mds/iso file. This time it burned without error and verified



    Did I get unlucky in the first burn, or is the method error-prone

    compared to the 2nd (build/write) attempt ?


    TIA for any info.

  8. No it's still doing it in XP SP3 even after the more recent version of Imgburn.


    I had a situaltion today (and I sent in the generated diagnostic info )

    Where I was writing a data disk (files and folders). I was using the disk layout

    editor screen.

    Files were added, I wrote the disk, then re-opened the layout editor.

    Deleted the files, added some new files and wrote a 2nd disk.

    Repeated this a couple of more times, each time, simply simply redoing the

    layout editor before writing the next disk.

    Then I received about 4 or 5 of the crashes in comctl32 one after the other.

    Is the problem related to the layout editor?


    Second question. Assume I have added a compilation of files to the layout editor.

    Instead of burning the disk, I save the project with the intent of burning it later.

    But before I burned the project some of the source files were accidentally deleted or


    When the project is reopened, the layout editor (or anything else for that matter)

    does not indicate that some of the files are unavailable.

    Shouldn't it tell you?

  9. Unable to add the same set of files (they've already been deleted). But I'll keep and eye on it.

    If it reoccurs, I'll close the program and start testing with the same files.

    So far, trying to recreate the problem with some new files has not succeeded (program closed normally without error)


    Regarding trying to register comctl32.dll, the system tells me that the entry point DLLregisterServer was not found.

    Seems this is a file not eligible for self registering. However, I did re-register comctl32.ocx, not sure how/if they're related.

  10. Paladin77 - I disabled Imgburn's sounds but otherwise left my work flow as it was and did one additional burn - the problem did

    not occur. I'll do some more tomorrow to see if it''s repeatable. Perhaps I'll use a RW so I can try and narrow it down.


    Lightning UK - I'm running the most recent version. It only occurs after a burn, just opening and closing the program

    does not cause the error.


    My work flow is quite simple. From the opening screen I select write files/folders to disk.

    I click on the disk layout editor and drag and drop my files into the expanded window.

    Close the editor, and burn the disk. While it's burning I select the "verify" button.

    After the burn / verify is complete I close the program and the error usually occurs.

    However, it didn't always appear. I guess that makes the thing above with the sounds

    a potential red herring.

    I'm not sure what I did differently, but I'll experiment some more


  11. Hello -

    I'm using the latest Imgburn in XP Sp3. After a successful write to a DVD, I close the program

    by clicking in the upper right corner, when a message box appears.

    It says:

    Access violation at address 77422912 in module comctl32.dll Read of address 00000000.


    It seems to be associated with Imgburn since Imgburn remains in the Taskbar until I click

    OK on the above message.


    Here's the relevant log.

    ; //****************************************\\

    ; ImgBurn Version - Log

    ; Tuesday, 11 August 2009, 00:08:48

    ; \\****************************************//



    I 23:53:17 ImgBurn Version started!

    I 23:53:17 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3)

    I 23:53:17 Total Physical Memory: 2,030,044 KB - Available: 1,387,784 KB

    I 23:53:17 Initialising SPTI...

    I 23:53:17 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

    I 23:53:18 Found 1 CD-RW and 1 DVD

  12. Because with DVD+RW, DVD-RAM and BD-RE you can simply overwrite the old data ;)



    Thanks mmalves - never knew that.

    I'd seen other times in the past that IB would do

    quick erase followed by long format on other dvd+rw,

    I just assumed at least the erase was required!



  13. On occasion, I create a new "write files and folders" project,

    add my files, etc, and put a used DVD+RW in the writer.

    (with files visible in Windows explorer)

    Imgburn writes the new data without erasing the disk first,

    not even quick erase. Why does this happen?

    (thanks for any info)


    15:28:54 Source File: -==/\/[bUILD IMAGE]\/\==-

    I 15:28:54 Source File Sectors: 2,272,896 (MODE1/2048)

    I 15:28:54 Source File Size: 4,654,891,008 bytes

    I 15:28:54 Source File Volume Identifier: dvd+rw 47

    I 15:28:54 Source File Application Identifier: ImgBurn v2.4.4.0 - The Ultimate Image Burner!

    I 15:28:54 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn v2.4.4.0

    I 15:28:54 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, Joliet

    I 15:28:54 Destination Device: [1:1:0] _NEC DVD_RW ND-3540A 1.04 (H:) (ATA)

    I 15:28:54 Destination Media Type: DVD+RW (Disc ID: RITEK-004-48) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x)

    I 15:28:54 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104

    I 15:28:54 Write Mode: DVD

    I 15:28:54 Write Type: DAO

    I 15:28:54 Write Speed: 4x

    I 15:28:54 Link Size: Auto

    I 15:28:54 Lock Volume: Yes

    I 15:28:54 Test Mode: No

    I 15:28:54 OPC: No

    I 15:28:54 BURN-Proof: Enabled

    I 15:28:55 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM

    I 15:28:55 Filling Buffer... (40 MB)

    I 15:28:56 Writing LeadIn...

    I 15:29:15 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2272895)

    I 15:29:15 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2272895)

  14. Yes, only DVD+RW needs formatting, and you only need to do it once: after this you can just overwrite the disc. What happens is that Ner0 messes up the disc and it loses its formatted state, and then you need to format again.


    Are you running the latest version of ImgBurn? Which filesystem(s) are you using? Have you considered that your DVD player just don't like the media you're using?


    Thanks for the info.


    Using the latest version of Imgburn. One of the reasons I still keep Nero Burning Rom version 6 around is that you can create

    folders and rename files right in the project window. But thanks for the heads up - never going to use DVD+RW with NERO again!


    I don't think it's a media compatibility problem. The reason I say this is that proper DVD (video_ts, etc) burned to the same media

    play back just fine on the standalone. It was only avi's written as data that exhibited the poor performance and caused me to look

    further at the writing operation.

  15. Hello,

    I have a standalone dvd player that plays divx/xvid. I noticed a trend, and that was,

    divx/xvid written to dvd+rw as data was very problematic, difficult to read reliably,

    and sometimes the player wouldn't recognize the files or disk at all.

    (but they were OK to read on the computer)

    However, regular mpeg-2, DVD's written on the same media played back just fine.

    What's going on?


    Then I noticed something. Writing these divx/xvid disk with Nero, which I had been doing,

    behaved differently compared to Imgburn.


    With Nero, it just did a quick erase and then wrote the files, but when repeating the operation

    in Imgburn, it said the disk needed to be formatted, did a quick erase followed by

    a full erase (or format?) - then wrote the data avi files.


    After this, those disks played back perfectly in my standalone player.

    Does Imgburn know something Nero doesn't know?

    Only DVD+RW seems to need this "format". DVD-RW works fine after a quick erase.

  16. It seems that you Samsung player doesn't like the Ritek dye DVD+RWs you're using. Try with Verbatim DVD+RW discs and it should work fine :)


    As for the booktype, having it set to DVD-ROM increases compatibility with standalone players so it shouldn't be a problem.


    I think you're right, it is marginal, even on the properly formatted DVD (video_ts) I created.

    Sometimes the same disk will load, sometimes it wont.


    Why does Nero cd/dvd speed access the whole 4.3 GB, even if only 2GB is written?

    Something to do with DVD+RW ? It doesn't do it on DVD-R I've tried.

  17. Hello,

    I've a DVD player connected to my TV that can play divx/xvid (It's a Samsung HD841)

    I'm experiencing a problem where if I put some avi's on the disk (as data)

    using certain dvd+rw's (identified as mid Ritek 004 (048) ) the player can't see them at all.

    I can hear the unit seeking but it doesn't find anything and eventually gives up.


    However, if I write a proper DVD on the same disks, the Samsung player can

    read them and play just fine.


    I'm wondering if it is some kind of formatting problem. I can see in Imgburn that

    some time in the past these disks were booktyped to dvd-rom. (is there a way to change

    them back to dvd-rw?) The second thing I noticed is that if you put them into Nero

    cd/dvd speed the prog doesn't "see" the end of data, it runs all it's tests to the very end of the disk,

    even if I've only written 2 GB on them. (They may have been filled before, but erased).


    There's a lot of info and settings in Imgburn; I'm wondering if there is anything

    that may help me troubleshoot this issue.

    Thanks for any info.

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