Hi, I have installed ImgBurn on Ubuntu following the Lighting UK tutorial. Ubuntu, Wine and ImgBurn are the latests versions. All works but if I try to select a cretion, modify or date folder date number disappears and I can't select hours and minutes. I need to adjust a configuration in Wine?
I'm trying to rip a DVD with DVD-ROM content (those to be read on a PC so to speak). The disc is protected by CSS / CPPM and ImgBurn can not handle it properly . I am interested only in the contents for PC. Even these are protected or can I just copy them with a copy - paste?
When I create an ISO I usually set the date of creation/modify and the date of files/folders. Checking the properties with UltraISO I have noticed that the creation/modify date is wrong (1 hour or 1 day more or less) but the files/folders have the correct date. It's an UltraISO bug? How can I alternative check the date of creation/modify?
Thanks Lightning, precise as always! I asked this question because controlling the properties with UltraISO of a DVD Video with DVD-ROM contents the file system was Joiled + UDF and I have thinked that this was the right approach
Thanks Lighting, precise as always! I asked this question because controlling the properties with UltraISO of a DVD Video with DVD-ROM contents the file system was Joiled + UDF and I have thinked that this was the right approach
I often use ImgBurn to create ISO files of DVD Video (VOB IFO BUP files) and in that case I set as file system ISO9660 + UDF v. 1.02. Now I find myself having to create an ISO of a DVD Video containing DVD ROM material. What file system should I set in this case? And to create an ISO containing divx video files which file system should I set?
Ok, I've insert the / instead the \ and the log file directory was created in the program directory and the ini file in the user document directory. I've insert the PortableMode=1 line at the bottom of the document and I've move the file into the program directory. That's Ok? During the installation I've let selected the single user istallation. I would select the all users mode?
Hi, I've searched on the forum for a short description on a portable installation of ImfBurn. In the guide and in some topic refer to CLI command but how to apply it? The first step is download and istall the exe of ImgBurn on the USB device and then?
So, if I want that a disc o iso have a custom date is important fill the creation and file/folder form?! Thanks a lot LIGHTNING UK! And thank for this exceptional software!